The Brazen Nose - - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Brazen Nose - - [PDF Document] (1)

Volume 52


The Brazen Nose

The Brazen Nose - - [PDF Document] (2)

The Brazen Nose2017–2018

The Brazen Nose - - [PDF Document] (3)

Printed by: The Holywell Press Limited,

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CONTENTSRecordsEditor’s Notes ..................................5Senior Members ...............................8Class Lists .......................................18Graduate Degrees...........................23Matriculations ................................28College Prizes ................................32Elections to Scholarships and Exhibitions.....................................36College Blues .................................42

ReportsJCR Report ...................................44HCR Report .................................46Careers Report ..............................51Library and Archives Report .........52Presentations to the Library ...........56Chapel Report ...............................60Music Report .................................64The King’s Hall Trust for the Arts ...67Financial Review ..........................68

ClubsBNCBC - Women’s Team .............71BNCBC - Men’s Team ..................72Football - Women’s Team ..............73Football - Men’s Team ...................74Rugby Football ..............................75Hockey - Men’s Team ....................76Cricket ...........................................77Tennis ............................................78Netball ...........................................79Badminton .....................................80Lacrosse .........................................81PPE Society ..................................82The Ellesmere Society ...................83The Ashmole Society .....................84

ArticlesProfessor Nicholas Kurti: An Appreciaton by John Bowers QC, Principal ..........................................88E S Radcliffe 1798 by Dr Llewelyn Morgan .........................91The Greenland Library Opening Speech by Philip Pullman .................95The Greenland Library Opening Speech by John Bowers QC, Principal ..........................................98BNC Sixty-Five Years Onby Dr Carole Bourne-Taylor ............100A Response to John Weeks’ Fifty Years Ago in Vol. 51 by Brian Cook ............................... 101Memories of BNC by Brian Judd ...103Paper Cuts: A Memoir by Stephen Bernard: A Review by Revd Canon Dr Peter Groves ......105An Elegant Solution by Anne Atkins: Review by Dr Bernard Richards .....107My Year of Brazen Novelists by Dudley Harrop........................... 110Barry Nicholas as a Comparitive Lawyer by Dr Birke Häcker ............ 114Brasenose and “The Table” by Dr Simon Smith ........................ 119Brasenose, Elias Ashmole and the Mainwarings by David Bradbury ...123Silver Rush by Brasenose News Staff Writers .........................125Ingoldsby’s Ale Verses: Two Unpublished Ale Verses from 1808 by RH Barham by Roderick Clayton .......................127

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The Brasenose Society and Its Transformation in the 1990s: A Personal Memoir by Paul Dawson-Bowling ................138

TravelIntroduction ................................. 143Making an African Impactby Sophie Gunning .........................144OUAFC Blues Post-Varsity Tour by Wulfie Bain ............................... 146Forensic Archaeology at Cranfield University by Maria-Nectaria Antoniou ............ 148Supra by Florence Downs ................ 149A Conference at the Camp Nou by Gautam Menon ......................... 152

News & Notes .............................156Brasenose Society ....................... 162Year Reps & Upcoming Gaudies .....................164Alumni Relations & Development Office Report ...... 169Donors to Brasenose ................. 173Obituaries ...................................190

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Dr Llewelyn Morgan, Tutorial Fellow in Classics & Vice-Principal

Diversity is the buzzword this year. Does our community reflect the full spectrum of our society as well as it might? This year there came into our possession a remarkable document, the probate copy of the will of William Hulme, containing what has proved to be, since Hulme’s death in 1691, the most generous individual donation ever made to the College, mainly because some of the land gifted by Hulme happened to be located in what is now central Manchester. Hulme’s stated wish, to support “four poor batchellors” in their pursuit of four further years of education beyond the BA at Brasenose, may fundamentally have been about reinforcing the Church of England against the inroads of Nonconformism, and not all the beneficiaries of his bequest were poor by any reasonable definition. But there were countless disadvantaged students between Samuel Davie in 1692 and John Wilkinson in 1881 for whom Hulme’s generosity levelled the playing field. One of them, aptly, was William Webb Ellis, whose father had died at Albuera during the Peninsular War and left his family destitute. His mother had moved to Rugby, thereby securing for William the free education at Rugby School available to local boys or “foundationers”. Brasenose then took up where Rugby left off, awarding Ellis a Hulme Exhibition in 1828 and launching him on a successful career in the Church.

Different times entail different priorities, but the essence of the College’s mission is there: to make education accessible to the talented whoever they may be and whatever their gender, race, sexual orientation, physical needs or economic circ*mstances. Diversity in a college can seem paradoxical, nevertheless. Members of a college, junior or senior, need to share fundamental objectives, collaborate and cooperate, live together, eat together. But Brasenose has repeatedly shown that a community defined by academic ambition can in all other respects be as diverse as the society it serves. In Dr Joe Organ we are blessed with an Outreach Officer of huge energy and talent, and our application numbers are growing year by year. Much has been achieved and (as Joe would insist) much more remains to be done. But neither William Hulme nor William Webb Ellis would be disappointed by the 21st century College’s preoccupation with, and commitment to, its accessibility.

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An image to illustrate this theme was provided to me by Professor Abigail Green, Tutor in Modern History, whose research on Jewish-owned country houses took her to the Shah Jahan Mosque in Woking, the oldest mosque in Europe west of Lithuania, originally established by the Jewish philanthropist Gottlieb Leitner as part of an Oriental Institute encompassing a mosque, synagogue, church and temple. Abigail’s research was launched with seed funding from the Jeffrey Fund, a smaller bequest than Hulme’s which quietly helps out with the research expenses that academics encounter, and with luck the future will see an “interreligious heritage trail” introducing to visitors the religious pluralism of Leitner’s plan for Woking. One of Abigail’s interests is the art collections that these country houses hosted, and Leitner’s particular enthusiasm was for “Gandharan” art, the Greek-influenced art of Buddhists in what is now Pakistan - Leitner in fact has a claim to have defined the category of “Greco-Indian art”. It was in pursuit of my own interest in the colonial rediscovery of a Greek presence in the Subcontinent that I visited Pakistan for a week at the end of the year, a Classicist doing Classics in 19th century India and hopefully in the process showing that my subject can do diversity, too.

There is a deplorable lack of variety, notwithstanding, in the editorial department of The Brazen Nose, where I continue to reside having confidently announced my retirement a year ago. Someone who did successfully retire, though we were very sad he did, was Alan Bennett, College Steward, who in his 39 years at Brasenose served as Junior Butler and Butler before becoming Steward. The “silver muster” described later in this issue reflects just one aspect of Alan’s meticulous stewarding of our material history, and I for one will miss getting ticked off for going to watch Queens Park Rangers rather than an equally underachieving team closer to home. Another departure was Professor Rui Esteves, after 11 years as an Tutor in Economics and three as Curator of the SCR, a far more weighty responsibility. We wish him the very best at the Geneva School of Management. Among new arrivals we were delighted to welcome Dr Sneha Krishnan as Tutorial Fellow in Geography and Dr Perla Maiolino as Tutorial Fellow in Engineering.

2017-18 saw the usual whirl of activity within College. We were visited by Bruce Kent, who submitted himself to an enlightening interview by the Principal. Another of the Principal’s initiatives,

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the Great Lawyers series, focused this year on Barry Nicholas, once Principal of Brasenose himself. A talk on that occasion by one of his pupils, Professor Birke Häcker, can be found later in this volume. But the highlight of our year, without doubt, was the formal opening of the newly-renamed Greenland Library, incorporating the Smith Reading Room, in the old cloisters, and the Del Favero Reading Room upstairs - a stunningly beautiful space for students to pursue their research. Within these pages you can read Philip Pullman’s speech at the Opening Ceremony, a powerful celebration of the library as engine of that free flight of the intellect and imagination which this College exists to foster. We are deeply grateful to the old members who made it possible.

A final departure to mention before I leave you to enjoy the remainder of this issue. Dr Sos Eltis ended three very successful years as Vice-Principal, to be replaced by the Editor of The Brazen Nose, whoever that is.

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Tierced in pale: (1) Argent, a chevron sable between three roses gules seeded or, barbed vert ( for Smyth); (2) or, an escutcheon of the arms of the See of Lincoln (gules, two lions of England in pale or, on a chief azure Our Lady crowned seated on a tombstone issuant from the chief, in her dexter arm the Infant Jesus, in her sinister arm a sceptre, all or) ensigned with a mitre proper; (3) quarterly, first and fourth argent, a chevron between three bugle-horns stringed sable; second and third argent, a chevron between three crosses crosslet sable ( for Sutton)

The present foundation, dating from the 16th century, has a direct and unbroken connection with Brasenose Hall, which existed at least as early as 1262. The College was founded in 1509 by William Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Sutton of Prestbury in Cheshire.

It was one of the first colleges to admit women as well as men and is open to graduates as well as undergraduates. Generous gifts and bequests over the centuries enable the College to offer scholarships and other awards for undergraduate and graduate study.

The corporate designation of the College is ‘The Principal and Scholars of the King’s Hall and College of Brasenose in Oxford’.

Note on symbols

Former Rhodes Scholar.* Fellow or Honorary Fellow of another college.¶ Holder of a University post other than a statutory professorship or readership.‡ Holder of a statutory professorship or readership.§ Further information will be found in the notes at the end of the entry.A date in the left-hand column indicates the year of election to the current fellowship (or other position) held.

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VisitorThe Bishop of Lincoln

Principal2015 Bowers, John Simon, QC, BCL MA Oxf *

Fellows2009 Archer, Rowena Elizabeth, BA Brist, MA Oxf, FRHistS

Supernumerary Fellow in History2013 Ardakov, Konstantin, MMath Oxf, PhD Camb ¶ Tutor in

Pure Mathematics2016 Bano, Masooda, BA MBA Pakistan, MPhil Camb, DPhil

Oxf Senior Golding Fellow2017 Baldwin, Julia Clare, BA Oxf, DD Cantuar Chaplain2017 Betts, Alexander, BA Durh, MSc Brist, MPhil Oxf, DPhil

Oxf Senior Golding Fellow2017 Bird, Geoffrey, BSc UCL, PhD UCL ¶ Tutor in Psychology1999 Bispham, Edward Henry, MA DPhil Oxf ¶ Tutor in Ancient

History and Senior Proctor 2015 Bortoletto, Daniela, BSc Pavia, MSc PhD Syracuse ¶ Professor

of Physics and Senior Kurti Fellow2010 Bourne-Taylor, Carole, MA Oxf, PhD Grenoble Supernumerary

Fellow in French2015 Bowler, Rebecca, MA MSci Camb, PhD Edin Junior Kurti

Fellow1986 Burd, Harvey John, MA DPhil Oxf, CEng, MICE ¶ Tutor in

Engineering Science2016 Cox, Mary, BA Brigham Young, MSc LSE, DPhil Oxf Junior

Golding Fellow 2001 Davies, Anne Caroline Lloyd, MA DPhil Oxf ¶ § Professor of

Law and Dean, Law Faculty2005 Dennis, Paul David, BA BM BCh BSc Oxf Supernumerary

Fellow in Medicine2014 Dinas, Elias, BA Macedonia, MA Essex, PhD EUI ¶ Tutor in

Politics2014 Douka, Katerina, BSc Athens, MSc DPhil Oxf Junior Golding

Fellow1995 Edwards, Anne, MA Oxf, MRCP Supernumerary Fellow and

Diversity and Equality Officer

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1997 Eltis, Sos Ann, MA MPhil DPhil Oxf ¶ Tutor in English and Vice-Principal

2007 Esteves, Rui Pedro Ferreira da Costa, BA MA do Porto, PhD Berkeley ¶ Tutor in Economics

2013 Fender, Rob, BSc S’ton, PhD Open ¶ Tutor in Physics2014 Fogg, Kevin, MA PhD Yale Junior Golding Fellow2006 Foster, Russell Grant, BSc PhD Brist, FRS ¶ Professor of Circadian

Neuroscience and Supernumerary Fellow in Circadian Neuroscience 2006 Gaffney, Eamonn Andrew, BA PhD Camb ¶ Tutor in

Mathematical Biology2009 Garman, Elspeth Frances, BSc Durh, DPhil Oxf ¶ Professor of

Biochemistry, Supernumerary Fellow2015 Gibbs-Seymour, Ian, BSc MSc PhD Durh Junior Kurti Fellow2014 Goldberg, Paul Wilfred, BA Oxf, MSc PhD Edin ¶ Professor

of Computer Science and Senior Kurti Fellow2007 Goulder, Philip Jeremy Renshaw, BA MB BChir Camb,

MA DPhil Oxf, FMGEMS, FRCPCH, MRCP, MRCPCH ¶ Professor of Paediatrics and Supernumerary Fellow in Clinical Medicine

2000 Green, Abigail Frances Floretta, MA Oxf, PhD Camb ¶ Tutor in Modern History

2014 Gripenberg, Sofia, MSc PhD Helsinki Junior Kurti Fellow2001 Groiser, David Simon, BA Sus, MA DPhil Oxf ¶ Tutor in

Modern Languages2016 Häcker, Birke, MA DPhil Oxf, Dipl-Jur Bonn ‡ Linklaters

Professor of Comparative Law2017 Hamnett, Gillian, BA Newc, MSt MA Oxf Supernumerary

Fellow1991 Houlsby, Guy Tinmouth, MA DSc Oxf, PhD Camb, FICE,

FREng ‡ Professor of Civil Engineering2016 Hulme, Charles, BA DPhil Oxf Senior Golding Fellow2001 James, William Siward, BSc Birm, MA DPhil Oxf ¶ Professor

of Virology and Tutor in Medicine2014 Jefferys, John Gordon Ralph, BSc PhD UCL ¶ Professor of

Neuroscience and Senior Kurti Fellow2002 Jones, Jonathan Alcwyn, MA DPhil Oxf ¶ Professor of Physics

and Tutor in Physics2016 Katona, Linda, MSc DPhil Oxf Junior Kurti Fellow

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2017 Katz, Harley Brooks, BSc Maryland Junior Kurti Fellow2009 Kennard, Christopher, MB BS PhD Lond, FMedSci, FRCP,

MRCP, MRCS Senior Kurti Fellow2016 Kiaer, Ian, BA UCL, MA PhD RCA ¶ Tutor in Fine Art2003 Krebs, Thomas, LLB Kent, BCL MA DPhil Oxf ¶ Ellesmere

Tutor in Law 2016 Lebedeva, Maria, MSci Moscow, PhD Nott Junior Kurti

Fellow2007 Lewis, Owen Thomas, MA PhD Leeds ¶ Tutor in Zoology and

Tutor for Graduates2000 McKenna, Christopher Davis, BA Amherst, MA PhD Johns

Hopkins, MA Oxf ¶ Tutor in Management Studies2011 Miller, Elizabeth, MA DPhil Oxf Supernumerary Fellow and

Director of Development and Alumni Relations1997 Morgan, Llewelyn William Goronwy, MA Oxf, PhD Camb

¶ Reynolds Fellow and Tutor in Classics2017 Nag, Sonali, BA MA Hyderabad, MPhil Bangalore, PhD

Portsmouth Supernumerary Fellow in Education and the Developing Child

2016 Nefes, Turkay Salim, BSc MSc Middle East TU, PhD Kent Junior Golding Fellow

2014 Nieduszynski, Conrad, BA PhD Camb ¶ Tutor in Cell Biology2005 Palfrey, Simon David, BA ANU, MA DPhil Oxf ¶ Professor of

English Literature, Tutor in English and Fellow Librarian2010 Parker, Philip Christopher Liam, MA Camb, ACMA Bursar2015 Perry, Adam, BCL MPhil DPhil Oxf ¶ Garrick Fellow and

Tutor in Law 2017 Posada-Carbó, Eduardo, BA Bogotá, MPhil DPhil Oxf Senior

Golding Fellow2011 Purcell, Nicholas, MA Oxf, FBA ‡ Camden Professor of Ancient

History2012 Rauch, Ferdinand, MA PhD Vienna ¶ Tutor in Economics1992 Robertson, Jeremy, MA DPhil Oxf ¶ Tutor in Organic

Chemistry2014 Ruggeri, Andrea, BA Genoa, MA PhD Essex ¶ Tutor in

Politics2017 Shogry, Simon BA Claremont, MA PhD Berkeley ¶ Tutor in

Ancient Philosophy

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2011 Smith, Simon David, MA PhD Camb Senior Tutor and Tutor for Admissions

2011 Strathern, Alan, MA DPhil Oxf ¶Tutor in Early Modern History1997 Swadling, William John, BA CNAA, LLM Lond, MA Oxf ¶

Tutor in Law2005 Thun, Eric, AB PhD Harvard ¶ Peter Moores Fellow and Tutor

in Chinese Business Studies2007 Timpson, Christopher Gordon, BA BPhil DPhil Oxf ¶ Tutor

in Philosophy 2016 Todd, John, BSc Edin, PhD Camb Jeffrey Cheah Fellow in

Medicine2013 Walsh, Edmond, BEng PhD Limerick Supernumerary Fellow in

Engineering2014 Whelan, Robin, BA MSt Oxf, PhD Camb Hulme Research

Fellow in Humanities2004 Wiggs, Giles Frederick Salisbury, BSc PhD Lond ¶ Tutor in

Geography 2016 Willan, John, BA Camb, BM BCh DPhil Oxf, FRCP (Lond),

MRCP Supernumerary Fellow and Tutor in Clinical Medicine2007 Wilson, Mark, MA DPhil Oxf ¶ Tutor in Theoretical Chemistry

and Dean2015 Wordsworth, Paul, BA MA UCL, PhD Copenhagen Junior

Golding Fellow2015 Zifarelli, Gianni Laurea Naples, PhD Max-Planck-Institute

for Biophysics ¶ Tutor in Medicine

Emeritus Fellows1991 Altmann, Simon Leonardo, MA Oxf, PhD Lond1998 Birch, Bryan John, MA PhD Camb, MA Oxf, FRS 2010 Bogdanor, Vernon, CBE, MA Oxf, FBA *2015 Bowman, Alan Keir, MA DLitt Oxf, MA PhD Toronto,

FBA * §2012 Boyd, Charles Adam Richard, BM Lond, BSc MA DPhil

Oxf2001 Cook, Peter Richard, MA DPhil Oxf * EP Abraham Professor

of Cell Biology2016 Cooper, Richard Anthony, MA DPhil Oxf §2011 Courakis, Anthony Stylianos, BA Manc, MA Oxf §

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2001 Davies, John Windsor, LLB Birm, BCL MA Oxf *2010 Evans, Robert John Weston, MA PhD Camb, MA DPhil

Oxf2001 Gasser, Robert Paul Holland, MA DPhil Oxf §2014 Haydon, Richard Geoffrey, MA PhD Camb, MA Oxf 1992 Hockaday, Thomas Derek, MA DPhil Oxf, FRCP2011 Ingram, Martin John, MA DPhil Oxf 1988 Judge, Harry George, MA Oxf, PhD Lond §2009 Knowland, John Sebastian, MA DPhil Oxf § 2002 Millar, Sir Fergus Graham Burtholme, MA DPhil DLitt Oxf,

FBA * §2003 Peach, John Vincent, MA DPhil Oxf §2003 Proudfoot, Nicholas Jarvis, MA Oxf, PhD Camb, FRS2008 Richards, Bernard Arthur, BLitt MA DPhil Oxf2008 Richards, William Graham, CBE, MA DPhil DSc Oxf 2004 Rowett, John Spencer, MA DPhil Oxf §2008 Sinclair, Peter James Niven, MA DPhil Oxf2010 Solymar, Laszlo, MA Oxf, PhD Budapest, FRS

Honorary Fellows2012 Adams, James Noel, FAHA, FBA §2004 Akers-Jones, Sir David, KBE, CMG, GBM, MA Oxf 2006 Allen, Katherine, BA Oxf §2017 Amersi, Mohamed, BA Sheff, MA Oxf2003 Baker, the Rt Hon Sir (Thomas) Scott (Gillespie), PC §2010 Barton, Dominic, BA MPhil Oxf2010 Beatson, the Rt Hon Sir Jack, LLD Camb, DCL Oxf, FBA * §1989 Blundell, Sir Tom Leon, BA DPhil Oxf, FRS * §2013 Brand, Andrea, MBiochem Oxf2011 Bratza, Sir Nicolas, MA Oxf 2015 Burrows, Andrew Stephen, Hon QC, LLM Harvard,

MA DCL Oxf, FBA * § 2006 Cameron, the Rt Hon David, BA Oxf §2011 Cashmore, Roger John, CMG, MA DPhil Oxf, FRS §2016 Cheah, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Jeffrey, AO * § 2018 Coyle, Diane, CBE, FRSA, BA Oxf, MA PhD Harvard 2010 Crook, Joseph Mordaunt, CBE, MA DPhil Oxf, FBA, FSA §2015 Feldstein, Martin, BLitt MA DPhil Oxf §

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2004 Gill, Sir Robin Denys, KCVO, MA Oxf 2013 Hill, Catharine, MA Oxf 2018 Jackson, Peter Arthur Brian, the Hon Sir Peter Jackson,

BA Oxf §1999 Janvrin, Robin Berry, the Rt Hon Lord Janvrin, CB, KCVO,

MA Oxf 2013 Johnson, Michelle, MA Oxf1983 Judd, Brian Raymond, MA DPhil Oxf §2013 Kent, Bruce, BA Oxf1982 Kornberg, Sir Hans, MA DSc Oxf, PhD Sheff, ScD Camb,

FIBiol, FRS * §2017 Kosterlitz, John Michael, BA MA Camb, DPhil Oxf2018 Marks, Alexandra Louise, CBE, BA Oxf §2003 Mellor, Dame Julie Therese, BA Oxf 1990 O’Neill, Robert John, AO, BE Melbourne, MA DPhil Oxf,

FASSA §2003 Palin, Michael Edward, CBE, BA Oxf §1998 Saville, Mark Oliver, the Rt Hon Lord Saville of Newdigate,

BA BCL Oxf1994 Smith, Anthony David, CBE, MA Oxf * §2015 Smith, Gerald, BPhil Oxf, MA St And1982 Tötterman, Richard, DPhil Oxf 2013 Tucker, William, BA Oxf1997 Vallance, Iain David Thomas, Lord Vallance of Tummel, Kt,

MSc Lond School of Business Studies, MA Oxf §2010 van Heerden, the Hon Mrs Justice Belinda, LLB Stellenbosch,

MA Oxf1993 Wates, Sir Christopher Stephen, BA Oxf, FCA2010 Wiggins, David R P, MA Oxf, FBA §2013 Wightman, Nigel David, BA MPhil Oxf

Lecturers not on the FoundationAntoniades, Chrystalina, BSc MRes PhD Camb MedicineAzfar, Farrukh, BA MA Johns Hopkins, PhD Pennsylvania PhysicsBarber, Peter, BA MPhil DPhil Oxf LinguisticsBateman, Chimène, BA Camb, PhD Yale * FrenchBocksberger, Sophie, BA MA Lausanne, DPhil Oxf ClassicsCampbell, Luke, LLB Oxf Brookes, BCL Oxf Law

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Carroll, Ian, MPhil Oxf PoliticsClark, Thomas, BA MSt Oxf SpanishCoggins, Richard, MA DPhil Oxf PoliticsColl, Michel-Pierre, BA PhD Laval PsychologyCondliffe, James, MSc Imp, MEng DPhil Oxf EngineeringDe Vos, Maarten, MSc PhD Leuven EngineeringDorigatti, Marco, Dott Lett Florence, DPhil Oxf ItalianEdwards, James, BCL MSt DPhil Oxf, MA Camb * ¶ LawEllis-Evans, Aneurin, BA MPhil DPhil Oxf Ancient HistoryFerbrache, Fiona, BA PhD Plym, MRes Exe GeographyGittos, Helen, BA Newc, MSt DPhil Oxf * ¶ HistoryGrabowska-Zhang, Ada, BA DPhil Oxf BiologyGrant, David, BM BCh Oxf MedicineHackney, Jeffrey, BCL MA Oxf * Roman LawHarker, Anthony Henry, MA Camb, DPhil Oxf Solid State PhysicsHarrison, Pegram, BA Yale, Management MBA London Business School, PhD CambJohnson, Steven, MA DPhil Oxf BiochemistryJones, Polly, BA MPhil DPhil Oxf * ¶ RussianKatz, Jonathan Bernard, MA DPhil Oxf * ClassicsKosmidis, Spyros, BA Panteion, MA PhD Essex ¶ PoliticsKuznetsov, Vladimir, MSc PhD Moscow Inorganic ChemistryLaczik, Zsolt, Dipl Ing UT Budapest, DPhil Oxf Engineering Lane, Samuel, BA MSt Oxf HistoryLeal, Dave, BA PhD Leeds PhilosophyMacklin, Philip, BSc MB ChB MSc Edin, MRCS (Edin) MedicineMarsden, Thomas, BA MPhil PhD Oxf HistoryMasud, Noreen, BA Oxf, MPhil Camb EnglishMathers, Richard, MMath Oxf MathematicsMiddleton, Anthony N, MA Oxf Physics (Mathematics)Middleton, Lawrence, MEng Oxf Engineering Moran, Dominic Paul, MA Oxf, PhD Camb * ¶ SpanishOckenden, Ray, MA DPhil Oxf GermanOuzounian, Gascia, BMus MMus McGill, Music PhD California at San Diego * ¶Ozarowska, Lidia, BA Warsaw, MSt Oxf Ancient HistoryPalano, Silvia, MA Oxf EconomicsParker, Eleanor, BA MPhil DPhil Oxf English

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Pazos Alonso, Claudia, BA DPhil Oxf, MA Lond * ¶ PortuguesePinon, Carmen, BSc PhD Rio de Janeiro PsychologyRembart, Franz, BSc MSc DPhil Oxf MathematicsRobinson, Damian, BSc PhD Brad, MA Oxf Classical ArchaeologyRomer, Stephen FrenchSchlackow, Iryna, MMath DPhil Oxf Pure MathematicsSekita, Karolina, Magister Warsaw, DPhil Oxf ClassicsSetshedi, Mashiko, MBChB Kwazulu-Natal, Medicine MPH PhD Cape TownShayani, Sahba, BA MA PhD UCLA Middle Eastern LanguagesSillett, Andrew, BA MSt DPhil Oxf Ancient HistorySpring, Byron, LLB University of Law, MA MSt Oxf German Vogel, Christopher, BE Auckland, DPhil Oxf EngineeringWinkel, Matthias, MA Oxf, PhD Paris VI Mathematics

NotesAdams, James Senior Research Fellow, All Souls 1998-2010; Fellow, Academy of the Humanities of AustraliaAllen, Kate Director, Amnesty International UKBaker, Sir Scott Lord Justice of Appeal 2002-Beatson, the Rt Hon Sir Jack Fellow, Merton 1973-94; Hon Fellow, St John’s College, Camb; Lord Justice of Appeal 2013-Blundell, Sir Tom Hon Dr Antwerp, East Ang, Edin, Sheff, Strath, WarwBowman, Alan Student, Christ Church 1977-2002; Camden Professor of Ancient History 2002-10; Acting Principal 2010-11, Principal 2011-15Burrows, Andrew CUF Lecturer and Fellow, Lady Margaret Hall 1986-94; Norton Rose Professor of Commercial Law and Fellow, St Hugh’s 1999-2010; Hon Bencher, Middle Temple; Professor of the Law of EnglandCameron, David Leader, Conservative Party 2005-16; Prime Minister 2010-16Cashmore, Roger Fellow Merton 1977-9, Balliol 1979-2003; Professor of Experimental Physics 1992-2003; Principal 2003-11; Emeritus Fellow, Balliol 2004-; Chairman, UKAEA 2010- Cheah, Jeffrey Hon Dr Flinders, Greenw, Lanc, Leic, Michigan, Monash, Oxf Brookes, Victoria, Western Australia; Gonville Fellow,

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Gonville and Caius College, Camb Cooper, Richard Junior Proctor 1982-3; Commendatore dell’ Ordine al Merito of the Italian Republic 2003; Commandeur Ordre des Palmes Académiques 2012Courakis, Anthony Ambassador of Greece to the OECD and Member of the Council of the OECD 2004-07; Member of the Governing Board of the International Energy Agency 2004-07 Crook, Joseph Slade Professor of Fine Art 1979-80; Waynflete Lecturer, Magdalen 1985-6; Hon DLitt LondFeldstein, Martin Professor of Economics, Harvard 1969-Gasser, Robert Junior Proctor 1968-9; Vice-Chairman, General Board of the Faculties 1978-80; Bursar 1982-2001Jackson, Peter Deputy High Court Judge 2003-10; Family Division of the High Court 2010-17; Family Division Liaison Judge for the Northern Circuit 2011-17; English Appeal Court Judge 2017- Judd, Brian Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins Judge, Harry Director, Department of Educational Studies 1973-88Knowland, John Fellow, Pembroke 1976-2001; Bursar 2001-9Kornberg, Sir Hans Master, Christ’s College, Camb 1982-95; University Professor and Professor of Biology, Boston 1995-; Hon DSc Bath, Leeds, Leic, Sheff, Strath, Warw; DUniv Essex, Leipzig; Hon ScD CincinnatiMarks, Alexandra Criminal Cases Review Commissioner, 2003-; Deputy High Court Judge, 2009-; Chair, Prisoners’ Education Trust, 2012-Millar, Sir Fergus Camden Professor of Ancient History 1984-2002O’Neill, Robert Chichele Professor of the History of War and Fellow, All Souls 1987-2001Palin, Michael actor, writer, television presenterPeach, John Chairman, General Board of the Faculties 1993-5Rowett, John Assessor 1993-4; Warden, Rhodes House 1999-2006 Smith, Anthony Research Fellow, St Antony’s 1971-6; President, Magdalen 1989-2005Vallance, Lord Hon DSc City, Napier, Ulster; Hon DTech Lough, Robert Gordon; Hon DBA Kingston; Hon DEng H-WWiggins, David Wykeham Professor of Logic 1993-2000

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Final Honour School 2018

BIOCHEMISTRY I Victoria Cox I David McManus I Katharine Waldron II.1 Christopher Huang II.1 James Nugent

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES I James Hayley I Alison Jackson I Heather Winsor

CHEMISTRY II.1 Benjamin Byfield II.1 Eve Carter II.1 Grace Hickman II.1 Vincent Richardson II.1 Thomas Spearman



ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT I Wulfstan Bain I Danielle Ball II.1 Rina Yi Fang II.1 Aini-Maija Putkonen II.1 Callum Richardson

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ENGINEERING SCIENCE I Andrew Brown I Zehan Chen I Walter Goodwin I Sagar Vaze II.1 Samuel Goss II.1 Maria Voudouroglou

ENGLISH & MODERN LANGUAGES I Fleur Snow I Clio-Ragna Takas

ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE I Phoebe Bradley II.1 Markus Beeken II.1 Zachary Scahill II.1 Ella Williams

EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY I Lydia Hickman II.1 Yasemin Acikgoz

FINE ART I Rufus Rock II.1 Kathryn Chew

GEOGRAPHY I Ciara Willmott I Alexander Yates II.1 Miles Overton

HISTORY I Letitia Barden I Olivia Charley I Thomas Hurleston I Timothy Mycroft II.1 Rufus Morgan II.1 Robert Warrington II.1 Keziah Watson II.1 Jasmin Yang-Spooner

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HISTORY & ECONOMICS II.1 Benjamin Dubowitz


HISTORY & POLITICS II.1 Maan Al-Yasiri II.1 James Fraser

JURISPRUDENCE I Cherlyn Lee I Seh Woon Neo II.1 Hannah co*ckle II.1 Benjamin Edwards II.1 Jia (Crystal) Lim II.1 Ka Chun Louie II.1 Ling Wei Ngew II.1 Bethany Wise II.1 Alisha Wright II.1 Benjamin Zelouf


LITERAE HUMANIORES I Nicholas Hooper II.1 Katherine Simmons II.1 Alexander van Leeuwen

MATHEMATICS (BA) II.2 Alexandra Bramer

MATHEMATICS (MMath) I Matthew Torr II.1 James Scoon


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MEDICAL SCIENCES (BA only - BMBCH results listed with graduates)

I Sunya Aslam I Philip Baker II.1 Hibatullah Abuelgasim II.1 Kimberley Kim Foon Loo Yong Kee II.2 Alexander Thomas

MODERN LANGUAGES I Isobel Moseley I Jessica Ockenden I David Sargent I Sarah Shone I Felix von Stumm II.1 Eve Lytollis

MUSIC II.1 Sarah Hughes

PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS & ECONOMICS I Theodore Cox I Alice Wilco*ck II.1 Joseph Bradley II.1 Benedict George II.1 Sangbeom Heo II.1 Elisabeth Jenkinson II.1 Catherine Lavender II.1 Emily Patterson II.1 Max Wood-Robinson



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PHYSICS & PHILOSOPHY (MPhysPhil) I Frederick Hinds II.1 Matthew Burwood II.2 Alice Walker


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Yuen Ang DPhil Clinical Oct 2014 NeurosciencesSandra Balcells Garcia DPhil Organic Chemistry Oct 2013Ryan Berg DPhil Politics Oct 2010Alicia Broggi DPhil English Oct 2013Isaac Calvert DPhil Education Oct 2014Carlos Cabrera Tejedor DPhil Archaeology Oct 2011Philippa Collins DPhil Law Oct 2014Nathan Denton DPhil Medical Sciences Oct 2009Kate Dunne DPhil Cardiovascular Oct 2008 Medicinal ChemistrySamuel Forbes DPhil Experimental Oct 2014 PsychologyGabrielle Green DPhil Paediatrics Oct 2014Michael Golden DPhil Statistics Oct 2014Abhilasha Joshi DPhil Pharmacology Oct 2013Kathryn Kelley DPhil Oriental Studies Oct 2010Emily Kesling DPhil English (to 1550) Oct 2011Ai Seon Kuan DPhil Population Health Oct 2014Oenone Kubie DPhil History Oct 2013Riccardo Manenti DPhil Condensed Oct 2013 Matter PhysicsAnita Nandi DPhil Particle Physics Oct 2014Francisco Quevedo DPhil Systems Biology Oct 2013 CamargoJames Rhodes DPhil Biochemistry Oct 2013Deon Simpson DPhil Population Health Oct 2014Karl Smith Byrne DPhil Population Health Oct 2014Kaitlin Staudt DPhil Oriental Studies Oct 2011Sangseraima Ujeed DPhil Oriental Studies Oct 2012Vilija Velyvyte DPhil Law Oct 2011Alon Witztum DPhil Oncology Oct 2014Mrs Na Wu DPhil Molecular and Oct 2013 Cellular MedicineMr Zhicheng Wu DPhil Law Oct 2012Mr Ji Yan DPhil Management Studies Oct 2012

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MSt (Res)

Simon Duncan Legal Research Oct 2016

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Alexander Grundmann PassNicolas Koslover Pass

Diploma in Legal Studies

Celine Penant Pass


Maria-Nectaria Antoniou PassPaul Fradley DistinctionMatteo Maciel PassMatthew Ward Pass

Magister Juris

Tobias Bresselau Pass Von BressensdorfRolean Alejandro Pass González NicolásTimothy Kluwen DistinctionThanap*rn Sajjavanij PassClémence Van Muylder Pass

BPhil Philosophy

Ihsaan Faisal PassSam Couldrick Pass


Constantin Pietschmann Pass Greek and/or Roman HistoryEllen Richardson Pass Greek and/or Roman HistoryNicholas Perrault Distinction ArchaeologyRachel Cohn Pass Politics: Political TheoryJack Felton Fail Economic & Social HistoryKierri Price Pass English Studies (Medieval)

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Shaquille Charles Pass Global Health ScienceXinyu Hu Pass Global Health ScienceJessica Longley Pass Global Health ScienceRichard O’Halloran Distinction Global Health ScienceMaximilian Steiner Pass Economics for DevelopmentKane Bennett Distinction Law and FinanceLouis Coussee Pass Law and FinanceShungyo Kim Pass Law and FinanceJonathan Lau Distinction Law and FinanceAlexander Sajnovits Pass Law and FinanceMaria-Georgia-Ifigeneia Distinction Law and Finance Sioumala-ChristodoulouBenjamin Sutherland Distinction Theoretical and Computational ChemistryIsabel Gonzalvez Pass Theoretical and Computational ChemistryChidinma Onyali Pass PharmacologyJessica Skedd Pass Nature, Society & Environmental GovernanceKatherine Stanford Pass Modern South Asian StudiesRyan Bedell Pass Education (Higher Education)Kathryn Aveyard Pass Learning & TeachingStephen Bailey Pass Learning & TeachingJennifer Fiddaman Pass Learning & TeachingTamara Ingamells Pass Learning & TeachingLorna Jordan Pass Learning & TeachingDermot Kennedy Pass Learning & TeachingAmelia Kyriakides Pass Learning & TeachingAlexa Muse Pass Learning & TeachingLesley Nelson-Addy Pass Learning & TeachingLouise Norris Pass Learning & TeachingEmma Raven Pass Learning & TeachingLauren Speight Pass Learning & TeachingJoel Taylor Pass Learning & TeachingAnnemarie Pass Learning & Teaching Wintle-Gregory

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Gregory Coates Distinction Greek and/or Roman HistoryRyan Ammar Distinction Creative WritingRowena Cooper Distinction Creative WritingRobin Ganderton Distinction Creative WritingJens Garrelfs Pass Creative WritingCressida Peever Distinction Creative WritingRose Segal Distinction Creative WritingGaston Tourn Pass Creative WritingEstella Kessler Distinction Greek and/or Latin Languages and LiteratureEmily Patterson Pass Greek and/or Latin Languages and LiteratureEmily Cunningham Distinction Modern LanguagesAbigail Ford Distinction ArchaeologyAriane Laurent-Smith Pass ArchaeologyBenjamin Card Pass EnglishAugusta Ivory-Peters Distinction Women’s StudiesHugo Sever Distinctions British and European History 1500-presentSusanne Doeleman Pass Integrated Immunology

Master of Fine Art

Christina Simons Pass


Beth Costar PassGeorgina Gray PassJames Rushton PassDavid Satori PassLucy Stilton PassNick Walpole PassCharlotte Ward Pass


Johanna Beer PassJo Dennis PassAnna Kerepes Distinction

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Zeella Labram PassPenny Pan PassDanilo Pusceddu DistinctionArjun Reddy PassCara Skikne PassCaso Taylor PassTakashi Ueda DistinctionMinmin Zhang PassCharlene Zheng PassMatthias Zwanzger Distinction


Ramil Eyyubov PassKatharina Flohr PassAlexander Lau DistinctionGareth Rowlands PassWilliam Shingler DistinctionDavid Stafford DistinctionTimothy Wiens PassJonathan Winson DistinctionBrett Yuskiewicz Distinction

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Shakeel Aamer, University of Sheffield; Enola Aerts, University College London; Nikita Aggarwal, College of Law London; James Akka, Charterhouse; Sami Al Merei, Wilsons School; Luke Allan, University of East Anglia; Disha Anand, Leeds Grammar School; Elena Ansbro, Durham University; Hugo Astley, Howard of Effingham School; Laura Bailey, Wycombe Abbey School; Xiyu Bao, Liverpool University; Sarah Beaman, Bexley Grammar School; Ryan Bedell, Loyola University Chicago; Rory Bedford, Winchester College; Johanna Beer, University of Buenos Aires; Kane Bennett, Queensland University; Ryan Bernsten, Northwestern University; Sarah Berwick, Denbigh School; Alice Blaney, City of London School for Girls; Moritz Bondeli, Université De Lausanne; Georgia Bottomley, Fakenham College; Tansy Branscombe, University of Cambridge; Tobias Bresselau Von Bressensdorf, Universität Leipzig; Emma Brown, St Helen’s School; Paul Buckley, University of York; Miriam Cakebread, The Burgate School and Sixth Form Centre; Benjamin Card, Georgetown University; Tamsin Cargill, Imperial College, London; Taylor Caso, New York University; Damayanti Chatterjee, Herschel Grammar School; Priyadarshini Chatterjee, Calcutta International School; Daniel Chen, Purdue University; Jonathan Cheng, University College London; Cameron Chisholm, Malmesbury School; Thomas Clennett, Dyke House College; Beth Costar, Liverpool John Moores University; Louis Coussée, Katholieke University, Leuven; Charles Coverman, Immanuel College; Megan Cox, Richard Huish College; Wendy Cox, Worcester College of Higher Educaton; Victoria Cushing, Heathside School; Luke Davis, Durham Johnston School; Samuel Day, John Hampden Grammar School; Rosaline de Koning, International School of Zug and Luzern; Jonathan Dennis, University of Reading; Cyril Deroy, Imperial College London; Anna Dobson, Notting Hill & Ealing High School; Eleanor Dodd, Tadcaster Grammar School; Susanne Doeleman, University of Amsterdam; Max-Sebastian Dovi, Peking University; Tucker Drew, Phillips Academy; Hannan El-Amriti, Clarendon College; Rhys Evans, Tadcaster Grammar School; Sam Farrar, Abingdon School; Katherine Ffrench, Tonbridge Girls Grammar School; Abigail Ford, University of Reading; Joshua Form, Northallerton College; James Forsythe, John Cleveland College; Kristina Fox, Dereham Sixth Form Centre; Jonathan Friedrichs, Bucerius Law School;

