News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)

GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, Highland Man Thinks Morgan Moorer Is On Way Back to State University (Special to Daily News) Hickory, March that Morgan P. Moorer, missing freshman of the state university, was on his way here back today to by Clint school, Madaris, of Highwas expressed land, who a ride yesterday of to boy youth answering who disappeared about 10 the description the days Madaris ago positively identified his from Chapel Hill. by the description of passenger Moorer he last night. The boy, who read In newspapers upon returning was alone told Madaris he WAS going "to Durham to school." Asheville, And His that his home was in name According was not to Madaria, he picked learned, however. the at Conover, eight miles beboy low up here, and carried him eastward In his car until just above Catawba, where he was stopping.

BELIEVES MOORER NEAR HILL UNIVERSITY'S PSYCHOLOGIST (Special Daily News) Chapel March of P. Moorer. 17-year-old University CENTRAL MAY BE STIMULATING Names of Honor, Distinguished and Meritorious Students Being Placarded. Names of honor, distinguished and meritorious students of Central Junfor high school, placed on poster in the corridor of the school, is expected to serve as stimulant toward scholarship. The device is being tried, It was learned last night from E.

T. McSwain, principal of the school, for the Arst time. Reports were given out 13 yesterday, distinguished, and 77 meritorious. Honor revealing nine honor students, students are those making A on than all major on minor; distinguished, who subjects, and not more one 3 A's and A on major submake and two B's and an A on minor; and jects, meritorious, those who make better than on all subjects. The two leading follow: Honor students--Elizabeth Ander4 Fillmore Wilson, 4 son, 4 Claude Thompson, 2 Brown.

Jennie Lou Gentry, Rouben Laughon, 1 Betsy Wharton, 1 Ruth Litaker, Annie D. King, 1 Distinguisher students- Matilda B. McClung, Jasper Jean Seabolt, Watt, 4 Martha Fry, Mirvin Garrett, 2 Elberta Eugenia Murray, 1 Rachael Taylor, 1 4 Lucy Hay, Neal Brooks, 4 Katherine- Elison, 4 Virginia Kathleen McIver, Paula Hop4 good, 1 B. Community Builders Meet, Forming Four New Units last night of the At meeting Guilford county community builders, of held in the commissioners room addlthe county courthouse, four tional units were founded and directors for each elected. and Conducted by Michael Hudson M.

E. Suther, the groups elected representatives as follows: Druggists, Mike Stratford; department and genstores, John H. Stone; ready Brownhill; clothing and stores, millinery, C. H. E.

Mc- L. Knight, The meeting proved to be quite enthustastic. Another gathering for the formation of additional units will be held Friday night at the same place at 8:30. Bessemer Wins Again In County Baseball League The second baseball game In as many days was won by Bessemer yesRankin's diamond by 13. to 2.

It terday when Rankin bowed on was county conference game, Monticello lost to Bessemer on Tuesdav. DeLancey led today's attack with A homer and two singles. Walker, left handed pitcher, also got a double and two singles. Kellum starred afield for Rankin with H. Beaver best at bat.

Lieut. Soueck Pays Visit To the Greensboro Airport A real high Appollo Soueck of the United States navywas visitor yesterday at bora's airport. Lieutenant Sotteck, flying Washington, stopped about 4 o'clock to refuel and note weather observations before resuming his journey to Atlanta. The naval officer is said to have smashed all previous high flying records not many months Ago. WILL SING SONGS OF MANY NATIONALITIES Madrigal Club Will Present More Than 40 Singers Saturday Evening.

