Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)

6D State- Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, S.D. Thursday, January 28, 1S82 Classified Index XT I 1 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 350 Mtsceilaneous 355 Miscellaneous Wanted 360 Furniture Appliances 363 Sporting Goods 364 Sewing Machines 365 Televisions 370 Stereo RadioTape 375-ceHam Radios 380 Office Eowpmenl -385 Musical instruments 390 CoinsHoODies 395 ArtsCrafts 400 Antiques 405 Garage Sales 406 Bake Sales 410 Firewood 41 5 Ak Condition Heal 416 Prolographic Ecfuipment 417 Bicycles 418 Machinery 420 BuiKtng Materials 425 Auctions PETSLIVESTOCK 450 PetsSupplies 455-Poultry Rabbits 460-CattieSneep Hogs 465 Livestock Supplies 470 Stock FeedSeed 475 HorsesTack I I '1 "tw. 1 I 1 i til Vets fight bill to change date of Memorial Day PIERRE, S.D. (AP) Military veterans fought tourist industry representatives Wednesday in an oral battle over a legislative bill that would change the date for the observance of Memorial Day. About 60 members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and Disabled American Veterans some in wheelchairs packed a House committee hearing to oppose a bill that would make Memorial Day the last Monday in May in South Dakota.

The veterans, decked out in their organization caps, asked members of the House State Affairs Committee to allow Memorial Day to be observed on the traditional date of May 30 each year. Business representatives argued in favor of the change to a Monday holiday the date observed in most parts of the nation and by the federal government. A law enacted by the 1981 Legislature restored the May 30 Memorial Day date, after the Monday date had been observed for several years. "Memorial Day is the traditional kickoff for our tourism season in South Dakota," said Kevin Brady, lobbyist for the Black Hills Business Council. If the May 30 observance takes place in midweek, people won't travel on their day off, depriving the tourist industry of crucial business, Brady said.

The Monday observance allows a three-day weekend. "The proponents of this bill are talking about dollar bills and tourism and a holiday," said Bob Gabrielson, lobbyist for the American Legion. "Memorial Day is not a holiday." "Memorial Day was set aside to pay tribute to the war dead of this nation," not to spend vacationing, said Bill Radigan, a VFW lobbyist. I a A Argus Leader photo by MIKE SIERRA Triick topples into ditch NOTICES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 5-Card Of Thanks 10 Personals 15 Puoie Notices 20-Lost 25-Found 30 Tnps Vacations 35 SchoolsTraining 40 Service Guide REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 50 Homes For Sale 60 Open Houses 70 Income Ccrmmefcial Property 75 Farms For Sale 80 Lois Acreages 85 Buiktngs To Move 87 Recreation Properly foi Sale 95-Real Estate Wanted LEASERENTALS 120 Homes For Rent 123 Apartments 126 Duplexes 127- Mobile Homes For Rent 129-Ofhce Space 130 Cornmercial Property For Rent 135 GaragesParking 140 Farms For Rent 147 Recreation Properly For Rent 155 Rooms 160 Share Rentals 170-Want To RentLease MOBILE HOMES 205 MooHe Homes. Sale 210 Mobile Home.

Space FINANCIAL 250 Business Opportunities 255 Bcxkeeping Tax Service 260 Money To Lend 265 Loans Wanted EMPLOYMENT 285r-Help Wanted 290-Heip Wanted Sales 295 Help Wanted Professional 300-Help Wanted Farm 305-Help Wanted Teachers 310 Situations Wanted 315 Child Care We need this Name Address City Ptione. Run my ad 7 Days 14 Days A state Highway Department truck scraping snow from Highway Wednesday about 500 feet east of Sycamore Drive. Weight of snow pushed it into the ditch and it rolled, Sioux Falls Police Officer Bill Harvey R. Niewald, 60, of Sioux Falls, was shaken up but not injured, minor damage to the truck. 38 rolled over about 2:15 p.m.

on the truck's blade apparently Grode said. Driver of the truck, Grode said. The' mishap caused Keeping free of snow frustrating for officials plumb waste of time, to go out," he a total cost to the county, "It's early to start worrying (about it) Long said. Mitzel, public works superintendent Brown County, said one problem crews has been equipment breakdowns. been working mostly Saturdays Sundays, working on keeping open, unless the snow is blowing he said.

cost of keeping Brown County's of roads open is another By The Associated Press Three consecutive winter storms have made a frustrating January for city and county officials across South Dakota, some of whom say they're worried what snow removal will cost. After two years of balmy winter weather, officials admit this year's snowfall has brought some headaches. Keeping Minnehaha County's 360 miles of highways free of snow has been tough this year, Highway Superintendent Ken Long said. "With Saturday and Sunday's winds; there was no way. It was a waste of time, "We have $239,000 in our snow removal budget and if it keeps on, we'll use all that up," he said.

