#pennywise x beverly marsh | reddogf13 (2024)


Pennywise x Beverly

summery: a confused Beverly suddenly realizing she's in a house with no memory of her past 5 years. dating a strange man named Robert grey and a voice warning her in her mind to not trust him. informing her a frightful list of rules to keep her memory from the man. don't let him know you're scared, don't look him in the eyes. easier said then done while she dates and lives with him.

status: In progress

rated: M - fowl language and gore

previous chap: None

next chap:


~ch:1 Through the fog~

It was a bright golden early morning over the town of Derry. Starting just like any other, yet something was … different. Beverly was inside her kitchen chopping up some bacon to add to a omelet she just started on for breakfast. Her smooth chopping movements slowing to a stop. Pausing to stare down at her simple task.

“... what am I doing?” finding herself suddenly lost. Everything was suddenly new and unknown to her despite this being her kitchen, her … house. “ what? … my house? Where? ...” stopping to look around. Alarmed that her memory was both giving a sense of things being the way they are, while also terribly wrong. “whats going on?! Where am I?! How did I get here?!” her mind raced. Scanning over everything to grasp at some memory of what the hell was going on. Fear tightening her chest to make the world spin on lack of air.

Leaning against the kitchen counter to catch herself from fainting. Now she was trying to remember anything from years back. What date she bought the house? Cant remember. What her job is? Cant remember. What she did a few months ago? Cant remember. What was yesterday? Cant remember. What she did before cutting that bacon? Cant remember. Was she suffering Alzheimer's? What was the cause of this massive blackout?

A males voice breaking through her panic to grab her attention. “Beverly?” he calmly spoke her name. She didn't look at him, her body outright refusing. Some sense of memory coming to the front out of her memory blackout.

Don't look at him

it was a warning from some part of her. Who was he? Why was he here in the house with her? Did she know him? Were they close at all? Her mind slowly answering for her. “his name is Robert grey and you're not as close despite what you may see or hear.” so much more details that only made her more confused. She shouldn't look at him, but if he was a threat she had to face him at some point. Turning around a little too fast to face him. Taking in what she saw of him quickly in a single look over.

A very tall man with pale skin, red hair, grey blue eyes dressed in clothes that looked a little old fashion. A dark duster coat over a dark brown vest with that over a white shirt. His pants a dark navy down to a pair of black boots. He was young and incredibly handsome that Beverly would blush if it weren't for her crisis right now. “are you alright?” he asked softly.

Beverly looked around nervously on how to answer. “uh, I … i-i don't feel well.” answering truthfully. She wanted to get out, away from him, and run far away.

“do you want to lay down?”

“ uh, i- I want to see a doctor.”

this caught his attention to be more concerned. “okay, I'll drive you. How do you feel?” after clicking off the stove he helped her along through the house that felt extremely familiar, however it was extremely different in some way. Stepping through a door into the garage into a car.

Sitting down helping her shaking legs get a moment to regather their strength. “should I jump from the car? Should I run as soon as the garage door opens?” fear having her slowly suffocate. startled when the garage door loudly opened for Robert to pull the car out.

Driving along she saw so many things different about the town. The feeling of the familiar VS recognized changes becoming over whelming. Knowing all these houses that were brand new, yet recognizing how this area was once dirt, trees, and broken sidewalks lining a horribly pot hole covered road. She at least knew she was still in Derry. Things seeming to appear more the same in the middle of town. Aside from stores closed or replaced at some point. Getting out of the car overly quick in the small doctors office parking lot. Rushing inside to the counter ahead of grey to gain some space.

Leaning on the front counter working to hold her body from physically shaking. “i need to see a doctor.” the secretary about to speak, but was interrupted. “right now.” Beverly urged the importance to not be shooed away due to lack of appointment made. Nervousness spiking as Robert caught up with her at the counter. Startled again by someone else calling her name.

“Bev! What are you doing here?” a girl her age happily came over to greet her. Slowing to a stop with concern at how Beverly was looking. “whoa, are you alright?”