AT AYco*ck AUDITORIUM Songs representative of many nawill be included in the tonalities to be offered by the Madriprogram club of North Carolina college, at 8:30 o'clock in Saturday evening auditorium, when the more Ayco*ck than 40 singers of the organization the direction of Miss More, of deappear, under Van Dyke of public school music, for partment their annual spring concert. Sweden, Russia, Arabia, England, America, Cuba, Ireland India. Japan, other nations have places among and the numbers, some of which will be the entire group, some by sung by the of Wilmington, vioclub quartet. MISS Madrigal Amy the program for two Newcomb. lin-cellist, is on selections.

of the organization 15 The quartet composed of the following Marshville, studenta: first Miss Selma Stegall, soprano; Miss Rachel Blythe, Miss Edith Hunteraville, second soprano; first alto: Miss Meigs, New London, Asheboro, second Margaret Tyson, alto. Miss Clement, of the facschool of music, 18 MCDorothy ulty for the club Other memin the bers companist of the faculty actively connected with the work of the organization are the quartet, and Dorothy Clement, Misses Millie J. Fristad, director of The soprano. director stated Wednesday that the organization would use the proof the concert Saturday night at gram several places near Greensboro this spring and would also sing at Mothers' day vesper service in W. cOoperation with the "Around collegiate the Y.

World in C. A. The title. suggests the general nature Song." of the offering Saturday night. RAILWAY OFFICIALS TO VISIT HENDERSON Plans For Extension of Lines In Western North Carolina May Be Discussed.

(Special to Dally News) Hendersonville, March Jack Greene, well known business man of Hendersonville and Jacksonville. has received advices from the Florida city, he said today, that the extension board of the Seaboard Air Line railroad will pay visit to western North Carolina immediately upon its The information is of special pletion of a Florida tour. terest bere in connection with an effort recently launched by the board of county commissioners of Henderson county secure the extension of the Seaboard line from Rutherfordton via Hendersonville to Asheville. Man Arrested In Tarboro For Officers In New York (Special to Dally News) Tarboro, March this morning Sheriff J. D.

Lancaster reseived telegram from Inspector Mulrooney, of New York, Sexton, asking who him to arrest Edward F. is charged with having stolen $5,000 in securities in that city. Deputies J. L. Lancaster and R.

Q. Watson and Police Officer Jesse Martin went to boarding house here, located Sexton and he was placed in Jail to await the arrival of a New York officer. Sexton is also charged with having stolen Buick automobile. Home Destroyed By Blaze As Kerosene Fire Spreads Asheville, March The little (Special to Dally, News) daughter of George Nima, of the Oakley district of the Fairview road settlement just outside the Asheville city limits, attempted to start a fire by using kerosene. a She was too successful.

The fire spread from the fireplace into the rooms of the home and the fire department had to be summoned. The four room cottage burned down. Say Ludwig Rivals Wallace. Ardent followers of Edgar Wallace, the writer of English thrillers, are admitting that Emil Ludwig, the German author and journalist, is now rival in popularity and earning power. The success of Ludwig's Abraham Lincoln, which is appearing In six languages, is being watched with terest by English publishers.

Carolina freshman, who disNorth appeared from circ*mstances the campus 12 days under ago, 16 roaming the woods the vicinity mysterious Chapel Hill in mentally to unbaiof anced condition, according advanced today by Dr. Engtheory lish Bagby, intensive university study After an letters and papers written by the missing youth during the past few months, Dr. Bagby said that there was no indication of suicidal intent. He declared that Moorer was evidently suffering from developing dementia for praecox, sone which had been time. Dr.

Bagby's report strengthened the belief of the boy's mother and fraternity mates that he is still alive. Numerous reports were received telegraphic of his whereabouts today, to but substantiate inquiries failed any of them. Mrs. M. P.

Moorer, of the boy's mother, has been In ville, Chapel Hill since last Sunday. wand- She expressed belief that the boy Hill is ering about near Chapel condition. in partially demented City BRIEF ITEMS INTEREST 7. DAILY READERS Napolean Cobb, negro, was having jailed last night on charge of whisky in possession. Cobb was arrested by Patrolman E.

Q. Seawell on Forbis street, a pint of liquor being found, it wes reported. Bloomfield company, incorporated, instituted suit in Superior court Wednesday against Margaret $879.47, Clegg, of alleged due on open account for this city, for collection of merchandise. T. A.

Barbee started suit for absolute divorce from Madie Barbee in Superior court Wednesday on grounds of separation. The complaint alleges that couple were married In Moore county, October 13, 1914. Mansfield Jarvis, son of Capt. L. L.