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Katherine Furness-Reed, Sir William Perkin’s School; Rachel Gardner, University College London; Theo Godfrey, Cotswold School; Rolean Alejandro González Nicolás, Leiden University; Isabel Gonzalvez, University of Edinburgh; Dilip Goyal, Imperial College London; Georgina Gray, University of Reading; Margot Greenen, Cité Scolaire Internationale de Lyon; Thomas Griffiths, Runshaw College; Sophie Gunning, Reigate Grammar School; Thomas Harmer, Royal Hospital School; Gregory Hartley, Alleyn’s School; Allen Haugh, Farmington High School; Matthew Hewlett, John Hampden Grammar School; Charlotte Heynen, Cheltenham Ladies’ College; Mike Hindi, Stanford University; Felix Homma, Munich University; Riming Huang, Shenzhen College of International Education; Geneva Hutcheson, Columbia University; Christos Ioannou, Westminster School; Zhi Hao Ip, Raffles Junior College; Augusta Ivory-Peters, University of Bristol; Lokesh Jain, King Edward’s School; Timothy Jenkins, Northgate High School; Imre Juhasz, Droitwich High School; Luisa Kapp, King’s College London; Simranjit Kaur, City University, London; Dermot Kennedy, Heythrop College; Anna Kerepes, Budapest University; Shunghyo Kim, University of Ottawa; Timothy Kluwen, Leiden University; Petra Kone, German School London; Michal Krenz, Gdansk University of Technology; Julia Kühn, Bucerius Law School; Benedikt Kuhnhaeuser, University of Vienna; Vishal Kumar, Emirates International School; Zinnia Kumar, University of New South Wales; Zeella Labram, Heriot Watt University; Naomi Lane, King Edward VI School; Jonathan Lau, Melbourne University; Andrew Lee, Bolton School (Boys Division); Hyunmin Lee, International School of Paris; Yoojin Lee, Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies; Xinyi Li, University of Leeds; Hannah Lipczynski, Croydon High School; Jessica Longley, Imperial College London; Alice Love, Hills Road Sixth Form College; Andrew Loy, Ermysted’s Grammar School; Madeleine Luszczak, Sydenham School; Marc Maassen, Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School; Larissa Machiels, Godolphin and Latymer School; Rowena Machin, St Gregory’s High School; Matteo MacIel, University of York; Jacob Mair, Burnham Grammar School; Sarah Marcus, Oxford Brookes University; Jessica Marshall, King Edward VI Camp School for Girls; Michael McGrade, St Ninian’s High School; Davide Morassi, University of Edinburgh; Carlos Moreira Duarte, University of Porto; Angharad Morgan, Ysgol Gyfun Ystalyfera; Alexa Muse, Butler University; Ciaran Nash,

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Trinity College, Dublin; Sophie Nathan-King, South Hampstead High School; Louise Navarro-Cann, Hills Road Sixth Form College; Louise Norris, Sheffield Hallam University; Erica Nuamah, BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology; Samuele O’Connor, British School of Milan; Richard O’Halloran, Western Australia University; Chidinma Onyali, University of Nigeria, Nsukka; Alexander Pavelka, University of Trieste; Edward Peckston, The King’s School, Worcester; Céline Penant, Pantheon-Assas/Paris II; Eleanor Pendle, Chichester High School for Girls; Felix Pflücke, University of Maastricht; Sarah Phillips, Sir William Perkins’s School; Esther Pigney, Camden School for Girls; Amy Popiolek, Henrietta Barnett School; Antoni Porayski-Pomsta, Jam Saheba Digvijay Sinhji, Warsaw; Emma Raven, University of Cambridge; Emma Rawkins, Berkhamsted Collegiate School; Ines Rayment-Gomez, Ysgol Friars, Bangor; Sophie Read, Woodbridge School; Bethany Reeves, Putney High School; Timothy Richards, Queensland University; Arcadio Rubio García, University of Cambridge; Thanap*rn Sajjavanij, Chulalongkorn University; Alexander Sajnovits, University of Mainz; David Satori, King’s College London; Bethan Savage, Keswick School; Jolyon Scriven, Winchester College; Joseph Sibley, Robert Smyth Academy; Simran Sidhu, Beaconsfield High School; Taina Silva, Chislehurst/Sidcup Grammar School; Christina Simons, California Institute of the Arts; Francesca Simpkin, Helsby High School; Maria-Georgia-Ifigeneia Sioumala-Christodoulou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Jessica Skedd, University of St Andrews; Matthew Slauson, Brown University; Duncan Smith, duch*ess High School; Somin Song, Raffles Junior College; Thomas Spackman, Royal Grammar School; Anirudh Sridhar, Albert-Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg; Jansen Sta Maria, Raffles Junior College; Katherine Stanford, Denver University; Maximilian Steiner, University of Cambridge; Lucy Stilton, Durham University; William Stone, Winchester College; William Strachan, Kingsbridge School & Community College; Phoebe Stuckes, Goldsmiths, University of London; Benjamin Sutherland, University of Cambridge; Joel Taylor, University of Oxford; Austin Turner, Upton-By-Chester High School; Daniil Ukhorskiy, École Jeannine Manuel; Uma Vaidya, Nonsuch High School for Girls; Chris Van Merwijk, University of Amsterdam; Clémence Van Muylder, Université Libre de Bruxelles; Nicholas Walpole, Lancaster University; Xinglong Wang, Shenzhen College of International Education;

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Charlotte Ward, Cardiff University; Harrison Ward, Altrincham Grammar School for Boys; Thomas Wassenaar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Leon Watermann, Bucerius Law School; Stephen Wawrzyniak, Australian Catholic University; Isabella Welch, Bristol Grammar School; Charles Wellings, Hereford Sixth Form College; Charlotte Wheeler, McGill University; Henry Wheeler, Godalming College; Jack Whitehead, Blue Coat School; Madeleine Whitfield, Newcastle College; Annemarie Wintle, Aberystwyth University; Ji Woo Won, Chosun Education; Anna Wright, St David’s Catholic College; Ni Xu, Peking University; Chengzhou Yang, King’s College London; Minmin Zhang, Stanford University; Shipeng Zhang, Nanjing Normal University

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Undergraduate College Prizes

First in Finals

Victoria Cox (Biochemistry); David McManus (Biochemistry); Katharine Waldron (Biochemistry); James Hayley (Biological Sciences); Alison Jackson (Biological Sciences); Heather Winsor (Biological Sciences); Maria Czepiel (Classics & Modern Languages - Spanish); Wulfstan Bain (Economics & Management); Danielle Ball (Economics & Management); Andrew Brown (Engineering Science); Zehan Chen (Engineering Science); Walter Goodwin (Engineering Science); Sagar Vaze (Engineering Science); Fleur Snow (English & Modern Languages - French); Clio-Ragna Takas (English & Modern Languages - Modern Greek); Phoebe Bradley (English Language & Literature); Lydia Hickman (Experimental Psychology); Rufus Rock (Fine Art); Ciara Willmott (Geography); Alexander Yates (Geography); Letitia Barden (History); Olivia Charley (History); Thomas Hurleston (History); Timothy Mycroft (History); Cherlyn Lee ( Jurisprudence); Seh Woon Neo ( Jurisprudence); Nicholas Hooper (Literae Humaniores); Gregor Meehan (Mathematics & Philosophy, MMathPhil); Matthew Torr (Mathematics, MMath); Sunya Aslam (Medicine); Philip Baker (Medicine); David Sargent (Modern Languages - French); Sarah Shone (Modern Languages - French); Jessica Ockenden (Modern Languages - French & Italian); Isobel Moseley (Modern Languages - French & Spanish); Felix von Stumm (Modern Languages - German & Italian); Rachel Dunne (Physics & Philosophy, BA); Frederick Hinds (Physics & Philosophy, MPhysPhil); Dan Kreso (Physics, MPhys); Theodore Cox (PPE); Alice Wilco*ck (PPE); Emily Tench (Psychology, Philosophy & Linguistics)

Distinction in Mods/Prelims

Andrew Loy (Ancient & Modern History); Laura Bailey (Biochemistry); Priyadarshini Chatterjee (Biochemistry); Victoria Cushing (Biochemistry); Riming Huang (Biochemistry); Angharad Morgan (Biology); Timothy Jenkins (Chemistry); Asher Brawer (Classics with Oriental Studies); Maud Mullan (Classics with Oriental

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Studies); Xinglong Wang (Engineering Science); Samuel Day (Experimental Psychology); Marc Maassen (Geography); Eleanor Pendle (Geography); Antoni Porayski-Pomsta (History); Zhi Hao Ip ( Jurisprudence); Daniil Ukhorskiy ( Jurisprudence); William Freeman (Literae Humaniores); Cameron Chisholm (Mathematics); Rhys Evans (Mathematics); James Forsythe (Mathematics); Jansen Sta Maria (Mathematics); Edward Peckston (Modern Langauges - German); Bethany Reeves (Music); William Stone (PPE)

Undergraduate University Prizes

Wulfstan Bain (Economics & Management): proxime accessit for Gibbs Prize for performance in Economics

Danielle Ball (Economics & Management): Gibbs Prize for performance in Management

Asher Brawer (Classics & Oriental Studies): 1st De Paravicini Prize for performance in the Latin papers in Honour Moderations in Classics

Elizabeth Brown (Chemistry): Gibbs Prize for outstanding performance in Organic Chemistry

Maria Czepiel (Classics & Modern Languages): Arteaga Prize for best performance in Spanish, Gibbs Prize for best submitted work for Extended Essay Paper XIV, and joint award of Dolores Oria Merino Prize in Written Spanish for best performance in Spanish Prose

Samuel Day (Experimental Psychology): proxime accessit for the Braddick Prize for best overall performance in PPL Prelims, and proxime accessit for the Susan Mary Rouse Memorial Prize for best overall performance in the ‘Introduction to Psychology’ paper.

Rachel Dunne (Physics & Philosophy): Gibbs Prize for best performance in the Physics papers in Part B of the Honour School of Physics and Philosophy

Joseph Fisher (Biochemistry): Paper I Prize for top mark in Paper I of Part I

William Freeman (Literae Humaniores): Gibbs Prize for the best overall performance in Honour Moderations in Classics

Nicholas Hooper (Literae Humaniores): Gibbs Prize for Course II

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Riming Huang (Biochemistry): Gibbs Prize for best performance in Prelims

Thomas Hurleston (History): Richard Cobb Prize for the best thesis on European history

Brian Ip (Law): Slaughter and May Prize in Constitutional Law

Crystal Lim (Law): Law Faculty Prize for Medical Law and Ethics

Liliane Momeni (Engineering Science): shared Gibbs Prize for Best Design Project for Part B

Jessica Ockenden (Modern Languages): proxime accessit for Gibbs Prize for best performance in Modern Languages FHS and Junior Paget Toynbee Prize

Rufus Rock (Fine Art): Gibbs Prize

Katharine Waldron (Biochemistry): Immunology Prize (sponsored by the British Society for Immunology) for top mark in Immunology Option

Alisha Wright (Law): Penningtons Manches Family Law Prize

Graduate College Prizes

Distinction in Graduate Exams

Kane Bennett MSc in Law and FinanceJonathan Lau MSc in Law and FinanceMaria-Georgia-Ifigeneia MSc in Law and Finance Sioumala-Christoloudou Benjamin Sutherland MSc in Theoretical and Computational ChemistryRichard O’Halloran MSc in Global Health ScienceRyan Ammar MSt in Creative WritingRowena Cooper MSt in Creative Writing Robin Ganderton MSt in Creative WritingCressida Peever MSt in Creative WritingRose Segal MSt in Creative Writing Gregory Coates MSt in Greek and/or Roman HistoryEstella Kessler MSt in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature

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Emily Cunningham MSt in Modern LanguagesAbigail Ford MSt in ArchaeologyAugusta Ivory-Peters MSt in Women’s StudiesHugo Sever MSt in British and European History 1500-presentNicholas Perrault MPhil in Archaeology

Anna Kerepes MBA Danilo Pusceddu MBATakashi Ueda MBAMatthias Zwanzger MBAAlexander Lau EMBAWilliam Shingler EMBADavid Stafford EMBABrett Yuskiewicz EMBA Jonathan Winson EMBA

Paul Fradley Bachelor of Civil LawTimothy Kluwen Magister Juris

Graduate University Prizes

Timothy Kluwen Awarded proxime accessit for second best performance in the Magister Juris.

Jonathan Lau Co-recipient of Master in Law and Finance prize for best overall performance. Co-recipient of Master in Law and Finance ‘First Principles of Financial Economics’ prize.

Kane Bennett Co-recipient of Master in Law and Finance prize for best overall performance. Master in Law and Finance ‘Law and Economics of Corporate Transactions’ prize.

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BIOCHEMISTRYTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPAmy Wolstenholme, formerly of South Wiltshire Grammar School Commoner of the College

TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONGeorgina Brown, formerly of Reigate College Commoner of the College

Katharine Waldron, formerly of The Abbey School, ReadingCommoner of the College

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPMichael Tansley, formerly of Pate’s Grammar School Commoner of the College

TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONAlison Jackson, formerly of Hills Road Sixth Form, CambridgeCommoner of the College

Benjamin Parker, formerly of Royal Grammar School, NewcastleCommoner of the College

CHEMISTRYTO THE JUNIOR CHEETHAM SCHOLARSHIPElizabeth Brown, formerly of St Peter’s School, YorkExhibitioner of the College

TO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPColin Moody, formerly of Aylesbury Grammar School Exhibitioner of the College

TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONBenjamin Hemsi, formerly of St Albans School Commoner of the College

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CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY & ANCIENT HISTORYTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONLuke Bennell, formerly of Bexley Grammar School Commoner of the College

CLASSICS & MODERN LANGUAGESTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPTess Pringle, formerly of Cirencester College Commoner of the College

CLASSICS & ORIENTAL STUDIESTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONWilliam Bunce, formerly of Colyton Grammar School Commoner of the College

ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENTTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONPeter Edmondson, formerly of Sale Grammar School Commoner of the College

Miheer Sonwalkar, formerly of Leeds Grammar School Commoner of the College

ENGINEERING SCIENCETO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPAndrew Brown, formerly of Latymer Upper School Exhibitioner of the College

Walter Goodwin, formerly of Colyton Grammar School Exhibitioner of the College

Liliane Momeni, formerly of Westminster School Exhibitioner of the College

TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONChristopher Parsons, formerly of Adam’s Grammar School Commoner of the College

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ENGLISHTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONPhoebe Bradley, formerly of Durham Community Business College Commoner of the College

Laura Hackett, formerly of Banbridge Academy Commoner of the College

ENGLISH & MODERN LANGUAGESTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONChristopher Goring, formerly of Bexley Grammar School Commoner of the College

EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGYTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPSamuel Day, formerly of John Hampden Grammar School Commoner of the College

FINE ARTTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPClara Atkinson, formerly of Kingston University LondonCommoner of the College

Rufus Rock, formerly of Bedales School Exhibitioner of the College

TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONRobyn Salt, formerly of Farnborough Sixth Form College Commoner of the College

GEOGRAPHYTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONAmy Baker, formerly of Kendrick School Commoner of the College

HISTORYTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPHenry Williams, formerly of Judd School Commoner of the College

Maximilian Yuen, formerly of Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital, Bristol Commoner of the College

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TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONEllen Lundstrom, formerly of Blue Coat School Commoner of the College

Katherine Ramsey, formerly of Tiffin Girls’ School Commoner of the College

HISTORY & ECONOMICSTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPBenjamin Dubowitz, formerly of Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ SchoolExhibitioner of the College

HISTORY & MODERN LANGUAGESTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPLeon Horvat-Savic, formerly of Dame Alice Owen’s School Commoner of the College

JURISPRUDENCETO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONCheuk Hin Edward Tsui, formerly of Victoria Shanghai Academy Commoner of the College

LITERAE HUMANIORESTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPEleanor Martin, formerly of Moses Brown School, ProvidenceCommoner of the College

MATHEMATICSTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONCatherine Aldridge, formerly of St Philip Howard School Commoner of the College

Matthew Buckland, formerly of Alcester Grammar School Commoner of the College

MEDICINETO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPKimberley Kim Foon Loo Yong Kee, formerly of Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls Commoner of the College


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TO AN OPEN EXHIBTIONBradley Johnson, formerly of Selby College Commoner of the College

MODERN LANGUAGESTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONLouisa Cotterhill, formerly of Royal High School, BathCommoner of the College

Katherine Farquhar, formerly of Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for GirlsCommoner of the College

PHYSICSTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPJoseph Clarke, formerly of Blue Coat School Exhibitioner of the College

Thomas Galligan, formerly of Urmston Grammar School Exhibitioner of the College

Jeremy Stanger, formerly of King’s School, GloucesterExhibitioner of the College

TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONThomas Plews, formerly of Wyndham School Commoner of the College

Kulbir Singh, formerly of Dudley College Commoner of the College

Oliver Squire, formerly of King’s College School, Wimbledon Commoner of the College

Robin Timmis, formerly of Highgate School Commoner of the College

PHYSICS & PHILOSOPHYTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPRachel Dunne, formerly of City of London Freemen’s School Exhibitioner of the College

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TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONMatthew Burwood, formerly of Colchester Royal Grammar School Commoner of the College

Sebastian Wright, formerly of Exeter School Commoner of the College

PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS AND ECONOMICSTO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONWilliam Lai, formerly of Rosemount High School Commoner of the College

Jack Munns, formerly of Sydney Grammar School Commoner of the College

Thomas Steer, formerly of Caistor Grammar School Commoner of the College

PSYCHOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY & LINGUISTICSTO AN OPEN SCHOLARSHIPEmily Tench, formerly of Lady Eleanor Holles School Exhibitioner of the College

TO AN OPEN EXHIBITIONJohanne Nedergaard, formerly of Thisted Gymnasium & HF-Kursus Commoner of the College

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Will Szymanski American FootballLibby Brown AthleticsAlex Thomas CricketJames Scoon CroquetAmy Small EquestrianMaddy Whitfield FencingTom Hurleston FootballWulfstan Bain FootballDilip Goyal HockeyDanielle Ball LacrosseHolly Skinner Long JumpCatherine Lavender NetballElsa Wakeman NetballHeather Windsor PoloDan Smith Rugby LeagueHarry Williams Rugby LeagueBen Parker Rugby UnionJoe Sibley SquashPhilip Baker Trampolining

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by Manish Binukrishnan, JCR President 2017-18

One thing that Oxford has taught me is that it’s as important that I’ve studied at Brasenose College, Oxford as that I’ve studied my degree. If it is statistically the happiest college in Oxford, this is certainly my experience, and that is in no small part due to the wonderful contributions of students and staff alike.

If we’re thanking students, then Miles Overton, my predecessor, springs straight to the top of my list. The first time I talked to Miles was on a walk back to Brasenose, and I immediately thought he was one of the nicest people I had ever met. Then seeing him run for JCR President, I realised he was one of the most passionate people I had met. He was then there for me when I took over as JCR President, and also he’s definitely one of the wisest people I’ve met. Not only did Miles make life easier for me and the committee with behind-the-scenes changes in College and JCR committees, but he was also the driving force in getting the rainbow flag flown for the whole of LGBTQ+ History month, showing that at Brasenose, inclusion is our priority. A paragraph this short doesn’t do him justice, but he’s truly inspired me to keep pushing to make the Brasenose JCR the best it can be.

Miles’ last act as JCR President was a stellar performance in the Christmas pantomime. In our latest annual instalment, the second-year English students took on Cinderella with a little Brasenose twist, the title part being played by Freddie Hinds. Cinderella, now a Brasenose fresher, seeking his prince. Except he wasn’t going to a ball, she was going to a bop. And her Prince Charming was unfortunately me. Underscored by some captivating storytelling from Principal John Bowers (technically Bill Freeman, but with an impression that good, who can tell the difference?), our travels took us to the good (Miles and Phoebe), the bad ( JCR hacks) and the ugly (Cherwell hacks) on our quest to be together.

As Michaelmas term drew to a close, Hilary term bloomed with a brand new JCR Committee. I must offer my thanks to all the committee members; Emily, Brad, Peter, Sian, Sarah, Natalie C, Ella, Tom, Katie, Madi, Tabitha, Tesni, Natalie M, Jana, Mattie, Jack and Allen have all made tremendous changes to the JCR, and I’ll now

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attempt to cover some of the great work they’ve done. While I can’t go through everything they’ve achieved, it’s an understatement to say that the tireless effort they’ve put in has undoubtedly changed the Brasenose JCR for the better.

As per tradition, Hilary brought a bevy of formals like Ale Verses, Burns’ Night and Guest Dinner, as well as a couple of new ones like the St David’s Day Dinner and international cuisine formals. And as usual, the domestic rep had the mammoth task of organising these, working on cost negotiations and also managing the allocation of all the rooms in College. My greatest thanks go to Peter Edmondson for being so professional throughout all of it. Moving to Trinity, the first huge event of the term was the Grand Opening of the Greenland Library, with Philip Pullman as guest of honour. Philip was kind enough to talk to students before the Grand Opening with the generous donors! It was a fantastic event, and could not have been possible without the great work of Emily Curtis. As Vice-President, Emily has been on hand constantly to check over things, attend meetings and of course, call me out when I said something stupid (and offer a better course of action!). Her support has been invaluable and I agree with Tom Steer when he says that “Emily Curtis is the Vice-President that [he] prefers”.

Excitingly, the Library Opening was just the start of a term packed with fantastic achievement. From Tesni Jones organising (almost single-handedly!) an incredible Arts Week to Madi and Katie taking the reins of another great term of bops, Easter-egg hunts and more. Tom and Ella were as ever absolute rocks on the welfare front, and the invisible nature of their work means I’ll never be able to fully appreciate just how much these two wonderful people do for the College. Finally, Natalie Maalouf has been extremely supportive in pushing through portraits in Lecture Room VII of LGBTQ+, people of colour and female alumni and I’m sure that this project will have an impact for years to come. Trinity also marked the election of the new Ball President Lottie Heynen, and having got just a glimpse into the ideas she has, I’m sure it’s in great hands. Sporting achievements also came in thick and fast, with the men’s and women’s team winning their badminton leagues and the women coming out victorious in the Uni Cuppers, as well as the women’s team winning hockey Cuppers and the Brasenose Beer Boat coming ever so narrowly short of blades. Brasenose also staged its first Eurovision party courtesy of Philip Baker, James Akka

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and a life-sized Conchita Wurst cut-out. Finally, we rounded off the term with the inaugural Brasenose Staff vs Students Sports day, complete with steak van, free unlimited ice cream, five-a-side football and rounders tournaments. The day was a fantastic event (even if the staff won both tournaments…) and my thanks go to Tabitha Everett for her help in organising. I’m sure the sports day she has planned in Cambridge for Michaelmas will be an unqualified success.

As Trinity rounded to a close, Freshers’ Week plans began to loom more and more, so naturally I must thank Access & Admissions rep Bradley Johnson for his immense contribution. From doing 90% of the organisation of Freshers’ Week to managing Brasenose’s access initiatives and doing roadshows, Brad has been able to manage it all! I can’t stress enough how important it is for incoming and prospective students to see Brasenose as an inclusive and enjoyable community, and Brad, as well as all the wonderful Brasenose tour volunteers, has done so much not only to preserve but also to increase that spirit.

This only captures a small fraction of all the wonderful work this JCR Committee has done, and I have no doubt that they have all made a huge difference. They truly have ensured Brasenose stays the happiest college in Oxford.

I must pay tribute to Max Mian. Everyone who knew him had nothing but positive things to say. Max was laid-back but passionate, confident but still friendly and most importantly, kind and caring. His death was a tremendous loss to everyone, and Brasenose won’t be the same without him. Filling St Mary’s Church to commemorate him, freshers, staff, alumni and many more from the Brasenose community came together to mourn our loss. It is times like these that remind me that in Brasenose, you have not only a college, but also a family.


by Mehroz Eshan, HCR President 2017-18

“I am convinced that the thoroughly warm, welcoming, and supportive atmosphere at Brasenose generally and within the HCR in particular played an important role in enabling me to succeed in my degree.” These are the words of one of our recent graduates in his letter to the Principal. You walk into Brasenose and the first thing you see is a

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blackboard that states “Brasenose, The Happiest College” and the HCR strives to embody this. From the moment you enter this 500-year-old institution, everyone is warm and welcoming. Everyone wants you to succeed and be part of the journey. So many have graduated and so many more will, but this place still is the same, transforming and empowering people to achieve their dreams and make an impact on the world. The HCR plays a great role in the lives of graduates from the moment they enter the College.

Our year started with a fortnight of Freshers’ Week events, one of the few colleges to have such an extended social calendar for graduate freshers. The HCR’s Committee comprised myself, Tim Burd, Constantin Pietschmann, Evie Foster, Joseph Keel, Eric Haney, Robert Smith, Florentine Stolker, Matthew Speight and Benjamin Singer, and were instrumental in welcoming the students and making them feel at home. The week was filled with events to increase student engagement and foster new friendships. From highly anticipated co*cktail parties and pub crawls that inevitably ended up at Spoons and Purple Turtle, to games night, which has become a weekly fixture in the HCR, the Committee set high standards for the rest of the year. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Principal John Bowers, the Senior Tutor Simon Smith, the Dean Mark Wilson, and the ever-present Tutors for Graduates Owen Lewis and Elspeth Garmen for helping the HCR during Freshers’ Week and the rest of the year. It wouldn’t have been possible without their support.

Over the past few years, the HCR has increased its focus on engaging and impacting the local community. Last year, we passed a motion to ensure that all perishable food products such as cheese and fruits for HCR events will be sourced from local vendors. This year, we started an outreach initiative to help the homeless community around the city centre. The HCR reached out to Pret a Manger cafés around Oxford and negotiated an agreement whereby the cafés would give us leftover food, that would otherwise have been wasted. Three times a week, HCR volunteers collect the leftovers and distribute them to the people who are homeless. The rest is delivered to a local homeless shelter. People commented that the conversation was more meaningful than the food itself as they often felt ignored by society. We are looking to continue this initiative and hope to partner with other colleges and restaurants.

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The HCR started a new event series focused on entrepreneurship. The first of these talks took place in Trinity term 2018 when the HCR, along with the JCR, hosted BNC alumnus David Hutchison OBE, the Chief Executive of Social Finance. The aim of these events is to promote entrepreneurship as an alternative career for students, as well as increase the interactions between the alumni and student community. We are currently planning a major event for Hilary term 2019 alongside other University partners. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Principal John Bowers and the entire Development Office for helping make this project a reality.

I am also delighted to report that the HCR passed a motion, similar to the JCR, to fly the Rainbow Flag throughout the month of February (LGBTQ+ History month). The Governing Body subsequently passed the motion in Michaelmas term 2017, ensuring the flag was raised throughout the month of February. I would like to thank Miles Overton, then JCR President, for leading the efforts towards making Brasenose a more inclusive community and I, along with the rest of HCR, am honoured to have been part of bringing about this change.

On the subject of inclusivity, this year also saw the appointment of Simranjit Kaur as the HCR’s black and minority ethnic (BME) representative. Simranjit worked closely with the HCR Committee to arrange an around-the-world themed welfare tea and an Indian-Caribbean themed guest night, and worked closely with the JCR on international dinner nights and the special St David’s Day dinner. I am also thankful to Simranjit for taking over the responsibilities of Domestic Rep.

2016-17 also saw a change in the HCR’s welfare representative positions. We had two welfare positions, male and female, held by Robert Smith and Florentine Stolker. Under their leadership, we held a Treat Yourself Day, which was a day for HCR members to unwind, destress, interact and learn about mental health and self-care. The day began with brunch in the hall, followed by a free-style arts afternoon in the HCR. The next activity was the wildly popular free back massages, which were followed by a walk through Port Meadow. Meditation and yoga sessions were also held. The day concluded with a welfare tea in the HCR. It was a very well attended day. I would like to thank Nicole Lester for helping the welfare reps in organising the events. Apart from this event, the outgoing Welfare Reps (Rob and Fleur) and the new welfare reps,

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Matt Slausson and Kierri Price, held the usual welfare events, including welfare teas, guided meditation, yoga and pilates.

Another key initiative on the welfare front was the HCR’s first Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness (SAVA) Week. The purpose of the week was to facilitate a greater understanding of the facts related to sexual violence in society and awareness of the breadth of this issue. The week kicked off with a fireside chat on “Sexual Violence in the 21st Century: The Facts, the Challenges, the Future”. The chat was very well attended and was followed by a lively discussion. This was followed by “It Happens Here Research Showcase”, which celebrated work going on across the University that focuses on sexual violence, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. Other events included a welfare tea and a charity pub quiz, where all proceeds were donated to The 1752 Group, an organisation involved in research and advocacy efforts to end sexual misconduct in higher education. The money raised by the pub quiz was matched by the HCR and donated to the charity. The week would not have been a possibility without the hard work of the SAVA week planning committee, which included Leila Al-Izzi, Ryan Bedell, Simranjit Kaur, Rob Smith and Kate Stanford and I am really grateful to them for it.

Blurbs continued with some really interesting talks given by members of the HCR and SCR. The diverse range of topics included Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular medicine, new breeding technologies in food, symmetry in biology, small sports car market of the late 1970s, the origins of black holes, smashing particles at the CERN, spirits in the microbial world and trends and disparities in breastfeeding in public in Great Britain. As always, these events led to lively discussions, which continued long into the evening with the highly popular high table dinner and second desserts.

The HCR Arts Reps, Matthew Speight and Luisa Kapp, have been active in taking students beyond the walls of College. Over the past year, we had frequent cinema trips, open arts afternoons, theatre trips to War Horse, The Lion King, Book of Mormon, Les Misérables, and the well-attended screenings of Blue Planet. Luisa has also been able to start a book club, which has gained considerable interest.

The space constraints of the HCR did not stop us from being super-active on the social scene. Our twice-a-term co*cktail parties remained a huge hit, thanks to our resident co*cktail expert Eric Haney. Monday

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has been renamed Games Night and has an active fan following which increases every term. These nights were led by our resident board games expert Thom Diment, who has been one of the most active HCR associate members in my memory. We have also had a huge rise in our collection of board games, and games for consoles include Wii and PlayStation 4. A great trend we have followed from last year has been holding bops jointly with other colleges. This year we hosted a Disney-themed bop with Green Templeton College and a Spooktacular Halloween-themed bop with St. Catz. These nights attracted people from all colleges and were some of the best attended social events in the University. Thanks to our stewards Eric Haney and Michal Krenz. Hangovers were effectively cured through a heavy dosage of caffeine.

Brasenose continues to be the most desired exchange dinner college because of our hospitality and extravagant second desserts. This year we had a number of exchanges, including with St. Catherine’s, Worcester, Hertford, New, Nuffield, Green Templeton, Exeter and Somerville. Most of the colleges rated us as the best exchange experience they have had. We also continued our tradition of having an exchange dinner with our Cambridge sister college, Gonville and Caius. We made sure that our friends from the “the other place” realise that the grass is indeed greener at Brasenose. To celebrate the summer, our Domestic Rep Loane Serrano, along with Eric Haney, arranged the much anticipated annual Garden Party. It was a great day filled with Pimm’s, co*cktails and an assortment of food. The day concluded with an excellent performance by a jazz band.

The new committee - myself (yes, me again!), Tim Burd, Evie Foster, Loanne Serrano, Luisa Kapp, Michal Krenz, Matthew Slauson, Kierri Price - all look forward to an exciting year ahead.

People often say your experience is what you make of it. On a personal note, as my time at Brasenose draws to a close, I don’t think my time at Oxford would have been so enjoyable if it had not been for Brasenose. It is the happiest College and has become a home away from home and, thanks to the College, its network and community a lot of graduates share the same feeling.

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CAREERS REPORT by Emily Curtis, JCR Vice-President 2017-18

Careers advice and opportunities at Brasenose continue to be a real source of value for the undergraduate body. In addition to connecting students with our designated representative from the Careers Service, Polly Metcalfe, for one-on-ones and drop-in sessions, the JCR has continued to send out opportunities and bulletins to our members on a regular basis. The JCR has also reminded undergraduates to take full advantage of the Alumni Mentoring Scheme run by the Development Office, resulting in several students requesting an introduction.

Furthermore, in Trinity term, we were privileged to receive Matthew Brown, a partner at Stockdale Street Ltd. Matthew, a Brasenose alumnus, gave us insights about careers in investment, and, more specifically, about Stockdale Street’s value-oriented approach and preference for external funds. One Brasenose JCR member has since undertaken a valuable internship with the firm. The JCR and HCR also held a joint event in that term, and invited David Hutchison OBE, another alumnus, for a conversation on entrepreneurship and business. David is the chief executive for Social Finance, a not-for-profit organisation, and is the General Partner for the Peterborough Social Impact Partnership. Due to some unforeseen traffic problems, the event was held in the SCR, and David had an informal discussion with a group of eager JCR and HCR members.

The Principal’s Conversations series (generously supported by Robert and Lynne Krainer) has continued to be a highlight of the careers calendar for the JCR over the last year. In February, in an event well attended by both JCR and HCR members, John Bowers interviewed David Goodhart and James Fergusson, two leading journalists and authors. In late April, he interviewed the economist Vicky Pryce, who discussed her thoughts on the current political and economic landscape. Vicky was then asked plenty of questions by the audience, particularly Brexit-related!

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by Liz Kay, College Librarian

Celebrating the Library Refurbishment and Extension of the Greenland Library and the Archives

Following the necessary disruption of the Library Development Project it came somewhat as a relief to students and staff alike to settle back in to some kind of routine and enjoy the hugely enhanced surroundings. It was also time to show off the library and say thank you to various people. Of course, our initial thanks go to the donors who made the project possible. I will talk about them further in this report.

On a snowy evening at the end of February we celebrated the completion of the Library and Archives Project with a Project Team Dinner in the Medieval Kitchen. This was an opportunity for us to celebrate with, and thank, those closely involved in the project. Guests included: Bursar, Domestic Bursar, Clerk of Works, Fellow Librarians past and present, architects, building contractors, craftsmen, Director of Development, Principal, Archivist and, just as importantly, many of the students who had been involved as members of the Steering Group and Library Reps who had left before completion of the project. It was a wonderful evening. For some it was their first opportunity to experience the new library; they were unanimous in their delight and impressed that the end result so closely resembled the original visualisations. Although the new archive store was not on show (in the interest of maintaining correct conditions, tours of the store were not possible), the importance of a proper storage area where precious archive material will reside for years to come cannot be underestimated.

With the project team thank you dinner over with, we turned our attention to colleagues at other college libraries who had been waiting patiently to view our library having heard about the project for so many years. Soon after the end of Hilary we held a well-attended event for college librarians which included a short talk about the project followed by the opportunity to explore the library. Many colleagues had recently been through their own development project, were in the middle of a project or thinking about a project, and they were

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impressed by the beauty, the ambience, the materials and overall standard of work. The library was greatly admired as a functional space and recognised as one of quality and timeless style.

Next came the Grand Opening on 5th May. This extravaganza was organised by the Development Office and designed to be a very special event to thank the donors: Duncan Greenland CBE, James Del Favero and Gerald Smith. The event is described elsewhere in this volume of The Brazen Nose, however, it would be remiss not to record here that from our perspective too it was a resounding success. Thank you once again to the donors and to the Development Team (especially Dr Julia Diamantis) for organising the event. We welcomed back for the day past students who had been Library Reps or on the Steering Group during the project; it was lovely to share the day with them as they had been so much a part of the process. Current Library Reps willingly became guides for the afternoon showing groups of visitors around the library after the opening ceremony. We were very happy to involve them so closely in the event and they were excellent ambassadors for the library and the College.

Another library celebration came in the shape of a special exhibition timed to coincide with the opening. Exhibitions are notoriously time consuming but the library team, most notably Sophie Floate, aided by freelance Library and Archive Conservator Victoria Stevens ACR, created a pleasing, well-received exhibition which ran from the end of April through to the middle of June. The title of the exhibition was ‘From Euclid to Hooke – Early Science and Technology at Brasenose College Library.’

The following text from the accompanying poster explains:Brasenose College has a small but surprisingly diverse collection of early

printed books covering a wide range of subjects. They have been collected over the centuries since its foundation in 1509 through a combination of bequests, donations and purchases. There is little evidence in the archives to enable us to discover a pattern of purchasing, though there are of course core subjects which would have been stipulated in the University statutes and which one might expect to find in a 16th century Oxford college. Though the College was founded on a traditionalist basis advocating the study of logic, philosophy and theology, it is clear that it was also thought important to have scientific texts in the Library. Since the College is lucky to have retained early library catalogues in the Archives, we know that all of the books (bar one) in the exhibition have

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been in the College since at least the 17th century and we know that four of them have been here since the first few decades of the 16th century.

What we have on display here is a glimpse into some of the scientific publishing which has taken place over the last 500 years. The invention of printing had a huge influence on the transmission of scientific ideas and knowledge, and colleges such as Brasenose have played an important part in collecting texts which are now of much interest to scholars and researchers. It is especially interesting to note the marginalia in these books, showing clearly that they were in use by students over hundreds of years, as well as the fact that many are in their original bindings.

Students and fellows past and present, librarians and various guests all enjoyed the exhibition. It afforded a rare opportunity for people to see a selection of our treasured books.

At the beginning of Michaelmas 2017 we held a volvelles workshop in the Collaborative Study Room led by Victoria Stevens. The exhibition featured items that contained volvelles, and therefore a rare-books workshop focusing on them seemed like a natural progression. The afternoon commenced with a brief introductory presentation followed by the opportunity for participants to look at some of the Brasenose books containing volvelles. A brief tutorial on book handling led in to a practical session during which participants made their own volvelles under Victoria’s guidance. It was a fun, educational workshop in which we were able to showcase some of our rather special books.

Miscellaneous Library and Archives activities

• We purchased an unusually high number of history books due to a major reform of the Modern History syllabus.

• The Stally underwent a makeover in August and is significantly improved.

• We have welcomed numerous visitors and researchers to the Library and Archives.

• Over the summer we participated in the Bodleian/colleges collaborative OxLibris scheme which invites sixth form students to access material and learn research skills.

• We once again welcomed Julia Smith’s Traherne summer interns for a half-day session on collection care and an opportunity to work with some of our books.

• In October 2017 we received the last will and testament of

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William Hulme, dated 1691, which was generously donated to us. Hulme’s bequest is a hugely important part of College history, and we are very fortunate to have a copy in the College Archives now.

• We have completed several digitisation projects in the Archives this year. This included the digitisation of 50 historic estate maps, which was generously funded by the Delafield Fund.

• Conservation and preservation work in the Archives is ongoing. This year we rehoused our Senior Bursar’s Account Rolls in bespoke archival packaging. These date from the early 16th century onwards and are very fragile, so it was a priority to ensure that they were properly protected.