City officials in Huron are also worried. "I'm sure if it keeps up like this we'll probably exceed our budget this year," Street Commissioner Bill Ford said. Ford said Huron has about $30,000 to spend on snow removal. Huron has hired outside help, especially for clearing snow from downtown areas. "It's gotten so high (downtown) we're having trouble finding places to put it," he said.

snow removal) and somebody's got to be last." Pennington County Road Superintendent Jack Dier has a situation many other officials across the state must envy. "It really hasn't been that bad here," Dier said. "We've had everything under The crew in the Hills has had the biggest workload," he said. Pennington County officials have worried mainly about icy and blowing conditions, and snow conditions shouldn't bring any undue financial hardships, Dier said. FARMERS MARKET 480 Produce 483 FlowersTrees 490 ServiceRepairs .95 Farm 500 Farm Equipment Wanted 505 Trailers RECREATION 650 AircraftService 555 Boats Motors 565 Rec.

Vehicles Sale 567 ToppersCampers 570 Rec. Vehicles Rent 575 Rec. Vehicles Wanted 580 Motorcycles 590 SrxTwrrrobiles AUTOMOTIVE 605 RepairParts 610 Rent Lease 615 Trucks Buses 620 Const Road Equipment 6254 Wheel Drives 630 PickupsVans 635 ImportSport Cars 640 AntiqueVintage 645 Cars information: State Zip I (check one) D21 Days D28 Days Ad Here: 12. 15. 18.

include the price.) Just A Few Rules: Private party merchandise for sale only Price of item must appear in the Write Your roads THE STATE- OF SOUTH DA KOTA TO Arlene Olson, also known as Eileen Olson, James F. Wehde, Beatrice Fern Lenti and Swedona Covenant Church, heirs, heirs at law, legatees and devisees of Conrad Anderson, deceased, and to all interested persons; Notice is given that an Instru ment purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Conrad Anderson has been filed with this Court together with a Petition by James F. Wehde for probate thereof and that issuance of Letters Testamentary be made thereon to James F. Wehde, the named Executor in the Will, and that Tuesday, the 16th day of February, 1982, at the hour of 2:00 i ciock cm. or mat oav, at rne Courtroom of the below named Judge, in the Courthouse In the ity of Sioux Falls, Minnenana County, south Dakota, has been fixed by the Court as the time and place tor hearing on said petition when and where any person in terested may appear and contest the same.

The names of the heirs, heirs at law, legatees and devisees and next of kin of said deceased, as shown in said petition, are as stat ed above. Said petition, on file as atoresaia, is referred to tor fur-ther particulars. Petitioner has requested au thority to administer the estate unoer tne ndeoendent Adminis tration of Estates Act, Chapter ia ot tne sessions Laws ot iv. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to file the same with the Clerk of the above named Court within two months from the date of the first publication of this No nce or oe torever oarreo. Dated this 18th day of January, 1982.

BY THE COURT: William H. Heuermann, Circuit Judge ATTEST: Roger D. Moan, Clerk of Courts By Neva Neal, Deputy Harold G. Bergdale 16 East 12m street Sioux Falls, SD 57102 Attorney for the Estate 267 Jan. 21, 28 Feb.

4, 1982 Miscellaneous DEP. 82-7 SUMMONS STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA): SS COUNTY OF MINNEHAHA) IN CIRCUIT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN THE MATTER OF GERALD HUFF, Alleged Dependent Child. TO: Howard Huff, 1200 W. 41st, Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Etame Hurt, Portland, Maine, and all whom it may concern: you are nereov summonea to appear before the above named tourr its courtroom bt me win- nehaha County Courthouse, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on the 24th day of February, 1982, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. to answer the Petl tion of Pamela J.