Jarvis, of the Greensboro police force, and Mrs. Jarvis, 912 Cherry street, is seriously Ill at St. Leo's hospital, he having undergone an operation for acute appendicitis. Euphonian Glee Club Hard At Work For Next Concert (Special to Daily News) Guilford College, March 12-Members of the Euphonian glee club are hard at work for their home concert here in Memorial hall next Saturday evening and daily week. rehearsals are the order for the This is the third year for the Euphonians and they are better than ever this season.

Mrs. Max Noah took over their direction last year and she is in charge again this season. The girls have given a program from WNRC since the first of the year and they also started their concert tour last Friday evening with a program at the high school at Gibsonville. Before this they had appeared before the students in chapel and their program was received enby the student body. Chicago Negro Preacher Is Killed In Political Row Chicago.

March Slaughter, 30, negro preacher and political worker, WAS shot to death last night as the climax to a political argument in a registration the 42nd ward which comprises Chicago's gold coast. John Panpinella, 25, who witnesses said, quarreled with Slaughter of as ne- the latter challenged the right a gro woman to register. was arrested, but denied the shooting. Funeral of John Seagrave To Be Held This Afternoon Funeral service for John Seagrave, whose death occurred at his home on Wilson street, Gordontown, Pomona, Tuesday afternoon. will be conducted at 1:30 o'clock this afterroon from Pomona Baptist church by Rev.

B. F. Peeler, pastor, and Rev. Handy, pastor of Pomona Friends church. 'Interment will be made in Woodlawn cemetery at Winston-Salem.

duction of Mandarin ducks from China Into Berlin, Germany, they are being made at home in London. Two pairs have been given homes at the lake in Buckingham palace grounds, and others are at other lakes. They came direct from China and the brilliantly colored birds are nesting in holes in trees. Mandarin Ducks In London. Following the success of the intro- The last word in electric irons The complete automatic iron.

One iron does all of the work. Light, medium or heavy goods make no difference when you have an "American Beauty" adjustable automatic iron -the one great improvement in electric irons in years. No matter what kind of an iron you have been using, discard it and get an Beauty" automatic electric iron--the one iron to use for care-free ironing. Come in today and see this new "American automatic electric ironGet Rid of Your Old Iron! To introduce this better way of ironing ward the purchase price of this splendid to more women in this vicinity, we will new adjustable-automatic electric iron. allow a credit of Pay only 95c.

down and enjoy your ironfor your old iron ings while paying the balance at $1.00 -irrespective of kind or condition, to- $1.00 Per Month North Carolina Public Service Co. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1930. WILL PETITION STATE FOR HIGHWAY UNKEEP Randolph People Join In Discussion of Gray's Chapel Road Plans. MEETING ENTHUSIASTIC Plans for the improvement and of state maintenance of Gray's Chapel road were discussed yesterday afterat a meeting called by E. B.

noon Jeffress, chairman of 8 chamber of commerce committee on ways and means of carrying out such a project. Originally planned for the chamber of commerce rooms, the gatherproved to be of such size that of it ing was necessary to move the place meeting. The city hall was selected and an enthusiastic meeting ensued, with various expressions from many men living outside the county. Chairman Jeffress outlined to the the purpose of the meetgathering conisder ways and means of ing--to inducing the state highway commission to establish a hard surface road to serve the Gray's Chapel, Franklinville and Ramseur sections. Only dissmall is part within the boundaries of of the road under being mostly in cussion Guilford county, it Randolph.

In fact, the part of run- this ning through the lower with edge the excounty 18 now paved, ception of about one that mile. consumed After discussions more than one hour it was agreed that a joint committee be the state appointed to present commission, through J. Ela petition to wood highway Cox, district commissioner, the state take over the asking that at the earliest practical highway for maintenance with a view to date, further improvements as soon as possible. The route under discussion runs through Franklinville Pleasant and would extend Garden and Climax to on to Bennett. Those attending their support to the the meeting yesterday petition and pledged spoke for their respective communities.

E. M. Franklinville Weatherly, superintendent of that the road pointed on the score that schools, out was of importance It serves high schools in Gray's Chapel and Franklinville. mail routes He travel also stated that three the highway. Cox, Randolph county attorC.