• At the beginning of this year we received the kind donation of a small yet handsome bookcase previously owned by Walter Pater. It now resides in Old Parlour.

• In July we welcomed back the College Archivist, Georgina Edwards, from maternity leave. Helen Sumping is staying on as Deputy Archivist.

• After more than a decade as a casual member of staff (partly funded by alumnus Paul Lloyd) we were delighted to establish our Antiquarian Cataloguer, Sophie Floate, as a fully-fledged part-time member of staff thanks to additional funding by the Delafield Trust.

• We formally changed the names of some of the library areas. The Stally is still the Stally but in recognition of our donors the areas included in the project have been named the Greenland Library. The Main Library as was, now part of the Greenland Library, is now known as the Del Favero Reading Room while the Old Cloisters have been named the Smith Reading Room.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all Library and Archives supporters and the students who have worked with us during the past year. We also thank our colleagues in other departments who help us in so many ways throughout the year.

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PRESENTATIONS TO THE LIBRARY1st October 2017 – 30th September 2018

Presentations by Members of College – own composition

Adam AbdullaCoaching Students in Secondary School: Closing the Gap Between Performance and Potential, 2018.

Simon AltmannEinstein’s Quantum Error: An Approach to Rationality, 2018.

Georgina BarneyGB Farming: An Island Journey, 2017.

Philip BaxterSarum Use: The Ancient Customs of Salisbury, 2018.

Roger BillisSome Untold Purpose: A Caribbean Idyll, 2018.

Vernon BogdanorBrexit and Our Unprotected Constitution, 2018.

John BowersA Practical Approach to Employment Law, 9th ed., 2017.

Alan Bowman(Editor with Andrew Wilson)Trade, Commerce and the State in the Roman World, 2017.

David Bradbury(article p. 66-70)ARA. The Bulletin of The Association for Roman Archaeology, issue 24, 2017-18.

Geraldine BrodieThe Translator on Stage, 2017.(Editor with Emma Cole)Adapting Translation for the Stage, 2017.

Edward BrownThe Anti-Franking Question, 2016.

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Andrew BurrowsThinking About Statutes: Interpretation, Interaction, Improvement, 2018.

Margaret ChewMinority Shareholders’ Rights and Remedies, 3rd ed., 2017.

David Cram(Editor with Jaap Maat)Teaching Language to a Boy Born Deaf: The Popham Notebook and Associated Texts by John Wallis, 2017.

Theodor EbertPlaton: Menon, Übersetzung und Kommentar, 2018.

Ian HutchingsThe Return of Jesus Christ: the Christian’s (half-forgotten) Hope, 2018.

Peter KingAll What Larkin, 2017.

Gerard McMeelMcMeel on the Construction of Contracts: Interpretation, Implication and Rectification, 3rd ed., 2017.

Howard MarksThe Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor, 2018.

Robert MillerCortico-Hippocampal Interplay and the Representation of Contexts in the Brain, 1991.

Peter Skinner(Introduction and notes) Twenty-Five Years in the Caucasus 1842. Volume I: The Early Years (1842-1851) by Arnold L Zisserman, 2017.

Roland TropeGuide to Cybersecurity: Due Diligence in M&A Transactions, 2017.

Paul WaltonMarians on the Mawddach: An English School’s Love Affair with a Welsh Estuary, 2017.

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Presentations by Members of College

David BradburyThe Travels of Reverend Ólafur Egilsson: The Story of the Barbary Corsair Raid on Iceland in 1627 by Karl Smári Hreinsson & Adam Nichols, 2016.

Paul DennisNunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology, 8th ed. by Andrew Lumb, 2012.Cardiovascular Physiology: Questions for Self Assessment by J Levick, 2009.Renal and Electrolyte Disorders by Robert W Shrier, 2017. Respiratory Care Anatomy and Physiology: Foundations for Clinical Practice by Will Beachey, 4th ed., 2018.Levick’s Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology, 6th ed. by Neil Herring and David J Paterson, 2017.The Physiological Basis of Metabolic Bone Disease by Howard A Morris, Paul H Anderson and B E Christopher Nordin, 2018Clinical Mitrochondrial Medicine edited by Patrick F Chinnery and Michael J Keogh, 2018.

David JacksonHistory of Netherdale by William Weatherhead, 2017.

Danae KyriakopoulouEurope’s Deadlock: How the Euro-Crisis Could be Solved – and Why It Still Won’t Happen, updated edition by David Marsh, 2013.The Convergence of Nations: Why Africa’s Time is Now by Jean-Claude Bastos de Morais, 2016.When Britain Went Bust: The 1976 IMF Crisis by Richard Roberts, 2017.

Sam Miller-McDonaldCapital: A Critique of Political Economy, Volume One by Karl Marx, reprinted 2015.Freedom from Oil: How the Next President Can End the United States’ Oil Addiction by David Sandalow, 2008.Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution by Paul Hawkin, Amory Lovins and L Hunter Lovins, 2000.On Writing Well by William Zinsser, 2006.The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason by Sam Harris, 2004.The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible by Charles Eisenstein, 2013.

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Lakshmi MenonTolley’s Yellow Tax Handbook 2016-17, 6 volumes edited by Anne Redston, 2016.Potter’s Historical Introduction to English Law, 4th ed. Edited by A K R Kiralfy, 2010.

Jasmine RandBios Instant Notes: Biochemistry, 4th ed. by David Hames and Nigel Hooper, 2011.

Jonathan RawlinsLet There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World by Seth M Siegel, 2015.

Hauke Engel, Eddie Chaloner, David Foster, Simon Godwin, Guy Spier, Perry Gauci, Angus Palmer, Mike Berners-Lee, David Clark, Rod Clayton, Dominic Barton, Nigel Jones, Jim Hawkins, Francis Bridgeman, Peter Aylott, Matthew Knight and William O’CheeIn September 2017 the above purchased a pewter tankard, which was given to the 1875 winners of the Brasenose Scratch Fours, for the Archives.

Presentations by others

Stewart McPhersonBritain’s Treasure Islands: A Journey to the UK Overseas Territories by Stewart McPherson, 2016.

Lucy NewlynDiary of a Bipolar Explorer by Lucy Newlyn, 2018.

Mike WilloughbyBringing them Home: Men of Henley 1914 -1921 by Mike Willoughby, 2014.

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by Revd Julia Baldwin, College Chaplain

This year the Chapel has played host to and embraced a wonderful plethora of events, concerts, talks, receptions, drama (a genius production of Under Milk Wood), music practice and music making as well as silence, prayer, and worship services. Quite rightly, chapel life has spilled way beyond the four walls of the Chapel itself because of the network of people - students, fellows, visitors and staff - who are caught up in the energy, the dance of this outward-looking community, ever transforming and on the move!

As I reflect on my first year as Chaplain at Brasenose, it has been a very human one – a mixed palette of darkness and light. The year for all of us has been an infusion of significant joys, laughter, unexpected blessing as well as sorrow. The first day of Freshers’ Week was a very sad one indeed, as much-loved second-year classicist Max Mian died. As a college community, we gathered on 20th October in the University Church for a memorial service with Max’s parents Helen and Shah, his brother Louis and their family and friends to support each other in mourning the loss of Max. Beautiful tributes were given by his parents, the Principal, Dr Llewelyn Morgan and some of Max’s immediate friends: Robyn, Ben, Aoife, Isabella and Angus.

Beyond this sad beginning, the round of chapel life continued in glorious regularity, with morning and evening prayer during the week alongside a drop, after Michaelmas, from five to two midweek communions as well as Sunday Holy Communion at 9am, with College Prayers on Sunday at 6pm being the high spot. Layered on top of this sustaining rhythm of worship and prayer there have been many highlights throughout the year. In November, a small group made an enjoyable excursion to Westminster Abbey to attend an ecumenical lecture hosted by the Friends of the Anglican Centre in Rome: “Anglicans and Roman Catholics – two ecclesial communions on pilgrimage together”. Our friendly and fun relationship with the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy has continued in good heart with termly or twice-termly mass. In Hilary term, we had the privilege of sitting at the feet of Fr Nick King SJ as he deftly led us on an adventure with synoptic parallels in Greek and English. On Tuesday 16th January, we

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were delighted that our Visitor, the Rt Revd Christopher Lowson, Bishop of Lincoln, was able to preside and preach at a joint College Eucharist with Lincoln College. Early on in Trinity term, we had a fruitful joint quiet day with Exeter College at the Carmelite Priory on Boars Hill. It was a wonderful opportunity to escape the pressures and business of Oxford before exams set in. We spent time tuning back into God and ourselves, walking, sharing fellowship as well as enjoying some delicious hospitality. It was lovely to welcome members of the Brasenose CU on the quiet day and we look forward to building on the good relationship and legacy of friendship between Chapel and CU that our predecessors built.

This year’s guest preachers have been thought-provoking, inspiring, fun and engaging. In Michaelmas term we heard from the Ven Martin Gorrick, Archdeacon of Oxford; Canon David Porter, Chief of Staff & Strategy, Lambeth Palace; the Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of St James Cathedral, Chicago, Illinois; and the Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave OBE, Bishop of Lichfield & Chair of the Council of Christians and Jews. In Hilary term we welcomed the Revd Dr Susan Lucas, Team Rector of the Parish of the Holy Trinity, East Ham - one of our College livings; and speaking at our Holocaust Memorial Service, Rabbi Roni Tabick, Rabbi of New Stoke Newington Shul and the Assistant Rabbi of New North London Synagogue. We greatly enjoyed the Runcie Sermon on temptation given by former Brasenose Chaplain, the Very Revd Jeffrey John, Dean of St Albans, and the preacher at the Intercollegiate Evensong at the University Church was the Rt Revd Martin Seeley, Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. Trinity term’s preachers were Revd James Crockford, Assistant Priest at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford; Revd Shemil Mathew, Anglican Chaplain to Oxford Brookes University and founding member of Anglican Minority Ethnic Network (AMEN). For our celebratory joint Pentecost Sung Eucharist at Lincoln College, the Rt Revd Humphrey Southern, Principal of Ripon College Cuddesdon, was preacher and president. Last, but by no means least, we were delighted to welcome Christina Rees CBE, Senior Partner of Media Maxima, who challenged us to think about the Trinity, gender and equality in new ways.

Our worship is enhanced with beautiful music, which flourishes under the capable and expert direction of Christian Wilson; it has been

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a real gift and joy to work with Christian in this my first year and I look forward to the coming year and all that it brings collaboratively. Our dynamic trinity of talented, female organ scholars have played and conducted superbly. The Chapel Choir have been in fine voice and their rendition of “Unter dayne vayse Shtern” was particularly moving and memorable at our Holocaust Memorial Service. Thanks to all our musicians for giving so generously of their time and skills to Chapel life, for enriching the Brasenose community and far beyond.

Huge thanks also go to Bible Clerk Maud Mullan, who survived working alongside a brand new Chaplain and was still smiling by the end of Trinity! Being Bible Clerk is a considerable undertaking in terms of commitment and organisation; Maud has brought to the role a ministry of welcome to newcomers and an outward-facing stance, which have been vital in encouraging others and showing hospitality. Thanks too to her for praying with me. In addition, sincere thanks go to David Sargent for his remarkable dedication in saying the daily office and for stepping in smoothly as acting Bible Clerk for a chunk of Hilary term when Maud was approaching Mods. There isn’t space here to thank by name all who contribute to Chapel life: superb student speakers on Tuesday evenings, servers, readers, those taking part in Chapel vision discussions, engaging in planning for interfaith events or offering intercessions, but you know who you are and please accept this as a thank you for all you do and are.

At the end of this year, it is also time to say thank you and goodbye to three of our faithful stalwarts who have enriched Chapel life throughout their Brasenose careers. We wish Megan Burnside every blessing as she joins the Roots Community at St Albans Cathedral, David Sargent as he commences his Masters in Modern Languages at Lincoln College and Tom Yems as he starts civil service work in Telford. We will miss you but look forward to your return visits in due course!

I add thanks to my immediate predecessors Revd Professor Judith Brown and Revd Dr Dominic Keech for the good legacy they have built up, which continues to bear much fruit; and also for their gracious sharing of expertise and knowledge that aided a smooth transition for me into post this year from Lambeth and Canterbury. Lastly, thanks especially to the Principal and all members of Brasenose who have made me feel so warmly welcome right from day one.

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Chapel and Music PeopleBible Clerk – Maud MullanActing Bible Clerk in Hilary Term – David SargentSenior Organ Scholars – Sarah Hughes and Fleur SnowJunior Organ Scholar – Bethany Reeves

Occasional Offices: September 2017 - October 2018BaptismsArchie Gallacher - 18th March Raphael Da Gama Campos - 15th April Henry Willco*cks - 24th June Alexander Willco*cks - 24th June

MarriagesRebecca Tatlow and John Butterworth - 14th April Frida Randen and Alexis Wegerich - 1st September

Marriage BlessingsChelsea Perfect and Liam Cattell - 24th March

Memorial ServicesMax Mian (1997-2017) - 20th October in the University Church

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by Christian Wilson, Director of College Music

It has been a fruitful year of music-making at Brasenose, enhanced by three excellent organ scholars, a number of maturing choral scholars, a fresh year of musical freshers, and some wonderful graduate support. We were thrilled to welcome the Chaplain, the Reverend Julia Baldwin at the start of the year, signalling a new era for the Chapel and its choir. Julia’s support, kindness and expertise have smoothed the transition and only helped to increase the productivity of the College’s musical output. Brasenose is most fortunate to have someone with her background and vision and I’m extremely grateful for her ongoing support for music-making in Chapel and beyond.

It’s an unfortunate fact that female organ scholar applicants remain a distinct minority at Oxford and Cambridge. The distribution at Oxford is currently healthier in this regard with two female organ scholars at Hertford and University College respectively, and a number elsewhere across the University. It was a particular delight for Brasenose that the arrival of Bethany Reeves as Junior Organ Scholar signalled an Oxbridge first: three female organ scholars at one college! Bethany arrived to study Music, with a host of musical achievements to her name, including success at major competitions in composition, and a number of concerto performances. With the return of Fleur Snow from her year abroad to join our other music student Sarah Hughes, the organ loft was brimming with musical maturity, skill and good humour. There was immediate cohesion and friendship amongst the team, and their musicianship in Chapel, their individual direction of the choir, and their College-wide enthusiasm for music shone throughout the year.

Bethany’s gregarious presence among the new intake helped to ensure that the Freshers’ Concert during Hilary was a roaring success. Having limited the offerings to provide a recital of sensible length, we heard performances from one cellist, three clarinetists, three pianists, one flautist, an electric guitarist, a saxophonist, an accordionist and one tenor. A similarly eclectic array of musicianship was on show again at the ‘Music at Brasenose’ recital, held on Friday of 7th week each term. Musicians from graduate and undergraduate common rooms performed music in a variety of genres, with stand-out performances

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from Brasenose Jazz Band, and a number of close-harmony and choral groups, directed by Fleur Snow and Bethany Reeves.

The series of organ recitals through the year was initiated by myself with a small selection of chorale settings from Bach’s esoteric collection ‘Clavier-Übung III’. Organ recitals are usually programmed as an atmospheric offering before Compline on Wednesday evenings, and Sarah Hughes and Bethany Reeves provided eclectic programmes featuring romantic and modern works for organ. Fleur Snow changed the natural order by placing a drum kit in the organ loft and performing re-interpreted jazz and modern jazz standards to an astonished and amused audience! Fleur again subverted the norm when directing Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood in Michaelmas, fashioning musical leitmotifs to dramatise the behaviours of Organ-Morgan and a number of other characters.

The annual SCR/staff concert in Hilary was a colourful affair with Konstantin Ardakov joining me at the piano to perform Warlock’s ‘Capriol Suite’, Jonathan Katz performing Scarlatti and Liszt, Pegram Harrison singing Handel, William James performing beautifully on the oboe, Chris Timpson singing songs by Blondie, and Elspeth Garman (now an annual favourite) stirring up the audience with her energised renditions of Northumbrian folksongs!

The College’s generous provision for the international Platnauer Concert series continues, and we began by celebrating a connection with the Oxford Lieder Festival, inviting baritone Marcus Farnsworth and accompanist Libby Burgess to perform in Michaelmas. Farnsworth’s stamina in Finzi’s ‘Earth, Air, and Rain’ was remarkable, and the unity with which they shaped and coloured the longer phrases in Schumann’s ‘Dichterliebe’ made for an emotionally charged evening. In Hilary, we invited the winner of the prestigious Yehudi Menuhin Violin competition (2016), Austrian-Chinese violinist Ziyu He, to perform. Perhaps the most significant of all major violin competitions, the Menuhin Competition is overseen by Brasenose alumnus Duncan Greenland as Chairman of the Trustees, and we were delighted that he was able to join us in an overflowing chapel for a remarkable evening of musical drama, technical wizardry, and outstanding maturity from a musician only 18 years of age!

An invitation to the David Rees-Williams Trio in Trinity term honoured the strong and abiding interest in jazz amongst the student body at Brasenose. The trio are specialists in reimagining and arranging

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classical compositions in a jazz guise, and this was a marvellous opportunity to witness an ensemble at the top of their game. This recital also marked the culmination of a busy Arts Week at Brasenose which was elsewhere coloured with the usual sequence of lunchtime ‘Microconcerts’ reflecting performing interests in jazz and alternative genres. Choral scholars and instrumental scholars provided music for a number of recitals, along with close-harmony groups, jazz ensembles, BNC bands, and DJs. The floor was opened up at the ‘open mic night’ and there were rousing marquee performances by the Sisters of Funk and the Rough Edge Brass Band.

Brasenose Choir has gone through a year of refinement, with a slightly smaller intake than previous years, but no lack of musicality and expressive potential. The repertoire has continued to expand, incorporating large anthems by Wesley and Mendelssohn, verse settings by Byrd and Gibbons and a number of challenging modern works. At the Holocaust Memorial Service in January, the choir sang Brudno’s hauntingly beautiful setting ‘Unter dayne vayse shtern’ adding Yiddish to the broad selection of languages encountered through the Chapel music list. Other highlights included the annual Oxmas midnight mass service, intercollegiate Evensong at Saint Mary the Virgin during Hilary, our annual joint Evensong with Lincoln College, and a particularly well-received ‘away’ Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral in 4th week of Trinity.

There was an opportunity to celebrate our trio of organ scholars during Hilary at the William Smyth Memorial Concert. This included a performance by instrumental scholar, medic and principal oboist of the Aurora Orchestra, Thomas Barber, and the organ scholars made solo and duo performances on a variety of instruments, demonstrating their extraordinary gift for music. The recital concluded with all scholars and Director of Music together in an arrangement of Rossini’s William Tell Overture for large organ, piano, chamber organ and harpsichord; a feat of collective ensemble in which each musician was positioned in a different area of the Chapel! At the end of Trinity term, the organ scholars also organised a sell-out performance of Mozart’s Requiem with members of Brasenose Choir and top soloists and instrumentalists from across the University.

With this marvellous trio of musicians and a stellar year of choral scholars, I’d like to thank all of those who have enriched the musical

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life at Brasenose and made my life so much more rewarding. Of those, I must make special mention of the departing Organ Scholars Sarah Hughes and Fleur Snow (who are both furthering their careers in music-related study), and to the outgoing Choral Scholars Philippa Collins (alto), Freddie Hinds (tenor), Maria Czepiel (soprano) and David Sargent (bass) who have provided a strong leadership in choir and enthusiasm for music across the College. I’m pleased to say that, on account of their excellent results at Finals, David and Maria will return for graduate study at Lincoln College. Fortunately, their allegiance to the family at Brasenose means that we will continue to benefit from their vocal gifts as they are set to re-join Brasenose Choir for an exciting new year of music-making which is set to culminate in a choir tour to Germany.


by Paul Burgess (English, 1993), Chair

Set up at Brasenose in 1996 by many of the same students who organised the first Arts Week, the King’s Hall Trust for the Arts exists to support education in the arts. This doesn’t, however, mean formal education; instead we seek to give people the opportunity to develop new skills and grow their artistic practices by supporting their self-run projects. We’re particularly keen to help the small-scale, innovative and experimental. Not only do such projects often provide excellent opportunities for artistic development; they often also struggle to get funding from other sources. So, although we are a small charity, we focus on supporting activity where we are able make a significant difference.

Our support comes in three forms: underwriting for projects that generate an income, grants for projects that don’t, and advice. Several trustees are arts professionals, and between us we can answer most of the questions that come to us, either directly or through our networks. If you work in the arts and are happy to provide advice, please let us know and we can forward relevant queries on to you.

As has been the case for a while now, we receive a great many requests for funding for student film projects; we funded a few of these over the last year. We also funded student theatre projects, as we have done since we were founded, and continued our regular support for

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the annual Andrew Chamblin Memorial Concert at Christ Church. We also funded a couple of plays at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

As a BNC-based charity, reliant entirely on donations from BNC alumni, we aim, where possible, to support projects with College involvement. Two such projects stand out from last year. The Alchymy Festival at North Wall, which was produced by a BNC alumnus, and a conversation between Pulitzer Prize-nominated American playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and the College’s very own Dr Sos Eltis.

Our connection to the College is important to us. The current trustees are Mia Bennett, Paul Burgess, Nick Herbert, Ellie Keel, Stephen Kyberd, Liz Owen and Rikesh Shah. All are BNC alumni. We’re always re-evaluating the best ways we can help support the arts at Brasenose and beyond, and had a very helpful meeting with Dr Eltis about this. We’re now investigating ways to support BNC graduates as they start their professional careers. The first few years out of university are often the most difficult. To make a real difference here will entail more fundraising but, if possible, we think it would be an exciting new focus for the Trust. We’ll share more news about this soon.

To keep up to date with our activities, please follow our Facebook page, /KingsHallTrust, or join our mailing list. You can sign up for this on our website, where you can also find out more about us. We’re always happy to talk about our work, and any offers of help and support will be gratefully received. So do please get in touch if you have any ideas or questions, or if you wish to get involved: [emailprotected].


by Philip Parker, College Bursar

The College had a robust year financially. Income was £12.1 million, and exceeded budget thanks to growth in donations and fees. Expenditure was controlled at £11.5 million, so the operating surplus was £0.6 million.

The College received donations of £0.7 million for capital projects, mainly for the refurbishment of the Greenland Library, which is now complete. During the year, the College started the expansion of the Lecture Room XI, supported by the Amersi Foundation.

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Income 2017-18 £000s

Fees 2,786

Domestic income 2,670

Conferences 1,227

Donations (excluding capital) 1,192

Transfer from endowment 4,203

Other income 1

Total 12,079

Capital donations

- to the endowment 336

- for buildings 727

Expenditure 2017-18 £000s

Tuition and Research 3,472

Student Support 636

Domestic costs 5,826

Conference costs 486

Development and Alumni Relations 581

Investment Management 486

Total 11,487

Capital expenditure 1,008

The endowment ended the year at £149.0 million. Donations to the endowment in the year were £0.3 million, and net investment gains were £10.9 million, as the portfolio benefited from rising markets and the careful stewardship of the Investment Advisory Committee. At 30th June 2018, the annualised investment return over the previous three years was 11.4% per annum and over the previous five years was 9.7% per annum.

Further analysis of the income and expenditure is depicted in the pie charts, and the full Trustees’ report and Financial statements are available on the College website.

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by Juliette Allen

The BNCBC women hit 2018 hard with a large contingent of incoming novice rowers. It was a brilliant start to the year as they came second in Nephthys and later reached the semi-finals of the Christ Church Regatta. In the meantime the senior squad enjoyed some mixed sessions and some training in smaller boats. Despite having four bowsiders, the women challenged themselves to enter Autumn Fours on the Isis, and even made it past the first round. We rounded off Michaelmas with a mixed (men and women) and novice-senior integrated training camp, establishing a competitive and supportive atmosphere within the Boat Club for the rest of the year.

Branching out from Oxford, the newly formed senior squad went to Henley Fours and Eights Head on a frosty January morning to give their novices a first taste of racing amongst competitive university crews. Over a gruelling 3km course upstream, the VIII+ rose to the challenge of their longest race to date. Next up came Torpids in 7th week of Hilary. Faced with snow and blizzard conditions, racing was called off and cut short our blades campaign. With frozen hands and feet, both women’s crews bumped on the first (and only full) day of racing within the first 50 strokes! Despite de-icing efforts, conditions only improved enough to allow the top three divisions to compete on the last day, and W1 bumped again in the first minute of racing. Our blades campaign would have to wait until Summer … However, Hilary term training was not wasted as a week later we raced at Women’s Head of the River. It was a first Tideway experience for most of the crew, and by far the toughest challenge the senior squad had faced for a while.

We kicked off Trinity term with a semi-final appearance at Evesham Regatta, an exciting outcome for crew completely new to external racing. The scorching heat and unisuit tan-lines came as a welcome change. A highly anticipated week of racing for Summer Eights was certainly as exciting as we had hoped. W1 were surrounded by grad college heavyweights (Green Templeton College and St Antony’s) providing a tough four days of competition. W1 raced the whole course (or almost) under highly pressured situations; closing on St Antony’s to a canvas, they pulled away just after the Gut and we ended up bumped just metres from the line by GTC. Learning from this, W1 rowed over every

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other day of Eights, holding off crews chasing behind and almost over-bumping in some of the most exciting and close races of the event. With the year coming to a close, we raced in the IV+ Development category of Women’s Henley Regatta. It was a great experience for all involved and despite not qualifying, we were very pleased to come 27th out of 40+ crews (top 16 qualifying), beating all other Oxford colleges in our category and many other university crews.


by Peter Edmondson

Having lost a large proportion of the senior squad from the year before, 2017-18 was a year of rebuilding for the men, but it wasn’t without success and good fun along the way. The year started with a top performance in Christ Church Regatta, reaching the quarter finals, showing a lot of potential for novices to quickly progress into the seniors.

The focus for the seniors in Michaelmas was Wallingford – the 5km head race. Not content with taking on the Oxford colleges and other small clubs, we decided to enter the Elite u23 category, pitting us against the Oxford Brookes First VIII (some say this was an horrendous administrative error…). We will leave the result to your imagination.

The external events continued into Hilary with the First VIII and a IV+ getting their first run down the Henley course – not Henley Royal Regatta, but the Henley Fours and Eights Head race. This was a great day, rounded off by sneaking into the Leander Bar for a very expensive pint.

Our Torpids campaign was disrupted by the “Beast from the East”, which led to the cancellation of two days of racing. However, both M1 and M2 got off to good starts on day one with M2 bumping Univ and M1 in a very exciting row over. M1 could not repeat the feat on the Saturday however, being bumped by Queen’s after a seat malfunction at stroke. There was solace to be found though during Brasenose’s first appearance at the Head of the River Race for a number of years. This saw us post a highly respectable time in the longest race anyone in the crew had ever rowed. We will definitely be back to take on the Tideway again next year.

The start of Trinity saw the club’s first silverware of the year. Evesham Regatta didn’t know what hit it as ten of us turned up in a tent and destroyed the competition. The result was a Brasenose vs Brasenose final

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in the coxed four sprint event. There were claims of a swan interfering in the final, but the result was never in doubt for what must now be considered the First IV+.

Summer Eights also saw some silverware for M1; however, it was less silver, more wood, and less trophy, more spoon. Some quick crews around us did not help but, ultimately, we were just not fast enough. However, with almost all the crew staying on for next year, the coming season could be a very different prospect with a year of training together as a crew.

Off the water, this was a year of huge progress. A new five-year coaching grant has been agreed with College, for which we are most grateful. This September saw the reformation of the Steering Committee which will bring together the Boat Club Committee, the Bowman Fund organisation, and the Boat Club Senior Member to improve the long-term planning of the club. The summer also played host to the inaugural Alumni BBQ which is hopefully just the start of much stronger connections with Brasenose Boat Club alumni. So, if all goes to plan, see you all at Henley – at least for lunch!


by Tabitha Everett

The women’s football team had a very successful season. Highlights for us include a 10-1 victory over Teddy Hall and a nail-biting 3-3 draw with Jesus which we then won on penalties. It has been a pleasure to see more and more women attending football sessions at Brasenose as the year progressed, with many team members playing competitively for the very first time. As our collective confidence grew and teammates learned one another’s style of play, some excellent football materialised.

This year saw the introduction of the Hassan’s Cup – a new men and women’s football league in Oxford named after Hassan’s kebab van, a revered local attraction. This competition was available for teams knocked out in the early stages of the official Cuppers tournament. We were unlucky to lose our first Cuppers match and went on to have an excellent run in Hassan’s Cup, narrowly losing 1-0 in the semi-final to our rivals Jesus. Holly Skinner put in a particularly fantastic performance during this game, after being persuaded to sacrifice her University netball session in order to support us at centre back.

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In general, BNC women have shown real tenacity on the pitch and a growing passion for football. Jasmin Yang-Spooner and Alisha Wright were both stalwarts on the left and right wings respectively. Jasmin’s work rate and stamina kept the team afloat during tough matches, and Alisha scored eight goals over the season. Defenders such as Alicia Graham and Johanne Nedergard were solid at the back all year, often leaving matches with impressive bruises and grazes after giving everything on the pitch. We are also sad to say goodbye to our left and right backs this year; Letty Barden has now graduated and Matty Matsagoura and Emily Hobbs are on years abroad, and all three of them will be sorely missed and difficult to replace.

Season 2017-18 was rewarding, challenging and extremely good fun. We look forward to welcoming new players for the coming year!


by Calum Flintoff

Another year flashes by and Brasenose Men’s Football Team remains firmly entrenched in the ‘sleeping giant’ category of college sides. Boasting more Cuppers triumphs than any other shade in the Oxford sphere, the Black and Gold side which reigned victorious in 2016 has slowly bled out into the real world; the last vestiges of the all-conquering age filtered away by a fresh influx of talent. But this is not to belittle the current side: a band of merry men who on several occasions this season went toe to toe with the very best Oxford has to offer and almost came away victorious. Almost.

A promising start to the campaign saw clinical victories over Oriel and University in the league; the latter a 20-0 thrashing that duly registers as OUAFC’s greatest ever victory margin – a feat for the boys to cherish forever, and perhaps the seven men of the opposition to forget in a hurry. This was followed by a win over a very good St Anne’s side in Cuppers, particular highlights including skipper Flintoff smashing a penalty into the bar just moments after receiving sage wisdom from Blues President Wulfie Bain to keep the effort low; Sean Cuddihy running the length of the left flank to drive us back into the lead, and Edward Shorland producing the greatest slide tackle seen since Sol Campbell headed into retirement all those years ago. The embryonic stages of the season had witnessed some of the finest football played along the carpets of Stadio

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delle DTG, but a string of thrown-away leads – remarkably, the side can boast going 1-0 up in all but one fixture pre-January – led to what can only be described as an uncharacteristic slump in fortunes.

Even the greatest sides need their own personal slice of luck in times of desperate need, but fiendish cup tie draws against the eventual JCR Premier Division Champions St John’s and perennial Cuppers semi-finalists Wadham led to agonising exits in valiant defeat. Mounting a comeback from 3-0 down against Wadham we fell short in the dying embers, whilst St John’s produced a long-range equaliser in injury time before converting again in extra-time to shatter dreams of playing under lights at the hallowed turf of Iffley – a regular haunt to visit second only to the Turf Tavern on matchdays.

Performances fizzled out at the back-end of a long season to provide an unflattering league position on paper, but this was without doubt a season to be proud of, capped by gargantuan efforts from a cadre - including the indomitable Wulfie Bain - who have played for the final time in the shirt. Tom Hurleston produced a selection of virtuoso midfield displays that most would be happy to achieve in a lifetime; Tim Mycroft achieved acclaim in an array of positions both stopping and bagging goals and would surely play left-back under Pep Guardiola at Manchester City; whilst last season’s captain James Scoon was handed the honour of Players’ Player of the Season, perhaps a nod to the Keswick grumblings that transformed the intensity on the field of play come matchday. It would also be remiss not to mention the goal-scoring exploits of ‘Crichel 9’, a cult hero whose name will be sung in the terraces for an eternity to come as this sleeping giant begins to awake once more.


by Harry Williams

This season saw a combination of Brasenose veterans of three, four or five years playing alongside first years, boys who hadn’t touched a rugby ball since the middle of secondary school lining up with players who represented the University. This combination was clearly a roaring success, as Brasenose not only got promoted into Division 3 of the College Leagues system in Michaelmas term without losing a game, but also then enjoyed a competitive, combative second half of the season to stay up in Div. 3 for next season. A particular highlight came midway

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through Hilary term with a scrappy, hard-fought League victory over Balliol, in which we managed to overturn a three-try deficit to win the game with seconds left to play. In Cuppers, Brasenose also enjoyed a solid run, as usual punching above our relative weight, beating Balliol for the second time in two weeks before coming up against very strong Hertford and Keble teams in round two of the cup competition and in the plate competition respectively.

It’s been a pleasure to play alongside such a great group of players and guys, and I can’t thank the Vice-Captain, Dan Smith, and the social secretary, Angus Baird, enough for their contributions in making this season a success on and off the pitch. This season, we’ve said goodbye to players who’ve put the black and gold on for many years, but we’ve also gained another excellent crop of players, one of whom, Duncan Smith, will be leading the club next season.

With another year coming up fast, I’d encourage anyone, regardless of experience, to give college rugby a try; there really isn’t a better place to get to know people, have a laugh, and play some sport with mates. I’m looking forward to another fun and successful season, meeting a new bunch of players and to kicking on in the league and in Cuppers. Bleed Black and Gold.


by Tom Fane

The past year has been great for Brasenose hockey. It has been a pleasure to watch a new set of students become involved in fixtures and to witness the continued and enthusiastic support of an excellent group of older years. As well as this, the quality of the players and many of the performances leave me excited to see how the team progresses in the years to come. It has not been plain sailing, but the highs have definitely outweighed the lows.

In Michaelmas an impressive, even bafflingly good turnout for the first match of the year against Christ Church boded well for the season. Brasenose stormed to a convincing victory and several other victories followed in the league that season. We were outmatched on occasion as turnouts rose and fell and other teams produced solid performances. Yet even in a losing situation BNC always proved themselves a quality team with great promise for the future. Particular praise must go to a new raft

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of first years who would spend most of the year making their captain and even some of the more mature students in the team look slightly pedestrian, so consistently high was the standard of the performances they produced. Michaelmas term ended with Brasenose just missing out on promotion, but with spirits still high after some enjoyable games and memorable moments.

The league gave way to Men’s Cuppers in Hilary, but unfortunately this time it turned out most definitely not to be coming home. A defeat in the knock out tournament early on put paid to Brasenose’s hopes for a higher placed finish, which would otherwise have been completely justified considering the enthusiasm, skill and determination which went into many of the team’s performances (turning out early on Sunday mornings being a particularly strong illustration of this, bearing in mind the other student activities commonly undertaken over the weekend…). Happily, these excellent performances bore fruit in Trinity, where Brasenose achieved a run of victories in style. These successes were interrupted only by an unfortunate defeat at the hands of Magdalen, which owed more to the lack of availability and an excellent performance from the Magdalen keeper than to any inadequacies on the part of the team. As exam season hit home attendance understandably dropped off but Mixed Cuppers continued to provide a series of great games, in which BNC more often than not emerged victorious.

Whatever the score line, BNC hockey always provided a very welcoming and friendly setting for students new and old alike. Finally, it is a privilege to hand over to Dilip Goyal, a very committed and talented player, not to mention a superb leader within the team throughout the year. He is sure to build on the success we have had this year. I am confident that I will return to find a new and much improved team in my final year. Up the Col’.


by Dan Smith

This season was one of mixed results and emotions. There were some very strong performances for both teams, but also issues with availability on account of the large proportion of finalists involved, and the result was a place at the end of the season in the lower stretches of mid-table. Our Cuppers run unfortunately ended before it began, an unlucky

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draw pitting us against the previous year’s finalists. Even though we managed to put out a very strong side, we lost to some excellent bowling from the opposition.

Our league campaign started off well with a victory away at Jesus, despite starting the match with half of our team still waiting for a taxi to the ground. With their eventual arrival, and thanks to a great bowling performance from the entire team, we managed to successfully defend a small total. Unfortunately we couldn’t follow up this impressive performance in subsequent matches as rain washed out one and we had to concede our first home match of the season due to a shortage of players.

When we did finally get back onto the pitch we gave Merton a really good run for their money. It took a lot of negotiation to get the game played, and we set a competitive total and bowled well enough to have the game all but in our grasp - only for one of their batsmen to take the game away from us. Thereafter weeks of matches had to be cancelled due either to the weather or poor numbers.

We managed to play one last match, against Hertford, after most finalists had finished their exams. For most of the players it was their very last match for the College. Batting first, we set a total of 185 in 30 overs to give the bowlers something to defend, and they set about it with great vigour. The match was in the balance with Hertford needing only 55 runs off the last ten overs, but our bowlers gave their all and dragged the match back from the brink, bowling the opposition out just short of the target. This allowed us to celebrate and give a good send-off to all those who were leaving us. Our thanks to all of them for everything they have done for the club during their time at Brasenose.


by Huan Chen

BNC Tennis had a good season last term, with attendance soaring from previous terms. We got sufficient funding from the College to make a weekly booking for the Iffley grass courts. We were also able to hire a coach for Trinity term and participate in the OULTC’s combined coaching sessions for the first four weeks. Our weekly attendance varied over the year, peaking in Trinity, reaching up to almost ten participants per session.

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In terms of competitions, we participated in both Tennis Cuppers and Tennis League. We were playing in the 6th division in the League, and won every single match (out of which two were forfeits from the other side). We are hoping to move up to the 5th division for next Trinity. In terms of Cuppers, we were handed an unlucky match against one of the tougher contenders from the 3rd division, and were knocked out after the first game.

For next year, Bethy Reeves, who plays for the University Women’s 3rd team, will be captaining the Brasenose team. We are hopeful to see further increases in tennis participation in Brasenose. As most of our players were second and third year students, the majority of the team should still be around, while a whole new batch of freshers will be coming in.


by Alicia Graham

It has been another strong year for Brasenose netball with a very high level of skill being demonstrated throughout the year. Brasenose is very fortunate to possess strength in depth with two very successful netball teams containing players from all years. Our teams allow for inexperienced members to develop their skills in a fun, social environment, while experienced netball players are challenged with a high level of netball, playing at the top of the league.

The season began in Michaelmas 2017 with Brasenose A team playing in Division 1 - the top of the league - with Brasenose B team being entered into Division 4. Division 1 matches saw a number of highly competitive encounters of a very high standard, stretching the team against Oxford’s best. Brasenose enjoyed a series of wins in the Division 4 matches, demonstrating the team’s ability to play competitively while also creating a friendly atmosphere and allowing an active break from work.

The new season brought with it a number of new team members from the incoming year; a very welcome addition to an already very strong squad. Notable new members include Bethy Reeves whose consistent shooting proved to be of great value throughout the year, particularly given her weekly commitment to matches. Larissa Machiels also brought great strength to the team, adding some much needed height

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and aggression to the defence. In centre court, Eleanor Dodd brilliantly held the position of centre, demonstrating impressive athleticism and understanding of the game. Great commitment throughout the season was demonstrated by Eleanor Pendle, Izzy Smith, Sarah Philips and Miriam Cakebread.

The netball Cuppers tournament proved to be one of the highlights of the season. Sporting the new netball dresses, Brasenose A team came together on a very hot day to play against a number of college teams. Unfortunately, Brasenose was hit by a number of injuries, with some experienced players unable to play. Nonetheless, the team (Robin Timmis, Miriam Cakebread, Eleanor Pendle, Bethy Reeves, Larissa Machiels, Eleanor Dodd, Alicia Graham, Holly Skinner and Sarah Phillips) pulled together with an incredible effort put in by all players. Brasenose breezed through a number of matches, winning three, drawing one, and losing one, placing Brasenose second in the group and sending us through to the quarter-finals! After a tiring morning of solid play in the heat, the A team faced a highly competitive quarter-final; a narrow loss of 3-2 meant Brasenose just missed out on the semi-finals. This was a brilliant result, nevertheless, particularly given the absence of some of our top players: it was wonderful watching a number of first-year players making up the team and performing to the top of their ability. Overall, it was a hugely enjoyable day of netball played in a competitive but sporting spirit and we have high hopes for next year’s tournament.