“uhh, no. ...jess … I am not feeling to good and waiting for a doctor.” her mind bringing forth some information on the cheerful women. Getting a much more comfortable sense of actually knowing this person. A whole history coming forth that brought some calmness.

Jess was a cheerful girl she met during college classes required for her fashion degree. She always wore bright flowing dresses and was highly optimistic. They regularly hanged out at party's or doing camping trips during the breaks to get away from the main town. They were close friends for many years and had no bad feelings from their time together.

Jess turning concerned off what Beverly said. “oh, you okay? Whats wrong? Got some bad food poisoning or that nasty flu running around? I just got the flu shot 5 minutes ago.”

“uh, maybe.” she slightly waved off to wait for the doctor. Being sure to keep her gaze away from Robert standing near by.

Him stepping in to talk for her. “she got sick this morning while making breakfast and wanted to rush down here.” setting a hand on one of her shoulders. An action that looked comforting, but was anything but for her. Shrinking from the touch to practically run as soon as a doctor came for her. “uh, wait here. I need to talk with the doctor alone.” she spoke quickly to keep him from following any longer. Rushing into the doctors office to breath some air of relief at getting somewhat away.

The doctor noticing her behavior was slow to start his questions. “okay miss, marsh … how are you feeling?”

“i cant remember anything.” she got out right away. “ I've lost all my memory's for the past years. I don't know who I am with or how Derry looks, or whats going on in my life. It feels like I woke up from a coma this morning.” she spoke quicker and quicker into almost a crying breakdown. Needing the doctor to help calm her.

“okay, calm down or you may make your condition worse. Do you take any medication?”

“no, I don't think I do.”

“had any head injury's or been in an accident. Like a car collision or high fall?”

she wiped away some tears.“i don't remember if I did.”

the doctor wrote something on a clip bored. “okay, I'll check your records. If that's not the case we'll take some tests. A check up and blood work. Then possibly the bigger ones like a brain scan will be scheduled at the larger Derry hospital. Relax here while I get a nurse.” the doctor left her alone in the small office.

Beverly questioning herself if this was a health issue. “no, somethings wrong and it has to do with that Robert grey. Who is he and where did I meet him?!” focusing hard back on what little she just grasped in memory. She was in college for fashion design hanging out with Jess later meeting her other close friends Amy and Lisa, throughout the years. Lots of boring school that she really didn't mind forgetting. Their graduation from the college.

Her and jess getting a job in the same field for the same company. A grand job working outfits for a huge runway show coming up. The show turning out amazingly well then there was a huge after party. Then she ran into him. Introducing himself as Robert grey and despite charming everyone else, there was something Beverly didn't trust about him. Trying to avoid him like the plague while he stalked after her. Being extremely friendly like he was desperate for her friendship, but she wasn't having it. Expecting his reasons to be for sex back at his place.

Then he managed to catch her in a crowd. She wasn't cornered, surrounded by people and yet something happened in that moment. She looked back to face him with a cold glare right into his eyes and then the darkness just surrounded her. Everything after that is gone up until this very morning. It felt like this happened years ago, but exactly how long she wasn't sure. Peeking onto a computer screen in the room she could see the small date in the very corner.

2/27/ 2002. 5 years had passed since that after party. 5 years missing from her memory she felt instantly sick. “What happened and what did he do to me?! Has he been drugging me all these years?! That cant be, Jess or someone would have noticed me acting differently!” holding herself back from vomiting while standing next to a trash can just in case.

When the nurse came in she was asked more questions. Being given a regular check up with everything seeming only a little high due to stress. The doctor returned with her records being very empty of any accidents aside from some injury's after her and her childhood friends explored the water drainage system.

A small chuckle brought up from the memory. It certainly wasn't a case of them exploring. She was kidnapped by a demonic child eating clown. That is something she will never forget. Or the boys who saved her after she was taken. Saddened that after high school graduation they all separated to follow their dreams involving various colleges across the USA. Richie headed to LA for a talk show. Eddie followed to do behind the scene work with him. Ben went to new York for architecture, Bill went somewhere north west to get out in the country for peace and quiet to write. Stanley moved with his family and the same happened to mike after farm work wasn't needed much in Derry.