N. ney, sald that while he was speaking unofficially, he was sure that would everyone in the vicinity affected be in favor of state maintenance of the highway. J. Max Hendrix, of the Greensboro the support Merchants' of that association, body. D.

L. Donnell, pledged Guilford county manager, and G. L. Stansbury, county board the chairman, county pledged the support of commissioners. Arthur Ross, of Asheville, expressed himself in favor the proposal, as did several others.

15 The Joint committee appointed composed of J. W. Clark, Watkins, chairman, Ramseur; A. M. Underwood, Gray's Franklinville; E.

C. den; Chapel: C. N. Cox, Asheboro; M. L.

E. R. Tucker, Pleasant GarAllred, Climax; J. Stout, Lineberry, and D. M.

Weatherly, from Asheboro. These are to work in committee connection with the executive of the chamber of commerce good roads bureau, Harold Schiffman, J. Max Hendrix and E. M. Oettinger.

WINTHROP DAUGHTERS ELECT A PRESIDENT Mrs. E. T. Swain Succeeds Mrs. Tracey Mebane- Other Offi.

cers Chosen at Meeting. Daughters selected Mrs. E. T. Swain as president to succeed Winthrop Mrs.

Trace Mebane, the election takat the regular meeting held yesterday afternoon at the home of ing place Mrs. Neal Sheffield on Hillside drive. Mrs. Harry Spiers and Miss Catherine joint hostesses. The Counts were other officers chosen were as follows: Vice president, Miss Sara Lesley; secretary, Mrs.

Elwood Mitchell: treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Goodwin; gleaner. Mrs.

Albert Johnson. The chapter planned benefit the spring season with the bridge committee in charge. The for Anance committee, Mrs. Robert Kimcey, Mrs. Seaton Cooper and Mrs.

Neal Sheffield, will be assisted by Mrs. Harry Spiers and Mrs. Edward the J. business Shern. A social hour followed which the hostesses served an during Fourteen members atice next meeting 1s set for course.

tended. The Wednesday, April 1, with Mrs. Clyde Ritchie. FIVE PERSONS KILLED IN SHOOTING AFFRAYS Quarrel and Row Over Domestic Division of Smuggling Money Blamed By Police, New York, March persons were affrays killed in the Italian district in two separate shooting of Brooklyn tonight. The dead are: Lofredo, 28; Mrs.

Marie Mrs. Crescenzo, Anna 46; Salvatore Crescenzo, de Vincenzoe Tradici, 39, and an unidentified man, Mrs. Lofredo; her mothabout 39. Police said Crescenzo. and brother, er, Mrs.

de by Arthur LoSalvatore, husband were of shot the Arst named, fredo, "because he was tired of fighting Their' bodies were with his apartment of Mrs. de wife." found in the Crescenzo, apartment two blocks away In an Tradici and the unthe bodles of Police identifed man were found. shot In said they believed they other men over were a division quarrel of money received for smugwith five aliens into the United gling Italian States. CRIME FRUSTRATED Frightens Robbers Burglar Alarm From Store. thieves forced open door A.

in thief one or of the display windows falon, 116 midnight South of Marks street, Slipper shortly after Elm this morning only to be frightened the clanging reverberation away by alarm on the still night of burglar air No of time was wasted square. by the prowler Jefferson or prowlers in noisy scene, and making a getaway from the scene of Otwell arrived in front the Officer T. F. And that the door of the shop to the use of A had chisel been or forced other open heavy implement. by The moment sounded the out, door and was the intruder opened the gong molesting any of the shoes escaped and without hosiery in the window.

Hoover Commission Insists That Borno Back Up Fromise Haiti, March (AP)-The Port-Au-Prince, Hoover investigating commission returned here tonight determined to back up Borno its demand adhere that President Louis to his promise to support the mission's plan for a temporary political presIdent so that the muddied situation of the island republic may be cleared up. Burlington Officers Still Searching For Mysterious Mani Noticed In Town (Special to Dally News) Burlington, March The past two nights, during the wee small hours, a weird, mysterious man; tall, the wrapped ground, in has eluded police of the a great coat which sweeps night shift who have been trying to get Night before last the man, believed hold of him for questioning. white, managed scattered block through ahead the of five officers business section in search of him. would lose him and again he They would bob up, a block away, several and tried to head him off. Trollinger saw the man times to miss him.