The male members of Brasenose were finally able to demonstrate their netball skills in Trinity, with Brasenose entering two teams for the Mixed Cuppers tournament. All players pulled together to rapidly teach the rules to the boys new to netball; with two male players per team, a lot of fun was had by all.

Brasenose has had a wonderful year of netball and I look forward to the coming year with Eleanor Dodd as captain.


by Manish Binukrishnan

Nothing better sums up the previous year in badminton than a series of smash hits. Having relocated to a closer venue in East Oxford Games Hall, turnout increased dramatically, with upwards of 20 people turning up to sessions. Whether that was because it was closer to Brasenose or

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closer to Nando’s is still debatable. Whatever the reason, we had a lot of new faces turn up to badminton, which seemed promising for the year ahead. A particularly successful draw was our inaugural Brasenose Badminton Tournament, which featured 50 players from the HCR and JCR and even the portering team! Hopefully this marks the start of an annual competition where people can come and try their skills out against others at BNC.

However, we had even more success on the inter-college scene. The men were able to achieve a flawless league performance, topping the division and earning promotion to Division 1. We also managed to make it to the semi-finals of the College Cuppers (which included University players!), rounding off a highly successful season for BNC men’s. A big thanks to Tom Hurleston, Tansy Branscombe, Toby de Mendonca, Freddie Hinds and Nathaniel Saul for their performances in the season.

That said, the women’s team blew the men’s success out of the water. Topping their league as well, they then went on to smash the competition in College Cuppers, reaching the women’s finals and then clinching it with the last two games. Huge congratulations to Jasmin Yang-Spooner, Celine Penant, Megan Cox and captains Rachel Cohn and Tansy Branscombe for their incredible year.

That about wraps up the year in badminton. We’ve managed to grow into one of Brasenose’s most popular societies and there’s a lot of promising talent among us. I’m delighted to pass on to the capable hands of Josh Form and Megan Cox as the badminton co-captains for the upcoming year, and with the events they’ve got lined up, be it socials, tournaments and more, I’m sure that badminton has a bright future.


by Joey Fisher

Tales will be told of the exploits of the BNC mixed lacrosse 2017-18 season for years to come. Every new intake of freshers will listen with breathless excitement as they learn how we went undefeated in normal time for a whole season. Despite all this, we failed yet again to secure any silverware. However, all the brave men and women who graced the team with their presence have ended up true winners through the beautiful friendships and bonds they forged along the way.

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Angus Baird is the winner of the coveted Nimrod Nehushtan award for goal of the year. Young Baird planted himself firmly in the collective psyche of lacrosse fans worldwide when he threaded a long range effort through a horde of St Anne’s defenders to nestle the ball in the welcoming bosom of the top right netting. Nehushtan had this to say when he handed out the trophy: “There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry”.

Special mentions also have to go to Ed Shorland, Tom Harmer, Harrison Ward, Alex Thomas, Matty Matsagoura, Emily Curtis, and Taina Silva, who all played every game of the season. We wish them well in their future endeavours.


by Tom Steer

Brasenose PPE Society, now in its third year since being founded by Will Feerick and Vivek Gupta, continued to host excellent speakers in 2018 from a diversity of fields and backgrounds. Running the society, it has been a pleasure to listen to and talk with such interesting guests, with lectures on a wide variety of subjects, from the justification of political violence to the German perspective on Brexit.

I must thank Alice Wilco*ck, my predecessor, for all her help in contacting potential speakers and for her assistance in organising the annual PPE dinner. I’ve also had the help of a small team of freshers: Will Stone, Amy Popiolek, Allen Haugh and Joe Sibley.

Back in Michaelmas, we hosted a fascinating talk by Dr Dean Winslow who spoke poignantly about his experiences serving as a medic in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and his subsequent work for the Trump administration on defence policy.

In Hilary we had the privilege of hosting three Austrian ambassadors, Franz Cede, Christian Prossl and Martin Eichtinger; they discussed the current political situation in Austria as well as European international relations. Thanks go to Dr Ferdinand Rauch, Fellow in Economics, for his help in making this event happen.

Trinity was a busy term for the Society as we hosted three speakers. Before PPE dinner, we heard from distinguished political theorist Elizabeth Frazer about her work on the justification of political violence.

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The following week saw former BNC philosophy tutor Marianne Talbot return to the College to speak fascinatingly on the value of philosophy. Finally we co-hosted with the German Society the former German diplomat Dr Hubertus von Morr, who offered us an insight into the current German political scene in a wide-ranging address that could not avoid the question of Brexit – thank you to alumnus David Clark for putting me in contact with Dr von Morr.


by Rosie Duthie (Secretary, 2017-18)

It has been another exciting year for the Ellesmere Society. From welcoming the new first-year Law students to the Stallybrass Library to waving off our finalists following their examinations, 2017-18 has been a year of celebration and success. Tradition has always been at the heart of Oxford University life, and the Ellesmere Society has been lucky enough to maintain its traditions, dating back almost a century, while also creating new ones.

The year began with the annual Welcome Drinks for students, and a dinner to introduce the first years to their eager College parents. Then came a record number of events offering career opportunities to students, with a welcome range of solicitors’ firms and barristers’ chambers. We are very grateful to these and other professionals who took the time to speak to our students, and to offer them guidance as they look towards their future careers.

In the 5th week of Michaelmas term, Brasenose hosted the annual Ellesmere Dinner, the highlight of the Society’s calendar. More than 100 guests were in attendance to celebrate their time at Brasenose and to share their experiences of the legal world since. We were honoured to welcome alumnus and Honorary Fellow Sir Peter Jackson, who gave an enthralling speech including a hidden history of the Ellesmere Society and some gems of advice for the students amongst us. The Ellesmere Society was also pleased to welcome representatives from Slaughter and May, Freshfields, Macfarlanes, Sidley Austin and Baker McKenzie, the firms whose generous donations made this celebrated event possible. Students appreciated the chance to gain insights into the opportunities available upon graduation and, as ever, the Ellesmere Society is interested to hear from any alumni who are eager to share their experiences with current students.

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Of course, the achievements of our students must also be celebrated. This year, they continued to demonstrate their aptitude for mooting. Our thanks go to Philomene Tsamados (Mistress of Moots 2017-18), who organised the Brasenose Freshers Moot, and to Paul Fradley and Neo Seh Woon who judged the competition. Our congratulations go to those who represented Brasenose with success in inter-college competitions. To start the year, Edward Tsui, Cherlyn Lee and Neo Seh Woon reached the quarter-finals of the traditional Cuppers Mooting Competition; Eunice Ngooi and Edward Tsui then independently competed in the Human Rights Moot, in which Edward Tsui was successful in reaching the semi-finals; and in Trinity term, Edward Tsui and I reached the semi-finals of the annual Holdsworth Moot.

Once again we are very proud of our finalists for their examination results. There were two awards of First Class degrees, and special mention must go to Crystal Lim who was awarded the prize for the highest results in Medical Law and Ethics, and to the outgoing President of the Society, Alisha Wright, who won the prize for the highest mark in Family Law. We also look forward to welcoming back Neo Seh Woon who successfully secured a place on the BCL at Brasenose. In a community as tightknit as ours, we will be very sorry to say goodbye to our graduates, who brought humour, wisdom and friendliness to the Stallybrass. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours and hope to see them back at Brasenose soon!

Finally, we owe a tremendous thank you to the Alumni & Development Office and the Buttery for their work in ensuring the success of the Ellesmere Dinner. Of course, we are very thankful to our fantastic tutors, who consistently provide invaluable tuition and wider advice. My thanks go to the Ellesmere Committee 2017-18, Alisha Wright and Karen Zhang, for all of their work this year. I look forward to working with the incoming committee members in what I am sure will be another enjoyable and successful year for the Ellesmere Society.


by Maximilian Yuen

In 1644, Elias Ashmole enrolled at Brasenose College. To today’s cohort of history students, it matters not that his studies lasted a mere 12 months and were chiefly meant to pass the time when he wasn’t bashing Roundheads.

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It matters not, with war concluded, that he never bothered coming back, busy with more pressing matters of alchemy, freemasonry and scamming drunken friends out of their valuables. It matters not, indeed, and seemingly most damningly, that he studied not History, not HisPol, not even History and Economics, but spent his Brasenostril days engrossed in Maths and Physics. No, not even this can dampen our enthusiasm: and some 400 years after the great man entered this world, the College’s very own history society continues proudly to bear his name.

It was, therefore, with due reverence that last year’s committee took on the governance of so lofty an association. Our tenure began as it was to continue – with drinks – before proceeding to the speaking events that make the society such an asset to the College. Our first guest was a man scarcely less venerable than Elias himself, the great David Carpenter, expert on all things mediaeval, highest authority for any student of British History II. Hurrying up from London, he presented his research on Henry III, replete with holiday snaps, lots of coins, and all the times he’s nearly been shot.

Next up, by coincidence, was his editor, Simon Winder, a man better known for books of his own, which chart the history of central Europe in inimitable style. We were lucky enough to receive the first ever talk on his as-yet unpublished volume, Lotharingia, which meant, as he freely admitted, that he had no idea what he was going to say. All the same, we heard a fascinating outline of Europe’s ‘in-between zone’, from Amsterdam to Switzerland, Charlemagne to Bismarck, and enjoyed some appropriately Alsatian wine as we did so. The term wrapped up with a historical quiz, of which the tutors were crowned predictable champions; but in nobly surrendering the prize to first-year runners-up they won twofold glory.

As Hilary dawned, the Society was graced by the presence of an officer of arms: for Richmond Herald himself, namely Clive Cheesman, authority on heraldry in England and apparently my cousin, was so good as to honour Ashmole’s own heraldic interests with a talk on mediaeval armorial myth. We proceeded apace to a topic equally obscure, if no less interesting, as the College’s very own Dr Kevin Fogg, William Golding Research Fellow, delivered our annual Ashmole Lecture. His title was ‘Islam and the Indonesian Revolution’, and it’s such a pleasure to hear a subject on which one knows precisely nothing explained so clearly, so expertly, and so well. A marvellous dinner ensued.

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The term was marked by two other notable achievements, the first a boldly ecumenical inter-collegiate quiz hosted in Brasenose, and featuring delegations from Balliol and Christ Church’s Ashmole equivalents, each named after far less awesome personages. I can’t remember who won, but it was probably us. For the second our Vice-President deserves particular thanks, through whose efforts Elias’ unearthed coat of arms was emblazoned across T-shirts and jumpers, and our Society’s first regalia, so-called ‘stashmole’, was proudly distributed. Hilary closed with a final address, as novelist and historian Lisa Hilton placed Elizabeth I in an ideological context of female monarchy, and then, like that, our reign was almost over.

Indeed, only one event remained to be held, the now-traditional birthday tea, held as close as possible to our hero’s anniversary, the 23rd May. This year marked his 401st year, and as we gobbled our scones in a reverent hush, and as Dr Rowena Archer, Fellow in Medieval History, presented the second cake she’s baked for a dead man (and particularly splendid it was too), it seemed appropriate to reflect on a year in office. My thanks, of course, were owed to a marvellous committee – to treasurers Ben Donaldson and Tomos Sion Macdonald, who kept our finances as orderly as Elias’ were dissolute, and to VP Katie Ramsey, working alongside whom was a continual pleasure. Dr Archer, too, the society’s benevolent overlord, deserved the highest praise for direction, advice and support.

Alongside thanks, we also had good luck to wish: with efforts to declare our positions hereditary and perpetual sadly thwarted, we left the Society in the safe hands of Antek Porayski-Pomsta, Taina Silva and Samuele O’Connor. Long, long may it flourish under their unflagging protection.

But finally, as the last crumbs were scraped from festive platters, our thoughts turned to Elias himself. His is a hard act to follow, but though we slew fewer parliamentarians and studied less maths, I like to suppose we did some justice by the capital gentleman. For just like another, far inferior Ashmolean organisation – some museum or other, I don’t know – I do hope Brasenose’s Society continues to interest, to amuse, and, just occasionally, to inspire.

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Since arriving as Principal of Brasenose, I have been fascinated by one person in our recent College history probably above all others. It was hearing of the sad death of his wife Giana (née Shipley), an LMH alumna, on 3rd June 2017 peacefully at home in Oxford at the age of 104, which inspired me to write this piece.

Professor Nicholas Kurti has given his name to our scientific Senior and Junior Research Fellowships but many in our College community know little if anything about his fascinating life. He was born in 1908 in Hungary, which he left in the 1920s. His first ambition was to be a concert pianist but he was not accepted by the Budapest Academy of Music.

The turmoil in his native country at the time is illustrated by the fact that he lived his first 18 years under four totally different forms of government. He went to Paris for his undergraduate degree and then to Berlin. There he bumped into Einstein, also a refugee.

Kurti arrived in Oxford in September 1933, where he devoted himself to science and was recruited to the Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford indirectly by Frederick Lindemann. Lindemann initially recruited his supervisor, Franz Simon (who anglicised his name to Francis), but Simon insisted on bringing Kurti with him. All three have rooms or facilities named after them in the Clarendon Laboratories.

Kurti was attached to Brasenose in 1947. There were other famous refugees here at that time or soon afterwards: in particular Boris Unbegaun and Sir Otto Kahn-Freund, who was the intellectual founder of employment law in the UK. Kurti started a long and distinguished line of Hungarians amongst Fellows at this College, which continues to this day.

Throughout his life, Nicholas Kurti had a youthful feel to him. As Dr John Peach put it at the memorial service for him in 1999, “He was with us [Brasenose] for 52 years, during which he always seemed to be the youngest person in the Common Room.”

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His work

Nicholas Kurti was one of the leading experimental physicists of his time (although I write as a non-specialist). His background was in more conventional methods of liquefying gases but in Oxford he started work largely focused on magnetic cooling. This led to a lifelong interest in building large magnets, and the Nicholas Kurti Magnetic Field Laboratory is named after him. He also made contributions to the problem of separating the isotopes of uranium, which was an important step towards the building of the atom bomb.

Simon was one of the leaders of Tube Alloys, the British programme to build a nuclear bomb. With Kurti as part of his team, Simon led the gas diffusion programme, one of several methods being tried and the one that was ultimately successful. Britain shared all its results with the US and the uranium strand of the Manhattan Project built on their methods.

Kurti was a key player in the top-secret programme for nuclear fission, although the details of his role in the development of the UK’s nuclear deterrent even now are sketchy. He chaired the cryogenics panel of the Science Research Council.

Nicholas was showered with prizes. He was elected FRS in 1956. In the summer of 1955 he was given the Fernand Holweck Medal and Prize in recognition of his work on low temperature physics and this was followed in winter 1957 by the Fritz London Memorial Prize for low temperature physics, of which he was the first recipient.

He also held the world record for the lowest temperature ever achieved in a laboratory, for many years.


More unusually perhaps, Kurti put his physics to good use in a gastronomic sense. He was responsible for a reversed baked Alaska cooked in a microwave, and there was a thermocouple in the steak in the kitchen that made a bell ring in the drawing room when the required temperature was reached.

He is also remembered for his use of papain from pineapple juice to tenderise meat, as it is a proteolytic enzyme. Hypodermic syringes were used to inject brandy into mince pies at a Fellows’ Christmas dinner. Who knows what the staff thought when they came to clean them up!

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He delivered a Royal Institution lecture in 1969 entitled “The Physicist in the Kitchen”. Famously he also appeared on a BBC radio programme, which was a gathering of “foodies” (including Clement Freud, a well-known bon viveur and later a Liberal MP) discussing Mediterranean cuisine. They were talking about desserts and after about 30 minutes of a 45-minute programme Nicholas handed round some baklava that he was discussing so that the others could judge it. This meant that the sticky sweet gummed up the rest of the panel for most of the remaining time, and he had the field to himself to give all his views.

He acted as co-organiser of the International Workshops on Molecular Gastronomy held annually in Sicily, which must have been great events. Indeed he was credited, along with Hervé This, with inventing the term “molecular gastronomy”.

This Molecular Gastronomy is a discipline which continues to this day. Whilst writing this article, I noticed a piece in the Daily Telegraph Australia announcing that Professor Charles Spence had a new book called Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating. This quotation from Nicholas should be in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations: “I think it is a sad reflection on our civilization that while we can and do measure the temperature in the atmosphere of Venus, we do not know what goes on inside our soufflés”.


I have come across a treasure trove of anecdotes about Nicholas Kurti. He was clearly a larger-than-life character and he seems to have enchanted everyone who came into contact with him. He was a major force in the Brasenose Senior Common Room and is still much talked of amongst the older generation of its members.

The most frequently recounted story is the extraordinary tale of his receiving a fine of a halfpenny for breaking the barrier at Oxford railway station. He had returned to Oxford one night and found the station car park closed, with the automatic coin-operated barrier jammed in the down position. He burst the barrier. This attracted the attention of Fleet Street newspapers, but in a fond way. The Daily Express headline spelled it out: “CRACK! Man of Science bursts barrier!” He was charged with wilful damage to British Rail property and fined £11, but this was overturned on appeal to the Crown Court to great joy in College.

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As a College man

Kurti was generally not interested in internal politics but supported the entry of women to College. He was also involved in the College’s then thriving Betting Book. He won a bottle of claret from Sir Neville Mott when he rejected Mott’s suggestion that Robert Maxwell would join the Cabinet by December 1977. He was also well remembered as the Fellow who ate two cream crackers in a minute. This feat took place in the SCR and was also a bet (pictured).

The main memories of those who knew him are of his unfailing genial curiosity and the hard-won sense and knowledge of what was “right” for which he would strive forcibly.

Dr Peach says, “What stuck in the student mind was the verve, the unique accent and the bright bow ties”. It is fitting that the Kurti Senior and Junior Fellowships are named after him so that his memory lives on in College.

The Principal wishes to thank all those who helped in preparation of this article, in particular Professor Jonathan Jones, Dr John Peach and Professor Lazlo Solymar.

E S RADCLIFFE 1798by Dr Llewelyn Morgan, Tutorial Fellow in Classics

Once upon a time attendance at chapel was compulsory for Brasenose undergraduates. Evidence that they were not very happy with this policy, or at least that they were less than fully engrossed in the sacred proceedings, is provided by the numerous names engraved by students in the chapel pews, sometimes with some artistry and impressive dedication.

One such inscription belongs to E S Radcliffe, and on a series of weeknights when I should have been marking, challenged by Adele Curness (2011), I set about finding out what I could about this old member.

Born on February 23rd, 1775, Edmund Stringfellow Radcliffe was a Lancastrian from a prosperous background, and thus typical of the intake to Brasenose College at this period in its history. His engraving is dated to the year 1798, and despite his evident lack of attention in chapel services he became a parish priest.

Radcliffe lived a comfortable and uneventful life, to all appearances. He secured the living of Walton-le-Dale near Preston in 1803, adding

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a Perpetual Curacy of the rapidly expanding town of Burnley in 1817. This was pluralism, the holding of multiple livings, I suppose, but a comparatively benign example of a somewhat notorious practice if Radcliffe was also able (unlike many of his clerical contemporaries) to serve directly the parish of Burnley, around 25 miles from Walton-le-Dale. In 1810 he married Frances Ford (born 1789, seemingly of a comparably well-to-do family), and between then and Edmund’s death on January 10th, 1826, they had a large family, nine children in total. It was these that I found myself, in an entirely unsystematic fashion, chasing through the census records.

They are: 1. Edmund Ford, born 1811, d. as an infant in January 1812; 2. Edmund Ford, b. 1812; 3. Frances Emily, b. 1813; 4. Sarah Ann, b. 1815; 5. Dulcibella, b. 1817; 6. Robert Parker, b. 1819; 7. Charles Wilbraham, b. 1821; 8. John Randle, b. 1823; 9. George Travis, b. 1825.

Sometime after Edmund’s death in 1826, his widow Frances moved from Lancashire to Rugby, where all her younger sons, at least, went to school - by settling in the town she secured for them the free education at the school available to local residents or “foundationers”. Rugby School was entering its heyday under the direction of Thomas Arnold, headmaster from 1828.

I ended up spending most of my time reading about Charles Wilbraham Radcliffe (no. 7) and his violent fate, but the other children also illustrate in their way 19th century English not-so-genteel lives.

Frances’ first surviving child, Edmund Ford Radcliffe, who had been given exactly the same name (memorialising his father and mother) as his dead elder brother, subsequently entered the Civil Service in Bengal, and became a judge: at the time of the 1851 census three of his daughters, all born in the “East Indies”, are staying with their grandmother (E S Radcliffe’s widow) at Elm Cottage, Church Walk, in Rugby: this is the (now Grade-II listed) house known as 2, Church Walk, I think. Edmund Ford died in 1864, his place of death given as Rugby, presumably here in his mother’s house.

Frances Emily Radcliffe (no. 3) married Richard Twining III, the heir to the tea firm, at the Radcliffe family’s local church in Rugby in 1831, at the age of 17. She lived a very privileged life in the Twining family house on the Strand (she, her husband and three children are all there in the 1841 census), but she died in childbirth in 1847.

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Neither Sarah Ann nor Dulcibella (nos. 4 and 5, the latter seemingly a family name on her mother’s side: a couple of her nieces certainly share it) ever marry. When their mother Frances dies in 1872 (she was 83), they live on at Elm Cottage, describing themselves in the 1881 census as “annuitants”. Sarah Ann dies in 1895, Dulcibella in 1901. Meanwhile Robert Parker Radcliffe (no. 6), whom we find visiting his mother in Rugby in the 1861 census, was an officer in the Royal Artillery: he lived until 1907. Leaving no. 7 (Charles Wilbraham Radcliffe) aside for a moment, John Randle Radcliffe (no. 8) followed his father into the church, the only one of Edmund’s children to do so. He is staying with his mother and sisters (and nieces) in Rugby in the 1851 and 1871 censuses (“Studying for the Church” in 1851), holding various curacies in the vicinity of Rugby before becoming vicar of Snitterfield, close to Stratford-upon-Avon and thus not far either from Rugby, in 1877. He served that parish until his death in 1898, never marrying.

The youngest of the siblings, George Travis Radcliffe (d. 1904), was another India hand, rising to command the 7th (later called the 3rd) Madras Light Cavalry. As an officer in the Indian Army he was following in the footsteps of his older brother Charles Wilbraham Radcliffe, to whom I turn. Charles has left the fullest record out of all his siblings, for the worst reasons.

At the time of the so-called Indian Mutiny, the uprising against British rule in 1857, Captain C W Radcliffe found himself in Lucknow, serving with a regiment of Bengal Cavalry. When elements of it started to desert and the regiment was disbanded, Radcliffe took command of a unit of Volunteer Cavalry in actions against rebels near Lucknow, and then joined the rest of the British combatants and non-combatants (including his wife Emily and three children) as they took refuge in the Lucknow Residency, the start of a famous siege that lasted from June until November 1857.

Many of the survivors of the siege, rapidly converted into a classic imperial story of triumph snatched from disaster, subsequently published diaries or memoirs, and we hear a lot about both Captain Radcliffe and his wife and family. A prominent figure in the defence of the Residency, he was killed the night before the “first relief” (really a reinforcement) on 25th September, 1857, when a British force fought its way through to the Residency, but was too depleted to attempt evacuating it. The siege would not be broken for another 61 days.

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In the diaries of Lady Inglis (wife of the commanding officer for the first 87 days before the “first relief”), not published until 1892, we hear that Radcliffe was severely wounded, and needed his arm amputated. A Lady’s Diary of the Siege of Lucknow, Written for the Perusal of Friends at Home by Mrs James P Harris, published in 1858 by John Murray (who had cornered the market with the Afghan War diaries of Lady Sale and Vincent Eyre a few years before), confirms that the injury was fatal:

September 25, Friday

The enemy made two attacks during the night. Captain Ratcliffe [sic] of the 7th Cavalry was mortally wounded at the Cawnpore battery by a round shot. He will be a terrible loss to his wife and a very large family.Continued firing in the city all day.

Kaye in his History of the Sepoy War in India, 1857-1858 talks of “one of the very best of our officers … ever foremost in attack and defence, whose cheerfulness, under all depressing circ*mstances, had set a gallant example.” The conditions within the Residency during the siege were appalling, food in short supply and disease running rife, over and above the constant threat of snipers, artillery and mines. One of Radcliffe’s children, Ada Maud, had died of cholera during the first part of the siege.

We could hardly be further away from Edmund Radcliffe patiently carving his name during services in Brasenose. But a much more recent Brasenose student, J G Farrell, based his Booker-winning novel The Siege of Krishnapur on the Siege of the Lucknow Residency. In it he shows the trappings of civilisation progressively falling away from the British defenders as the appalling siege drags on, and I couldn’t help thinking of that as a couple of internet searches took me from an Oxford college chapel to the unspeakable brutality on all sides of the Indian Mutiny.

A church in rural Lancashire, a public school, the desperate privations of a beleaguered British outpost and some tea, is not an outrageous summation of the Victorian scene.

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by Philip Pullman CBE, given on 5th May, 2018

Chancellor, Principal, Fellows and guests -

Thank you for inviting me to take part in this wonderful occasion. I’m especially honoured in that I’m here despite the fact that I didn’t go to Brasenose. My college was the one on the other side of Brasenose Lane. But I’m an honorary fellow of that College, and an honorary doctor of the University, and an honorary freeman of the city of Oxford as well, so both town and gown-wise I’m about as honorary as you can get. But more to the point I’ve always been immensely grateful to libraries of every sort, and it’s a very great pleasure to be here today saying some words of thanks to them, and in praise of their generous benefactors.

The first library I was grateful to was a cupboard in a corridor in Drayton Primary School near Norwich. The stock consisted mainly of Enid Blyton on the bottom shelf and Captain W E Johns on the next one up. From the latter shelf I remember a story called Biggles and the Adventure of the Haunted Creek, and there was also a book by someone else called The Crystal Skull. Between them I think they formed my taste in reading, but I can hardly say I was surprised to find neither of them appearing on the Oxford Syllabus for English Language and Literature.

Another early library I had reason to thank was the public library at the end of Battersea Park Road. I was about ten then, and the circle of books I liked had enlarged to include the great Tove Jansson’s Moomin series. I say enlarged and not moved on, because I don’t like the model of growth that represents us moving from here further up to there like a monkey climbing a stick. I enjoy The Faerie Queene these days, and Proust, but I still like thrillers of the Crystal Skull variety. And the Moomins. Anyway, the discovery that there was somewhere just down the road where they let you borrow books and take them home to read was a revelation.

A little later we lived in north Wales, and the Merionethshire County Library Service, as it was then, had a mobile library van that came around the villages every two weeks. When I was about 16, I discovered in that van a book called Justine, by Lawrence Durrell, the first book in the then very famous Alexandria Quartet. I’d never heard

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of it or of him, but it looked intriguing, and for the overheated and would-be intellectual teenager that I then was, there could have been nothing more thrilling. All that exotic sex! All those glamorous people with romantic-sounding names! The flattering thrill of a little tasteful modernism in the prose! I don’t think anybody reads it now.

But a couple of years after discovering it I came up to Oxford for an interview at Balliol, that being the only college I’d ever heard of, and my school not being in the habit of sending pupils to Oxford. The interviewer asked me what I was reading, and I mentioned the Alexandria Quartet, and I sensed a little lowering of the temperature, a tiny withdrawal of interest, a minute frisson of as it might be disapproval … anyway, I didn’t get a place at Balliol. When I was interviewed the next day for a place at Exeter I stayed away from Lawrence Durrell, and got a scholarship. I haven’t read the Alexandria Quartet for years; but Durrell was an important part of my development as a reader, and I’m grateful to the Merionethshire Mobile Library for making it freely available to me at just the right age.

And then came the great moment when I entered the Bodleian Library for the first time and got my library card, and swore never to kindle fire or flame within the Library. I was so overawed by the whole business that I never dared to go into it again, or at least not for a long time. I didn’t start using the Bodleian properly until some years later, when I was properly grown up, by which time I’d managed to work out how to do it. The Bodleian card was the most wonderful privilege to have; I used it a lot. One day I realised that my card was about to expire and I went to renew it. The chap at the desk looked me up in the lists to see whether I really existed, and then said ‘You haven’t proceeded to your M A, Mr Pullman.’

‘No,’ I said. ‘How do I do that?’‘Just go and ask your college,’ he said.So I went next door to Exeter College and asked the Rector’s

Secretary if I could have an M.A., please, and she said ‘Let me just see if you owe us any money.’

That was a bit of a shock, because I only had about two pounds 30 in the bank and then she came back and said ‘Well, actually, we owe you some money.’

There was a thing called caution money - I don’t know if it still exists - you had to front up a few quid at the beginning of the year in

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case you broke a window or something. Apparently I’d forgotten all about it, and after 20 years or so I was still in credit. So in one half-hour I got a Bodleian card, an MA, and fifteen quid. Something else to be grateful to a library for.

When I was an undergraduate I also joined the Oxford public library, which lived in a few rooms in what’s now the Town Hall, and where I discovered the horse-racing thrillers of Dick Francis as well as the work of the Renaissance scholar Frances Yates, who had an enormous influence on the way I was beginning to think. Again, thank you to Oxford County Libraries for that.

The library is, of course, or should be, at the heart of every place of learning. And at the heart of every library is the book, which whether it’s in the form of a scroll, or a manuscript codex, or for half a millennium now the printed book, is irreplaceable and precious beyond words. We’re in the middle now of what I take to be the fifth great revolution in human communication, the first being the development of language itself; the second the discovery that you could make marks on a surface (stone, or clay, or animal skin) that stood for language and could convey what someone had said in the absence of the speaker or even after their death; the third that of printing by movable type; and the fourth the invention of moving pictures. The fifth, the one we’re in the middle of, is of course the digital revolution and the internet. We can now reach into cyberspace and discover information of kinds that no-one could ever imagine when the only vehicle for information was paper. Being part of this revolution is what a properly functioning modern library should do. We have no idea what it’ll lead to, any more than Johann Gutenberg in 1439 could have foreseen the Protestant Reformation, which without the printing press would have spread very much more slowly.

But the internet won’t supplant books, any more than written language made spoken language redundant. In fact the biggest fortune so far made in a time of enormous fortunes began only a few years ago when Jeff Bezos started using the newly formed internet to sell … books. And if we want to imagine an emblematic picture of that process known as learning, we have only to think of someone sitting at a desk, pencil and paper to hand, with a book or books open in front of them. Silent, concentrated, calm, with a universe of knowledge spread out around them, and a catalogue to help them search it.

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Oxford and its colleges don’t need any lessons about the importance of libraries. I wish this awareness could spread more widely. I wish that some schools whose heads feel their libraries to be old-fashioned and unnecessary, and some local authorities eager to pass on government cuts by closing their public libraries before doing anything else, could share the same vision.

But although this is an imperfect world, there are some parts of it where learning and libraries and books are cherished, and where entropy can be held at bay. This is one of them. Brasenose Library is a magnificent collection, housed in buildings rich with history and situated in the most beautiful part of this beautiful city. It nourishes learning today and will do in the future as it has done for centuries and generations past.

And what enables places like this to live and grow and thrive is the generosity of donors such as those whose names will rightly live on in the Greenland Library, the Del Favero Reading Room and the Smith Reading Room.


by John Bowers QC, Principal, given on 5th May, 2018

Chancellor, distinguished guests, Fellows, friends, welcome to Brasenose College. Thank you for joining us for an incredibly special day in the history of the College, the University and the city of Oxford. Today we gather to officially open the Greenland Library, together with the Del Favero Reading Room and the Smith Reading Room. The College is honoured to name them in recognition of the generosity of three generous supporters and close friends, Duncan Greenland, James Del Favero and Gerald Smith. Before I go on, please join me in thanking them for their tremendous benefactions and support of our College.

If a library is one’s portrait then we are very handsome indeed. The renovation and extension of the Brasenose Library, first requested by our students who are represented here today, was undertaken with a sympathy for the history of this building.

The library and chapel ‘complex’ was unusually commissioned during the Commonwealth period. In defiance of Cromwell and the Commonwealth, our very own King’s Door was erected. The Smith

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Reading Room was formerly an open cloister that served as an exercise area and the College’s burial ground. With a need for further accommodation space, it was sealed during the 19th century. A writer to the 1825 Gentleman’s Magazine requested that it print two epitaphs ‘which were lately in the cloister or burying ground of Brasenose College, Oxford, but which, on its being converted into two or three gloomy chambers for the living instead of the dead, have lately been removed’. In living memory this space has had a number of functions, including our graduate Hulme Common Room, and now is our fantastic new reading room, ready to serve Brasenose’s 21st century academic endeavour.

Upstairs, in the Del Favero Reading Room, you will see the library almost unchanged, but the intricate 18th century ceiling has been repainted to return it to its former glory.

The whole of the Greenland Library has been a development for future learning in the heart of our historic city and University. The final library on this magnificent Radcliffe Square to be named - Duncan has followed a long line of benefactors who have supported academic excellence at Oxford. We are sure to continue to attract the best and brightest students and faculty from around the world because of this investment in education.

Even though they read for differing degrees at differing times, Gerald, James and Duncan have a lot in common. What brings them together is that they are all alumni of our marvellous College and they also share a commitment to higher education and understand its importance for society.

Our library was first built in tumultuous times, consumed with the politics of rebellion. In our own turbulent era, it is the place of universities to insist on academic rigour, to challenge norms and perceived wisdom and to guarantee progress in making the world a healthier, more peaceful and better connected place. By providing a library for the future at Brasenose, Gerald, James and Duncan can inspire our students, today and decades from now - remembering the lessons of the past - to answer the pressing questions of their day.

To conclude, Duncan, James, Gerald … thank you! Thank you on behalf of our community represented here today and on behalf of future generations of the Brasenose family for providing an institution that will serve us long into the future.

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BNC SIXTY-FIVE YEARS ONby Dr Carole Bourne-Taylor, Fellow in French

Rooting through my husband’s library to jettison some books for the local fête, I stumbled across Norman Longmate’s little red book Oxford Triumphant, in which he seeks to debunk some of the contemporary (1950s) myths about Oxford. Good bedtime reading, perhaps, before the book finds a new home … Wading into what would otherwise have been a sleepy skim, inevitably, it was not long before the word ‘Brasenose’ caught my eye.

‘Contrary to popular belief ’, says Longmate, ‘it is by no means difficult to enter Oxford’ [hmm, no comment]. He moves on to give some examples. In ‘academic reputation’ he reports, ‘Balliol comes first, with 86 entrants, of whom 30 were from state schools and twenty from public schools with fees of £180 a year or more, the rest being from other universities, foreign schools or cheaper public schools’. Trinity and Christ Church follow with BNC close behind: 34 public-school and 36 ‘day boys’, just ahead of Worcester, with 23 from ‘expensive public schools’, against 30 day boys. He continues: ‘These figures would be even more striking if I had included those from cheaper public schools. It is surely no accident that it is these colleges which have the highest sporting reputation in Oxford, which leads to the conclusion that in them at least the athlete has a far greater chance of being admitted than the more studious type of boy, and the public-school boy than the day-school boy.’ Two lines later, he compares ‘the academic supremacy of Balliol with its high proportion of day-school boys, and the intellectual inferiority of Brasenose, with its high proportion of public-school boys.’ He makes his judgement on the number of ‘fourths’ or the even lower ‘Satisfied the examiners’ category (‘definitely poor’). There is a view of course that a ‘sportsman’s fourth’ is a perfectly valid Oxford qualification! Wadham (‘always described in Oxford as a sporting college’) heads the list of colleges with bad degrees. Second on the list comes Brasenose, with 11 ‘bad degrees’ in 1951. Longmate comments, ‘This is no surprise - the extent to which athletes dominate that college is a standing Oxford joke’! It is interesting to note that Balliol, St Hilda’s, LMH and Somerville had no ‘bad degrees’.

The author then quotes the view of a headmaster: “Of course, the boy’s a complete fool, but as he’s good at games we might be able to get him into Brasenose or Worcester.”

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I resolved to burn the book. But before doing so, turned to the index to find just one further BNC reference, inevitably in the chapter entitled, ‘Games’: ‘According to the late Principal of Brasenose [Stallybrass, I imagine], himself a great sportsman, writing in the Oxford University Handbook: “At one time there was the feeling that English public-school boys who were distinguished at athletics were deterred from coming to Oxford by the fear of having to compete with the more mature athletes who came from the Dominions and the United States as Rhodes scholars”.’

In counterpoise, we read in Joe Mordaunt Crook’s marvellous Brasenose, the Biography of an Oxford College, that in 1955 an alarming 13 firsts (an exponential leap from the usual trickle) were hailed in The Brazen Nose as ‘the best in the history of the College’. That seems to indicate that with 44 firsts this year (of which eight are in Modern Languages - there were none in ‘55), the College seems to be moving in the right direction!

Many thanks to Henry Jestico, Academic Administrator, for digging out some of the figures and to my husband, for letting me dispose of such a sacrilegious book.


by Brian Cook (Engineering, 1950)

I read the ‘Fifty Years Ago’ piece by John Weeks (English, 1967) in the latest issue of The Brazen Nose with sorrow. Plainly he wrote from the heart but his experience was very different from mine 17 years earlier. It is 68 years since I matriculated and I recall the nervousness as I approached the gate of BNC. I was the first in my family to go to any university. The warmth of the welcome was very special and I think that other colleges did not have the same aptitude for making people from varied backgrounds feel at home. Two people in particular are outstanding in my memory; Maurice Platnauer who was then Vice-Principal, and Leslie Styler who was the Chaplain and Tutor for Admissions. I was especially disappointed that there was criticism of Leslie Styler, a product of Bradford Grammar School as I learned from his obituary. In my time he played an outstanding part in making sure that everyone felt a full member of BNC.

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My northern grammar school background was similar to that of John Weeks though not quite so stringent financially. Leeds Grammar School was a successful direct grant school in my time and I was there on a scholarship. Back in 1949-50 the College was coming to the end of a mix of school leavers and ex-Services men who had served in the Second World War. The policy was that to try to smooth the bulge people should generally do their two years’ before coming up. However I had a scholarship from the National Coal Board which meant that I was exempt from National Service provided that I worked in the coal industry after graduating. As a compromise, the College agreed that I should wait one year before matriculation so I spent a year as a coal miner in the South Yorkshire coal field before matriculating in October 1950. I have always appreciated that year as a most valuable experience. In the miners’ strike my head was with Mrs Thatcher but my heart was drawn to the miners, fine men disastrously led.

In those days the Engineering Science course began with the first year of the Physics course so my tutor was Desmond Bagguley, a promising young Physics Fellow. He never showed any interest in someone who was not going to be a physicist. My moral tutor saw me once a term I think, at least in the first year, but I was not conscious of any moral guidance.

I was delighted to go to the Engineering Science Department in the second year. The sole professor in those days was Alex Thom who was ex-officio a Fellow of BNC. My tutor was Stuart Wilson, a member of the College but not a Fellow. Stuart was an ideal tutor and we remained in contact until his death. The Department was tiny - just 14 in my year - but high quality and a happy place. The course was excellent in that it gave us the basis to tackle any problem from first principles and I have always been grateful for it. As I came to the end of my time at BNC I realised that the future did not belong to coal mining and by mutual agreement I left the NCB and did my National Service after all in REME.

John Weeks writes about social differences in BNC. Certainly there were extremes but they were the conspicuous exceptions. We had one wealthy and remarkably arrogant man who had the style and appearance of a pantomime villain: it was with pleasure that I read many years later that he had fled the country after a financial scandal. At the other extreme we had one dedicated class warrior who established his

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credentials by not wearing socks and by falling out with the Domestic Bursar whenever possible. In between we mixed easily and I just do not recognise the picture painted by John Weeks. In my close group of BNC friends we were six, three from grammar schools and three from public schools. The others were all reading history or languages and I enjoyed hearing tales of Stanley Cohn and Robert Shackleton. One of our number did a particularly good Wobert impression. Sadly all have passed away.