Derry had been growing and with that more houses had to be made. Mom and pop small stores couldn't compete with the larger chains moving in that replaced them. It was both good for Derry to get so much more opportunity coming in while sad to see childhood places disappear. The lush forests near by now replaced by rows and rows of houses. She sighed with a rub of her face as the doctors scheduled with her more tests. Mentality exhausted after being awake for maybe a few hours. Somewhat grateful that all her alone time was allowing her to build a foundation to her surroundings.

Building a shaky history to recall in the hazy years she lost. Memory's of hanging out with her friends. Building a career she now ran all on her own in fashion. Those memory's nice and clear until he entered her vision. It suddenly went all away until the next moment she took her eyes away from him. Some other memory's coming forth that weren't so pleasant. A male shouting violently at her followed by blows of pain. Was it all him? Attacking her to the point her memory's were warped?

After tests were done and blood drawn she was allowed to leave. The tests results would come in a week or so. Until then they recommend she stay home with someone with her at all times in case another major lapse of memory happened. Suggesting that maybe she had a silent stroke that had the possibility of getting better or worse in the coming days. She left the room back to meet with Jess.

Robert asking “are you alright?” going coldly ignored by her. Not even daring to look at him as she stared straight at Jess. “can I talk to you in private?” she asked Jess.

The girl nodded. “um, sure.” Glancing concerned at Robert off to the side before going with Beverly to the bathroom. “whats wrong? What did the doctors say.”

“we did some tests, but I am fine. Have I been acting strange at all?”

“no … are you sure they said you're okay? Didn't they do a blood test?”

Beverly brushing the tests aside. “they come later. What about after I met Robert? Was I acting weird during that party?”

“Robert? What, no?” Jess turning even more concerned at the mentioning of greys first name.

“who is he? Why do I live with him?! What happened during that party?!”

“who is he?! You two have been dating for years now. That's why you live together! What do you mean what happened at the party?! Are you okay?” Jess questioned.

“no I am not! And it has something to do with him! There's something wrong and I know hes the cause of it! I don't remember anything after that party after he stalked me like a weirdo!”

“Beverly I think you're really sick. I can take you to the main hospital. This is just a small doctors office and they really cant do things here if your seriously sick.”

“no, I am fine! I know I am fine except for him! He did something! He drugged me or something! I cant remember anything except that hes not safe! I need to get away from him and get a damn drug test!”

“listen to yourself! You think greys been drugging you for 5 years?! Hes never hurt you and we always go on our long camping trips. Don't you think at some point the drugs would have warn off during our two weeks camping? We need to take you to the hospital, right now. Wait here for a second while I talk with the doctors.” Jess gesturing for Beverly to stay as she left the bathroom.

Beverly anxiously peeked from cracking open the bathroom door. Seeing Jess talking with Robert rather then a doctor. Spiking her fear she looked for an escape. Seeing sunlight through the bathroom window she took it as her only way to escape. Rushing and squirming herself through the painfully small window. Landing harshly on the gravel pavement below that needed her to dust herself off. Hearing Jess calling her name from inside she refused to reply. Running off down the town streets to get far away. Not entirely sure where to go at this point aside from the hospital for a drug test.

Changing her course to go around the long way in the hopes of avoiding attention. She was walking through the forest away from roads to avoid people. No one could find her at this point, and yet, someone did.

she heard his voice behind her. “Beverly.” Fearing for her safety she faced him. Shocked he somehow found her and caught up so quickly without a sound made by his footsteps.

“get away from me!” she snapped aggressively.

“Jess told me what you said. I wont hurt you, Jess can take you to the hospital and leave you there if you'd like. Its not safe for you to wonder the woods. Please come back with me to the doctors office.” keeping his voice soft and body relaxed. He gave her lots of space between them to not scare her off.

“i am not going anywhere with you Robert!”