Currie Murrie only the chase later and still later Officers Jeter Crutchfeld and T. M. joined Beall, New Coach At High Point, Is Versatile Athlete As announced in Tuesday's News, Julian Beall, star athlete the University of South Dally Carolina for three years and who graduates this spring, will succeed Coach Boylin as head coach at High Point college the coming fall. Something of Beall's record star lineman in football, follows. He has beeping played two with the Columbia, S.

center for six consecutive his home town, one years, with highs, the South Carolina frosh and three with the Gameco*ck He was rated one the best varsity. centers in the Southern Beall is a letterman track conference last fall. and baseball at South Carolina. Laval, Palmetto's best Billy known coach, has had him under his direction for several years. Beall is president of the South Carolina student body this year and holds many under -graduate offices.


Fordham Takes Award, 2 Tables In Play-Visitors Receive Gifts. With her bridge club as guest Mrs. Henry L. Hanes was hostess at conyesterday afternoon at her tract on Madison avenue, Sunset home hills. Mrs.

R. N. Bishop and Mrs. C. Richard Bruning, as visitors received guest towels.

Mrs. C. C. Fordham, cut the club award a door stop. For the next meeting, March 26, Mrs.

C. C. Fordham, is to be hostess to the club. Those playing yesterday were as follows: Mesdames R. N.

Bishop, C. Richard Denis Wolff, C. C. Fordham, N. Rush Hodgin, C.

Bruning, LeRoy Carlton, Morton Murray, Reynolds Blackwell, Robert Alexander, Council Tucker, Guy Thomas and F. O. Chrysler. BECKER NOT GUILTY Acquitted of Charge of Murdering Auburn Keeper, Auburn, N. March jury today acquitted Max Becker, Auburn prison inmate, of a charge of murder, thereby refusing to hold him responsible for the shooting to death of Principal Keeper George A.

Durnford in the prison riot of December 11 last. Becker was taken back to the prison to resume serving a 30 year sentence, with an indictment returned by the October grand jury, charging attempted escape from the prison, still hanging over his head. Textile Industry Will Pass Auto Industry, Editor Says Charlotte, March that the textile Industry will assume the leadership now held by the automobile industry within a few years was made today by M. D. C.

Crawford, of New York, editor of the Daily News Record, who is in Charlotte to attend a meeting of Charlotte members of the American Society for the Testing of Materials. "Within a very few years the motor manufacturing and textile industries will exchange paces in the relative scheme of asserted the textile expert, "the automobile industry saturation point, while the textile rapidly approaching industry has an opportunity for great strides in the future." Strikers Are Freed After Arrests at Textile Mills Eilzabethton, March (AP) -The local textile union's first attempt to picket at the week Bemberg reand Glanzston mills this sulted today in the arrest and subfreeing of 17 supporters of strike call issued last week. sequent Whether the picketeers were released voluntarily by the officers or broke away with the aid of A crowd was in dispute. Both J. C.

Donnelly, union president, and Acting Sheriff John Townsend merely said "nobody's in Village President "Drives" Rival In Inaugural Parade Coloma. March K. Guy, new president of this village, staged his inaugural afternoon parade in down Main street this old time high top buggy, which an WAS drawn by O. J. Long, his opponent in the village election Monday.

Guy wore silk topper, frock coat and white gloves and carried big buggy whip which he frequently cracked over Long's head. Woman's Missionary Society Meets With Mrs. Justice The 20 mission study leaders of the Woman's Missionary society of West Market Street Methodist church will meet this evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. L.

Justice, 834 West Market street, for a biloptician lecture on the different missionary countries. Social Hour Club Meeting Friday With Mrs. Moffitt The meeting of the SocialHour club scheduled for Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. E. C.