John Weeks writes about encountering food that he had not eaten before and the sense is that this was somehow wrong. On the contrary I recall the story of how Maurice Platnauer proposed serving venison in Hall to be met with opposition from a Fellow who said ‘But these men will never have eaten venison’. ‘Precisely’ said Maurice. Venison was served.

I have always kept in touch with the Engineering Science Department, more closely really than with the College, and it has been wonderful to see it expand and prosper under a series of inspirational leaders.

MEMORIES OF BNCby Brian Judd (Physics, 1949)

In 1949 I left the Chelmsford Grammar School and entered Brasenose as a Junior Hulme Exhibitioner. The letter telling me of my admittance to the College was followed immediately by a letter from Richard Hull, who recommended that, instead of immediately following my intention to study Physics, it would be more productive for me to do some mathematics for a year. I readily agreed. Unfortunately, Dr Hull was killed in a fall from Mont Blanc just before I arrived, and, in the absence of a Brasenose mathematician at that time, I was taken on by Dr John Thompson of Wadham College. So I began a year of weekly walking up the hill (in Bowra’s phrase) to Wadham. Some years later I was able to repay his generosity by drafting problems (with their solutions) for a paper to be set in Mathematics finals.

Shortly after I settled into my rooms at BNC, a fire erupted in the top floor of the Old Lodge staircase, and a student, J L Leckie, was trapped. The drama was captured by the Brasenose Ale Verses of Shrove Tuesday, 21st February, 1950:

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He seeks a window – but a sudden thoughtAssails his senses – it would profit nought –If he were saved and all his goods were lost!(What Scotsman ever failed to count the cost?)Swiftly this way and that his mind’s in doubt,But native pride outweighs all other claims –His kilt must first be rescued from the flames.But what are these that follow in his suits?Two mighty pairs of outsize Rugger boots!Extol the name of LECKIE, who gave thought,In time of peril, to the cause of Sport.

Mordaunt Crook, in his 2008 book on Brasenose, stressed the emphasis on sport that existed in the 1950s. University teams in various areas were dominated by Brasenose men. My own efforts in that direction were limited to the occasional informal game of tennis when I was not playing the piano in the Chapel. I attended a remarkable Chopin piano recital given in the Oxford Town Hall by Alfred Cortot, where the master had only the Christ Church bell in Tom Tower to contend with ( just after 9 o’clock, of course). His well-known sprinkling of errors thus had an Oxford touch.

One feature of pre-war Brasenose remained: the proctors who would prowl around at night to catch undergraduates who were not back in College. But servicemen who came up after hostilities had ended could not be expected to comply with these rules. I could thus be comfortable to go to pubs with companions who looked older than me.

Another area that deserves some attention is the rationing that was still current in 1950. All undergraduates living in College were given (I think) two ounces of butter a week, which they put in their dishes to take to breakfast. Many men regarded such a ration as so inadequate that they contrived to eat all of it at a single sitting. These were occasions for badinage with the scouts, who were distributing the precious butter. But there were special exceptions. I remember a notice that went up in the lodge stating “Gentlemen with green ration cards are requested to collect their bananas from the chef.” You had to be 18 or under to get a child’s green ration card, so I wondered who these gentlemen might be.

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After my year with Dr Thompson, I was wondering who would be assigned to me as tutor in Physics. The College appointed Desmond Bagguley as a tutor in Physics in 1950, so he took me over. He was a student of Experimental Physics at Keble, who favoured the writing of essays. After a year of this, I noticed that the University was proposing to offer Theoretical Physics as an optional paper in finals, and I was farmed out to K W H Stevens, a Research Fellow affiliated with both Merton and Jesus Colleges. He had an office in the Clarendon Laboratory, and was working on the magnetic properties of rare-earth crystals. A few years later, I started to apply quantum mechanics, as well as the mathematical theory of continuous Lie groups, to the absorption spectra of these types of crystals. This problem was to form my main interest in the years to come.

In 1952 I did well in Physics finals, and I decided to compete for a Prize Fellowship at Magdalen College. There was a Viva Voce examination, and I submitted an essay entitled “Time”. My aim was to describe bare-boned Einstein. I wanted to avoid rigmarole, and began “Time is what is measured by clocks”. Two philosophers and I were successful, and we became Fellows by Examination at Magdalen in 1955. I tried out my key to the Magdalen Deer Park, and noticed a small figure (the Senior Dean of Arts, Karl Leyser) running towards me. He wanted to eject me from the park, so I had to tell him that I was a new Fellow. He simply replied “I wish you joy.”

His wish has been fulfilled. I have spent a lifetime in teaching and research at various universities around the world, ultimately becoming Chairman of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, before retiring as a Professor Emeritus in 1997. I am now living with my wife, Josephine Anne Gridley, in the Blakehurst apartments in Towson, Maryland.


by Revd Canon Dr Peter Groves (College Chaplain, 2002-06)

Stephen Bernard (English, 2001) is among the most remarkable scholars Brasenose has produced. His academic career has seen him ‘survive’ all three of Christ Church, Brasenose and Univ, rising through undergraduate studies delayed and punctuated by serious illness,

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through graduate work to postdoctoral fellowship to distinguished publications. Bernard is remarkable for his scholarship – his studies of Jacob Tonson and his family mark a significant development in the understanding of 18th century publishing and bibliography – but the more remarkable for the context of these academic achievements, the scars of sexual abuse appalling beyond description, experienced from the age of 11 and inflicted upon him by a priest, a so-called pastor and a trusted family friend.

Composed quickly as a therapeutic exercise, the memoir Paper Cuts leads us loosely through a single Oxford day – “each day I construct the self” – with its terrifying banquet of medication, its patient and relentless historical enquiry and research, and its ever-present mental struggles, with past and present alike. Bernard introduces us straightforwardly to his rapist, Canon T D Fogarty. We meet him as does the child he abuses – terrified, bewildered, isolated, suicidal. The abuse is detailed as starkly matter of fact, its legacy similarly so: “Fogarty was in me in a physical sense, but he was also ‘in’ me in a psychological sense.”

We are face to face with a monster whilst knowing ourselves to be helpless, to be witnesses and accomplices to the unthinkable, accomplices precisely because we pretend it to be unthinkable. The Christian churches of this and other countries are only beginning to confront the consequences of this pretence and neglect. Among the responses to Bernard’s revelations was that of Fogarty’s next of kin, who requested that the cleric’s gravestone – calling him ‘a much-loved, wise priest’ – be destroyed. A search on the BBC news website will throw up a film of this destruction taking place, a strange viewing indeed. But perhaps the most striking thing about this extraordinary book is not its destructiveness, its anger or its hatred – though all are present: rather it is the creativity which Bernard brings to this most horrendous of subjects.

The writing is painfully beautiful – assured, stylish, elusive, allusive. (“At my back I always hear … a fumbling and a mumbled oath” – Marvell illuminating child rape.) The descriptions of Oxford are at times utterly ravishing, at times hilarious beyond words, at times depressingly familiar. Bernard’s wit and erudition stab through the blanket of murdered innocence and bipolar disorder, of suicidal existence and the painful effort simply to function. It is not, I hope, hyperbolic to compare this response to one of the major issues of our

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age to the literary encounters with human evil which emerged from the 20th century.

As a clergyman, and Bernard’s former Chaplain at BNC, I can find no better words than those of Roddy Doyle quoted on the cover – “Jesus – what a book.” It is usual for a review to end with the observation that this is a book which should be read by everyone interested in … whatever it is to which that book pertains. But such an observation will not do. Quite simply, this is a book which should be read by everyone.


by Dr Bernard Richards (English, 1959), Emeritus Fellow

The novel has traditionally been generous to a wide range of material. Not all novelists have been as concentrated and selective as Jane Austen, so that Charles Kingsley was able to incorporate sanitary reform and Wilkie Collins anti-vivisection in Heart and Science, where Dr Nathan Benjulia says, ‘Knowledge sanctifies cruelty’. Atkins takes on an ambitious range of unpromising material, including the bitcoin phenomenon and computer hacking. Money has not been traditionally excluded from novelistic subject matter. When the ‘presumptuous atom’ Paul Dombey asks his father what money is he answers:

“Pounds, shillings and pence” … He would have liked to give him some explanation involving the terms circulating-medium, currency, depreciation of currency, paper, bullion, rates of exchange, value of precious metals in the market, and so forth; but looking down at the little chair, and seeing what a long way down it was, he answered: “Gold, and silver, and copper. Guineas, shillings, half-pence. You know what they are?” This is not a satisfactory answer. “Oh yes, I know what they are,” said Paul. “I don’t mean that, Papa. I mean what’s money after all?”

His father tells him it is a source of power. We catch sight of these elusive and abstract elements in An Elegant Solution. I recall that when an economist was asked where all the money had gone in the 2008 crisis he answered, ‘There never was any money; it was all perceived value.’

Anne Atkins’ characters move about in the modern world where no one (unlike me) seems to be digitally excluded. The novel deals with a plot to destroy the chapel of King’s College Cambridge at Christmas. Spoiler alert (which doesn’t mean an enhanced Corvette GM is coming by):

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I won’t disclose whether or not it succeeds. It’s not a terrorist standard plot but the outcome of a disturbed and disgruntled individual’s resentment. However there are more plot-lines than the main one, and a crowded assemblage of characters. King’s College is chosen as the target because it is the focus of all that’s most treasured in a nexus of cultural items: architecture, religion, history, music, collective life. Belief might be in decline in our society, but as Larkin puts it in ‘Church Going’ even card-carrying atheists often turn out to be Christmas-addicts and count ‘on a whiff/of gowns-and-bands and organ-pipes and myrrh.’ The chapel represents a significant target, rather as the Greenwich line does in Conrad’s The Secret Agent.

At the centre of the novel is Theo Wedderburn, a Junior Research Fellow, who is autistic. He has difficulty dealing with everyday tasks, such as shopping and catching trains and planes, but he is a genius when it comes to cracking codes and solving impenetrable mathematical problems. He takes on his terrorist adversary, partly by sabotaging Marigold bitcoins. He is helped by his undergraduate friend Charlotte Sebastian, who is reading Classics, but draws on half-forgotten Mandarin at a crucial moment. His girlfriend Clare, whose lesbian affair has broken up, is kidnapped by the villain. A large range of characters are drawn into attempting to foil the plot. And there are peripheral plots, such as the sexual assault on Suki Phillips by the Fellow Crispin Thorpe – who is also involved in fraud. Really this novel is an extensive quarry, from which film-makers could mine rich material. Theo should probably be played by Benedict Cumberbatch’s younger brother. I don’t suppose the duch*ess of Sussex could be persuaded to appear in a cameo role.

One of the main characters in the novel is Cambridge, which Anne Atkins knows as well as Oxford. It is enthusiastically celebrated in all its moods, including the big set-piece opening of the summer balls. The cover shows the chapel looming evanescently out of the mist. Plenty of pubs, but no scenes in Hall with gowns and Latin grace. Don’t they do that there anymore? Music is very present in the novel, and Atkins is usually very adept at dealing with it. Always tricky in novels, and easy to wander off into Pseuds Corner. She has a very good account of the second movement of Bach’s Double Violin Concerto …

Now they were lovers. Charlotte longed for the music to be suspended like an insect in amber: for the afternoon to hang for ever. Down, the first one plunged.

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The second swooped after it, from higher. On an ardent tryst, calling to each other. Again they plummeted and copied. Each time she heard the four careful notes stepping down, she knew they would soar again. And yet each time she feared it couldn’t happen. Gentle discord, sweet reconciliation, a wildly exquisite slow crescendo till she thought nothing could grow more lovely … and finally they agreed, far too soon. (p. 153)

It stands comparison with Florence’s memory of Mozart’s Quintet in Ian McEwan’s On Chesil Beach as she is about to embark on the crisis of her honeymoon: ‘There was no set of words she could match to these notes; it was not as if something was being said. The enquiry was without content, as pure as a question mark.’ (p. 80)

Anne Atkins is good at catching the conversations of people in the bubble environment of a privileged university. They might sound twee and pretentious to ordinary folk, but that’s the way it is. The film might have to blunt it. There is no shortage of literary allusions – which is as it should be from my old pupil. But, alas, alas, she has not listened to or heeded my lucubrations on Jamesian narratology. In his novels material has to be filtered through consciousnesses. The story-teller cannot tell. So when in The Ambassadors Strether sees the blank space in Paris where the Tuileries used to be the narrator does not plunge us into a potted history of the Commune and its terrors, but registers it in Strether’s consciousness: ‘when he gazed into the irremediable void of its site the historic sense in him might have been freely at play – the play under which in Paris indeed it so often winces like a touched nerve.’ (Book First, chapter 2). Yes we segue into a general comment here, but one which grows out of internalised observation. Just a couple of examples of where Atkins ought to have remembered her tutorials: ‘They turned by the towering Roman Catholic church, said to be the last to disappear from the city in the event of a Biblical flood.’ (p. 291); ‘Grantchester Street was ahead with its small back-to-back terraced houses, now priced way out of the average academic’s range.’ (p. 314). But neither of these bits are in the consciousnesses of the characters. Still, more established novelists are guilty, as when Ian McEwan throws in a redundant bit about a statue outside the British Museum in Solar: ‘Beard … hurried across the Library court, past Paolozzi’s Newton.’ (p. 95) And tells us that Fitzroy Street in London is ‘where Sylvia Plath once put her head in the oven’ (p.163). He needed tutorials with me as well.

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MY YEAR OF BRAZEN NOVELISTSby Dudley Harrop (English, 1955)

In the past two issues of The Brazen Nose (Vols 50 and 51) I tried to highlight the remarkable number of successful novelists who have studied at BNC. For this third, and possibly final, article I thought I would review the nine Brazen Novels which I have enjoyed reading over the past year.

1. This Thing of Darkness (2005) by Harry Thompson (Modern History, 1978)

I started with the only novel by Harry Thompson, to whom Martin Todd (Modern History, 1974) introduced me. As Martin pointed out, Harry died at a tragically young age just after completing the book.

This is an astonishingly powerful, enthralling, intelligent novel based on actual historical events in the early 19th century. The ‘hero’ is Captain Fitzroy of The Beagle and the story concerns his perilous explorations of South America and the Pacific with renowned passenger Charles Darwin. Very impressive command of topographical detail, contemporary naval terminology, current political issues, life in London at the time and early Victorian attitudes. We are introduced to important themes like: the juxtaposition of ‘civilised’ Christian society and pagan ‘savages’; the justification for missionary work; the case for evolution v. divine creation; the development (much resisted) of weather forecasting. The ultimate fate of Fitzroy is shocking and disturbing. This is a moving and brilliant novel – and a work of immense research, sensitivity and insight.

2. Kingdom of the Wicked – Order (2018) by Helen Dale (Jurisprudence, 2007)

I had for some time been keen to get to grips with the second volume of Helen Dale’s “book about Jesus”, as she herself described it in Volume 51 of The Brazen Nose.

It is an impressive and remarkably well researched account of events in Jerusalem at the time of Pontius Pilate. It continues the earlier K of the W story (reviewed last year), but moves on to the trial of Jesus, described with the insight and authenticity that Helen, as a lawyer, can bring to the story. The plot develops not quite like the New

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Testament version and I will not spoil it for you by giving away the ending. I can reveal, however, that Judas dies in a military hospital and not in the ‘Field of Blood’ as in Acts 1:18. Lots of intriguing material about the relationships between the Roman army of occupation and their families, their leaders, their servants and the local Jews. A captivating, dramatic and strikingly innovative re-telling of the familiar story.

3. The Head Hunter (1994) by Juliette Mead (English, 1978)

Following my piece last year, Keith Richmond (English, 1977) emailed me to direct my attention to Harry Thompson (see above) and also to Juliette Mead, who both matriculated a year after him. He highlighted this novel, the first of many she has published. Building on her own experience as a lawyer and headhunter, this tale introduces us to a world far removed, I am sure, from the one she was familiar with. This is a sleazy and amoral world of deals and meals, meetings and cheatings, money and sex. The story is gripping - and I was keen to get to the end to see how the various strands of the story unravelled. The characters come to life and I felt - my litmus test - that I could read it again and get something more out of it. Worth trying!

4. Emma Who Saved My Life (1989) by Wilton Barnhardt (English, 1985)

I mentioned this American author last year and very much enjoyed sampling his first novel. I was completely captivated by the breadth, depth and energy of the New York scene sketched here and the complex and often outrageous behaviour of this particular group of young residents. After so much action and drama, the novel ends on a reflective note: “This book isn’t a love letter. It’s partly an attempt to figure out someone called Emma who saved my life from becoming unexciting and teetering on the brink of normalcy and happiness. And Emma pulled me back every time.” In my view a major achievement. Now I’m keen to read his next tome, Gospel (773 pages + index).

5. Meltdown (2008) by Martin Baker (Jurisprudence, 1976)

Jim Ring (English, 1976) got in touch soon after my last article to mention Martin Baker, whom I read next. As the flyleaf says, this is a thriller – so maybe not a novel in my definition. But I read it with

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interest. The hero, Samuel Spendlove, is an academic, reassuringly from BNC, with a photographic memory. The story sees him slip seemingly effortlessly into a tough financial organisation, acquit himself well when fighting various assassins (killing one of them accidentally!), and prove to be an accomplished lover with both of the two women in the story. The book offers convincing portraits of a frenetic dealing room, a sleazy Parisian night club, All Souls College cellars, French government offices and more. Not much character development but plenty of action.

6. Mr Standfast (1919) by John Buchan (Classics, 1895)

After reading these fairly recent novels, I thought I’d return to the classics - namely, John Buchan. This is by a long way the best JB I have read so far. A thrilling plot, set during the First World War, although the ‘enemy’ is not at all apparent for the first part of the book. An unexpected and dramatic ending – but the real highlight for me was the account of the fighting in the later stages of the war with Allied troops retreating towards Amiens, and hero Richard Hannay in charge of a critical sector of the front line, reflecting JB’s own experience on the Western Front. Very sure handling of the complex plot and disparate characters – including a hint of a love story. Contains a few references to Field Marshal Lord Haig - a fellow Scot and also from BNC! A masterful achievement.

This brief but powerful incursion into the fighting in WW1 inspired me to read A J P Taylor’s classic account of the war to broaden my understanding of the reasons for the conflict (which don’t seem at all clear) and its tragic progress. An uncle of mine, an ambulance driver, was killed in France exactly 100 years ago as I write. Much to reflect on as we celebrate the centenary of the Armistice.

7. The Gospel of Judas (2000) by Simon Mawer (Zoology, 1967)

To continue my reading programme, I chose a book I had had my eyes on for some time. This is a magnificent story - as we’ve come to expect from SM - with jumbled chronology (e.g. starts at the end) but carried along vigorously with the author’s usual sensitivity to location, language, personality and quite a lot of intriguing scholarship about Christianity and New Testament research. The full sweep and shape of the story and its apparently unconnected themes is revealed only on

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the last two pages of the book – quite a coup! Every page is compelling reading. A master novelist.

8. The Muse (2016) by Jessie Burton (English & Modern Languages, 2000)

I then tried an author new to me, and chose her second novel rather than her first, the widely acclaimed The Miniaturist. This novel starts with two quite separate stories – set respectively in 1936 and 1967, with no obvious connection. The link suddenly reveals itself on page 134 and thereafter the story is gripping, with good character development (one of my main criteria for a good novel). We are introduced to London in the ‘60s (through the eyes of a Trinidadian girl) and southern Spain at the onset of the civil war. The tension builds and I wanted to get to the end quickly to unravel the plot. Well-crafted text, good structure in terms of the two linked stories, interesting and absorbing. As I was reading it, JB was featured in the Saturday Times in connection to The Miniaturist being adapted for BBC television.

9. Hemingway’s Chair (1993) by Michael Palin (Modern History, 1962)

I am conscious that alumnus Michael Palin is one of our best-known celebrities - featured in The Observer recently for his Channel 5 programme about North Korea. But could he write a decent novel? I decided to find out.

This is much more than ‘his bestselling comic novel’ as announced on the front cover. It is hardly comic at all, in fact. Amusing, yes, but also perceptive, engaging, dealing with some serious issues for the participants and with an impressive depth of erudition about Ernest Hemingway, all set against the background of a small town post office and its staff going through the painful process of modernisation. The characters are not caricatures; they change and develop as the drama unfolds. The pace and intensity pick up as the end approaches – with a tragic denouement worthy of Papa (EH) himself. A modest masterpiece.

Interestingly, Michael Palin was also featured on the front cover of the SAGA magazine for October, in connection with his new book Erebus. This an account of an ill-fated British expedition to the Arctic coast of Canada in 1845, uncannily reminiscent of the expedition of the

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Beagle to the Southern seas a few years earlier, described so graphically in Harry Thompson’s novel reviewed above.

So - these were the nine BNC novels I read in the course of 2018 - and would recommend all of them in their different ways. But, no time to relax - there’s so much more BNC literature to enjoy! Not only other works by these nine alumni, but I must revisit Charles Morgan, William Goulding, John Mortimer, J G Farrell and others I featured in those previous two articles.

My explorations have been considerably helped by a number of alumni who emailed me with suggestions and invaluable background information. Thanks are due to all of them and I welcome further suggestions at: [emailprotected].

And thank you, as you peruse this, for taking time to read my reviews and recommendations.


by Professor Birke Häcker ( Jurisprudence, 1997), Fellow in Law, from her speech at a Great Brasenose Lawyers Event

It is a tremendous honour and pleasure to speak to you this evening about ‘Barry Nicholas as a Comparative Lawyer’. I do so not merely in my capacity as the current holder of the Chair which Barry occupied for seven years before becoming Principal of Brasenose, but also – and more particularly – as someone who actually had the privilege of being taught by him. My very first undergraduate tutorial at Oxford, almost exactly 20 years ago, was with Barry, and it was in Roman law.

Preparing my contribution for today really brought home to me quite how closely intertwined were for Barry on the one hand his work on legal history and on the other his thinking about systems of modern private law. They were, indeed, wholly inseparable – two sides of the same coin. He brought to bear on them the same deep understanding, the same clarity of analysis, and the same ability to convey to his audience a ‘feeling’ for the law. Nowadays, of course, it is so widely acknowledged as to be almost banal to observe that both theoretical and practical comparative work benefit greatly from an awareness of how and why similarities or differences between the laws of different countries came about. But in Barry’s case, it seems especially

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artificial to try and separate out his contribution to the teaching of Roman law, his modern comparative scholarship and his involvement with the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG).

So to add to the picture that the other speakers have already painted of Barry’s scholarship, I want to pay tribute to his work on modern civilian and mixed legal systems. In order to do this – and to illustrate why his writing is so appealing and powerful – there is really no better starting point than Barry’s own description of one of the essential points in which the ethos of the English common law tradition contrasts with that of civilian systems (these are systems that have evolved on the Continent from a mix of Roman, Canon and customary sources). To quote from a 1993 conference contribution:1

‘There is … an important difference of emphasis between the Common law and the Civil law. Any generalisation is an exaggeration, but I think that one can venture to say this. The philosophy of the Common law is utilitarian and its primary concern is with the economic exchange between the parties. The philosophy of the Civil law […] is closer to that of Kant. It is primarily concerned, not with the economic exchange between the parties, but with the exchange of consents and with the moral evaluation of the behaviour of the parties. This difference reflects differences in the histories of the two systems – the influence of Canon law on the Civil law and of commercial practice on the Common law. A consequence of this commercial orientation of the Common law is that if a choice has to be made between certainty and justice in the individual case, it is likely to be made in favour of certainty.’

This is typically Barry: in just a few words exposing a subtle (yet absolutely central) nuance of accent between the common law and the civilian tradition; explaining the identified discrepancy in its broader historical, philosophical and economic setting; and at the same time always staying balanced in his account and careful not to overstate the case, lest a helpful and perceptive characterisation of a system (or group of legal systems) should turn into a distorting and potentially misleading caricature.

1 B Nicholas, ‘The United Kingdom and the Vienna Sales Convention: Another Case of Splendid Isolation?’ (Rome, Centro di studi e ricerche di diritto comparato e straniero, 1993), available online via

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As far as civilian systems are concerned, Barry’s main academic interest lay in the French or Napoleonic legal tradition, although he did keep an eye on German law and occasionally delved quite far into that as well. Barry’s focus on Romance legal systems was, it seems, a product of two factors. First, he had been brought up to speak French fluently by his mother, who was a trained modern linguist. The second factor lay in the Oxford comparative law syllabus at the time, which – for various reasons – was quite strongly oriented towards French law. This was therefore the natural system for Barry to investigate and engage with.

Today, I want to single out three of his contributions which I think deserve special mention. All three relate to private law, but I should say that Barry’s interests were actually broader. He wrote, for instance, on fundamental rights and judicial review in France, long before English lawyers considered that it was time to ‘bring rights home’ and use them as a yardstick against which to measure the legality of executive action (which didn’t happen until the end of the 20th century).

Barry’s most well-known work on French law is undoubtedly his introductory textbook The French Law of Contract, first published in 1982, with a second edition in 1992.2 This is a book that generations of comparative law students have read and profited from. Through it, they not only acquire a solid and reliable foundation in French law generally and contract law in particular, but are also enabled to look at English law from the outside, through the lens of another legal order, thus learning a great deal about their own system in the process.

Barry’s stated aim in writing the book was ‘to see French law through Common law eyes’.3 To this end, he masterfully arranged the material in a way that would make it accessible to common lawyers (for instance, by placing more emphasis on cases than a traditional French textbook would have done). Yet at the same time he also ensured that the reader got what he called the proper ‘feel’ for French law as experienced by an insider, and what post-modern comparative scholars might describe more elaborately as an appreciation of the distinct ‘mentality’ and the specific legal culture of the French system.

2 B Nicholas, The French Law of Contract (London, Butterworths, 1982), 2nd edn (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992).

3 ibid vi (1st edn), v (2nd ed).

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Barry had an acute sense of the various nuances and connotations that a legal community associates with particular terms/concepts or institutions. It was his ability to ‘translate’ (in the non-linguistic sense) the law of one system into the language of another, that made Barry’s textbook into such a long-lasting success. In fact, we in the comparative law teaching group have only just – and very reluctantly – started replacing it with more contemporary literature, simply because the French law of obligations underwent a major reform last year, which led to many areas of contract law being either codified for the first time, re-codified, or in some cases completely overhauled and changed in substance.

The second piece I want to draw your attention to is a 1974 article entitled ‘Rules and Terms’.4 This is a real tour de force of comparative contract law. The discussion begins with an analysis of how civilian systems have built up their theory of contract from a series of specific ‘types’ of contract (each imbued as a matter of law with various default rules governing the parties’ relationship), contrasting this with the common law tradition, which starts from a general unified law of contract and relegates the details of specific transactions to terms either expressly or implicitly agreed by the parties. The article ranges further, via a dissection of the notion of breach as well as a treatment of impossibility and frustrating events, all the way to why it was not a good idea for English law to borrow (or to attempt to borrow) so much of the French doctrine of mistake from authors like Pothier during the 19th century.

Barry had the foresight to see at an early stage that, with the accession of the United Kingdom to the European Community, the movement striving for harmonisation or even unification of the law was likely to gain momentum – he actually wrote so himself in 1981. But it was his firm belief that ‘before there can be harmonisation or unification there must first be mutual understanding’.5 His work on comparative contract law was intended to promote that understanding and also to warn of the dangers of an unreflected or insufficiently sensitive transplantation of legal rules from one system to another.

4 B Nicholas, ‘Rules and Terms – Civil Law and Common Law’ (1974) 48 Tulane Law Review 946.

5 B Nicholas, The French Law of Contract (n 2) vii, from the Preface to the 1st edn, dated December 1981.

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The third contribution I want to talk about steers us away from contract law, and it takes us even further back in time. It’s a piece published in the Tulane Law Review in 1962 on the law of unjustified enrichment (or as common lawyers prefer to say: restitution for unjust enrichment).6

Barry had spent some time teaching at the Tulane Law School in New Orleans in 1960, and his article was a product of the course he gave there. It juxtaposed the Louisiana law on unjustified enrichment with that of France and Germany. Louisiana has a so-called ‘mixed’ legal system, combining elements of the civilian tradition with elements of the common law, which Barry found very attractive and kept coming back to.

The remarkable thing about the topic of this piece and Barry’s interest in it was that, as far as English law was concerned, unjust enrichment was not even recognised as a discrete subject at the time. In the United States, the first Restatement of Restitution had been published in 1937, but in England the first and seminal textbook in the area, Goff & Jones: The Law of Unjust Enrichment, was not to appear until 1966.

Barry’s article proved to be very influential with the judiciary in Louisiana. (Though of course it was not in his academic self-perception to worry about such things as ‘impact factors’ – as anyone who knew him was quick to note.)

Today, the article is still extremely instructive, despite being written over half a century ago. It contains a number of fundamental and timeless comparative observations about the law of unjust/unjustified enrichment and its relationship and interaction with surrounding areas. For the benefit of the enrichment lawyers in the room, I’ll give just one example before concluding. Barry notes that:7

‘[T]he more readily a system gives abstract effect to a conveyance or other transaction (i.e. allows it to be effective although its accompanying cause is vitiated by mistake or other defect), the more prominent will be the need for a remedy in terms of unjust enrichment.’

Understanding this link between a system’s rules of conveyance and the size and importance of its law of unjust enrichment is absolutely key

6 B Nicholas, ‘Unjustified Enrichment in the Civil Law and Louisiana Law’ (1962) 36 Tulane Law Review 605 (Part I) and (1962) 37 Tulane Law Review 49 (Part II).

7 ibid (Part I) 608.

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– the surprising thing perhaps that it is still not universally appreciated. But Barry, characteristically, had hit the nail right on the head.

To my mind, Barry’s comparative law scholarship is amongst the most admirable Oxford has produced. And I think that even if a reader didn’t know Barry, they would get a good sense from his publications of quite how enthusiastic and wonderful a teacher he was!

BRASENOSE AND “THE TABLE”by Dr Simon Smith, Senior Tutor

At the centre of Brasenose’s charitable aims lie the furtherance of education and learning. Mindful of this, it is reasonable to assess whether measurable attainment during the recent past has risen, fallen, or remained the same. Easily accessible data that compares the College’s results with other colleges is available from 2006 via a University portal. The data takes the form of the notorious Norrington Table which calculates a score for each graduating cohort that may be used to ‘rank’ colleges. Norrington awards 5 points for Firsts, 3 for upper-seconds, 2 for lower-seconds, 1 for thirds and zero for other results. The resulting Norrington score is expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible number of points attainable by Finalists (that is, the score that would obtain if every single graduating student achieved a First).

Table 1 present BNC’s results annually since 2006 while Table 2 splits the data into two almost equal periods: 2006-11 and 2012-18. Table 2 also provides details of what is termed the Finalists’ ‘gender gap’ (the difference in the percentage of male and female students achieving Firsts).

In terms of their Norrington scores, there is little to separate nearly all of the colleges in any given year. Usually, with one of two exceptions, the colleges’ results all lie within 10-point range (in 2017, for example, all but three scored between 70 and 78). Consequently, a small increase in average score translates into a large change in terms of rank. Comparing 2006-11 with 2012-18, Brasenose’s average score has risen six points from 68 to 74. Although relatively a small shift, the improvement is three times greater than for the University as a whole and is responsible for shifting the College from a tendency to rank in the bottom third to a tendency to rank in the top third of the table.

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In particular years, certain subjects have ‘fired on all cylinders’ and generated a very high performing graduating cohort. Recent examples include Law, Fine Art, Biology, Geography and Modern Languages, where either all or nearly all of a group of Finalists have achieved Firsts. By the same token, occasionally subjects experience a comparatively lean year. Underlying the observed improvement is a more general tendency for Brasenose students to achieve First Class degrees across the board. During the earlier period, male and female students were less likely to graduate with First-Class Honours than their University counterparts; during the later period, they were more likely to do so. The rate of improvement has been especially pronounced for male students, with a positive ‘swing’ of nearly 10 percentage points over their university peers. Women undergraduates in contrast have achieved a swing of nearly four percentage points. While both men’s and women’s attainment has risen (with an absolute rise in the proportion of both groups achieving Firsts), the more rapid rate of male improvement has resulted in a widening of the College’s gender attainment gap. Since there is likely, however, to be an upper limit to the proportion of students achieving Firsts, the rate of male improvement can be expected to slow down. If women continue to gain ground, convergence should occur. In support of this conjecture, in 2018 21/50 women Finalists (42%) achieved Firsts and 23/57 of the men (40%).

Many criticisms have been levelled at the Norrington Table; here are a few of them:

• Norrington emphasises the attainment of First-Class Honours and since the proportion of students achieving Firsts varies considerably among subjects, there are compositional issues of concern, particularly when comparing Brasenose (a single college with a particular subject mix) against the rest of the University.

• It is foremost a ranking: the colleges do not, in contrast to Premier League football clubs, play each other (home and away) each season and points accrued do not thereby reflect ‘what happens on the pitch’. A ranking is not a league table and the position a college ends up at in Norrington depends on some factors it can influence and others it cannot easily control.

• The table does not incorporate any value added measures or

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discriminate between a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ First, Upper-Second, or other classification.

• The ranking system fosters a version of what is known as the ‘Lake Wobegon fallacy’. Lake Wobegon is a fictional town in which all parents believe that their children are of above median scholastic ability. In the same way more than 50% of colleges may subscribe to the view that their students’ academic performance is better than the median ranked college, an impossible belief shared (among others) by car drivers who overestimate their driving ability.

Norrington does have the merit, however, of concentrating minds on academic performance like practically nothing else in Oxford. It is surprisingly easy for higher education institutions to forget that they exist, primarily, to further excellence in learning for the public benefit. Colleges are not finishing schools for the rich, children’s homes for the poor, or a Club 18-30. Consequently, if a device such as Norrington did not exist it would probably be necessary to invent something similar to ward off distraction.

The message of ‘the table’ is that there is no evidence that results 2012-18 have been worse than 2006-11; on the contrary, there is some evidence they have improved. Similarly, Norrington presents no grounds to believe that results at BNC have deteriorated relative to the rest of the University; on the whole, there is evidence the College has performed better than the average. The system of student assessment within the University has remained stable enough to permit a meaningful comparison of outcomes over the selected study period. There are also no obvious confounding variables distorting perception, as might be the case if, for instance, a much larger proportion of poor performing students withdrew prior to attempting examinations during the earlier or later periods (the results presented in Tables 1 and 2 are those attained by students completing their Finals).

In preparing this note, the author is mindful that almost as many alumni from the period 2006-11 are likely to read The Brazen Nose as for 2012-18. Older cohorts of alumni may also be wondering where they stand in relation to more recent year groups. Consequently, drawing comparisons is a divisive exercise. In fairness it should be pointed out that even in the ‘worst years’ surveyed (2007 and 2009),

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89% of Finalists graduated with at least an upper second – no mean feat. Hence if this article inadvertently confers bragging rights to one group of alumni over another, it is merely a case of primus inter pares.

Average number of BNC Finalists

Average BNC Norrington score

Average number of Oxford Finalists

Average Oxford Norrington score

2006-11 106 68 3125 69

2012-18 101 74 3085 71

change -5 +6 -40 +2

BNC % male Firsts

BNC % female Firsts

Oxford % male Firsts

Oxford % female Firsts

2006-11 27.2 21.2 31.3 23.5

2012-18 41.6 29.7 36.3 28.3

change +14.4 +8.5 +5.0 +4.8

Table 2

Year BNC Finalists (number)

BNC Norrington score (out of 100)

BNC Norrington rank (out of 30)

Oxford Finalists (number)

Oxford Norrington score (out of 100)

2006 124 68 15 3237 69

2007 108 66 21 3123 68

2008 100 67 22 3131 69

2009 108 66 26 3058 70

2010 101 67 22 3098 69

2011 97 71 10 3105 69

2012 96 76 2 3126 70

2013 95 73 8 3109 70

2014 107 70 19 3093 71

2015 97 70 22 3165 71

2016 108 74 7 3028 72

2017 96 76 7 3054 72

2018 107 76 7 3020 73

Table 1

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BRASENOSE, ELIAS ASHMOLE AND THE MAINWARINGSby David Bradbury (Ancient History, 1981)

I was fascinated to see the Principal’s article on Elias Ashmole in the 2016-17 Brazen Nose, and particularly its mention of his first marriage into the Mainwaring family, a prominent one in the Cheshire gentry. This particular link had previously passed me by, but I was well aware that his second, unhappy, marriage was to the widow of Sir Thomas Mainwaring (matric. BNC 1613, d. 1646). Sir Thomas was the youngest of four sons of a junior branch of the family which hailed from Ightfield in Shropshire, and seems to have been positively respectable in comparison with his elder brothers, all of whom were also at the College in their turn.

Sir Arthur (BA 1598; MA 1601) went on to work for Lord Ellesmere as his steward – Ellesmere’s recently deceased second wife being the Mainwaring brothers’ maternal aunt Elizabeth More – and as carver to Prince Henry, the elder son of James I. He became mired in scandal in 1615 when his mistress Anne Turner was accused of complicity in the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury by the Earl and Countess of Somerset. After she was widowed Mrs Turner had, it seems, gone to the notoriously priapic astrologer and conjuror Simon Forman of Lambeth in an attempt to cast spells on Sir Arthur to make him marry her. All this came out when she was on trial for the poisoning, much evidence being produced simply to blacken her character. Anne Somerset’s recently reprinted book Unnatural Murder: Poison at the Court of James I covers the affair excellently, though she does not mention either that Mainwaring was an employee of Ellesmere, who was on the commission appointed to look into the case, nor that the Earl and Countess’s gaoler was Mainwaring’s maternal uncle Sir George More, brother to Ellesmere’s late wife. Things could have gone even worse for Mainwaring than they did, as Sir Edward co*ke made himself an aide-memoire that Mainwaring, responsible for serving food to the Prince, was staying with the poisoner Ann Turner when the prince died in 1612. It was probably just as well that at the prince’s autopsy no sign of poison had been found. Forman’s detailed casebooks survive, of course, only because they came into Ashmole’s hands and he gave them to the University.

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Sir Henry, the second brother, was an equally chequered character; he matriculated in 1599 and went down in 1603 with his BA. He next comes to prominence in 1613-15 as one of the leaders of the English pirates based out of Morocco, which at that time had suffered a collapse of central authority similar to that of Somalia in our own times. He later claimed never to have harmed his own countrymen in his depredations, something his only biographer so far accepts uncritically. The documentary record when examined more closely suggests he is being disingenuous at best. Thereafter he was pardoned by King James, attempted unsuccessfully to enter the service of Venice as a naval commander, became deputy to the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports before being sacked when he fell out with his boss Lord Zouche, was briefly MP for Dover in the 1621 parliament, was a naval administrator for much of the 1620s and 1630s before he went back to sea as a captain in the Ship-Money-Fleets of the late 1630s. The College library still possesses several books he presented, four of these bearing his autograph on the flyleaf. During his time with Zouche he seems to have made the acquaintance of the elder John Tradescant, head gardener at Canterbury for Zouche’s friend Lord Wotton, whose collection would later come into Ashmole’s hands.

Less is recorded of George, the third brother, and Sir Thomas, the fourth. George matriculated in 1602, took his BA in 1605 and seems to have served in Sir Henry Peyton’s 1618 naval expedition in Venetian service, his elder brother having being disappointed of the command. He may have served as a mercenary in the Thirty Years’ War, assuming he is the same George Mainwaring whose 1633 commission from Wilhelm V of Hesse-Kassel survives in the National Archives, and in the Civil War he seems to have commanded the garrison of Tong Castle in his native Shropshire for a while, although he also spent time in Oxford. Thomas matriculated in 1616, went on to the Inner Temple and thereafter pursued a career in the law. He eventually rose to be Recorder of Reading before the Civil War. All four brothers opted for the King in 1642 (though their sister Anne was for Parliament), and the three younger ones all spent time in Oxford during the war, lodging in College. Their total costs are still summarised in the Junior Bursar’s accounts in the archives; alas, the detailed battel books for that period do not survive. No doubt it was at this time that Ashmole met them, and soon after the war when Sir Thomas died, he inadvisedly married

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his widow Mary. That was not his only connection with the wider Mainwaring clan: Ashmole records that when he was initiated as a freemason in Warrington in 1646, it was alongside the Parliamentarian Colonel Henry Mainwaring, of the Kermincham branch of the family.