“Robert?” his attitude taking a sudden shift. Changing to something more serious and cold. “you haven't called me that in years. Whats wrong?”

“whats wrong?! You did something to me! Robert, Robert grey, who ever you are! I think you drugged me! Did something to me that night of the party! I don't want you getting anywhere near me! f*ck off!” shouting at him.

His body stiffened. “i didn't drug you. ...You're sick and having memory issues. Lets get you to the hospital and everything will be put back to normal.”

“NO!” she bolted into a run away from him. Not getting far before her hand was yanked back. Whipping around to face the man who somehow grabbed her unnaturally fast. Ready to punch his lights out when her mind clouded to the darkness for a 2nd time. Staring deeply into the blue eyes now changed into a glowing fiery yellow.

It was as if everything paused after that point. Forgotten until the next time her mind was release from what blocked it. Awaking to find herself at a table, in a diner, surrounded by friends. Half a eaten burger in her hands as her friends laughed and talked around her. Her confusion spiked, however kept herself looking calm on the outside. Slowly taking in what was going in to figure things out. Looking down she saw a cellphone near her plate. It had to be hers with how close it was settled by. Taking it up to check it with a small flip of its cover. Spotting the time and date.

3/25/ 2002. almost a month had passed. What happened since then? How could she question what was going on without being suspicious?

Jess noticed her checking her phone. “did work call you again?”

“oh, no. was checking messages to see if I was acting weird around that health scare last month.”

hearing Lisa speak up about it. “ you were completely normal aside from that freak out. Shows how scary a damn vitamin deficiency can be for you.”

Jess replying with a drink of her tea. “yeah, who knew a B12 deficiency can have you go wacko. I got so paranoid after that, now I am taking 12 different vitamins. Some I didn't even know existed!”

getting a laugh out of the table aside from Beverly who awkwardly chuckled. “you're telling me.” she bit back into the burger. Thinking of the supposed reason. “a vitamin deficiency?! They're passing my 5 year memory loss on that?!” getting more suspicious about her friends and the doctors. cutting her thoughts off before she could vomit out her meal.

Beverly excused herself from the table. “uh, gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back.” taking her phone with her into the bathroom. She had to figure out more about her supposed life. Checking the phones photos for anything. Going through them she saw all sorts of photos involving her and Robert.

On dates together at a table, drinking glasses of wine at office party's, they always looked so happy together. None of those moments she had any memory of. There were also many happy photos of her on camping trips, those she did remember. Jess did bring up a good point of drugs wearing off during their camping trips. Anything that didn't involve looking at Robert was clear to look back on, but after a few weeks camping wouldn't she have caught on. Why was this suddenly hitting her after so long?

“i guess after a while I could have become immune to whatever.” She sighed and rubbed her head. “maybe I should go to the doctors.” putting her phone away. She left the bathroom to dismally approached her friends.

Noticing her sudden change in mood.“you okay?” Jess asked.

Beverly shook her head. “it happened again. I cant remember the past month.”

the girls at the table were immediately alarmed. Getting up to console her, pack up the food, and take her to the doctors. On the way there she over heard one of the girls calling Robert about what was going on. Beverly was nervous about this and the guaranteed check on her he would do. She was suppose to be dating him, but her only memory of him was creepy stalking around a party 5 years ago. Maybe having a talk with him would ease her worry. Doing her best to relax until then.

At the hospital she answered all the questions she could. Waiting alone with her fearful thoughts of what could be wrong with her. was this her life now? Forgetting more and more of her life? Her eyes teared up at the thought of her depressing future. Questioning at only 28 years old if she should get her will together and end of life care. Hopefully Robert was a loyal man and would stick by her side during all of this. However those violent visions arose to the front of her memory. The yelling, shouting, beatings and things thrown her way. A nurse coming into her room broke the dark chain of memory's.

Asking Beverly a question. “a man named Robert grey is here. Is it okay if he visits you?” the women asked gently. After receiving a head nod the nurse nodded back with a smile before leaving to tell the man.