Moffitt on Julian street has been pontpon- ed. Select Jury To Try Woman. Newcastle, March and heard A jury was chosen the first evidence by which the comseeks to send Mrs. Irene Schroeder, 21, accused "trigger womcommonwealth an." to the electric chair for the of Corporal Brady Paul, a state death highway patrolman. JOBS FOR UNEMPLOYED IN GREENSBORO URGED Repairs, Replacements and Additions to Buildings Now.

Are Asked. CIRCULARS MAILED OUT The chamber of commerce yestermailed to all its members a circular containing the findings and day recommendations made at a confercalled by Mayor R. R. King, ence Monday afternoon for a discussion of the unemployment situation 111 Greensboro. circular sets forth "that the The present state of the construction about Industry in Greensboro is only in 20 per cent of normal, resulting considerable unemployment particu-1 larly in building trades.

"That the building costs are lower than for several years past, but now likely to advance when work 18 are begun on certain projected undertakings, such as new disposal postoffice, plant, city Southern freight station, etc. incinerator, sewerage "Therefore, It is. recommended: "One: That annual repair and replacement work be undertaken by commercial and industrial concerns as soon as is practicable while costs are low, instead of during the summer months when costs are more likely to be higher. "Two: That home owners conments advance their plans to take templating additions or improveadvantage of the prevailing prices. "Three: That special provision be made through the United States employment courthouse, Phone 5500, and the Cenbureau in the county tral Labor Union, phone 2174, to bring the manless job and the supplying jobless man together, by skilled and unskilled labor for minor repairs and improvements.

"Four: That these recommends. tions be read to those present at all civic clubs meetings and given wide publicity, to the end that all may take advantage of prevailing costa and at the same time relieve the temporary unemployment." Moore Joined in, The hunt lasted for an hour and then the strange char acter was no more to be seen than thin air. Last night one of the officers encountered the same strange freak on Spring street. When the command to "halt!" was given him, he whipped out a gun. There was an exchange of shots.

One of the bullets, fired by the officer, struck the front of the Dairy Lunch room and made a big ugly spot on an iron cigarette signs. the worked to an automobile a few During the exchange of shots man feet away, jumped in and escaped, The officer was left with an empty gun and sufficient provocation to cuss. The man wasn't seen again last night. Trolley Operator Robbed of Money (Special to Daily News) Salisbury, March Kluttz, street car motorman, was robbed tonight at 10 o'clock while his car was on South Fulton street. The robber pulled the car off the wire and when the motorman went to the rear to trolley put the man grabbed the It back on change carrier from the loss front was of the car and escaped, the probably $10.

There were the no time. passengers on the car at MAN HELD IN JAIL ON MURDER CHARGE Alleged to Have Offered to Wife Pay Various Sums If His Was Killed. Anthony, March Accused of having paid $65 to have his wife slain, Ben Turner, 60, suof a salt plant here, perintendent was held for trial today on a charge of first degree murder at the conclusion of his preliminary hearing. Bond was set at $35,000, Jim Strutton, laborer, also charged with murder, testified he killed Mrs. Turner at the behest of her husband.

Strutton said Turner promised him for the deed but he received only $65. Mrs. Turner, a shot to -haired death woman, was beaten and at her home, February 26. William Swafford, a former grave testified that on three occasions Turner offer him from $500 to digger, $1,200 kill Mrs. Turner, saying his wife "had everything in her and "might him for divorce and make him pay alimony." JURY TRYING DOHENY NAMED ON FIRST DAY No Other Features of Trial Reached, as Justice Hitz Ad.

journs Court Until Today. Washington, March women and nine men were selected today to decide the guilt or innocence of Edward L. Doheny, of bribery. The wealthy oll operator is on trial on an Indictment charging that he $100,000 to Albert B. Fall, former gave secretary of the interior, for the to his company of a lease io award the Elk Hills, California, naval oil reserve.