Tiede, now on file with the Clerk of said Court, alleging the above named child to te a dependent cnna ana praying that said child be taken from you and that a guardian be appointed with authority to consent to the adoption of said child. You must appear at the time and place set forth above to show cause, if any you have, why said child should not be found dependent and the prayer of said Petition granted or said ennd otnerwise oeaiT wirn. You are further notified that the termination of parental rights is possible remedy of these proceed ings and that you have the right to nave an attorney present at ail STages or me proceeaings. Dated at Sioux Falls. Minneha ha County, south Dakota this 11th aay ot January, vm.


PAC'S MENS WEAR, BURNS, HAGEN WILKA. MINNEHAHA COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Woods, Fuller, Shultz Smith P.C., pfain- just a said. As for too now," Larry for for his "We've and roads real bad," The 686 miles 10. 13.

11. 14. 16. 17. 19.

20. (Remember to Card No. Expiration Please use your Card Type enclose your check or you VISA or Mastercharge. may I Date 58.13; Ervin R. Bultie-PR, 125.00; Jeff L.

Carter-PR, 125.00; David Cross-PR, 125.00; Esauire 125.00; First Federal savings-PR, 125.00; Patrick Gun- derson-PR, 125.00; Hanks 18-PR, 44.73; Bert Hauk-PR, 100.00; Claude Hone-PR. 125.00; F. Jack Jill-PR, 263.64; Marv Jensen- PR, 46.20; Kinzley Funeral Home-PR, 915.00; Joseph R. Leg-gett-PR, 105.00; Mac's Inn-PR, 125.40; Ken McLachlan-PR, 125.00; Marvin Menge-PR, 125.00. Nat' Bank of SD PR.

225.00; Gayle Nelson-PR, 125.00; Karen 100.00; Ri-verview Park, 73.00; Herbert Rolfes-PR, 125.00; Helen Schultz-PR, 125.00; Sunshine-PR, 729.63; Village 125.00; Walt Wilson-PR, 225.00; Best Typewriters Bus. 899.00; AlICk Foods a. Drugs-Physicians Off. 134.29; East Side Pharmacy-Physicians 102.77; Hatch Pharmacy- Physicians 29.94; Koenig's Pharmacy-Physicians 9.68; Lewis Drug-Physicians 956.24; MedicalX-Ray Center- Physicians 404.50. Physicians Anesrnesio oov 238.00; State nvaer urugpnvsicians 21.91; Walgreen Drug Store-Phys- iju.i; u.

J. Kennenv- Ment. ill. 303.50; Don Kor- tan-Ment. ill.

10.00; SD Human Services Center-Ment. Ml. Roy Acheson-Weed 23.20; Donald Smith-Weed 20.00; Arch. Inc. -Revenue Sharing, southeastern Mental Health-Prob.

in Living, Senior Citizens-Senior Citizens, Minn. Cty. Treasurer-Trust Agency, west puonsning 25.00; Automatic Secu rity Co. -Museum, 180.00; Gourley Dist. Co.

Museum, 21.00; Modern Press, Inc. -Museum, 10,531.00. Lvle Signs, Inc. Road 157.00; Salvage-Road 10.00; Cactus Hills Country Homes-PR, 100.00; Country Store- PR, 206.58; Dr. K.

W. Egerr-f 162.00; George H. Fauske-PR, 125.00; Flanagan 1 Assoc. -PR 125.00; Hanks frlO-PR, 124.67; Hanks 6 PR, 36.99; Herrboldt properties-PR, 119.48; Hyvee2-PR, 29.11; Jennings Standard-PR. 199.13; Viola Keith-PR, 250.00; John Kuhle-PR.

125.00; Gene V. Lodermeier-PR, 100.00; Jon Madland-PR, 80.00; Meadow-land 34.00. Leo L. Nady-PR, 105.00; Gayle Nelson-PR, 125.00; NW Banks Trust 125.00; Dan Pressler-PR, 100.00; Reedy Busi ness Machines-PR, 70.75; Rolling Hills Townhouses-PR, 125.00; SF Housing Authority-PR, 74.00, Harvey Svec-PR, 75.00; Thomas weoer-PR, 125.00; J. o.

woioen- PR, 125.00; AHCK Drug EasT-pnvsicians 193.05 Case Pharmacv-Phvsicians 23.26; Family Drug-Physicians 115.26; Thomas L. Kassube, DDS Physicians 98.00; Lar son Drug-Physicians 73.15; McKennan Hospital-Physicians 10.20. Park Ridge Drug-Physicians 331.20; Prescription Shoo-Physicians ijv.zu; unomea, cians yz.ou. Kitty Harm-Ment. III.

iu.uu; uougias Kenering-Ment. III. 75.00; Redfield Custer state 3.180.00; Michael Stevens-vent. ill. off, 20.00; Hilding Anderson-Weed 17.60; SF Water um 23.58; industrial con structors-Revenue Sharing, Proiect Awareness Project Awareness, 833.33; SF Detoxification Center-Keystone 833.33; Matthew Bender 86.63; Amer.