I learn from the Principal’s article that Ashmole later was also connected with Sir William Dugdale, the herald. After the Restoration, Dugdale was commissioned to write the history of the Mainwaring family, and I am still trying to track this down. I have had different accounts of what befell his manuscript: it seems to have been on loan to the John Rylands Library in Manchester with the rest of the Mainwaring papers for much of the 20th century, but it is not clear to me what happened to it when the family reclaimed the papers in the 1970s. Many were sold at auction, some being bought by the Bodleian, but one academic who has studied the Mainwarings has told me she thinks this particular document was retained by some relatives of theirs and now is kept at their current residence in Norfolk.

In my researches on this most Brasenose of all families, I am struck by how wide their circle was and how they had links to many of the great names of the day. Ellesmere and Ashmole we have seen; but the Mainwaring brothers were cousin by marriage to John Donne, and through him also to Edward Alleyn the actor, who latterly was Donne’s son-in-law. Alas, the College no longer has the 19½ oz silver cup that Sir Arthur Mainwaring gave it, melted down in 1643 to make money to pay the King’s soldiers, but his brother Henry’s books are still in our library to this day.

I am, as ever, most grateful to the College librarians and archivists for the assistance they have given me in my researches on the Mainwarings.

SILVER RUSH by Brasenose News Staff Writers, with grateful assistance from the College Archivist, Steward, and Domestic Bursar

Every few years Brasenose College puts on display its silver collection, normally kept largely under lock and key. This event we dramatically label the “Silver Muster”. The last muster took place in the Dining Hall in early January 2017. It was an opportunity for members of the Brasenose community to view this fabulous collection of silver and other precious items.

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Having existed as an educational institution for upwards of five centuries, the silver hoard forms part of Brasenose’s cultural heritage. Originally, silver formed a store of value at a time when wealth was held mainly in the form of bullion bars or land rather than money held in bank accounts or stocks and shares. Much of the College’s first silver collection was surrendered to Charles I in 1642 and melted down for coin when the King was in chronic need of funds to continue fighting the Civil War. Only two chalices dated 1498-99 (and hidden from the main store) survive from the original collection.

The rest of the College cache, accumulated mainly during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, consists predominantly of tableware, including practical pieces for eating (cutlery, tankards, candlesticks) and more ornate, decorative pieces. Many of the latter were gifted to the College over several centuries by former students wishing to mark their time at Brasenose. Often particular sports teams would club together to present a special commemorative tankard to the College with their names embossed.

Some of the more fascinating items illustrate how Brasenose and society at large have changed. Several enormous silver cigarette and cigar boxes are found in the collection, which, in a practice now long gone, were passed among diners during ‘dessert’ on formal occasions. Afterwards the remaining contents were often distributed among College staff. Smoking is now prohibited throughout Brasenose in compliance with legislation on the effects of secondary smoking, with the exception of a designated smokers’ area at Frewin. As another illustration, our cutlery collection includes some highly specialised utensils, such as silver lobster picks - a dish that rarely appears on the menus we offer to our students today!

More decorative items include a tankard recording for posterity the names of individuals who were members of Brasenose in 1734. There is also a replica of the FA Cup, a competition won by Oxford University in 1874. To mark the centenary of this highly vaunted football tournament, the Football Association sent out replicas of the trophy to all previous winners in the 1970s, and the University’s came into the possession of the College. This may be because the magnificently named Cuthbert Ottaway, former Brasenose student, appeared in three successive finals in the 1870s, and captained the victorious side that beat Royal Engineers two nil at the Kennington Oval.

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A particularly beautiful piece in the collection is a silver-gilt Russian Kovsh (beaker), gifted to the College in 1932. A Kovsh was usually placed in the middle of a dining table containing mead or wine. The contents would have been ladled out and handed to guests. This particular Kovsh was presented by the Empress Catherine II to Nicephore Mitriassoff, Ataman of the Zimovaia Stanitza of the Eitzsky Cossack Army for faithful services, at St Petersburg in 1767, and bears an inscription to that effect. Another unusual piece is ‘the Brasenose Beaker’, designed by a student and made by the sculptor Frank Bowcher. It consists of four heads, which represent Silenus and Jupiter in a sociable mood, and are divided by swags of hops. The arms of the College and of the University are worked into the elaborate border of hops and laurels.

The College continues to receive occasional gifts of silver. When asked to nominate her favourite piece, staff member Alice McCormack held aloft a beautiful pepper mill, donated a few decades ago to mark the 25th anniversary of the College’s first admission of women undergraduates.



by Roderick Clayton (Classics, 1986)

When the literary scholar Terry Eagleton wrote of ‘that tangle of crimes, blunders, oversights and off-chances which for the more conventionally minded goes by the name of tradition,’1 he gave a sad glimpse of the emptiness of a life led outside Brasenose. For in Brasenose, tradition seems to cluster around the convivial and the carefree pleasures of social occasions. Of these, the Ale Verses occupy a prominent and welcome place. Humorous verses written by members of the College, often with allusions to current affairs and College personalities, are recited in hall after dinner on Shrove Tuesday, usually sung to well-known tunes. During the proceedings, liberal quantities of a specially prepared ale are consumed from large loving-cups that are passed around each table as

1 Terry Eagleton, The Crisis of Contemporary Culture (inaugural lecture), Oxford, 1993, 1.

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BNC students, in Eric Korn’s words, ‘launch their mardigratifications.’2

Shrovetide celebrations are of great antiquity and variety, the joys of excess coming between the privations of winter and the austerity of Lent.3 Looking back at pre-Reformation England a generation later, William Kethe wrote in 1571 that ‘Shroft Tvvesday was a day of great glottonie, surfetting & dronkenness.’4 By the 17th century, the medieval earthiness of bear-baiting, co*ck-fighting and football matches was counterpoised by the sophistication of court masques. The earliest reference to Shrove Tuesday pancakes, now the most common marker of the day in England, is in a poem written in 1586;5 pancake races, however, are disappointingly modern, being first recorded in 1870.6

In 1903, a reader of Notes and Queries asked optimistically if anyone could tell him when the Ale Verses began.7 He received no reply and, surely, it is impossible to know when Brasenose began its Shrovetide wassailing, which might date back even to the halls that preceded the College. It is not until 1705, however, that we have the earliest surviving description of the occasion, which comes from the then College Butler, Edward Shippery:

The Butler hath a wassal night on Shrove Tuesday commonly, he provides a great cake and a Copy of Verses hang’d on a stick like a flag with a bunch of bays lawrels and Rose-mary, which cake and verses go to every table, one to be cut off and ye other to be read, and there must be a Less×r Cake the same with ye Great×r that Mr Prin: may have a Good piece of it together with a spic’d Bowl and a Copy of ye Verses carried in to him.

Spiced Bowls must be provided for every Table in ye Hall, with Aples & good Ale and for ye Com: Room afterwards & some Chambers; & Then Mr Principal tells ye Butler how much to put him on, and a Roll comes into ye Hall that every may subscribe what he pleases, the Fellows yt are then absent ye Butler receives from at yr Return, and all others the Butler invites to his Chamber on some

2 Eric Korn, ‘Remainders’, The Times Literary Supplement, 30 April 1982, 486.3 See Ronald Hutton, The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain,

Oxford, 1996, 151-168.4 William Kethe, A Sermon made at Blanford Foru: in the Countie of Dorset on Wensday

the 17. of Ianuarij last past at the Session holden there, before the honorable and the worshyppefull of that Shyre, London, 1571, f.18v.

5 William Warner, Albions England, London, 1602, 121 (Book 5, Chapter 25).6 Hutton, Stations of the Sun, 167f.7 Letter from William Andrews in Notes and Queries, 9 Ser., 12 (3 October 1903), 268.

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Fast Night and gives them a bit of some thing to eat, and a Cup of y e Best Ale ye Butler hath.8

From later in the 18th century, there is an eye-witness account by a visitor to Brasenose, the gastronomic parson James Woodforde to whom we must be grateful for his diary’s meticulous records of dinners. The entry for 28 February 1775 states:

I supped & spent the Evening at Braze-Nose Coll: with Brother Wood, we supped in the Hall & spent the Evening in the Senr Com: Room. It being Shrove Tuesday we had Lambs Wool to drink, a Composition of Ale, Sugar &c. Lobsters, Pancakes &c. to eat at Supper, and the Butler there gives a Plumb-Cake with a Copy of Verses of his own making upon it. There were present Napleton, Wood, Prosser, Stinton, Willett, Richards, Evely cum multis aliis. We played at cards till after 12. at night.9

A later Butler, John Prior, Sr, wrote in 1856 that the College butler was ‘bound by immemorial custom’ to produce ‘a copy of Verses in praise of the College Ale’ accompanied by ‘a special brew’ that was ‘made for the day, and supplied ad libitum to every inmate of the College.’10 Brasenose’s Ale Verses appear to bring together two distinct strands of tradition. One is the particular type of drink served, the other is the reciting of specially written verses.

Throughout the 19th century, Brasenose was known for its sociability, and three of its favoured drinks, Lawn Sleeves, Cardinal and Pope, were featured in Oxford Night Caps, a collection of recipes for drinks enjoyed at Oxford, when it was first published in 1827. Owing ‘their origin to some Brasen-nose Bacchanalians,’11 all three are variations on the more complex spiced wine known as Bishop, which was made with roasted lemons, boiled port and a variety of spices. None of these, however, was drunk on Shrove Tuesday. In its simplest form, ‘Brasenose Ale’ is first recorded in the 1847 edition of Oxford Night Caps. The recipe is simple: ‘Three quarts of ale, sweetened with refined sugar finely pulverised, and served up in a bowl with six roasted apples floating in

8 BNC Archives, MS B53.14, p.18.9 W N Hargreaves-Mawdsley (ed.), Woodforde at Oxford, 1759-1776, Oxford, 1969

(Oxford Historical Society, n.s., 21), 275.10 John Prior (ed.), Brasenose Ale: A Collection of Poems Presented Annually by the Butler of

Brasenose College on Shrove Tuesday, Oxford, 1957, v.11 [Richard Cook], Oxford Night Caps: A Collection of Receipts for Making Various

Beverages Used in the University, 1st ed., Oxford, 1827, 4.

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it.’12 As Woodforde detected, it is a version of what is known commonly as Lamb’s Wool, which is hot, sweetened ale mixed with apple-pulp and spiced. The combination of beer and apples appears to have a long history, especially in connection with Shrovetide. We find the Oxford scholar Anthony Wood, for example, buying beer and apples from his local publican a day before Shrove Tuesday in 1667.13

Reciting comical and satirical verses at Shrovetide has a similarly long history. They complement the more sincere verses of St Valentine’s Day, which commonly falls in or near Shrovetide. Brasenose author Robert Burton, best known for The Anatomy of Melancholy, wrote a Latin comedy, Philosophaster, which was performed at Christ Church on Shrove Monday in 1617.14 It was customary at Eton for the boys to compose Shrovetide verses, dedicated to Bacchus; Pepys saw examples of these on a visit there in 1666.15 It is also noteworthy that the College’s commemoration day for its benefactor Alexander Nowell, Dean of St Paul’s and inventor of bottled beer, is 13 February.16

In the Middle Ages, several colleges used to have an occasion where students could mock the dons in verse, and at Encaenia, the core event of the annual commemoration, an undergraduate would be chosen to write and recite an amusing, even ribald, satire as ‘terrae filius.’ The last terrae filius’s speech was written, but apparently not spoken, in 1733, after which the rise of decorum gradually brought in the more polite verses of the prize poets (Latin and English). Such decorum was only relative, however; the saturnalia of the students persisted until the First World War with all sorts of pranks perpetrated in the Sheldonian at the expense of those taking honorary degrees. Many were very funny. Some of the japes were spontaneous, and some of these less funny: in 1774, a drunk undergraduate even succeeded in vomiting over the balcony.17

12 [Cook], Oxford Night Caps, 4th ed., Oxford, 1847, 49.13 Andrew Clark (ed.), The Life and Times of Anthony à Wood, 5 vols., Oxford,

1891-1900 (Oxford Historical Society, Vols. 19, 21, 26, 30, 40), 2/99.14 Sadly, we do not know if he wrote any ale verses, but then we do not even know for

sure if he ever turned up at Brasenose before migrating to Christ Church.15 Robert Latham and William Matthews (eds.), The Diary of Samuel Pepys, 11 vols.,

London, 1970-1983, 7/59.16 John Pointer, Oxoniensis Academia: or, the Antiquities and Curiosities of the University of

Oxford, London, 1749, 72.17 Graham Midgely, University Life in Eighteenth-Century Oxford, New Haven and

London, 1996, 139

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Edward Shippery, the Butler mentioned earlier, is also the author of the oldest surviving ale verse. It was recorded by the antiquary Thomas Hearne in 1709, but it must be older, since Shippery ceased his duties in 1705.18 A mention of Vigo might date it to 1703, if a reference to spoil from the Battle of Vigo Bay, which took place in October 1702, is intended. Another early verse, from about 1705, has also survived,19 but then there is a gap of a century. Ale Verses clearly took place in the last quarter of the 18th century, but if they had a continuous existence throughout the century, the evidence is lacking. This could be simply because no records were kept; but it is interesting that in 1749, John Pointer, whose own grandfather had been to Brasenose, did not note the Ale Verses as a College custom in his book Oxoniensis Academia, or the Antiquities and Curiosities of the University of Oxford.

By the early 19th century, the Butler was still responsible for the panegyric of the ale, but it was actually undergraduates who wrote the verses at the Butler’s commission. ‘This species of literary complicity’, wrote John Prior, ‘is believed to have been always an understood arrangement.’20 Shippery’s verses, which Hearne clearly attributes to him, suggest that the ghost-writing had been instituted by a later butler, unless Shippery was exceptional. Prior himself could point only to a living awareness of the tradition going back to the time of the butlership of the brother of Thomas Barker, Principal from 1777 to 1785. Only one student was asked to write the verses, but others sometimes offered their own. Consequently, there are some years from which more than one poem survives. Nowadays, it is common for several verses to be submitted.

It was John Prior, Sr., mentioned earlier, who first set about collecting the ale verses for posterity. In 1856, as he neared the end of his life, he gathered all the verses he could find and had them published privately as Brasenose Ale: A Collection of Poems Presented Annually by the Butler of Brasenose College on Shrove Tuesday (Oxford, 1857). The book was printed for private circulation by the well-known printer, publisher and bookseller Joseph Vincent. It was the rooms above Vincent’s that

18 C E Doble et al. (eds.), Remarks and Collections of Thomas Hearne, Suum Cuique, 11 vols., Oxford, 1885-1921 (Oxford Historical Society, Vols. 2, 7, 13, 34, 42, 43, 48, 50, 65, 67, 72), 2/327, 455f.

19 BNC Archives, MS SL 2 B2/1.20 Prior, Brasenose Ale, vi

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were to be the first home of, and to give their name to, the famous club founded by the Brasenose oarsman W B Woodgate in 1863.

A second edition of Brasenose Ale, edited by Humphrey Ward (who was married to Matthew Arnold’s niece), appeared in 1878. It included two new discoveries that predated anything in Prior’s volume: Shippery’s verses and also some attributed to Reginald Heber and the year 1806. Heber the student, a Phoenix man, certainly was a bon viveur, so the attribution is not as doubtful as might be assumed from his subsequent fame as a hymn writer and martyred Bishop of Calcutta. A smattering of other early 19th century ale verses has come down to us, but it is only from 1826 that we have every poem recited.

These still are far from continuous. When the 1878 edition of Brasenose Ale was published, the editor wrote optimistically that the 1869 poem (of which he was himself the author) ‘was written under what fortunately was a misapprehension; namely, that the admission of “Bass” into the college cellars implied that no more “Brasenose Ale” would be brewed.’ ([Ward], Brasenose Ale, 224 n.). In fact, Ward showed tragic foresight. The College Butler John Prior, Jr, (son of the earlier College Butler of the same name, d. 1859) told Charles Henry Cook in May 1886 that he feared that the demolition of the College brewery, about to take place in order to make way for what would become New Quad, would spell the end of the ale verses.21 Prior was right. There were no ale verses in 1887, and it was reported that ‘an ancient custom has vanished.’22 Although the ale verses made a swift return in 1888 (this time in Latin), those of 1889 were the last for two decades. The lack of College-brewed beer perhaps desiccated the Brazen muse.

The revival of the ale verses is due apparently to Charles Buller Heberden, Principal from 1889 to 1920. In 1901, he published a supplement to Brasenose Ale, and in 1909, as part of the College’s quatercentenary celebrations, he reinstituted the verses as a Shrovetide fixture. Strangely, however, it was not until 1924 that the accompanying Brasenose Ale was served again.23 Since 1909, apart from during the world wars, ale verses have been held every year, and continue to be so.

21 John Bickerdyke [pseud., vere Charles Henry Cook], Curiosities of Ale & Beer: An Entertaining History, London, 1889, 4

22 ‘Notes from Oxford’, The Academy, 31, no. 775 (12 March 1887), 18223 Helen Sumping, ‘From the Archives’, Brazen Notes, 25 (Trinity 2018), 3

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The verses below were found in a commonplace book kept by Richard Harris Braham in his first year at Brasenose, 1807-08. They are thus the earliest ale verses to survive in the hand of their author. For Barham, the son of a Kentish squire, Brasenose was ‘both Elsinore and Wittenberg, since it brought him to drink deep and also made a good scholar of him.’24 After graduating, he became a clergyman, but ‘Barham found his real life in letters, antiquarianism, conversation, the theatre, gourmandise, all the enjoyments, in short, of a gentleman and scholar who had been educated at Brasenose.’25 A Bohemian with an astonishing facility for verse that came to him too easily for it to be serious, and a tremendous sense of humour and love of laughter that ensured it would not be so, Barham has suffered the fate of many other 19th century authors and wits who were household names in their lifetimes and are now largely forgotten, such as Charles Lever (at one time paid more than Dickens and Thackeray), G P R James, and William Harrison Ainsworth. Unlike these writers, however, Barham never succeeded as a novelist, although he tried (briefly). Instead, his success was in Menippean wit, with amusing, clever poems and prose that appeared in periodicals under the nom de plume of ‘Thomas Ingoldsby’.

Barham’s first opportunity came from his schoolfriend Richard Bentley, who in 1838 started a magazine to compete with Blackwood’s and Fraser’s, the two leading magazines of the time. Initially, Bentley was going to call his magazine the Wits’ Miscellany, but, analogous with Fraser’s and Blackwood’s, he decided on Bentley’s Miscellany – occasioning Barham famously and cruelly to protest, ‘But why go to the other extreme?’26 The Ingoldsby Legends, as Barham’s poems and prose came to be known when collected in three volumes between 1842 and 1846, were a huge hit, and their success endured well into the 20th century. A memorial in his home city of Canterbury was funded by public subscription and unveiled in 1930, when it could still be said that reading The Ingoldsby Legends ‘has brought a joy that might be compared to shooting a rapid in a canoe or to a gallop on a fine horse which the rider is not quite sure that he can hold.’27

24 ‘Thomas Ingoldsby’, The Times, Thursday, 25 September 1930, 13D25 [David Leslie Murray,] ‘The Ingoldsby Legends: “Mirth and Merriment” from

St. Paul’s’, The Times Literary Supplement, Saturday, 26 December 1936, 1057-5826 William G Lane, Richard Harris Barham, Columbia, Mo., 1967, 10927 ‘Thomas Ingoldsby’, The Times, Thursday, 25 September 1930, 13D

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In line with the practice of the time, both of Barham’s poems are paeans of praise to Brasenose Ale. Of particular note is how they set ale as a traditional (and therefore good) drink in opposition to the fashionable novelty, port, which, in its fortified form, unadulterated thanks to the reforms of the Marques do Pombal, only recently had become age-worthy thanks to advances in bottle design.28 In both of his poems, Barham fights the corner of good old English ‘stingo’, a Yorkshire name for ale that was current among sporting sets of the time, and its personification in the form of Sir John Barleycorn.

A century earlier, Shippery had declared that ‘Old England affords us whatever we lack, / Give us Ale; and a fig for their Claret or sack.’ Similarly, in these poems, Barham focuses his hostility on port as the foreign interloper. In truth, however, ‘he liked good port’29 just as much as he liked good ale. Later, in 1837, he challenged the burgeoning temperance movement with the poem ‘A Friendly Remonstrance’, in which he pleaded, ‘Speak civil of port, / And allow us a pull at the pewter.’30 Barham’s father, indeed, was so fond of port that he would drink a bottle a day.31

Barham’s commonplace book is Houghton Library MS Eng 692, and the ale verses reproduced below are at ff.58v-59v and ff.59v-60v respectively. Grateful thanks are due to the President and Fellows of Harvard College for permission to print these poems, and to Bill Stoneman, James Capobianco and their colleagues at the Houghton Library, and Georgina Edwards and Helen Sumping of Brasenose College Archives, for their kind assistance.

Brazen Nose Ale

Of Brazen Nose Ale let Brazen Nose students tell,And praise the liquor which they love so well.Pierian waters let them quaff who will:I’ll gen’rous Stingo drink, and drink my fill.No co*ckhorse Pegasus shall make me flyTo fancied castles in the giddy sky,

28 See, for instance, Richard Mayson, Port and the Douro, London, 1999, 19.29 Lane, Barham, 5530 R H D Barham, The Life and Letters of the Rev. Richard Harris Barham,

Author of the Ingoldsby Legends, 2 vols., London, 1870, 2/3231 Barham, Barham, 1/226 n.1.

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Content to ride when smoaking from the drayMajestic Dobbin plods his weary way,Tho’ slow yet sure – tho’ clumsy yet so kindTo carry madam on a pad behind.

Shade of Sir John! accept the votive strain,Redoubted guardian of the golden grain.Thy gen’rous aid our brave forefathers knew,When wars’ strong sinews twang’d the bending yew.When thro’ the field the might of Alfred pourdThe gory triumph of his conq’ring sword,Thy potent touch could every passion swayAnd rouse the world to arms or melt their rage away.Nor less thy pow’r the cloister’d friars amongTo raise the frequent fist, the jovial song,While pamper’d abbotts large libations pourAll drunk and drowsy thro’ the livelong hour.Such were the scenes which once thy reign confestAnd such the glories of thy sparkling crest.Yet short thy triumphs; and thy days how few,When prudish matrons first disdain’d to brew.In banner’d halls no more thy praises sound;No genuine amber goes its mazy round,But long neglected and at length disgrac’dIt yields to port the lordship of the feast.Where were ye then, ye friends of Stingo, say,When your lov’d knight was exil’d far away,When wretched, meagre, spiritless and paleHe fled for succour to the arms of Thrale?32

Yet fled in vain – here mightier ills await:Whilst partial int’rest holds the seales of FateIn plighted faith and conscious worth secure,Thou fell’st a victim to the crafty brewer!With baneful drugs the perjur’d maltster drainsOf still surviving strength the small remains

32 A reference to beer from a brewery established by Henry Thrale, less famous husband of Hesther. The business had by this time been taken on by his godson, and it remained a family business until taken over by Courage in 1955 (Courage is now part of Marston’s).

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Whilst oh! concocted o’er the scorching flameThou giv’st the fatal flood, twas all thou hadst, a name.

Yet still ‘tis said in many a festive hourThe conscious Butt’ry owns thy guardian pow’r.Still o’er its walls thy hov’ring spirit fliesTo taste the nectar of our nether skies.Lamented shade! Oh long delight to dwell,The airy tennant of the cloister’d cell.Long o’er our souls thy genial smiles impartTo cheer the tutors’ and the students’ heart.So shall the bard his annual verse bestowThe trivial meed of gratitude below,So at thy shrine the mystic rite be paidAnd copious honours gratify thy shade,Whilst long thy sons their candid truth shall boast:He best can praise thee who shall drink thee most.

On the Same

Reft of thy fame, thy well earn’d honours shorn,Mourn, hapless knight, neglected Barleycorn!Where now the jovial train who erst in songCould in thy praise the festive notes prolong?Where now the Chiefs who oft ‘midst banner’d hallsWhilst Sol’s last beams yet gilt the mailclad wallsIn jocund mood thy gen’rous stream would quaff,Raise the loud jest, the mirth-approving laugh,Till rosy dawn chac’d night’s dull shades away,And worlds rejoicing hail’d the new born day?All, all are fled! Thy charms no more delight.The sun of Barleycorn is set in night!Now in thy praise no loud-toned paeans swell,Thy glories now no glowing minstrels tell,No reeling votaries worship at thy shrine,But Stingo yields to Lusitania’s vine.No more thy foaming sweets our boards adorn,The poor man’s comfort and the rich man’s scorn.

Not such thy fate when ‘midst his rude domainsThe hardy Briton rang’d his native plains,

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Nor when our Lionhearted lords of yoreFrom Latian helms the conqu’ring laurel tore,When death and terror spoke our fathers nearAnd Rome’s proud eagle scream’d a note of fear.Not such thy fate when conqu’ring Arthur quaff ’d‘Midst Caerleon’s courts thy soul-inspiring draught.When mailclad kinglets, unconquer’d save by thee,Drain’d the full bowl and drank to chivalry,Till o’er their eyes his poppies Morpheus shedAnd lab’ring pages bore their lords to bed.

Then at thy honor’d name what transports rose!By thee inspir’d the wretch forgot his woes,By thee inspir’d e’en cowards death defied.And trembling caitiffs nobly fought and died.

Vain, fruitless boast! Thy pow’r, thy pride is o’er!Thy once all-conqu’ring name is heard no more,Save in those walls which royall Alfred gave,Where gentle Isis rolls her silver wave,Where o’er the portal shines high pois’d in airThe brazen talisman of Radcliffe Square,The mystic Nose by far-fam’d Bacon made,33

The sad sole remnant of the brazen head,Where learning’s praises square cap’d tutors tellAnd drowsy freshmen damn the Chapel bell.

Then, whatsoe’er betide this earthly ball,Tho’ kingdoms totter, and tho’ nations fall,Thy pow’r, thy worth, thy glory and thy nameShall flourish undiminish’d and the same.To thee the bard his tributary layIn heartfelt gratitude shall humbly pay.The annual strain shall greet thine airy ear,Haply unpolish’d, but at least sincere,While sleeveless youth confess thy sparkling quartsStrong as their heads and gen’rous as their hearts.

33 To Roger Bacon, the medieval philosopher, was credited both a connection with Brasenose and a magical talking head made of brass, of which one of our various noses might be a fragment.

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A PERSONAL MEMOIRby Paul Dawson-Bowling (Classics, 1961)

This is a personal record of the Brasenose Society as it was 30 years ago. It also describes how the Society evolved into a resource and asset for the College. In the 1960s and early 1970s, the Society was no more than an agreeable dining club. It met once a year, just after the end of the Trinity term, mostly but not invariably at the College, for its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and dinner. In the mid 1980s the date was moved to a point later in the year. This was because the College needed the funds which came from letting out its premises for conferences during the popular season of midsummer, and it was impossible to hold a Society AGM and dinner at the same time. These events were therefore rescheduled early in October, just before the Michaelmas term. In the late 1980s, when I first joined the committee, the President would often host a further meeting during the year, a committee meeting, but this consisted of a dinner at a London club and did no business.

During the early 1990s, there grew up amongst some members of the committee a desire to do more and contribute something worthwhile for the College, and successive presidents initiated various ideas. However, they completed their tenancy, an annual tenancy, too soon to see through any of their initiatives. A breakthrough was achieved by “Pip” (Norman) Ward-Jones ( Jurisprudence, 1946) during his Presidency. He formed a small semi-permanent action subcommittee which was not re-elected and not limited annually but could continue until its work was done. It met mainly at his flat in Leicester Square, and its members soon came to the conclusion that the society should best help the College by identifying particular needs and providing finances. Pip himself made various inquiries at the College and he was impressed above all by the undergraduates, who established that their greatest need was for more undergraduate accommodation. Oxford colleges could no longer provide residence in College for all undergraduates, because their numbers had expanded so much. At the same time, the Oxford Landlady had become an institution of the past, but was it working out well for undergraduates to bear the cost of

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whole year tenancies for rented accommodation when they occupied it for less than half the year?

For these same reasons the College was itself examining various possibilities for establishing more accommodation, and Pip’s subcommittee committed itself to a scheme for expanding Frewin Hall. The plan was to purchase all houses in the streets surrounding Frewin Hall, converting them to face inwards and creating a quad with Frewin Hall at its centre. As an extension of the plan, additional accommodation would be built on the same site. The Brasenose Society Committee recognised that an appeal for this purpose would capture the imagination of Society members. In spite of great scepticism from the College and even some opposition, the Frewin Hall Appeal was duly launched in 1994, when Gully Wilson (1946) was president. It is worth mentioning that there was as yet no Development Office, and any fundraising initiatives fell to the Society in collaboration with the Bursar. The appeal turned out spectacularly successful, as the College would later recognise, partly because it did not go after “monopoly money” from the super rich, as the University’s big appeal had recently done. Instead it looked towards a second level of giving, to modest commitments secured for several years, which ended up producing significant sums.

I succeeded Gully as president at the particular instigation of David Stockton (Classics, 1946), the Fellow who was then Oxford Secretary of the Society, an office which became obsolete as its functions were taken over by the newly burgeoning Development Office. David knew that I had recently led a successful campaign against the closure of an East Kent hospital, and he secured my election with the aim of “tidying up” the Society and taking the appeal forward. Its untidiness was one of the reasons for the College’s scepticism about the Society’s capacity to do anything effective. Before the AGM and dinner of 1994, the Principal Lord Windlesham suggested a tea-time meeting in his lodgings with Gully Wilson, the outgoing president, and me, the incoming. After a useful review of the Society’s achievements, objectives and problems, we decided to try to recruit Alexandra Marks ( Jurisprudence, 1977) as Society Secretary. She was perfectly qualified for the job, and had demonstrated her commitment through her enthusiastic participation in events. It was also high time that the Society’s hitherto all-male committee adequately reflected its

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constituency. The task of persuading Alexandra was generously left entirely to me, but Fortune proved favourable.

There were two other immediate challenges for the Society. Its existing rules had become obsolete in a number of ways, and as ex-Principal Barry Nicholas commented that same evening, plans and drafts for their revision had then been circulating for 12 years without any conclusion. This was because each fresh draft agreed in Committee and at an AGM, often after a too-brief discussion, had then, in accordance with the rules, to be published in The Brazen Nose before it could be submitted to a vote at the next AGM. The trouble was that each new version which appeared in print resulted in fresh amendments which could themselves only be agreed and authorised at the following AGM, whereupon the whole cycle would repeat all over again.

The best way forward was to call an extra Committee meeting at my home in Faversham in May, after The Brazen Nose had been published. The purpose of the meeting was for a consideration of the latest revision that was not cursory but an in-depth scrutiny. In the event it is doubtful whether any College Society rules were ever scrutinised and refined by a more distinguished legal gathering, as it included Sir Ralph Gibson, President of the Court of Appeal, and Barry Nicholas, the great expert on Roman law, as well as Gully Wilson and Pip Ward Jones, themselves distinguished lawyers, Pip then being Chairman of the Gaming Board, along with Jim Edmiston ( Jurisprudence, 1963) and Graham Richards (Chemistry, 1958) of Oxford Molecular. In the event, however, the most important work of drafting, scrutiny and revision was carried out by Alexandra Marks, making her debut as Society Secretary, and Robin Gill (PPE, 1945), who was now President-elect. Ultimately a refined draft was indeed agreed for presentation at the next AGM with the recommendation that it had been so minutely examined and so finely reforged that it should now be approved for publication in The Brazen Nose, and that a year later the AGM should likewise finally adopt it, regardless of any lingering imperfections. All these hopes of bringing the matter to a good conclusion were indeed realised. (Incidentally, the practice whereby the President hosted an intermediate committee meeting followed by lunch at his or her home became a pleasant tradition which only petered out 11 years ago.)

Another challenge concerned the membership. Hitherto, undergraduates going down had been invited to take up life membership

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on condition of a single life payment that was not unreasonable in scale but forbidding at a juncture in life when funds were generally short. During the Frewin Hall Appeal the Society and the College both grew aware that there were about a thousand BNC graduates who were not members of the Society, and worse, that neither the Society nor the College possessed their contact details. The issue was highlighted when Stephen Dorrell ( Jurisprudence, 1970), then Secretary of State for Health, had made the House of Commons available for the co*cktail Party (not yet the President’s co*cktail Party). It emerged that he was not then on the College books or the records of the Society. He had thus missed being contacted over the Frewin Hall Appeal, and if someone with as high a profile as Stephen Dorrell, then how many others? These considerations added force to the Society’s decision to enrol all undergraduates automatically into the Society on going down, subject only to an annual fee which was itself to be decided “from time to time” in conjunction with the College. As the Society and its membership were then shaping up as a resource for the College, there was a wise decision to set the fee at zero for the time being. Likewise, the free distribution of The Brazen Nose to Society members was reckoned a worthwhile investment. It is the silver thread, which maintains contact with Society members and leads eventually to donations.

Thereafter the Society developed rapidly, with the establishment of such things as mentoring schemes, year representatives, an annual co*cktail party in London, and for a time a successful Eights Week lunch at the College, but these were all subsequent to my presidency and are not a proper part of this personal memoir.

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Twice during the past summer the editor of this record, generally to be encountered safely indoors with his nose in a book, found himself inspired by a view. Both occasions were during a research trip to Pakistan, and both involved staring at mountains, in one case Mount Ilam in Swat, which may be the mountain Aornos captured by Alexander the Great (and very obviously is Aornos when you stand where I stood and gazed at it, or so it seemed to me). The other revelation came when I looked back, during a drive to Islamabad Airport, at the mountains of Swat ranged along the far bank of the Indus river, and understood the impulse that drew the British to the Indus in their quest for a boundary to their Indian possessions, and understood also why those classically-trained imperialists were as determined as they were to find Alexander’s Aornos amid those mysterious mountains stretching back toward Afghanistan.

Attentive readers of my musings in The Brazen Nose (and there can’t be many of you) may recall a similar experience I had in Cartagena, Spain, last year. This is all, implausibly, part of the same project, but I mention these moments because they had the effect of reminding me again of the value of seeing places, experiencing environments that one might think one knows very well from less visual research. I’m not sure anyone besides myself needs to be reminded of this, and our students certainly don’t. They are lucky enough to have support for vacation projects of a vast variety of kinds from generous donations made by their predecessors, Profumo, Michael Woods, Holroyd, Collieu, Sterling, Hall, and from the Annual Fund supported by you all.

We publish here a representative selection of trips and projects undertaken by our students with your help, and there were many more beneficiaries I could mention. We couldn’t resist a photo of Brasenose undergraduates kitted out in beekeeping wear, for example, the highlight of a trip to Greece. In the case of Anna Petherick, money from the Annual Fund allowed her to do the research for the last two chapters of her PhD thesis, on factors affecting attitudes to rerun elections in the Brazilian state of Goias. Eunice Ngooi, meanwhile, was able to travel to the Greek island of Lesvos and volunteer at a camp for refugees at Moria, and Jack Whitehead to join a project to protect Loggerhead turtles on another Greek island, Kefalonia. Paola Castañeda walked

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the Camino Primitivo from Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela, the original pilgrim path to the shrine of St James, and Shajedur Rahman Shawon was able to attend the Robert Turner Clinical Research Course, organised by the European Association of Study of Diabetes (EASD) here in Oxford. With the support of the Lord Windlesham Fund, meanwhile, Andrew Linden was able to trial for the Blues lightweight rowing crew, and he rowed in the reserve team against Cambridge, in “strong winds, light snow and freezing temperatures”. Each to his own.


by Sophie Gunning

I first met Sara* on a Wednesday morning in July. She was sewing a bag from fabric scraps outside her local rugby club. It was here that I heard her story. At 15, Sara was raped and fell pregnant with her first child. She dropped out of school soon after. She could not report it to the police as nobody would have believed her. This story sounds shocking to us, but in Zambia it is commonplace. By the age of 15, almost half of women have experienced gender-based violence.

Sara is now 32 years old, married and with four children. She is also part of a flourishing and growing women’s group in her local community. This women’s group was just one part of the African Impact Women’s Empowerment project I worked with during my five-week stay in Livingstone, Zambia, this summer.

By 8am on my first morning in the south-western town, I was running a self-defence workshop for a group of 12 year-old girls. Self-defence, along with sexual health, communication skills and the importance of education, were key topics in the girl-empowerment syllabus. I helped to plan and lead the classes which took place before and after school for girls aged between 9 and 14, many of whom walked over an hour to attend. At first I was shocked at how unaffected some students seemed by harrowing issues such as gender-based violence, but I later found out that cultural norms mean that 57% of Zambian women and girls approve of wife-beating. In light of this, our lessons looked to encourage girls to build strong support networks, increase their knowledge around reproductive health, and develop their decision-making and negotiation skills. This has seen a clear correlation emerge

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between the regular attendance of girls at the workshops and their self-respect and self-esteem.

Once a week I visited the local women’s group to which Sara belonged. This group provides an extraordinary support system bonding local women. More practically, it has taught the women vital skills and provided them with new income-generating opportunities. Through the group, around 20 women have learnt how to make hand-sewn bags, hair accessories and doormats. I saw first-hand the benefits this group has had for the women’s ability to discuss the challenges they are facing openly and to feel supported and empowered. Most importantly, their daughters and other local girls can see women just like them making money for their family and gaining financial independence.

Another aspect of the programme is the inclusion of boys. I regularly led sessions of Boys Club. This involved organising activities such as teamwork games aimed at improving their self-esteem and sense of purpose. The girls and boys would often come together in joint activities. One of these was the “Girl Impact” farm. Here, I helped the students to care for a range of crops including Chinese cabbage and sugar loaf. We encouraged the boys and girls to work together when watering and weeding the crops. The project actively helps to foster a mutual respect between girls and boys from a young age and to assert their positions as equals. Farming was just one of the more light-hearted activities I helped run for the students. The girls also loved their Thursday afternoon rugby training as well as arts and reading club.

I spent my weekends exploring Livingstone, home to Victoria Falls and the Zambezi River. Alongside visits to the Falls, and a night camping in a local national park, I tried local foods such as nshima (boiled maize) and even caterpillars! I came to love Zambian culture, which is incredibly rich, colourful and overwhelmingly happy. The time I spent in the local town and travelling further afield gave me huge appreciation for the beauty and spectacle of the Zambian landscape and natural wonders within it. I may have chickened out of bungee jumping over the Falls, but the view from the ground was more than enough!

I would not have been able to experience or contribute to the formidable work done by the girl empowerment project in Zambia without the generous support of the Brasenose College Profumo Fund. It was an experience which highlighted to me both my privilege as a western woman and the important role that NGOs such as African Impact play in changing attitudes towards and the experiences of women

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in grass-roots communities. Yet I was also struck by the fundamental structural issues which these NGOs cannot solve alone. Policy makers and governmental institutions will need to develop a more proactive approach if the advances made in Livingstone are to be continued and expanded to African women as a whole. Regardless, I am so grateful to Brasenose to have been given the opportunity to fully immerse myself in Zambian culture, meet friends for life, and hopefully have made my own African Impact on the girls and women I met.

* Not her real name.


by Wulfie Bain

The recent tradition of an OUAFC Blues post-Varsity tour continued this year, as the team ventured to the East Coast of the US to play an Ivy League quartet of Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia. This would round off an excellent season for Brasenose presence in university football: Kay Waldron represented the OUWAFC Furies in their 3-0 Varsity win, whilst Tom Hurleston and Gautam Menon played for the OUAFC Centaurs throughout the season, with Tom representing the Centaurs in their Varsity match. I was personally fortunate enough to be elected OUAFC President 2017-18, and play in the 3-0 Varsity victory over the Light Blues this March.