Justice William Hitz, presiding over the trial in the District cf court, ordered the jury kept under guard and together Columbia Supreme until its verdict is handed down. As it was sworn he recessed the soon as court until tomorrow morning. FRUIT FLY CRUSADE ATTACKED IN REPORT Chairman Wood of House Committee Gives President Information On Situation. of wasteful use of funds Washington, March through the Charges and enormous work of eradicating the fruit fly in Florida were related to President Hoover today by Chairman Wood of the house appropriations committee. Wood returned from Florida 8 day or 80 ago with a group from his committee, after making a study of conditions there.

He said "bugologists" done "more damage than all the had bugs in the state." He declared losses in Florida through seradication work would total $60.000,000 and $6.000,000 had been spent in that work, whereas practical men on the the ground had estimated it could have been done for $1,500,000. ROGERS TO ADDRESS BUREAU OF CHAMBER Development of In Greensboro's For Park Areas Comes Discussion. Gardner S. Rogers, of the chamber of commerce of the bureau United States, will address the civic of the Greensboro chamber of commerce at 12:30 p. m.

in the south of the Hylmore tea room. Monday wing 'An important improvement undertaking affecting the development will be of Greensboro's park areas described announcement of the meetand discussed," according to the ing. Duke University Debaters Meet Richmond On March 21 Durham, students, Everett WetherMarch Durham spoon Mind Charles Duke university Livengood, are next intercollegiate debate on paired in the the campus. March 21. the University of On Richmond debating team will come to meet the Duke debatto the question of extra terriDurham ers on in China.

Duke's team will toriality that the United States contend this policy in scheduled China. should renounce An interesting debate 16 at Duke Maryland and Duke speakers will for April 2, when University of the question of the chain store. argue Reidsville Negro Bound Over For Alleged Theft (Special to Daily News) Reidsville, March John Marshall, negro, charged with concealing himself in the store room of the Reldsville Wholesale Grocery comeral pany, articles of merchandise and last Friday, and stealing sevaway that night after the carrying place of business had been closed. them arraigned in recorder's court for was a hearing this week, the negro pleadnot guilty to the charge through his Probable cause was Ing attorney. found to connect with the theft and he was held for the higher court and sent to jail at Wentworth in default of his bond of $500.

Rebecca Whitely Recovering. Rebecca Whiteley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whiteley, 805 Douglas street, is recovering satisfactorily from a tonsilar operation BYRD IS PLANNING SENSATIONAL FEAT Rear Admiral, However, Refuser to Divulge His Plans Port of Dunedin. Dunedin, New Zealand, March 12.

-(AP)-Rear Admiral Richard E. who has over, both the Byrd, north and south flown, driven a plane across the Atlantic, is planning another sensational feat. "If I were to say what I am going to do next," he said today, "My remarks would cause a sensation." Byrd, whose hair has become gray within the 14 months just ended during which he flew over the south pole and mapped 280,000 square miles of ice, smilingly declined to say whether he contempiated a return to the antarctic. Pointing out that the American claim in Antarctic lay entirely outside the Ross dependency, a British settlement, Byrd said there was nothing in the situation to cause controversy. It was pointed out that there still were vast unexplored territories beyond the great barrier of the Antarctic, particularly between the Bay of Whales and Deception island.

Incendiarism Is Suspicioned. New Orleans, March -Suspicion of incendiarism in series of dock fires here led Superintendent of Police Theodore Ray to order a rigid investigation today in the cause of yesterday's $2,000,000 He Isued the order in spite of the conflagration at the Mandville wharf. dock board's refusal of his offer to assist in placing responsibility for the fire. Its vigor is as joyous as the laughter of happy children THE PURITY of "Canada Dry" is only one point in the many which make up the unmatched excellence of this fine old ginger ale. Pure ingredients, exact methods of making, high-grade Jamaica delicate and uniform carbonation result ginger, in a beverage which delights and refreshes.

Since leading physicians prescribe it and since hospitals serve it, you are assured that leading "Canada Dry" meets the most exacting tests. When you drink it, you'll know that it meets another exacting test your taste. For not only is this beverage served the wide world over, not only has it won the approving nod of connoisbut also is it served in countless homes in seurs, this country and Canada. Order it today. 66 DRY" The Champagne of Ginger Ales 1930.

News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)


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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.