Assoc of Museum-Museum, 99.00, Brown Saenger-Museum, 2.80; Keith Lekness Museum, 350.00. Annual Salaries for the Year 1982, Minnehaha County Employees: D. Thorns, D. Hoist, K. Broekemeier, G.

Chester, P. Buckley, B. Eggers, it.sei.x; pn. mngen, Vf. 126.26; J.

Sperling, C. Travis, F. Kirkvold, $13,343.72 D. Erickson. D.

Nel son, R. Rogers, J. Brockbero. J. Vandersnick, V.

Crisp, Erickson. S. Austin. A. Rentier, B.

Stowell, K. Mavity, A. Kern, 110,038.86. J. Frazee, M.

Note- boom, M. Wolfe, M. Lund, F. Ooo, C. Eickelkamo.

C. Nelsen, 5. Broveak, K. Engen, S. Glanzer, Geusebroek, L.

Ken nedy, H. Goodell, M. S. Lechta. K.

McFarland. R. Kallemeyn, L. J. Schuver, R.

Kelley, a. Larron, E. Stevens, S. Hill, P. Pay.

$10,577.32: Schroeder, L. Hawkey, B. Eiesland, D. Hansen, $11,302.20, B. Berger, $10,810.80.

N. Bertram, C. Croft, B. Sweeney, D. Kruse, K.

Headrick, D. E. Brake, M. Helseth, M. Hansen, J.

Addy, P. Tiede, L. Eggers, S. Binder, Miller, M. TrotZ O.

D. Forehlich, J. Brekke, seenser, K. Morris, V. Biddle, L.

Groth, C. Hofer, L. Nearman, $10,547. 16; N. Star, 16,142.50.

Part Time, D. Wilson. Banbury, E. Tiede- man, C. Eason, L.

Krell, J. LeMair, M. Kavanagh, E. Cooch, Gravett, M. Speier u.

neu, u. inick, G. cnessir, S. DeWitte, Sankovich, C. Frank.

R. Beroer. H. Skogstad, M. Mccomoer, C.

Lewis, D. Pasco, R. Anderson. K. Long, H.

lief son, D. Quittenv $16,909.88. D. Kuoer. F.

Rann. R. Grapevine, L. Colledge, R. Anderson, $7.29 PH; J.

Austin, $6.59 PH; Wm. Boyda, $6.92 PH; Breuer, $6.80 PH; L. Briese, $6.80 PH; D. Christensen, $6.86 PH; E. Eide, $7.04 PH; H.

Fifer- lick, $7.10 PH; D. Grapevine, $6.51 PH; H. Hargan, $7.25 PH; L. Haugse, S6.97 ph; m. Hoek, $6.84 PH; A.

Johnson, $6.78 PH; T. Ka- dinger, $6.51 PH; R. L. Kelley, $7.34 PH; T. Lynch, $6.51 PH; A.

Magel, $6.51 PH; G. Nelson, $7.17 PH; T. Peterson, $6.78 PH; M. Polzin, $7.04 PH; M. Popma, $6.51 PH; C.

Qualseth, $6.92 PH. J. Quan. $6.98 PH; K. Shefte.

$6.92 PH; H. Vandekerlx, $6.86 PH; R. Voss, $7.04 PH; R. Woessner, $6.45 PH; N. Brendsel, H.

Grogan, D. Nash. 6.861.52; C. Burns. M.

Skalland, M. Zorning, G. Brown, S. Schreurs, C. McDonald, G.

Hunt, L. Simmons, B. Hunt, L. McLaird, B. Booker, C.

Schwarting, $13,172.12. R. Barber, G. McDonald, C. Taylor, J.

Kogel, S. Neustrom, R. Potter, ,997.02 Part Time; O. Van Loh, $4,717.44 Part Time; R. Shepherd, T.

Jeunesse, P. McGill, S. Mastel, P. Gullev, R. Fellows, S.

Konikson, V. Thompson, N. Buckman, L. Zephier, D. Queal, M.