It was on the back of this Varsity high that the Blues boarded the plane to America. The team touched down in Boston where a tour of Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox, gave a first glimpse of the funding in American sports. This was further confirmed upon the team’s arrival at Harvard, where expansive artificial-turf playing fields lay juxtaposed with the (relatively) historical architecture. A cruel 2-1 defeat left spirits low, but this was soon to be righted by the team’s introduction to Final Clubs, where we engaged in team bonding with our Harvard counterparts.

The next few days were a whirlwind of outings and campus tours, as the team played a close match versus Yale, narrowly missed out on victory against Princeton, and were given a lesson in ‘soccer’ by Columbia. The Princeton campus gave the team a chance to explore further sporting facilities, which included an athletics centre with

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multiple underground levels for various pitches and courts. Whilst one cannot replace Iffley’s history, the near-professional treatment of the student athletes at these universities is food for thought if the University wishes to pursue higher-level sporting accolades.

The tour also featured a number of days in New York, which gave a rounded view of city life when a scorching day was promptly followed by snow. A sobering visit to the 9/11 Museum demonstrated how that event shaped the city, and gave incredibly personal insight into an event which is often only viewed through the lens of facts and figures.

Attending a basketball game at the world-famous Madison Square Garden gave a far too stereotypical view of America. Whilst the athleticism on show was incredible, one could not help but think that, amid the spray-on cheese and cannons purpose-built to fire T-shirts into the crowd, commercial entertainment had somewhat subsumed sport as the primary purpose of the event. Comments that it needed more “good old-fashioned English hooliganism” summed up the lack of atmosphere, even if a tad overstated. In contrast, the team visited the Hillsong NYC church on Easter Day, where the electric atmosphere put MSG to shame.

The team was also fortunate enough to be hosted by the New England Oxford and Cambridge alumni association, who generously booked a private venue for the mixer. Whilst there were no other Brasenostrils present, the generosity of the alumni and their enthusiasm to stay connected demonstrate the power of Oxbridge in providing common ground for those of different degrees, careers and generations.

The flight home signalled the start of the sprint to Finals and a chance to reminisce. Having played three years of University football, with two winning Blues, this tour would signal my final farewell to a club which shaped my university experience. Whilst winning Cuppers with Brasenose in 2015 is a personal highlight of my career, the University football team has offered respite from the academic stresses of college life.

I wish to thank the generosity of the Profumo Fund for giving me the opportunity to attend this unforgettable trip, and the College as a whole for supporting my sporting endeavours.

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by Maria-Nectaria Antoniou

Between 9th and 15th April 2018, I attended a course called ‘Forensic Archaeology: Mass Grave Excavation’ at Cranfield University, with the aim of advancing my extracurricular interest in forensic archaeology. I had cultivated this interest in the year I spent as a volunteer archaeologist at the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus after my master’s degree in archaeology at the University of Oxford.

The site of the course was the Ministry of Defence establishment in Shrivenham, near Swindon, where part of the Cranfield campus is situated. I travelled there daily since it is only a one-hour bus ride from Oxford.

The course proved extremely enjoyable as well as useful. The first day consisted in a class-based analysis of the stages and challenges involved in the organisation and carrying-out of a mass grave excavation. The following five days consisted of invaluable practical experience in the field: a realistic simulated mass grave excavation took place, with us gaining insight into all stages and roles. In particular, we all rotated between the roles of site supervisor, field archaeologist, photographer and surveyor. Most of our time was spent in the excavation as field archaeologists, exploring the techniques for best detecting, excavating, exposing, recording and exhuming bodies in a forensic context, with the aim of preserving evidence for court (the bodies we excavated were plastic skeletons). Each student also worked in a pair to exhume two bodies on which both were responsible for later writing a detailed report. As regards the role of photographer, we learned techniques for taking evidence shots as well as working shots, while as regards the role of surveyor, we learned how to operate Total Station equipment as well as manual surveying techniques commonly used in archaeological work.

The fieldwork was often challenging, as the week was particularly cold and wet and the clay was difficult to excavate, while the configuration of the graves often meant that we had to find ways of working within the graves in order to reach the bones but without stepping on any of the other remains still inside the mass deposition.

On the seventh day of the course, we had a debriefing session and were taught details about expert-witness report-writing and chart-

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making, since we would be expected to complete an expert-witness report on the excavation, with particular detail about the two bodies each pair of students was responsible for (although the report-writing was individual work).

I completed this assignment for credit and have just received feedback on it; I achieved 83/100. The course is accredited by the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences.

I feel very grateful for having had the opportunity, through Brasenose Student Support Funding, to have this rigorous, unique experience and learn so much in such a short time during the Easter break from the BCL.


by Florence Downs

On our second night in Georgia we found ourselves in the living room of a couple we had never met before, in a house on the outskirts of Tbilisi. Despite being complete strangers to our hosts, we were told to cancel our dinner plans as “Georgians find the idea of having guests without feeding them incomprehensible.” By the end of the night, we were not only well beyond satiated, but had experienced to a spectacular degree one of the cornerstones of Georgian social culture: the toast. Georgia is a small country, but richly endowed with beautiful landscapes and spectacular food and wine. But even more deeply rooted in the fabric of the country is the hospitality of its people. After hearing and reading about these things for months beforehand, during our ten-day cross-country road trip, we had discovered all of these things for ourselves.

Within minutes of arriving at Gia and Keti’s, we were in the kitchen, ready to learn how to make churchkhela. Guided by Keti and her mother, we attempted a tricky assembly of this hanging sweet: a viscous mixture of grape juice and flour was to coat strings of walnuts. With varying degrees of success each of us gently dropped the end of the string into a well in the saucepan, and moulded the gelatinous, bubbling mixture over it. Each fully formed churchkhela was then hung on the end of a broom held by Gia to harden, dripping occasionally. Gia then offered us a glass of wine from Keti’s father’s vineyard in the eastern wine region of Kakheti, and as pre-warned, plates of delicious pork shashlik, bread, cheese and salad were brought by Keti and her mother.

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As we enjoyed the food, and getting to know our companionable hosts, Gia halted the conversation suddenly. “I want to make a toast,” he said. There is a social tradition in Georgia known as the supra (which literally translates to ‘tablecloth’): a type of feast punctuated by frequent, heartfelt and articulate toast-giving. Traditionally, rules surround who may toast, about what topic, and in what order, and the supra is presided over by a tamada: a toastmaster. With the excellent rhetoric Gia was clearly blessed with, he launched into a toast celebrating Georgia, the country he couldn’t live without. This was the first of more than ten toasts he made during the evening, later devoted to art and freedom, guests and new friendships, his wife, family, old friendships and more. We were unsurprised to learn that Gia was an experienced tamada, as was Keti. Their toasts were delivered with eloquence and emotion but no embarrassment, which was more than could be said for our British attempts, solicited at his request. The evening continued with more food, toasting, and music, and we bid our hosts goodbye many hours beyond when we had anticipated.

We had arrived in Tbilisi not long after dawn the previous morning after driving through the night from the western city of Kutaisi. Our explorations of this remarkable city showed us its stunning architecture, from Mother Georgia watching over the city to the illuminated Bridge of Peace and the golden Orthodox spires. Three days of wandering, fuelled by countless khachapuri (the Georgian national dish that we would eat sometimes thrice daily), were more than enough to make us fall in love with it.

Our next stop was Signagi, in the wine region of Kakheti, where we learned of the qvevri tradition of winemaking in clay pots. For thousands of years, these large clay pots have been used for fermentation. At a family winery at the top of the steep hill of the town, the owner’s sister explained how the unique Georgian grapes were almost lost during the Soviet era as wine production was industrialised and delocalised, with the different varieties combined. She said that they hoped to find and re-plant them. In Tbilisi, Keti had told us of how people in Kakheti had planted grapevines in forests to keep them in secret cultivation during this time, the vines growing up among the trees.

The journey from then on was to take us back past Tbilisi en route to Svaneti, the northwestern corner of the country. Driving across the country in all its spring glory was truly an awe-inspiring experience:

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from landscapes densely carpeted with trees stretching into the distance to gorgeous rolling hills and fields of yellow flowers framed with snow-capped mountains, and to towns full of boxy houses with large porches and cows idly lying in the middle of the road. On our way, we found ourselves in the sleepy former manganese mining town Chiatura, with its delapidated 1960s cable cars, which certainly made for an alarming ascent. Close by, we visited the Katshki pillar, a natural column rising out of the land with a monastery perched atop it. Each night we stayed in guesthouses, with kind local families continuing to exemplify Georgian hospitality.

The last few days of our trip took us hiking in the Okatse Canyon; to a secluded roadside hot spring; on a treacherous climb to the beautiful Instra waterfall, and lastly to Ushguli, Svaneti: the highest inhabited settlement in Europe. The last two hours of the drive to Ushguli were death-defying: a narrow dirt track with no guard rail shielding us from a vertiginous drop. This road is often impassable, and fortunately for us a blockage was cleared by a bulldozer as we carefully made our way up it. On the approach to the village, horses roamed on the grassy slopes, and the Svaneti towers rose out of the valley, relics from their use as defence towers.

The day before flying home, we followed the Enguri river out of the village, hiking under the intense sun towards the Shkara glacier. As we set out, we passed a few fellow walkers on their way back, the ones who were smart enough to begin the walk well before the heat of the day was to set in. But our favourite fellow hiker was a nimble, white-haired dog who accompanied us, lovely enough to raise our spirits in the difficult second half. The return journey proved to be easier than anticipated from our midpoint perch – atop a rock as close as we were going to get to touching the glacier - despite our lack of water and the ominous clouds that appeared to be closing in on us. As we reached the hill overlooking Ushguli village, we witnessed a rainbow, which would frame a celebratory beer, some litres of water, and of course, khachapuri.

I am so grateful for the support of the Michael Woods Travel Grant which allowed me to experience this unforgettable country and its people. I can say with certainty I will be returning in the future.

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by Gautam Menon

I am extremely grateful for the significant financial support I received from College this year by way of the Annual Fund, the Graduate Research Grant and the Student Support Fund. This support has helped in developing my interest and knowledge in Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) and has greatly increased my potential for progressing in this field; something I am really excited about.

I have used the money I have received from College to partly fund registration for four different SEM conferences. The first was back in March when I attended the Arsenal SEM Conference at the Emirates Football Stadium in London. The theme of the conference was “Duty of care and athlete welfare in elite sport: how advances in monitoring, loading and performance can help our athletes”. It was incredible to hear from the likes of Professor Richard McLaren, one of the three members of the World Anti-Doping Agency Commission in 2015 who investigated the allegations of state-sponsored doping in Russian sports, discussing the threat that doping poses to sporting integrity and player welfare. Other talks on the day included “Performance and health management of the elite sporting team” by Arsenal FC’s head of high performance, Dr Darren Burgess; “How to ensure welfare comes first in sport” by Baroness Grey-Thompson, politician and former paralympic gold medalist; and a Q&A with Arsenal goalkeeper Petr Cech. Hearing from leaders in SEM as well as professional athletes was inspiring, and the lunchtime tour of the Emirates Stadium was pretty special too.

The second conference I attended was the two-day Exeter Sports Medicine Conference in May at Sandy Park Stadium, home of the Premiership Rugby Champions Exeter Chiefs. Again, there was a selection of hugely impressive speakers including Prav Mathema (National Medical Manager of Welsh Rugby Union), Dr Andrew Massey (Head of Medical Sciences at Liverpool FC), Dr Simon Kemp (Medical Services Director of the RFU) and a number of Exeter Chiefs’ medical, managerial and playing staff. Although the conference was focused on rugby, a wide variety of fascinating topics were covered including sports psychology, injury surveillance, concussion and screening for cardiac risk in the young.

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The third and surely most impressive conference I attended was the Isokinetic Medical Group Conference, entitled “Football medicine outcomes: are we winning?” at the Camp Nou Stadium in Barcelona. This was an unforgettable three-day conference where I heard from so many of the world’s leading experts in Football Medicine including Jan Erkstrand (the father of Football Medicine and the Lead Expert of UEFA’s Elite Club Injury Study); Jiri Dvorak (Ex-Fifa Chief Medical Officer); and Jesus Olmo (former Real Madrid FC Club Doctor) - and all this was in the morning session of the first day alone! My favourite sessions included “Winning outcomes from world class players”, “Nutrition and injury” and “Impacting practice through data science”. I was also fortunate enough to give an oral presentation myself after being nominated for the Best Case Report Award - my talk was on “Patella Tendinopathy in elite football” and I discussed the case of a player I followed closely during my work experience with Birmingham City FC earlier this year. Although this was very nerve-racking, it was ultimately a hugely satisfying and rewarding experience and I was really proud to have delivered my talk to the panel of expert judges and audience of SEM professionals; I was definitely the least experienced person in that auditorium! I also gave a poster presentation alongside another Brasenose medic, and we presented our research on “Hydration status in university football players”.

Finally, the last conference I have been able to register for thanks to the money I have received from College is the British Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress taking place in Birmingham in November. There are a number of routes into Sports Medicine, from GP to A&E, and the orthopaedic route is definitely one I am interested in, so I’m very hopeful that this conference will give me some really useful exposure to this field. I am also giving an oral presentation entitled “The association between imaging-based changes and knee symptoms two years after acute knee injury” which I’m very excited about.

All of these experiences have been truly incredible and have given me a great foundation for pursuing a career in Sports and Exercise Medicine. As well as the fascinating talks and the chance to present my own work, each conference has presented the opportunity to network with professionals at the top of the field, gaining invaluable advice and even further work experience. There is no way I would have had all of

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these experiences if it were not for the generous assistance from College and I really am so grateful for this. Thank you!

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News & Notes

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We are always delighted to hear and share news from our Old Members and keep up to date with your achievements, marriages, births, publications, opinions and more! Below are some of the notices we were sent during the 2017-18 academic year; we hope that you will enjoy reading about your friends and contemporaries. If you would like your announcement to appear next year, please email it to: [emailprotected]

1949Jeremy Mitchell published a research paper with Janet Powney entitled “The Lure of Iceland: the Northern Pilgrimages of Mary Gordon (Mrs. Disney Leith)” in The Victorian 6.1 (2018).

1956Andrew Gemmill: “I have written a book on watercolour painting. After a working life at the BBC, then in business, I retired in about 2000 and became an artist. I am now painting and teaching watercolour in Melbourne, Australia. The book is called Watercolour Sketching with Andrew Gemmill and has some text about my approach to watercolour painting, along with a gallery section with about 60 paintings I have done in my travels.”

1958John Milsom: “During the summer Springer Nature published my book The Hunt for Earth Gravity. A history of the ways in which measurements of gravity have been used to obtain a better understanding of the structure of the Earth, at almost all scales from cavities to core, it takes the story all the way back to Galileo and all the way up to the airborne and spaceborne methods of the 21st century. Concerned more with personalities than technology, it includes many of my personal reminiscences from more than 50 years of field work in Europe, Africa, Australasia and Southeast Asia.”

1960Richard Phillips, Leamington Music Festival Director, was awarded the Honorary Silver Medal of Jan Masaryk at a ceremony at the Czech Embassy on 27th September, 2018.


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1961Hilary Davan Wetton is currently Musical Director of the City of London Choir and Associate Conductor of the London Mozart Players. After many years living in Kent, he has moved back to the Oxford area with his wife - Professor Tonia Vincent - who is a distinguished physician/scientist and Professor of Musculo-Skeletal Biology at the University. He has just completed a most enjoyable three years as Senior Music Associate at Somerville College; from 2014 to 2018 he was also Director of Music at St Mary & St John’s Church on the Cowley Road. Hilary has made a number of recordings with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and London Mozart Players in recent years, but perhaps his greatest satisfaction has been conducting two recordings with the Military Wives’ Choirs (the most recent - Remember - was released to coincide with the centenary of the 1918 Armistice). He has also enjoyed some broadcast projects, of which being Jo Brand’s organ teacher for the BBC series Play It Again was by far the most fun!

1963John Hardman: “I was the joint winner of the Franco-British Society’s Book Prize 2016, for my Life of Louis XVI, Yale University Press, 2016.”

1967Simon Mawer: “My latest novel, Prague Spring (my 11th novel and 13th book in total), was published in August 2018 by Little, Brown UK. It will be out in October in the US, published by Other Press. Meanwhile, an earlier novel, The Glass Room, has been filming in the Czech Republic and is due to be premiered in the spring of 2019.”

1970The Revd Dr Joseph Ernest Roulston retired from Edinburgh University Medical School but is continuing as Priest-in-Charge at the Rosslyn Chapel.

1971Jonathan Cole: “I have recently been elected President of the European Chapter of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology and onto the IFCN executive committee.”

1976Mark Alexander Wippell: “I ceased to practise law when I resigned from Allen & Overy in 2015 after many years as a senior corporate

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partner. I now provide commercial strategic advice to listed and unlisted companies primarily in the financial and healthcare sectors. I am currently a Non-Executive Director of Deltex Medical, an Association Member of BUPA, a mentor on the Barclays London Accelerator Programme for Fintech Businesses Powered by Techstars and Chairman of the American European Business Association (and sponsor of its Women Executive Forum). I am also a Trustee of the Tall Ships Youth Trust which seeks to improve the life chances of disadvantaged young people through taking them to sea in ocean-going yachts.”

1978Diane Coyle was elected Bennett Professor of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge in March 2018, helping establish the university’s new public policy institute.

1979Diana Furchtgott-Roth: “I am now Deputy Assistant Secretary for Macroeconomic Policy and Acting Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the US Treasury Department in Washington, D.C. I manage a staff of 20 and give advice to Secretary Steve Mnuchin on economic policy, including the Administration’s macroeconomic forecast. I have six children, and my fifth, Theodore Furchtgott, will be at Cambridge next year to do an MPhil in Medieval History.”

1980Nigel Jones retired from Linklaters in April 2018 to pursue his interests in health creation, including changing attitudes to mental health. He was with the firm for 32 years, 23 as a partner, focusing on the healthcare sector. Whilst there, he helped found the City Mental Health Alliance, a group of City-based businesses committed to making the City a healthier work environment by reducing stigma, improving awareness and understanding of mental health issues, and identifying practical steps that businesses can take to help their people remain well. Continuing as Chair of the CMHA is one of his professional commitments in his new life - along with business coaching, facilitation, mediation and a portfolio of NED/trustee roles. He is also devoting more time to his own health and to his love of music.

Sara Wheeler has published eight books of non-fiction and a new one appears in 2019. Mud and Stars is about Russia. See

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1983Tim Mitchell was elected to the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in July 2017.

1984Jim Hawkins: “After 16 years of headmastering (Norwich and Harrow) I am now Vice-Chancellor of Whittle School & Studios – a new global initiative setting up over 30 school campuses around the world, beginning with Shenzhen and Washington D.C. in 2019.”

1985Margaret Chew: “The third edition of my book, Minority Shareholders’ Rights and Remedies, was released by LexisNexis earlier this year.”

Professor Juliet A Gerrard FRSNZ was appointed as the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor in New Zealand from 1st July, 2018.

Larry Grossman: London-based CT Group has announced that Larry has been appointed managing director of CTF Global, the Washington, D.C. office of the public affairs, research and campaign firm. Larry, and his wife Anissa (also BNC ’85), have been in Washington since leaving BNC, where he has run public affairs campaigns for multinational corporations, foreign governments and other interests. The CT Group has its own ties to BNC, having managed campaigns for UK Prime Minister David Cameron and Australia’s Malcom Turnbull.

1986Alexander Voitl is Permanent Secretary in the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance; Member of the Supervisory Board of the business development bank LfA; and Chairman of the Bavarian Accident Insurance Fund.

1988Peter Sawbridge, Editorial Director at the Royal Academy of Arts, has recently published A Little History of the Royal Academy.

1990Mark McGuinness: “I’m pleased to report I was awarded Third Prize in the 2016 Stephen Spender Prize for Poetry Translation, for an excerpt from my verse translation of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.”

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1991Chris Keylock was appointed as Professor of Fluid Mechanics at Loughborough University in 2018. For the 2016-17 academic year he held a Royal Academy of Engineering/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship, for which he was based at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University and the Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London. In 2017, work with colleagues in Southampton and Melbourne led to him being awarded the Tenth Fluid Dynamics Research Prize from the Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics.

1993Antonia Romeo née Rice-Evans was appointed Permanent Secretary at the Department for International Trade in March 2017.

R Fleming Puckett: “I have published a book this year, co-edited with Kazunobu Ikeya: Research and Activism among the Kalahari San Today: Ideals, Challenges, and Debates.”

2009Rebecca Tatlow married John Butterworth on the 14th April, 2018. The two met while studying at the College, married in the Chapel, and now live in London.

2010Irina Buga: “I published a book on international law this year with Oxford University Press, entitled The Modification of Treaties by Subsequent Practice.”

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A book clasp, from what must have been a very large book, found by archaeologists investigating the site of a new accommodation block in Frewin, dating back to its previous existence as St Mary’s College.

David Sayer (1953) playing cricket (centre).

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The College’s Betting Book, with mention of Professor Nicholas Kurti’s feat of eating two cream crackers in a minute.

The name of Edmund Stringfellow Radcliffe, carved into a pew in the chapel.

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Prof Abigail Green talks about the Jewish orientalist Gottlieb Leitner in the Shah Jahan Mosque in Woking.

R.H. Barham’s commonplace book, Houghton Library MS Eng 692 f.59v-60r, showing the end of his first Ale Verse and start of his second. Image courtesy of the

Houghton Library, Harvard University.

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The BrasenoseSociety

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The object of the Society shall be the advancement of the welfare and interests of Brasenose College by:

(i) encouraging closer relations between past and present members of the College and fostering interests which they have in common;

(ii) keeping members of the Society informed of events in the College;

(iii) any other methods which from time to time appear likely to achieve the Society’s object.

(Revised 1999)

Fellow Editor - The Rev’d Graeme RichardsonEditor - Laura Wu

Assistant - Harry Ford

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by Dr Penny Gilbert (Biochemistry, 1978)

This report covers the 12 months to the Society’s AGM in September 2018

The Brasenose SocietyThe Brasenose Society is BNC’s alumni association. All matriculated BNC members automatically become members when they leave. There is no membership fee.

The purpose of the SocietyThe College’s strategy is set by the Principal and Fellows. They decide what the College needs in terms of student support, outreach, development, fellowships or capital investment.

The Brasenose Society works with the Development Office to offer appropriate help where it can. It also represents an alumni point of view within these deliberations.

The formal ‘object’ of the Society is the advancement of the welfare and interest of Brasenose College by:

• Encouraging closer relations between past and present BNC members and fostering the interests which they have in common

• Keeping members of the Society informed of alumni events in the College

• Any other methods which from time to time appear likely to achieve the Society’s object.

Alumni are welcome to join the Brasenose Society Committee

The Society has a Committee. New members are very welcome if they feel they would like to be active in helping the College and its students.

Election to the Committee is at the AGM in September and there is a nomination form enclosed with The Brazen Nose. If you think you

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might be interested in joining and would like to attend a Committee meeting as an observer, please let us know via the Development Office.

The Committee meets three times a year. There are two evening meetings in London and one in Oxford on the day of the combined AGM and Brasenose Society dinner in September. Committee minutes and accounts are available from the Development Office.

Events arranged by the Society

The Society hosts two annual events in collaboration with the Development Office:

• The President’s Summer Party, held in June in London• The Society Dinner held in Oxford during the University’s

annual alumni weekend in September.

Report on 2017-18 events

The President’s Summer Party

The 2017-18 President Penny Gilbert (1978) hosted a Summer Drinks Party on 19 June at The Royal Society in Carlton House Terrace, coinciding with an exhibition of Women in Science. Around 85 alumni and guests attended.

September AGM

The following officers and committee members were elected or confirmed at the AGM in September to run for the year from September 2018 to September 2019:

• President: Paul Silk (1970)• Vice-President: TBC• Secretary: Alexandra Marks (1977)• Treasurer: Nigel Bird (1969)• Committee members re-elected:

David Bradbury, David Clark, Rod Clayton, Paul Dawson-Bowling, Deirdre Duignan, Drusilla Gabbott, Amanda Holland, Jane Johnson, Donald Rushton.

It was noted that there were no new nominations for election to the Committee this year. The President encouraged applications for 2019- 20.

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The Treasurer noted that the Society’s funds remain in good health and the AGM approved the proposal that no fee should be charged for membership of the Society in 2019-20.

Annual Society Dinner

The evening was attended by 120 alumni and their guests, being sold out for the first time since 2006. Alumni attending the dinner matriculated between 1948 and 2016, with a particularly strong showing from the 1988 and 1989 year groups. The Principal gave a warm welcome and updated the Society on the latest developments in College, including recent success in the latest Norrington Table results and the College’s ongoing diversity outreach programme. In response, the President noted with approval the sign in the lodge welcoming visitors to “the happiest college in Oxford” and reminisced about her own arrival as a fresher almost exactly 40 years earlier. Everyone enjoyed a fine dinner in the candlelit hall and, in keeping with tradition, many carried on afterwards in the bar.

Monthly Drinks at the Oxford and Cambridge Club

Monthly drinks have continued at the Oxford and Cambridge Club on the first Tuesday of the month from October to May, and are open to all members of the Brasenose Society. They continue to be well attended, by both older and more recent graduates.

Some of the gatherings are themed, providing opportunities to gather together rowers, new graduates, economists and English alumni, for example.

Please look out for the emails from the Development Office, or the information on the College website, with reminders of the dates, themes and venue address. If you can let us know in advance that you plan to attend that is helpful, but if that’s not possible you are still welcome to turn up.


Each Matriculation Year is allocated a Year Rep who is responsible for communication with those individuals. If you would like to get in touch with yours please contact Drusilla Gabbott, the Year Rep Coordinator, through the Development Office ([emailprotected]).

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“I think this is a great scheme. Very rewarding for comparatively little effort”- Recently appointed Rep, 2014

A BNC Year Rep is ‘a friend raiser, definitely not a fundraiser’. BNC asks the Rep to keep in touch with events on the College calendar and with their year group, exchange news, and if possible arrange get togethers at College occasions or informally. Some years maintain informal contact on social media. The role is very helpful to BNC as a Year Rep provides continuity and personal knowledge of their year. This is relevant, for example, when approaching gaudies, which alumni hate to miss but might do if they’ve slipped out of contact with College.

In some years there are joint Reps, and for more recent years we often have both a JCR and HCR Rep to reflect the increase of graduates in College.

This year we welcome a couple of new Reps. College is also introducing some IT improvements that mean reps can send messages much more simply and securely to their year group in line with their wishes and with GDPR.

Matriculation Year Rep Email Address

1948 & before c/o Mike Rountree 1949 Mike Rountree [emailprotected] VACANT 1951 VACANT c/o Mike Rountree [emailprotected] Bill Higman [emailprotected] John Buckler [emailprotected] VACANT 1957 Peter Gant [emailprotected] VACANT 1959 Robert Hawes [emailprotected] Robin Barron [emailprotected] Richard East (Joint) [emailprotected] Bill Roberts (Joint) [emailprotected] Richard Woods [emailprotected] James Edmiston [emailprotected] Clive Evans [emailprotected] John East [emailprotected] Donald Rushton (Joint) [emailprotected] Duncan Greenland (Joint) [emailprotected] William Verdon-Smith [emailprotected] Christopher Moss [emailprotected]

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1969 Vivian Huxley [emailprotected] David Clark (Joint) [emailprotected] Stephen Smith (Joint) [emailprotected] Moray Thomas [emailprotected] Charly Lowndes [emailprotected] John Bagshaw [emailprotected] Graham Dransfield [emailprotected] Liz Annesley (Joint) [emailprotected] Sally Hammond (Joint) 1976 Frances Stobbs [emailprotected] Alexandra Marks [emailprotected] VACANT 1979 Penny Andrews [emailprotected] Angela Boobbyer [emailprotected] Ceri Hutton (Joint) [emailprotected] Barry Peden (Joint) [emailprotected] Drusilla Gabbott [emailprotected] Tony Murphy HCR [emailprotected] Sarah Shekleton JCR [emailprotected] Amanda Pullinger [emailprotected] Lyndall Gibson [emailprotected] David Foster [emailprotected] Jane Johnson [emailprotected] James Drace-Francis [emailprotected] Deidre Duignan [emailprotected] Linus Gregoriadis [emailprotected] Graham Thomas [emailprotected] Aman Merchant [emailprotected] Alastair Dick (Joint) [emailprotected] Tom Cartwright (Joint) [emailprotected] Sander Evers [emailprotected] VACANT 1996 Marcos Veremis [emailprotected] Rosenna Veremis [emailprotected] Daryush Farshchi-Heidari [emailprotected] Jessica Drapkin [emailprotected] Laura Shtaingos [emailprotected] VACANT 2002 Ellen Catherall [emailprotected] Samantika Gokhale [emailprotected] Rhiannon Williams [emailprotected]

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2005 Chris Tudor [emailprotected] Andre De Haes HCR [emailprotected] Jen Glennon JCR [emailprotected] Charles Furness-Smith HCR [emailprotected] Lara Gouveia Simonetti JCR [emailprotected] Elena Netsi [emailprotected] Christoph Voelk [emailprotected] Robert Cashmore HCR [emailprotected] James Johnson JCR [emailprotected] Michael Young [emailprotected] Zed Kahale HCR [emailprotected] Rosie Thomas JCR (Joint) [emailprotected] Henry Zeffman JCR (Joint) [emailprotected] Siddarth Shrikanth [emailprotected] Henrik Jacobsen [emailprotected] Miles Overton [emailprotected] VACANT 2017 Matteo Maciel [emailprotected]

Where there is a vacancy on the list, or even if there seems to be no formal vacancy but you’d be interested in getting involved, please get in touch with Drusilla Gabbott (1982), the Year Rep Co-ordinator ([emailprotected]), or Emily Bruce, the Alumni Relations Officer ([emailprotected]), to discuss the role and what it involves. David Clark (1970), our previous co-ordinator also attends many events and if you come across him, he can explain it well!

Reps meet twice a year: once in College for tea before the annual dinner in September and in March at the Oxford and Cambridge Club evening drinks. There is now a facility to join meetings in College remotely via conference call.

As a ‘thank you’ the College offers Reps the following benefits: • Dining with a guest once per year at High Table (term time) as

guests of the Development Office• Free ticket to any event when more than five attend from

their year• Best available room when they stay in College for an event• Free accommodation at their Gaudy

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Brasenose is delighted to invite each year group back to College around every seven years for their Gaudy. This involves a free dinner in Hall and subsidised accommodation in student rooms in College.

‘Save the Date’ emails and postal invitations will be sent out in advance of your Gaudy. If you think we may not have your current email or postal address, please get in touch on [emailprotected]

Year Groups Date of Gaudy

2002 - 2003 28th June, 2019

2012 - 2013 13th September, 2019

1990 - 1991 10th March, 2020

1992 - 1993 5th June, 2020

1994 - 1995 26th June, 2020

2004 - 2005 25th September, 2020

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by Dr Liz Miller, Fellow, Development Director

A big thank you to all Brasenose College alumni and friends who have made 2017-18 a busy and successful year. We have enjoyed meeting you in Oxford, London and around the world and we have been humbled by your commitment to Brasenose.

The College prides itself on being ‘the happiest in Oxford’. It is particularly heart-warming when our alumni community connect with current students to ensure that we maintain this reputation. Through giving philanthropically, volunteering your time and your expertise, offering the use of venues and hosting us when we travel overseas, you help the College community become ever more close-knit. Thank you.

In the financial year to 31st July 2018, you gave a fantastic £4,639,724. You gave to our Annual Fund, which grew to £522,564 thanks to the generosity of our alumni. The Annual Fund goes straight to improving our student experience – we call it a ‘living endowment’. Hundreds of you give monthly: this goes straight into our budget. We would need a £15 million increase in our endowment to replace this income, so it is a really important income stream. You gave unrestricted support as well as for the benefit of students, the library and archives and academic excellence. You supported the library redevelopment, endowed undergraduate bursaries and Fellowships.

We were delighted to recognise the transformational philanthropy of three Brasenose alumni: Duncan Greenland CBE (PPE, 1966), James Del Favero (Engineering Science, 1978) and Gerald Smith (Philosophy, 1984) when we officially opened the newly-renovated library in May. Duncan named the library ‘The Greenland Library’ in honour of his late brother Jeremy (Modern Languages, 1962). Gerald named the brand-new lower reading room ‘The Smith Reading Room’ in memory of his late mother Constance, and James named the upper reading room ‘The Del Favero Reading Room’ after his late father Mario. We were blessed with sunshine as hundreds of members of the Brasenose community gathered to celebrate the new library as it was officially opened by author Philip Pullman CBE. Philip treated us to a

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speech where he remembered the libraries that have meant something to him. On the subject of the library, in January, those of you who generously named chairs, desks and bookcases in the Greenland Library joined us for an afternoon tea to see your plaques and to marvel at the new library. There are a few left if you would like to name something in College.

The College’s 1509 Society recognises the impact of the transformational philanthropy of our more generous benefactors. Each year, the Society meets for a summer party in London. In 2018 we were treated to a fabulous party at the Fleet Street branch of C. Hoare and Co. bank, thanks to the generosity of Alex Hoare (Engineering, Economics and Management, 1992).

In the financial year to July 2018, a tremendous £156,677 was left in legacies to BNC. Those who remember Brasenose College in their will are very special to us and, to thank them for their generosity, we held a special tour of the Botanic Garden followed by a tea in the library in August. Please do consider remembering us in your will. As we are a charity, all gifts to us are tax free.

It was a particularly hectic year for events; we were pleased to see so many familiar faces as well as welcome back many of you who we have not seen in a while. Matriculands from 1967-69, 1986-87, and 2010- 11 celebrated their gaudies; 1959-68 matriculands joined us for their Golden Jubilee Lunch; and those who matriculated in 1958 or earlier gathered for their Diamond Jubilee Lunch.

We were delighted by the number of networks that have been established this year; many were alumni initiatives. In November, over 25 BNC alumni gathered over lunch in London to discuss the establishment of a women’s alumni network. We are very much indebted to Jane Johnson (English, 1987) and Amanda Holland (PPE, 1988) for their energy in establishing this.

Similarly, it was wonderful that over 20 of you turned up at a London pub for the first of our Young Alumni Drinks Receptions.

At the suggestion of Tim Ramsey (Classics with Oriental Studies, 2008), we were delighted to establish a BNC LGBT+ alumni network at a launch event at Barclays Canary Wharf offices; thank you to Cuthbert Kendall ( Jurisprudence, 1998) for being such a splendid and generous host. The event began with a powerful panel discussion consisting of Leonard Grant (Chemistry, 2003), Radhika Piramal

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(PPE, 1997), Duncan Campbell (Physics, 1970), Tim Ramsey and Sue Baines (representing Barclays). Yera Hagopian (Modern Languages, 1976) also gave an introduction.

Finally on networking events, BNC lawyers gathered at a drinks reception kindly hosted by David Zeffman ( Jurisprudence, 1977) at the CMS office in London.

And it was not all about the events in London! We were made to feel very welcome in cities around the world. In Monaco we were warmly welcomed by Niall Robinson (Physics, 1981) and Ezio Mazzalupi ( Jurisprudence, 1987). In the USA, we were treated to a fantastic drinks reception at McKinsey and Company’s New York City offices by Dominic Barton (Economics, 1984) and, in Florida, Peter Kalis (PPE, 1973) hosted a wonderful gathering of BNC alumni. We were very proud that Brasenose was well represented at two pan-Oxford “Meeting Minds” weekends; in San Francisco, Professor Russell Foster CBE (Supernumary Fellow) gave a fascinating talk on circadian rhythms and in Oxford, Professor Masooda Bano (Senior Golding Fellow) informed us of the future of political Islam post-Arab Spring.

As ever, many of you have given your time to mentor current students and to offer work experience and internships. I know that the students who receive your support and guidance find it a valuable help as they consider life beyond Brasenose. By volunteering, you make the Brasenose College community special - thank you. You make a lasting contribution and genuine difference to the College and its students.

My team and I are here to make sure you stay connected with the College. Your financial contributions, your volunteering and your attendance at events demonstrate that you still hold the College in a high regard. Your commitment genuinely motivates my team and for that, we are grateful.

The Principal, Fellows, staff and students all look forward to seeing you next year. Thank you for your contribution and support.

If you would like more information or to get involved in any of the above, please get in touch at [emailprotected] or +44 (0)1865 287275.


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Donors to Brasenose

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DONOR LIST 2017-18

Brasenose College wishes to record its gratitude to the following who kindly donated to the College between 1st October, 2017 and 30th September, 2018. The gifts are listed in the following format: year of matriculation; name of donor; former names are listed in italics; an asterisk indicates that the donor has sadly since passed away. We have tried to ensure that all gifts are recorded accurately but if we have made any mistakes please accept our apologies and do let us know so that they can be corrected.