Beverly took in a deep breath in readying to speak with him. To apologize for her aggressiveness before. To speak of what to do from here on if her mental illness worsened. A voice in the back of her head returning to the front.

Speaking to her in warning. “he'll do it again. Don't look at his eyes.” disappearing soon after. Something noticeable to her was that the voice wasn't her own. It was as if someone else was speaking to her.

Seeing the man out of the corner of her eye she looked to him. Opening her mouth, but ended up with nothing coming out. Freezing at the site of him by this overwhelming sense of danger being near. A deep seated glare of hatred naturally crossing her face the longer she looked at him.

he asked in a calm tone. “darling? Are you alright?” Not showing a sense of aggression toward her, but Beverly felt otherwise. Getting no response he stepped forward and reached a hand out toward her. Scaring her away from her seat.

get away from me!” she aggressively snapped.

His expression turned sour to how she was reacting. “what is wrong with you?! Why are you acting like this?!” he questioned.

“there's something wrong with you!”

“what is?”

“i don't know! Something is telling me that you aren't to be trusted!”

his expression souring further into that chilling look. She barely managed to hear what he mumbled to himself. “hes ruining it.”

“what?!” she questioned what that meant. Seeing his eyes flash a bright yellow before the darkness swarmed in again.

The time slipping away from her to eventually drop her down. Coming to in new surroundings that she recognized as her bed. It was night and she was alone … for a moment. She could hear someone in the bedroom bathroom. The door shut leaving only the bed side lamp on to provide minimal lighting. She sat up and pulled the alarm clock close to check the date.

“still today, just a few hours lost.” getting up out of bed. She needed to run despite only being in light pajamas. She couldn't afford to pack while he was here and possibly readying to join her in bed. The thought making her violently ill as she rushed out of the room. Grabbing the car keys off a line up of hooks by the door. Rushing out into the pouring cold rain of the dark night. Looking around the barely highlighted surroundings from what little light pooled out of the houses windows. Shakily reaching out to yank the barely see able car door handle.

Sitting into the seat to shove the key into the slot. Turning it in the expectation the car would start to life, but their was nothing. Not a sound nor one little light coming to life inside the car. Turning and twisting the key desperately made no difference.

“f*cking car!” she cursed. About ready to make a run for it down the road.

Alarmed when the car door was opened by grey. She made sure to have the front door in her sight at all times to make sure he wasn't coming out after her. Having appeared from no where he must have snuck around. No time to figure out how he snuck up she turned in grabbing the car door to swing it open. The click of the door locking itself had her heart pounding in her chest. Her shaky tries of unlocking the door being futile. She was trapped inside the car with him. Fearing to look back at him she froze her gaze on the glass reflection disturbed by rain drops. Using it as a way to watch without making direct eye contact.

Sitting still in preparation to fight back if he tried doing anything. Jumping when he shut his door to settle in the passenger seat. His golden eyes glowing in the reflection of the glass window.

“if he tries to touch me hes going to the hospital.” thinking to herself.

Startled by his voice. “Beverly.”

she cursed to herself for stupidly jolting from him saying her name. “... yes?” her meaning to answer calmly, but failing at that too.

“look at me.” he ordered.

“... why.”

“why wont you look at me?”

her nerves growing the longer this back and forth was going. Swallowing heavily when her stomach threatened to rise up.

“ We are usually so happy together. I gave you so much and you're still not happy. Why? why do you keep fighting? Id be easier if you stopped.” his tone taking a downward shift. “i wont let him take you from me.” his words chilling her blood.

What did he mean by all of that? Feeling him grab her shoulder she thrashed her fists around to beat him away. Pulled into facing him by him managing to grab a hold of her hand. Her turning to face him was a mistake she deeply regretted.

Those yellow eyes boring into her. This sense of recognition of them smothered by her memory's being repressed. His last words echoing through her fading mind. “everything will be fine. You're going to juniper hills asylum for some help.”

#it 2017#pennywise#beverly marsh#pennywise x beverly marsh

#pennywise x beverly marsh | reddogf13 (2024)


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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.