Wilson, V. Bunkers, T. Wanie, B. Nelson, J. Vanderioor, M.

Horn, $29,954.18. D. Erickson, R. Cox. S.

Albert, D. Haase, L. Hammer. K. Henderson.

T. Hohl, J. Jensen, J. Johnson, L. Johnson, $10,948.50, L.

Kavanagh, D. McQuinn, S. Mills, J. Siebrasse, D. Spaethe, J.

Sine, J. Swenson, D. Thie, D. Westfall, J. Neiles, D.

Weber, M. Hanson, J. Larson, P. Riepel, $18,221.06. K.

Loobv. $20,954.18: P. Adams. R. Angerhofer, D.

Burke, J. Daggett, L. Jacobs, J. Jamison, D. Lokke, G.

McNa-mara, S. Munroe, S. Reecy, R. Schmidt, E. Sherry, R.

Steenholdt, D. Weinstein, G. Westre, J. Zanfes, C. Ander son, C.

Baker, 1. Barker, $16,095.04. D. Bruning, D. Bu lick, R.

Christensen, J. Ellis, D. Burns, R. Grave, B. Fluit, M.

Holmes, T. Jones, B. Lawler, $15,328.56, R. Lehman, R. Me land, J.

Metzger, O. Nankivel, J. Olson, R. Roethler, B. Swan, u.

voy, j. wyam, P. Vir C. Alverson, K. Helseth, $17,922.06.

Motion by Flynn seconded by Aspaas to adjourn as Regular session ana reconvene as Executive Session. 5 aves. Motion by Flynn seconded by Hanson to adjourn as Executive Session and reconvene as Regular Session. 5 ayes. Motion by Flvnn seconded bv Hanson to adjourn the meeting as Keguiar session until 9:00 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, January 26, 1982.

APPROVED: MINNEHAHA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINNEHAHA COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA Greg Peterson, Chairman ATTEST: Donna Thorns, County Auditor 291 Jan. 28, 1982 tiff's attorneys, whose address is 310 south First Avenue, Sioux Falls, south Dakota 57102, an answer to the Complaint which is herewith served upon you within 30 days after service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated at Sioux Falls, south Dakota, this 16th day of November, iyi. NOTICE OF NO PERSONAL CLAIM Notice is hereby given that the object of the entitled action is to foreclose a real estate Mortgage upon lot a in block 4 ot Kings-wood Estates Second Addition to the City of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, south Dakota, accord ing to the recorded plat thereof, and that no personal claim is made in the action against any of the defendants.

WOODS, FULLER, SHULTZ 8, SMITH By James M. Wiederrich 310 South First Avenue Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57102 Attorneys for Plaintiff The originals of the Summons ana complaint in tne aoove-enti tied action were filed in the office ot the Clerk of Courts of Minneha ha county, South Dakota, on November 16, 1981. 216 Jan. 14, 21, 28 4 Feb. 4, 1982 DIV.

81-SUMMONS STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA) COUNTY OF MINNEHAHA) IN CIRCUIT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT KATHY HAMILTON. Plaintiff. vs. UUNALU RAYMOND HAM ILTON, Defendant. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DE FENDANT, DONALD RAYMOND HAMILTON: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Peter Gregory, Plaintiff's Attorney, whose address is the Gregory Law Office, 333 North Phillips Avenue, aune sioux r-ans, sourn ua kota 57102, an Answer to the Com plaint which is herewith served upon you within thirty (30) days after service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service, it you tan to ao so, judg ment by default will be taken against you tor the relief demand ed in the Complaint.

uated at Sioux Fa s. south Da kota, this 19th day of November, 1981. GREGORY LAW OFFICE PETER GREGORY Attorney for the Plaintiff 333 N. Phillips Avenue, Suite 404 3ioux fans, soutn Dakota sira (605) 334-7777 194 Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, 1982 NOTICE OF SALE OF MUNICIPAL REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the tny ot Lnamoeriain, eruie coun ty, south Dakota will otter tne toi lowing property for sale, which was a part ot tne Old Municipal Airrxrt.

Tract located In the South Half (SW of Section Twenty-Two (22), Township one nunoreo tour (104) North Range 71 West of the 5th P.M., Brule County, South Dakota; Tract contains 34.5 acres which is zoned Residential (Rl R3). The total appraised price for tract is and Tract located in the South Half SW of Section Twenty-Two (22), Township one hundred four (104) North Range 71 West of the 5th P.M., Tract contains 43.7 acres of which 17.2 Is zoned com mercial and 26.5 zoned residen tial. The total appraised price for tract is $77,700.00. The City Finance Officer will accept sealed bids for cash at her office in City Hall ot Chamberlain, Brule County, South Dakota. until 8:30 o'clock P.M.

CST on February 1, 1982. Any interested person is invited to contact Finance Office at City Hal Chamberlain, so (605) 734 5701, and is further directed to the official resolution and notices for further terms, and restrictions DELORA STECKELBERG Finance Officer 289 Jan. 21-Jan. 31, 1982 CountyCommission Minutes THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONVENED AT 9:00 o'clock A.M. January 19, 1982, pursuant to adjournment January 12, 1982.

Commissioners present: Peterson, Aspaas, Flynn, Hanson and schlrmer. Auditor, Donna Thorns and Deputy States Attorney, Dale Froehlicn Dresent. Peterson, Chairman, called the meeting to order. The Board aDoroved the mi nutes of January 12, 1982 with the following correction, Resolution 82 5, also Include encumbrances for the Sheriff Department in the amount of $2766.76, and Jail $3581.00. Motion by Aspaas seconded by Flynn to unanimously approve the following Resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there has accrued sioners approved the lease agreement with the City of Sioux Falls for the Public Safety Building.

5 ayes. Commissioner Flynn who had been to Pierre reported on some of the legislatin proposed for the 1982 session. He also deferred his proposed merger of MCETA and Minnehaha County Motion oy Hanson seconded by Flynn to aoorove the bills and payroll. 5 ayes. Best Business Products-Aud.

SD Prison Industries-Sheriff 319.00; Paper calmenson Credit Bureau of SF-Elec. 84.00; Prairie Publications-Print. 153.06; Die-bold, 156.00; Minn. County Reedy Business Deeds 72.00; Exhaust Pros-Sheriffs Cars, 24.95; Pam Oil, Cars, 53.63; Pat Adams-Sheriff Cars, 68.13; Lynn Peavey 31.27; Hilmoe Swan-Sheriff Off, 99.88. Kreiser Surgical 9.65; Steve R.

Binger-States Atty. 3.00; Nat'l. Dist. Atty's Atty. 165.00; Beverly Sutton-States Atty.

105.56; Richard Braithwaite-At-torneys, 432.00; Michael B. Crew-Attorneys, 662.38; Tom Farrell-Attorneys, 600.00; Peter Gregory-Attorneys, 385.35; N. Dean Naser, 308.00; Donald N. Srstka-Attorneys, 240.37; Wayne iv. awenson-irr.

Keporrer, 1 iu.uu; Bonanza-Jurors. 72.58: Walt Mary's-Jurors, 49.00; Don Stammer-Witness, 11.50; Dr. Bradley Randall-Coroner, 675.60. B. Dalton-Ext.

11.62; Ext. Homemakers Cult. Arts Ext. 15.00; Virginia McDowell-Ext. 7.00; Ordell Winterton-Ext.

15.40; Dow Office Supply-Publ. Def. 219.07; Reedy Business Def. 44.70: Jacobson Oft. Serv.

Off. 43.25; SF School System-Comp. Serv. Baete-For-seth Heat. Air.

329.84; Brown Drug-Det. 183.74; Midwest Office Systems-Det. 300.00; Park Grant-Det. 90.64; Sioux Vocational School-Det. 81 1 ruck salvage, 250.00.

SF Water Deoartmpnt-riet 36.24; ArWt Oil Operation, 877.88; Coast to Coast-Park Operation, 6.85; The Paper 38.32; Howalt-McDowell Insurance, Interstate Products-Pub. Safety Bldg. 36.24; The Paper Company-Pub. Safety Bldg. SD Dept.

of Social Services-Food Stamp 28.00; Campbell Supply-Road 122.81; Corbett Middlen-Road 36.95; Dakota Glass Paint-Road 25.90; Exhaust Pros-Road 48.00; Graff Motor Supply-Road 35.91; Johnson Controls-Road 127.01. Graham Tire Cars, Day-Timers, Zoning 17.10; Best Businss Products-Aud. 525.00; Argus Leader-Print, 174.63; Brown Saenger-Treas. jj.w; Keny, snaw, Douglas-Treas. 35.00; Pitney Bowes-Treas.

588.50; Ben-Hur Ford- Sheriff Cars, 39.57; Graham Tire Cars, 47.96; TDS Auto- Sheriff Cars, 169.49; Greg McNa mara-Sheriff 100.88; Plusco Printing-Sheriff 89.00; Dako ta Bus. 17.50; Ken Nolan, 86.15. Steven Miller-States Atty. 33.30; Plusco Printing-States rry. 0.55; Caryl H.

ADDott-Attorneys, 250.00; Donald H. Breit-Attorneys, 382.50; Douglas w. uieoerr-ATTorneys, Clair R. Gerry-Attorneys. 260.00, Karen A.

Hattervig-Attornevs. 92.50; Scott C. Peterson-Attor neys, 67.50; William Rockafetlow-Crt. Reporter, 22.50; Wayne Swenson-Crt. Reporter, 182.50; Circuit Court-Jurors, Lorl Anderson-Witness.

10.60; McKennan Hospital-Crt. Systems 281.30; Shirley Alberty-Ext. 9.80; Keith Egan-Ext. le.ou. Harold's-Ext.

37.28; Quail tone-Ext. 2.67; Business Re- sources-puo. Def. 266.55; IBM-Publ Def. 69.14: IBM- comp.

services 702.00, Northwestern Bell-Como. Serv, 179.74; SO Assn. of County Officials-Person. Bob's Lock Key-Det. J6.43; 00 Little service-Det.

20.25; The Office Store-Det. 30.06; Shipley's Laundry- Def. 83.31; Target-Det. 14.00; Cengas-Det. 753.37; rrairie pub cat ons-p an.

Zong. 13.00. Brandon Lumber Op eration, J6 B6; a-1 sanitary ser-vice-Maint. 95.25; Sioux Val ley Emp. Elecrric-Maint.

Util 10.85; Emsco-Public Safety Bldg. 187.20; Johnson Controls- Pub. Safety Bldg. Lallev Agency-Food Stamp Off. 87.50; Tyler Land Company-Food Stamp 127.12; Champion Auto Store 1224-Roed 23.31; Crandall Field Service-Road 111.50; Department of Rev.

Road MV.J6; t-iresTone Stores-Road 123.00; Inter. Harves ts 13.58; King'l muio inm-Koaa m.w. Motor Supplv-Road 173.65; Mathison Company-Road $5216.90 to the municipal Highway Fund up to arte including December 31, 1981, from the Motor Vehicle collections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Minnehaha County, that the above amount be distributed to the municipalities of the County in the following amounts to-wit: Baltic, Brandon, 181.03; Colton, 85.04; Crooks, 37.56; Dell Rapids, 224.33; Garretson, 94.43; Hartford, 105.90; Humboldt, 77.21; Sherman, 27.13; Sioux Falls, 4250.72; Valley Springs, 76.69. Dated at Sioux Falls.

South Da kota, this 19th day of January, 1982. APPROVED: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MINNEHAHA COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA By Greg Peterson, Chairman ATTEST: Donna Thorns, Minnehaha County Auditor Motion oy Aspaas seconded by Flynn to unanimously approve the following Reslu*tion: KhSULUIlUN WHEREAS, there has accrued $14607.24 to the Special Highway Fund up to and including December 31, 1981 from Motor Vehicle collections. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by Board of County Commissioners of Minnehaha County that pursuant to Section 44.0118 of the 1060 Supplement SDC, the above amount be distributed to the twenty-four townships of the county, and the Coun ty Auditor is hereby directed to remiT Tne Tonowing amounts: lownsnips, Amounts. Valley Springs, 439.68; Split Rock, 667.55; Sioux Falls.

94.95: Wayne, 591.60; Wall Lake, 688.00; wemngton, 688.00; Red Rock, 458.67; Brandon, 648.56; Maple- ion, ew.i,- eenion, 66. 55; Mart-ford, 667.55; Humboldt, 667.55; Palisades, 439.68; Edison, 688.00; Sverdrup, 667.55; Lyons, 688.00; Grand Meadow, 688.00; Clear Lake, 688.00; Highland, 458.67; Looan, 688.00; Dell Raoids. 648.56; Burk, 688.00; Taopi, 66 33; Buttaio, 6BB.U0. Dated at Sioux Falls. South Da kota, this 19th day of January, APPROVED BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MINNEHAHA COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA By Greg Peterson, Chairman ai rtST: Donna Thorns, Minnehaha County Auditor The following reports were re ceived and placed on file in the office of the County Auditor: Quarterly Financial Report for me year enaing uecemoer 31, 1981, Keystone Foundation Treatment Center.

Custer State Hosoi- tal, Redfield State Hospital, South Dakota Human Services, and Register of Deeds Recording and 1 ranster t-ees. AUDITOR'S ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER December 31. 1981 Total on Deposit in Banks, open account, u34.549.15; Total on Deposit in Banks. CD. Total amount on Actual Cash.

Total amount of Checks and Drafts Which Have Been in the Treasurer's Possession Over Three Dayv Total, $8,544,549.15. County Commissioners re ceived a request from Valley springs lownsnip eoara tor new bridge. Motion bv Hanson seconded bv Aspaas to approve the abatement tor Mike Daily tor Real Estate Property Tax for the year 1981 in the amount of $108.61. 5 ayes. it was tne concensus ot tne Board to have Mike Evans lobbyist support proposed legislation to provide local control in the use and distribution of federal funds from the Community Service Block Grant Program.

Pre-Paid Legal Insurance Company, Incorporated proposed coverage for any county employees that would be interested. The Board recommended that they approach the Department Heads at one of their regularly scheduled meetings. Motion by Flynn seconded by Aspaas, the County Board declared as surplus property one 1) Sheriff's Office vehicle as follows: 1979 Chrysler Newport 4-door Sedan, Serial No. TH42L9A197499. 5 ayes.

Motion by Flynn seconded by Hanson to accept the termination of employment of Wanda Onnen as secretary I for MCETA effective January 26, 1982, and Can-dace Goering as Legal secretary for the State's Attorney's Office effective January 22, 1982. ayes. Commissioner Schlrmer proposed Workman's Compensation coverage for all elected officials and including County Highway Superintendent. On motion by Schlrmer seconded by Aspaas the Board approved a Resolution for Workman's Compensation coverage tor the County Highway Superintendent as a County employee. 5 ayes.

On motion by Schlrmer seconded by Flynn the County Commis County Notices NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE LEASE AUCTION Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that real estate owned by Minnehaha County and not required for immediate public use shall be leased to the highest bidder at a public auction to be conducted by the County Auditor at the Minnehaha County Courthouse at the hour of 9:45 A.M. on the 9th day of February, 1982. Parcel A is described as all ttie land South of the Interstate in the SE'A of Section 27-102-49 and contains approximately 59 acres. Parcel is described as the NW14 SE'i and the Eft SE'i of Section 6 101-50 and contains approximately 59 acres. All land is In Minnehaha County.

Parcel A must have a minimum bid of 135 per acres. Parcel must have a minimum bid of $30 per acre. The term of the lease shall be from March 1, 1982 to February 28, 1985. A signed lease will be required. Terms of the lease may be inspected at the County Auditors office during business hours.




Peterson, deceased, has been filed with this Court together wfth a netition bv Ella Peterson. Dorothy B. Tidemann and Myrtle J. Brekke for the probate thereof ana ror me issuance or (errors Tes tamentary thereon to Dorothy Tidemann and Myrtle J. Brekke as co-executrice thereof, and that Monday, the eighth day of Febru ary, 1982, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock a.m.

of that day, at the courtroom of said Court in the courthouse In the Citv of Sioux Falls, County of Minnehaha, State of south Dakota, has been fixed by the Court as the time and place for hearing on said petition, when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. The names of the heirs, devl sees, and legatees of said deceased as shown by said petition are as above stated. Said petition. on file as aforesaid, is referred to for further part cu ars. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to file the same with the clerk of the above Court within two months from the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred.

Dated at Sioux Falls, County of Minnehaha, South Dakota, this 18th day of January, 1981. BY THE COURT Robert C. Heege, Judge ATTEST: Roger D. Moan, Clerk By Neva Neal, Deputy (SEAL) Laura Hall Heuermann 1601 East 26th Street Sioux Falls, S. D.

57105 Attnrrww for Petitioners 266 Jan. 21, 28 Feb. 4, 1982 PRO. 182 8 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA): SS COUNTY OF MINNEHAHA) IN CIRCUIT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CONRAD ANDERSON, Deceased. AGoodTfinaGong 1 Every day hundreds of people turn a profit by selling their un-needed goods with a classified ad.

Low-cost classified advertising helps them reach people in the market to buy. Find out for yourself all about the one for the money classified. Argus Leader Call 331-2345 ston, J. 1 a.

Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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