1939 Mr E J Pelz * Dr G A Weeks One Anonymous Donation1940 Mr J B Browning

1941 One Anonymous Donation

1942 One Anonymous Donation

1943 Mr J W Hannah *

Mr D W Hills Mr B D Wilson

1944 Dr B S Freeman * One Anonymous Donation

1945 Mr G Wilkinson

1946 Dr J I McFeeters Mr D C H Simpson One Anonymous Donation

1947 Mr L L Allen Sir Roy Beldam Dr T D R Hockaday Dr J M H Pearson Mr J W S Walton One Anonymous Donation

1948 Mr C V M Latham Mr M B Walters Mr M A Wilson One Anonymous Donation

1949 Professor H M Hodkinson Mr C W Sanger One Anonymous Donation

1950 Mr J B Cook Mr J A Cope

Professor D O Edwards Mr A D Gidlow-Jackson Mr J G Grenfell

1951 Mr T J D Dunphy Mr M N Karmel Mr B J Moughton Mr D M Russell Mr J A C Spokes One Anonymous Donation

1952 Mr D G Blakeley * Mr D S Gilbert Mr W P Higman Sir Michael Pike Mr B Rudd Mr T J Rutter Professor W L Twining One Anonymous Donation

1953 Mr I J Bartlett Mr D G Harrison Mr B Norman Mr R J A Sharp Mr P B Walker

1954 Lt Colonel T A A Adams Mr C Haines Mr G H Jones Mr C P Lloyd Mr J R Martindale Mr G M Thomas Dr J B Wood

1955 The Revd Canon Prof J R Bartlett

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Mr J S Burn Revd P A Jepps * Dr R B Jones Mr A M Moses Mr P J C Murray Dr C R Paterson Dr J E Pollard Professor W A Seed Mr K H Spaeth Two Anonymous Donations

1956 Colonel B C Anderson Mr E L Arni Mr P T Berg Mr J H Buxton Mr M J Clifton Mr D Evans Mr D G Franks Professor Emeritus P A Furley Mr J P W Heale Professor Sir Hans Kornberg Mr P J Mortlock Mr R Murray Mr G E Muspratt Dr C I Roberts Mr I P Sinnott Mr A C L Sturge Professor Emeritus B G Turrell Mr R K Whiley Four Anonymous Donations

1957 Mr P N Acheson Mr B J Capon Mr C P Cheetham Mr C W Corlett Revd P R Gant Mr R M Garrett Revd D W Heal Mr I M Hewitt Mr T L Holden Mr S H James Mr J A Knight Mr C G Midgley Mr H G Owen-Hughes Mr C F Penn Mr J W Perry

Mr J G Read Mr J D Rothwell Mr F J Shekleton Mr A C Smith His Hon Judge Colin Smith Mr D M Veit Mr J M Whiteley Mr G R Whittle Two Anonymous Donations

1958 Professor F R P Akehurst Mr K M Boyd Mr A R Cook Dr M J Doyle Mr A S Everest Mr D W Flaxen Mr J W Flecker Mr P F Heaton-Ward Mr R P H Helmer Mr J F Kent Mr R A F W Kyle Mr D C Lawday Mr A D Leeson Mr S R Matthews Mr B Melbourne Webb Mr R F A Page-Jones Mr P F Skinner Professor J D Stasheff Dr M A Stern Mr M J Theobald Mr D R F Walker Mr J Wise Four Anonymous Donations

1959 Mr J M Adamson Mr R R Bourne Mr D V Brand Mr S R Brown Professor I C Butler Mr J R Calder Brig Gen P M Dawkins Mr W A Drapkin Mr M R Eaton Mr J B Fox Mr M J Gillette Dr B Hesp Revd Dr D A Jackson

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Mr D R Moyer Mr J M G Roberts Dr H J Rosengarten Mr B C R Tate Mr J C H Tate Mr C C Tipple Mr A J M Walker Mr D J Youngman Four Anonymous Donations

1960 Mr R Bradbury His Hon Judge Jeffrey Burke Mr C M R Campbell Dr T M Cooke Mr R A Cox Mr J A Dodds Mr A C Dossa Mr C N Hedderwick Mr L C Isaacs Dr R M F Linford Mr J N Marshall Mr P W Martin Mr A Miles Mr J J Penn Dr P J Plant The Revd Canon J M Shepherd Mr J S Swinburne His Hon Alan Taylor The Revd Canon J D

Thompstone Dr A Thomson * Mr R F Yalden Three Anonymous Donations

1961 Mr R S Abdulla Colonel M A Benjamin The Revd Canon R W G

Bomford Dr P R Dawson-Bowling Mr R Q East Professor M S Feldstein Mr P D Hancorn Professor A Hibbert Mr A A Kokinis Mr A H Latimer Professor J A Lewis Mr J N Stratford

Revd J N Wates Mr J E Wesner Mr P A Wilkinson * Two Anonymous Donations

1962 Dr P R Borthwick Mr R A co*ckram Dr G L Cook Mr J P Dabbs Professor P H Frampton Mr S E A Green Dr S H Hameed Khan Dr A R Harford Dr J K Hiller Mr R Mitchell Professor P J Roach Mr D Robinson Lord Vallance of Tummel Mr E R Woods One Anonymous Donation

1963 Mr A J P Ayres Dr R A Bell Mr J C Bowis Mr J W Bows The Revd Canon P J Cotton Mr J R M Crompton Mr C A Foster Mr M H Freeman Dr A R Leech Mr W F Martin Dr R E McAllister Mr G F Moore Sheriff A Pollock Mr C T Sentance Mr N A Summersall Mr H C Williams Two Anonymous Donations

1964 Sir Nicolas Bratza Mr R A Cragg Mr C P E Evans Mr M J Farndale Dr M C Gregory Mr C D Marlor Mr T C McCann Mr H M Nowlan

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Dr J V Peach Mr C N Wain Six Anonymous Donations

1965 Mr R A Chick Mr J E Cox Mr J H M East Mr A R Flower His Hon Austen Issard-Davies Dr D M Jones Mr R C Kershaw Brig. M I Keun Dr J F Linn Mr D C Marriott Mr F W J Meier Dr A B Murgatroyd Dr P J Palmer Mr M P Parroy Mr G M Randall Mr R G Thompson Mr C C Wallis Two Anonymous Donation

1966 Revd J M Acheson Mr J S Ager Mr E C Butlin His Hon Judge Gerald Clifton Commander C M S Codner Dr A M Dart District Judge Stephen Day Revd C S P Douglas Lane Mr S Early Mr D Eimerl Mr D T Greenland Mr P L Hewes Professor J M Kosterlitz Mr C A MacKintosh Professor S B Marston Mr P J C Mosse Mr N R D Orchard Mr J W Ostroff Mr G W Robertson Mr G D Rowe Mr D J F Rushton Mr A J Sillem Mr H Spolan Mr W M Wolstenholme

Three Anonymous Donations

1967 Dr N A Allen Dr G R Beach Sir Jack Beatson His Hon Judge Andrew Campbell Mr A M Dean Mr M P R Hamer Mr M H Jarvis Mr G D Jones Mr R C Lowson Mr M T Mayer Mr I Murray Mr K J Plummer Mr A F Rich Dr J Sagar Dr M R Shuster Mr J A Swift Mr C G Tucker Three Anonymous Donations

1968 Mr M A Anderson Mr R W Billis Professor T N Corns Dr A C Hill Mr C J W Moss Revd D F Preston Dr C J Tyldesley Dr M J Watts Mr P W Wharton Two Anonymous Donations

1969 Professor S J Abbott Mr A L Anson Mr K H Ardron Mr A Behagg Mr C D Brims Mr A V Connon Mr S P Duffy Mr D A Gibson Mr M H Gracey Mr J Hartup Mr A Hodgson Mr J B MacPherson Mr R B Morris Dr C J Spring Mr P A Thomas

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Mr M A Timmis Two Anonymous Donations

1970 Mr K C Cummins Mr J Czerniawski The Right Hon Stephen Dorrell Professor J Fender Mr I L Goddard Mr M J Harty Mr G H Hunt Mr J A V Oakes Sir Paul Silk Dr K S Thomas Mr M R Wyatt Five Anonymous Donations

1971 Mr N J Bennett Mr F T Bolding Mr R J Brown Mr J W Browne Dr D R Goldhill Cllr G G Hall Mr C W F James Mr P G D Kaufmann Mr A J Kessler Mr R J M Paul Professor G A Robertson Mr A C D Smith Mr J P Spencer Mr J S Virdee Mr G M Wall One Anonymous Donation

1972 Mr R J Barr Mr C B Berkeley Mr P J Cresswell Mr J S Dalby Dr E C S Eve Mr G K Griffiths Mr D J Millward Mr C Press Mr J P Rutherford Mr P J Sumner Mr T M Wormington One Anonymous Donation

1973 Dr N P Bird Dr D P Birkett

Mr S Brown Mr R H Cleva Mr J C Gracey Mr T N Hone Dr P J Kalis Mr P Koronka Mr P N Linscott Mr J R Oppenheim Mr S C Rubin Mr J A Stevenson Mr B S Whittle Professor J B Wintle Four Anonymous Donations

1974 Dr G D Blower Mr G M Borababy Mr R S Casalis De Pury Mrs J S Cohen née Lawson Mr J R Crosby Dr A Edwards Ms E A Gallagher Sir Peter Jackson Mrs J S Maitland née Reid-Kay Mr P D Massey Mr A T Morris Mr S J Rogers Mr R H Rosa Mr E Schmidt Professor J R Turner Mr M H Walton Miss A F Whittaker Mrs R M S Wilkinson née Merfield Mr P E Yea One Anonymous Donation

1975 Mr J C T Allen Mr P W W Disney Mr J R W Duncan Dr T P Enevoldson Professor J K Goldstein Ms V L Happer Mr A K Hug Mr D J Hunter Revd C I Munday Mr R M North Mr M A Prinsley Dr M J Reader-Harris

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Mr M N Rogers Professor D K Sarkar Dr A K Simpson Mrs S J Stichbury née Dixon Mr N R Withington Five Anonymous Donations

1976 Mr M B Anderson Dr G S Brodie née Jones Mr P B Higdon Ms C B Hill Mr M P Irving Mrs J A Lock née Bernhardt Dr P D A Mills Mr S J B Ring Mr P Y Solmssen Mr D G Westcott One Anonymous Donation

1977 Mr D D M Flitterman Mr I G Garden Miss S P Hanks Ms C R Harris Mr J L Lever Ms A L Marks Mr C S Mitchell Mrs E M Prentice née Turner Mr S J Sedcole Dr L M Smith Mr T A J Wright Mr D C Zeffman Two Anonymous Donations

1978 Miss S J Bianconi Mr P S Boxall Ms P H Carter Dr D Coyle Mrs J E P Croft née Middleton Mr J Del Favero Mr N D J Denton Mr M A L Everard Dr P Groves Dr C J D Hetherington Mrs H E Lane née Owen Ms M A McLuskie Ms A L Morrish Mr M J O’Sullivan

Mr S P Richard Mr M D Williams Mr C A Woodrow Four Anonymous Donations

1979 Mr D G Barker Mr H A Economides Miss C J Engle Mr M A Forde Mr N J P Fox Mr T R W Hammond Mrs K Lamb née Jones Mr A C Malcolm Mr M D Peters Mr C N Smith Mr M F Yates Three Anonymous Donations

1980 Mr I Bannister Mr M J R Birtwistle Mrs A J Boobbyer née Croot Mr C D Cardozo Mr A J Darby Mr W J Downer Mr M G Fiennes Mr A D Gardner Revd A P Law Dr M A Reeve Ms L J Riches Mrs B L Roe née Anderson Mr D A Wallace One Anonymous Donation

1981 Mr D S Bradbury Mrs N J Bradbury née Pope Mr P Cotterill Mr R M Hughes Mr A F S Keddie Miss T C O’Neil Mr G R H Orr Mr B V Peden Mrs J K Tulloch Dr G J Walley Captain S J A M Webber One Anonymous Donation

1982 Dr R M Berman Dr C I O Brookes

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Mrs S M Carruthers née Bell Ms D C Gabbott Mr A P R Harpin Dr I M Jauncey Mr M F Jermey Miss S V Jones Ms S J Lynch Mr G J McGrath Ms J Nicholl Mr H H R Nicholson The Right Hon Claire Perry née

Richens Mr R W Pitcher Dame Vivien Rose Mr D J Schofield Mr M J Trevelyan Ms N D Woodford One Anonymous Donation

1983 Mr P L Anderson Mrs J Barron née Stroud Dr H A Chalmers Mr S K Cox Mr M J Elston Mr R M Franks Mrs C L Green née Taylor Mr N A MacManus Mr M E Mitchell Mr A S Murphy Mr K D O’Connor Mr M A Robinson Ms J S Smith Mr J P Telgarsky Mr C D Turnbull Mr A D Walk One Anonymous Donation

1984 Lt Cdr P R F D Aylott Mr M Boulton Mr R A A Franks Professor A P Geddes Mr C M Y Harris Mr M Harris Mr J B Hawkins Mr M I Knight Ms J C D Liston-Smith née Smith Mr G H Mead

Mr T Meredith Mr S R Morris Mrs B F M Russell née Brooks Mr D Somen Dr H E Sperry née Leyland Mr G S Spier Ms M O Zinkus Two Anonymous Donations

1985 Mr S A Bercu Mr R J A Bull Ms O M Daly née Frith Mr D J P Devereux Professor D H Fairbrother Mr H D Fairfull Lord Feldman of Elstree Revd H Fielden Mrs L C Gibson née Squire Dr R M Gray Dr H C F Heywood née Smith Mr R J Hollows Mr J A Kembery Ms J C Kershaw Tustain née

Kershaw Ms T K Kimber Mr A M Mills Mr A B Palmer Dr P D Pester Mrs P J Ramsay née Johnson Mrs P M Sales née Hull Mr J Sharpe Mr E J Shedd One Anonymous Donation

1986 Ms D L Altman Mrs S Bates née George Dr R E Clayton Dr N M Craven Mr M A Dear Mr C J Dudgeon Ms C M Duncan Mr N C Dutton Ms A G C Eilledge Mr S J Gregory Ms N J Griffin Dr K E Harman Dr T H W Lillie

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Lady Medina Marks née Cafopoulos Mr C M J McGrath Mr W H Nash Mr D M Pullan Mr C J Reed Mr J D Robinson Mr P J A Stear Ms M M Thomas Ms C M Warmington Mr A D Whaley Dr T J Whitaker

1987 Mr P Bayman Mr E W Datson Mrs A E Dean née Tait Mrs N J Farrant née Moorsom Mr M C Hadfield Mr D R Horner Miss L E Hulme Dr T G Kimber Mrs E Marin-Curtoud née Saxton Mr S J P Strafford Mr O J White

1988 Mr B P Bush Mr P Cliffe Mr G B Colville Ms S S Flaxen Mr R L Fleming Mr S M Glaze Mr J C Hanco*cks Dr M Hensmann Mrs D M Heywood née Ingram Mr J M Heywood Dr A K Holland Mr J M Hood Mr M E P Humphreys Mr J J Hunter Dr J H C Jones Mr T E Kilroy Dr D H Lloyd-Thomas Mrs C E Matchett Mr I Middleton Ms E Morgan Mr A J Ramsay Dr P N Raven Ms T L Russel

Mrs K M Sherpa née Ball The Baroness Smith of Newnham Ms L S Solymar Mr A M Ward Mr R L Wolffe Two Anonymous Donations

1989 Mr J B Brzeski Mr R E Butcher Mrs H A Curtis née Berens Mrs D A B Duignan née Collins Mr B R G Faircloth Mrs J H Faircloth née Clayton Ms V L Fea Mrs R L Fell née Hunter Mr M R Humphreys Dr K A Johnson née Brain Mr C S Lightbody Mrs C L May Mrs F D Morris née Fenston Mr R J B Naylor Mr A J Priest Mr D L Stevick Mrs K J I Vaughan née Rainbird Mr G E Wilson One Anonymous Gift

1990 Mr A G Astley Mr P D Barclay Ms N Barnett Eryigit née Barnett Mr J W Browne Mr T R Coppel Mr J D Cox Ms T A Driver Mrs L M O B Greenacre née

Hartley Mr L C Gregoriadis Mr A N Hartley Mrs S E Kleinwort née Busby Dr D L Lee Mr C P Mills Mr V S Scheurer Mr D Sharma Mr J A Sterling Mr S J C Wayland Mr A J White Dr A R Wright

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Three Anonymous Gifts

1991 Dr D L Allen née Nelson Mr S C Ansley Mrs J I Blackshaw née Leach Mr J M Davies Mr J A Dawson Mr A J Hadfield Mr M B Jannaway Mrs M R Joseph Mr P G McGrath Mrs E C Pasco née Milbourn Mr C J Townsend Mr E Triphyllis Mr K B Winkler One Anonymous Gift

1992 Mr P C Barrett Mr J S Glueck Mr S L Goldstone Mr A R Q Hoare Mr K Seeger Mr L M Taylor Mr S Todd Mrs N M Vine née Sheffield Mr G E I Williams Mr G R Wilson Mr Z Wilson One Anonymous Gift

1993 Mr R A Babington Miss A K Bennett Mr S C Birt Mrs K Bliss née Alco*ck Mr P D Burgess Mr T F Cartwright Mr J M Cogan Mr S P Daley Mr T H Furlong Mr A C Johnston Mr P Karanjia Dr J K Mangal Dr C L Ngo Tran Mr R G Pavey Mr P S Shea Mr O P Smith-Jaynes Dr J M Sonnenfield

Mrs R A Wickham née Crowe Dr R Wieder Dr R C Wilco*ck One Anonymous Gift

1994 Mrs M J Annetts née Morris Mr P J Baker Mr J A G Carew Pole Mr R H Chapman Ms S F Churton née Godwin Professor D Haverty-Stacke née

Truglio Mr L A Kiely Ms A R G King née Jarjour Mr D E Klass Dr F E Mellington Mr C L Warren Miss M Wu One Anonymous Gift

1995 Dr J M Cornwell Mrs J Gatehouse née Barrow Mr J A Hanson Mr B T K Hassell Mrs L K Hassell née Janov Miss J A Higgs Miss J R Humphreys Mrs C R Kenny née Murphy Dr J E Rempel Mrs S A Sheldon née Campbell Ms E M Sheridan née Clinch Mr G D I Williams One Anonymous Gift

1996 Mr H C Embuldeniya Mr J M Fletcher Mr H J Fyson Mrs K L Fyson née Trees Mr B A F Gill Mr C P McCandless Mrs S E McCandless Miss A L Pearce Mr N W Waring One Anonymous Gift

1997 Mr T H Baker Dr A Benckendorff Mr J P M Culver

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Mr T H Ellis Mr M A G Forbes Mrs H M Helliar née Kernan Mr R A Jackson Mrs S T Johnson née Foster Dr M Woznica Mr M Zolotas

1998 Mrs C E M Bridgeland née Mackenzie

Mr C D Bridgeland Mr E Q F Brown Mr J E Delaney Mr J A Goldsmith Mr J K P Hui Mr C W H Kendall Mr B P Murphy-Ryan née Murphy Dr A Pretto-Sakmann née Pretto Mr E A Walker Mr D J Webster Mr A P Zalocosta

1999 Mrs K Benham née Holness Ms C Carpenter Miss J N Drapkin Mr R J Goss Miss E H Lee Mr M J Reid Mrs G C Robin née Rickman Mr J J Segan Mr S C Thigpen Mr J E Turner Two Anonymous Gift

2000 Mrs E C Attwood née Campbell Mr J Boardman Miss J P R Buckley Mrs E Cheong née Lin Mr E L Davey Ms F M Dilton-Hill Mr C J Hope Mrs R R Murphy née Mawle Mr P M E Offland Miss E C Payne Mrs G C Wortley née Cartledge Two Anonymous Gifts

2001 Dr D J Bottomley

Mr T D Devine Mrs C L Fitt née Poulson Mr W H R Gill Mr A T Hepburn Lady Flora Letanka née Grimston Mrs V E B Marcham née McKee Dr C J W Martin Mrs A Metcalst née Coutts Miss K A Windham

2002 Mrs E S J Catherall née Coombe Miss E H Y Chan Dr G R Chapman Dr R L Ede Mr F Groene Mr S C Harper Mr N E Hunter Mr D T Jones Mr J A Pritchard Mr T H Sawbridge

2003 Miss N F Brown Miss M Cumming Mr R P R Dobell Mrs V Gakic née Gordon Dr F Herring Dr J E Ho Mr P Z Ho Mr J G Kiefer Mr C C Phillips One Anonymous Gift

2004 Miss S H C Cooke Dr Y Cui Mr R J Gillams Mr R F Grant Mr A T J Hulme Miss E J R Nicoll Mr H J Southcott Mr A W Walls Miss R S Williams Mr N I O Wood

2005 Mr A Barnes Mr R H P Benson Mr P Bransden Mr J R Cullen Mr D J Dean

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Mr S B Duncan Mr O J C Newman Miss A S Rand Mr T H Roscoe Mr A Weeden

2006 Mr S N Ball Mr A C De Haes Dr S M Fendyke Miss L Hingley Mr G Kemball-Williams Dr A P Lomas Mr J P Marshall Mr M F Neve Miss S Steel Dr W Wu Miss K Yadava Two Anonymous Gift

2007 Mr C F Adams Dr A N Allen Dr H Casey née McKinnon Mr J A Coates Miss D A Findley Dr A Grigas née Baranauskaite Mr M D Harman Ms M Hartman Miss P A Nandanwar Mr L S N Ridgway Ms A Saller Mr T E Shahabi Mr A Singhal Dr R H Snell

2008 Miss M M Brooks Mr J M Buffham Mr J J Critchlow Mr S K Frisby Mr B J E Guérin Miss O Hesketh Mr C T Jeffs Mr E Schwartzberg Mr W T W Seto Miss S L Tai

2009 Mr K Agha Mr K R Audit Ms A Barker

Mr M G Brown Dr M Dwinal Mr T Kidney Mrs E Lewis née Sadgrove Mr B Morton-Harmer Dr M L Tetlow Mrs C B White née Hogben

2010 Mr J Johnson Mr R Remmington

2011 Dr S Ding Mr D Patterson Ms L Taylor Miss C Wayne

2012 Mr V D Finkel Mr J C L Hunter Ms C Perfect Mr R Schatz Miss A Tropsha

2013 Mr J Mooney Mr W Woods

2014 Mr I W Calvert Dr W Lin Mr D M Sargent One Anonymous Gift

2015 Mr T G W Christiansen Mr D M Powell

2016 Mr P Schimpf2017 Mr J M Cheng

Fellows & Lecturers of Brasenose (including former)

Dr S L Altmann Dr C A R Boyd Professor R Cashmore Professor R A Cooper Professor D W Howe Professor J A Jones Professor S M Lea Dr E J Miller Professor J Robertson Professor S M Treggiari née

Franklin Professor S Vogenauer Dr A Weir

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Three Anonymous Donations

Friends of Brasenose Professor P B Carter Mrs U Cass Mr D Cavanagh Mrs S Cheetham Mr J K Fletcher Mrs A Gregson Professor R E Krainer Mr H Malaiperuman Mrs T J Mason Mrs M Merdinger Mr B Savén Mr A Veit Ms A Veit Mr J Veit Mr R Veit Mrs S Wallis Mrs A Wilkinson Mr C Wilson Mrs M Zajac Two Anonymous Donations

Corporations, Foundations & Trusts Americans for Oxford Charles Skey Charitable Trust Give as you Live Harold Parr Charitable Trust Microsoft Matching Gifts Oxford University Student

Challenge Fund The Golden Bottle Trust The Jack Goldhill Charitable Trust The Jeffery Cheah Foundation The William Delafield Charitable

Trust One Anonymous Gift

We take this opportunity to remember the following alumni and friends who were kind enough to make provision for Brasenose in their wills.

1938 Mr P Batterley 1949 Mr C A Crole 1951 Mr H Pearson 1954 Mr M D Whitehead 1966 Dr S J Cunningham


Like all Oxford colleges, Brasenose owes its existence to the generosity of its benefactors who have ensured that it has continued as a centre of scholarship and preparation for life for over 500 years. The Circle is named after Alexander Nowell, a Fellow, then Principal, of Brasenose College. Membership to the Circle is open to all those who have notified us of their intention to join generations of Brasenose members by including a gift to the College in their will. We are very grateful for their generosity and are delighted to take the opportunity to honour them below. If you would like information about leaving a legacy to Brasenose, please contact the Alumni Relations & Development Office.

1943 Ronald Frank Brown1946 David Charles Hirst Simpson1947 John Anthony Cecil Walkey Gillett1948 Michael Baraf Walters1948 Michael Allan Wilson1949 Christopher Guy Barlow

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1949 William Harold Clennell1949 Alan O’Hea1950 John Brian Cook1950 Christopher John Everest1951 James William Donaldson1951 Barry John Moughton1953 Robin John Alfred Sharp1954 John Winskill Baker1954 James Openshaw Bullock1954 Dudley Edmund Coryton Green1954 Charles Paul Lloyd1954 Richard Ian Paul Moritz1954 Jon Vivian Pepper1954 Brian Sutcliffe1955 John Raymond Bartlett1955 John Coates Edwards1955 Elliott Frederick Kulick1955 William Kevin McInerney1955 Julian Russell Story1956 David William Baldock1956 John Hardcastle Buxton1956 David Godfrey Franks1956 Anthony David Smith1956 John Anthony Spalding1956 Anthony Frederick Winder1957 Peter Robert Gant1957 Michael Jean Landry1957 Peter Dennis Thickbroom1957 David Michael Veit1957 Geoffrey Robson Whittle1957 Robin Kenneth John Frederick Young1958 Alan Samuel Everest1958 Philip William Grubb1958 Barry Melbourne Webb1958 Peter Frazer Skinner1958 Martin Adam Stern1958 Graham Williams1959 John Driver1959 Martyn David Hughes1959 James Constantine Marlas

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1959 Michael Richard Fulke Noël-Clarke1960 Geoffrey Vaughan Mawer1960 John Deaville Thompstone1961 Richard Quentin East1961 Charles Anthony Linfield1961 Nigel John Petrie Mermagen1961 Peter James Turvey1961 John Norman Wates1962 Stephen Adrian Craven1962 Stephen Edgar Alexander Green1962 David Roy Witcher1962 Edward Richard Woods1963 Jeffrey Howard Archer1963 Anthony John Patrick Ayres1963 John Winston Bows1963 David Michael Cox1963 Frank Kingston Lyness1963 William Frank Martin1963 Robert Gavin Loudon McCrone1963 Alexander Pollock1963 Matthys Konrad Rutger Van Huyssteen1963 Hugh Crawford Williams1963 John Gordon Laurence Wright1964 Anthony John Garratt-Reed1964 Humfrey Jonathan Malins1964 Stuart Mark Saint1964 Peter Stewart Tilley1965 Robert Aron Chick1965 John Hilary Mortlock East1965 Austen Bruno Issard-Davies1965 Frederick William Jr Meier1966 Gerald Michael Clifton1966 David Rupert Fenwick Cox1966 Robin Charles D’Aubyn Hirsch1966 Timothy William Pearce1966 Gareth Wyn Robertson1966 Graeme David Rowe1966 Anthony John Sillem1966 William Mark Wolstenholme1967 David William Pitt Casey

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1967 Robert Campbell Lowson1968 Roger William Billis1968 John Christopher Lowe1968 Christopher John William Moss1968 Nigel Christopher Pitt1969 Francis Rodney Abbott1969 David Arthur Gibson1969 Barry May1970 David Owen Clark1970 John Fender1970 Evan Paul Silk1972 John Steven Dalby1973 Patrick Alexander Irwin1973 Paul Nigel Linscott1973 Henry George Lewis Russell1974 Klaus Wolfgang Hulek1974 Nancy Margaret Hulek1974 John Rodney Turner1975 Patrick William Wynn Disney1975 Robert Thomas Kerr1975 Colin Ian Nicholls1975 Alistair Knox Simpson1975 Neil Robert Withington1976 Martin Francis Damian Baker1976 Rebecca Elizabeth Hargreaves-Gillibrand1978 Dennis Man Shing Chow1978 James Del Favero1981 Peter Stuart Andrew Bladen1981 David Savile Bradbury1981 David Robert Earnshaw1981 Jeannie Catherine Anna Holstein1981 Richard Michael Hughes1982 Ian Michael Jauncey1983 Anthony Stuart Murphy1984 Matthew Ian Knight1984 Amanda Joy Pullinger1986 John Fletcher1990 Matthew John James Charlton1990 Simon Stuart Dean1990 Andrew Paul Suckling

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1993 Daniel Toby William Ridgway1996 Nicholas Andrew Alexander Donovan1998 Joseph Adam Goldsmith2001 Stephen Jarrod Bernard2008 Anthony John Ring

and a number who wish to remain anonymous

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October 2017 – September 2018

The editor welcomes correspondence concerning any members of Brasenose who have passed away; personal reminiscences of any length are welcome. Please do let us know if you would like to provide an obituary by contacting: [emailprotected], or call +44 (0)1865 287275.

* denotes full obituary

Name MatriculatedJames S Adams 1955David D Alexander 1946Robin E Birley* 1955Andrew R Blair 1948Donald G Blakeley* 1952Andre P Blignault* 1970Martin A Brunt 1954John M Button* 1947Ewen C Cameron 1948Stephanus A Cilliers 1959Geoffrey C Clifton* 1949Nigel A Creese* 1948Vincent J Cunningham* 1963Michael A Elton* 1950C E Bob Fairburn* 1940Brian S Freeman 1944Alfred J Gates 1954Richard J Gillam 1972David S Goodes* 1943Malcolm J Gregson 1958John A Grove 1959John W Hannah 1943Derek N Hart* 1976Antony B Herring 1949Kenneth J Holmes* 1979Gerald Hood* (died August 2017) 1940John W Howe 1957


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Philip A Jepps 1955Antonio S Lopes 1968Robert J Lunt* 1953Donald E Marquardt* 1949Edward W Maslen-Jones* 1946John P Massey 1954David G Mayes* 1965Michael J McNulty* 1957Douglas L Mensforth 1964J Angus Mitchell* 1946Roger H Morgan* 1947John R Moss 1938Edward J Pelz 1939David A Penfold 1959Pearson A Phillips 1949H Desmond Pritchett 1949Heather L Ray née McKissack* 1975D Arthur Rickerby* 1939A Muir Russell 1947Azam Saigol* 1971Patya Saihoo 1953Kenneth A Shearwood* 1947Jervis W Shephard 1952John L Stephens 1971I Thomas Stuttaford* 1950Thomas M Swan* 1961Brian L Sweet* 1955Alan J Talbot 1946Anthony R Tate 1969Christopher J Thacker 1951Peter C Thompson 1965Alan Thomson 1960Harry Tranter* 1949Simon J Watts 1973Stephen Whitehouse 1956Edmund J Wimperis 1947Anna L Wolpert 1988

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Robin Birley (Modern History, 1955)by kind permission of The Times (18th October, 2018)

As he dug through layers of Roman remains, Robin Birley came across two thin slivers of wood stuck together. As he later recalled, he prised them apart and saw what he thought were hieroglyphics. “I had another look and thought that I must have been dreaming. The marks appeared to be ink writing,” he said. “If I have to spend the rest of my life working in dirty, wet trenches, I doubt whether I shall ever again experience the shock and excitement I felt at my first glimpse of ink hieroglyphics on tiny scraps of wood.”

What Birley had revealed at Vindolanda, a Roman fort near Hadrian’s Wall in rural Northumberland, were, at the time, the oldest surviving handwritten documents in Britain: letters and notes written by soldiers and their families on Rome’s most northerly frontier almost 2,000 years ago. As the messages from the past began to emerge, scholars argued that they were as important as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Over the next two decades, through the 1980s and 1990s, the excavation of Vindolanda revealed hundreds more tablets that had, for a couple of millennia, lain buried beneath trees and fields of sheep. Some were so well preserved that Birley could read them almost immediately, without the aid of infrared photography.

Dressed in practical thick jumpers for the outdoors and rimmed spectacles, Birley presided over what was not only one of England’s most important Roman archaeological sites, but also a family business. His father had bought the land at Vindolanda and had begun excavating it in 1929, and Robin Birley and his wife, Patricia, set up and directed the Vindolanda Trust in the 1970s, at first from a small Nissen hut. His son joked that his first visit to the site was as an embryo.

Now held by the British Museum, the tablets were voted some of Britain’s greatest treasures in a BBC poll and by a panel of historians. Among the tablets was an invitation to a birthday party held in about AD100, which is perhaps the oldest surviving document written in Latin by a woman. Another was a commanding officer requesting supplies for his men: “Please, my lord, give instructions on what you want us to do tomorrow. Are we all to return with the standard, or just half of us? … [missing lines] … most fortunate and be well-disposed towards me. My fellow soldiers have no beer. Please order some to be sent.”

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Tall and fit, Birley possessed an incredible energy. He was rarely in bed after 5am in winter and summer. After cooking a hearty breakfast for himself and his family, whom he dragged out of bed to join him, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to whatever was the task for the day, be it archaeology, research, the judiciary, politics or a mixture of any of these. He could not bear to waste a daylight hour. He was an eloquent speaker and encouraged even the youngest of his five children to participate in the “family discussion”.

In his long career as an archaeologist, Birley had another claim: to have introduced Prince Charles to archaeology. As a master at Gordonstoun School for several years as a young man, he had led digs in nearby caves and he said he found the prince to be “intelligent and kind”. Otherwise Birley, who taught several other princes, declined to make personal comments about his pupils.

Born at 6pm on a January day in 1935, Robin Birley was proud to be a “Northumbrian by birth” and to have entered the world “bang on opening time”, as the maternity home later became a popular hotel. He was the eldest son of Peggy and Eric Birley, an archaeologist who made a study of the Roman frontiers over the course of 40 years as a lecturer at Durham University; he was so sharp that colleagues joked he could reconstruct history from a pair of used railway tickets.

Robin grew up with his younger brother, Anthony, who became a professor of ancient history, at the Birleys’ large country house, called Chesterholm. It was set by a stream in gardens next to Vindolanda, which over the years became known for the excavations of its bathhouses and temple, as well as pottery and footwear.

For several years during the war the family moved around the country following Eric, who worked at the War Office while serving with the intelligence agency MI14. By the summer of 1943 they had returned to Chesterholm, where parties of archaeologists often arrived to stay. Birley recalled climbing trees in the garden to avoid the adults. On one memorable occasion he incurred the wrath of his mother by managing a “perfect hit” with his catapult as a visiting scholar bent down to inspect a Roman altar in the garden.

After prep school, Birley went to Clifton College in Bristol, his father’s old school, although he freely admitted that he “found the hard grind of academic work uncongenial compared with the excitement of the playing fields”.

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During one of his summer holidays he was allowed to undertake a small, and highly supervised, excavation at Vindolanda, which he regarded as the moment when his “excavation seeds” were sown. “I was given my father’s senior excavator to keep me right, and he put me in a place where he knew I would find something and might get hooked,” he recalled.

He chose to do his National Service with the Royal Marines before going up to Brasenose College, Oxford, and rose from the rank of Marine to temporary acting second lieutenant and personal assistant to the brigadier. He was somewhat aghast when in north Africa during a lull in manoeuvres his commander requested that he should give him a tour of various Roman remains. As a very keen sportsman and athlete, he found the duties of a PA frustrating and volunteered to qualify as a parachutist as an escape from this role. He often said the good thing about the Royal Marine Commandos was that at last he got to meet people from all walks of life.

His first civilian job was in the 1950s as a teacher at Strathallan School, south of Perth, excavating at the nearby site of Carpow, where he made the important discovery of a legionary vexillation fortress, which was duly reported in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

When Birley left Gordonstoun in 1968 after the break-up of his first marriage, he took a post as senior lecturer in history at Alnwick College of Education, where he met Patricia Burnham. She was a final-year student and a keen historian who soon became a regular volunteer on excavations. They married in 1971 and, with their own family house in the countryside near by, returned to Vindolanda, where they established the Vindolanda Trust to protect the site. The house that Birley had lived in as a boy became a museum and his old bedroom an office. Over the years the trust uncovered the remains of nine Roman forts, each accompanied by a sizeable civilian settlement.

One day in 1973 there were drainage problems on the site and a trench was dug to soak away the water. Birley came across large quantities of organic material, such as wood and leather, which were well preserved. Among these was the first tablet. The Birleys wrapped it at once in damp tissue and took it to Durham University and then Newcastle University’s medical school, where infrared photography showed up the writing.

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Over the years the couple’s children became involved in the digs and the running of the trust: their son, Andrew, is chief executive of the Vindolanda Trust, and their daughter, Sonya, is the communications manager. “I tried to put my children off,” Birley would say.

He also had three children with his first wife, Angela (née Caldicott), whom he had married in 1959 after meeting her at a cricket match; Tim is now the head of facilities management at Savills; Julia is married; and Patrick is chief executive of the NEX Exchange.

Birley and his second wife were staunch socialists and became active members of the Labour Party. “Relaxed” was not a word that friends usually associated with him, but classical music, ABBA, annual holidays in France, riding his horse and the planting of trees all featured in his life when time allowed.

When his family asked him if he would retire, he said: “I shall stop taking my meagre salary. But I shan’t stop working. There is too much to do.”

He later devoted himself to analysing local history records and compiling a research archive. Indeed, he was still receiving daily reports on the excavations at Vindolanda until the day before he died.

Robin Birley, archaeologist, was born on 19th January, 1935. He died of pneumonia on 29th August, 2018, aged 83.

Donald Blakeley (Modern History, 1952)by David Loshak (Modern History, 1952)

Donald Blakeley, who died on 25th June, 2018, aged 86, after a decade of debilitating illness which, strengthened by religious faith, he gamely bore, will be warmly remembered by his Brasenose contemporaries and others who came later to the College for his striking congeniality and capacity for friendship, amply demonstrated as President of the JCR in 1954-55.

After graduating from BNC with a good second in modern history, he joined the then industrial colossus ICI at Billingham, County Durham, and stayed with it until retirement. During those four decades, he was a key mover in founding and developing Yarm School in North Yorkshire, now near the top of the table of the country’s best independent schools. He was one of the longest standing members of the Brasenose Society Committee - “a great supporter of our work”

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recalls its secretary, Alexandra Marks. Donald also served as a magistrate for 30 years. And, remarkably, he and his wife Penelope throughout their marriage of 55 years, adorned their handsome 18th-century Grade II listed home in Norton, Teesside, with a comprehensively collated collection of antiques. Some might say it was an accumulation: “You are thing-mad”, his BNC contemporary Robert Ramsden gibed. Maybe, but he knew everything about everything that he and Penelope amassed.

Donald entered BNC having impressed, and probably charmed, his future tutors, Stanley Cohn and Eric Collieu, into awarding him an exhibition.

He had been impressive even earlier. Gerard Lichfield, his contemporary at BNC and at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Wakefield, recalls that Donald in his teens gave a “fluent and informative” talk on Victorian coinage. He was already developing a lifelong expertise in many aspects of antiquarian virtuosity.

Donald was also active on the playing field. At BNC he followed his sporting interests, but in a college that fielded teams able to beat most universities at every major sport and with contemporaries such as test match cricketers John Fellowes-Smith and Colin Cowdrey, there was scant chance of serious participation.

However, hand-picked by ICI even before graduation and sent to Billingham as a potential highflyer, he was soon acting with several amateur groups, giving exuberant performances. He also became involved with annual Smoking Concerts, late-night shows presenting sketches and comedy songs.

Despite an early promotion to the personnel section of ICI’s London headquarters at Millbank, it was soon clear that top management was not Donald’s burning ambition. After only one week, he effectively scuppered his “career” by requesting a return to Billingham.

But that was his making. He lived a life of far fuller achievement than a demanding vocation would have permitted.

Recognising his qualities, ICI kept him on at Billingham, and for more than 30 years until retiring at 57, Donald made himself indispensable in many aspects of employment relations. Notably, he was assigned to ensure that Norton Hall, ICI’s handsome managers’ centre in the attractive village of Norton, Stockton-on-Tees, fully served its purpose as ICI’s counterpart of Chevening or Dorneywood.

And it was in that village that Donald spent the rest of his life. Soon

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after marrying Stockton-born St Andrews, graduate Penelope Mitchell in 1963, the couple bought Chesnut House - “chesnut without a ‘t’, as on the old plaque at the front”, Donald got tired of insisting. He was forever a stickler for correct use of English, forcefully decrying frequent grammatical and linguistic howlers on the radio and television.

As Penelope and Donald’s three sons - Rupert, Toby and Jasper - approached secondary school age, a Whitehall circular ordered local authorities to make grammar schools comprehensive. In 1976, that policy led to a new Yarm School. “From the start, Donald was, as trustee and governor and, with Penelope, as a parent, an enormous contributor to its foundation and success, being particularly interested in pupils’ academic progress,” wrote David Dunn, the current headmaster. Donald stayed as president of the governors for the next 32 years.

“Imagine,” Mr. Dunn added, the following job advertisem*nt: “Wanted: intelligent, articulate, sensitive and good-humoured individual with excellent interpersonal skills to lead major business with £6m turnover and 150 employees for the next 32 years. A flexible working attitude is required, with a willingness to work long anti-social hours and to be on call 24 hours a day. The job is voluntary with no pay or remuneration.”

Donald fulfilled every requirement. “His influence was immeasurable”, one teacher has written. “Without Donald’s initial impetus and continuing support, the school could hardly have existed.” “He was a visionary and an exciting man to work with. Excellence was the only acceptable standard”, says another.

In a life of such achievement and much happiness, Donald suffered two tragedies. When he was only 13, his elder brother David, aged 18, died as the result of medical accident and possible negligence. And decades later, a speeding vehicle killed his mother as he was accompanying her across the street to her own home directly opposite Chesnut House.

These fearful blows might well have wounded Donald more profoundly than he ever let on. It was, one might surmise, his manifold antiques collection which provided solace, and for that, even with all he took on at Yarm, on the bench and - not to be forgotten! - ICI, he devoted time, vim and, perhaps needless to say, scholarship, plus shrewd acquisitive haggling.

Although he enjoyed two overseas trips in his youth, Donald never again travelled abroad. He did not need to, for few could have been

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more dedicated to his interests and enthusiasms, unfailingly sustained in every way by his wife Penelope.

“Ever engaging and amusing, waggish but also erudite, witty but also nimble-witted, amusing and perceptive, companionable even in the briefest of chats but wonderfully confrontational as well, not to say argumentative and even irascible in discussion”, a neighbour has written. “Yet, he was a unique friend - highly intelligent, warmly kind and with lovely social graces.”

Andre Blignaut (PPE, 1970)speech by Billy Downer (Jurisprudence, 1980) on behalf of the

office of the Director for Public Prosecutions on 25th April, 2018

My Lord, our office associates itself wholeheartedly with the remarks from the Bench, the Bar and the Law Society.

Sadly and unusually in tributes like these to judges who have passed on, Judge Blignaut was a youngster who retired from the Bench comparatively recently. Therefore, many of our present staff well remember appearing before him in the many criminal trials in which he presided over the years. Some of my colleagues have remarked particularly on his robust, forthright, feisty, no-nonsense style.

After school in Bloemfontein and law school at Stellenbosch, Judge Blignaut went up to Brasenose College, Oxford as an Orange Free State Rhodes Scholar. I am honoured to pay tribute to my fellow Stellenbosch and Brasenose alumnus.

I see from the register of Rhodes Scholars that he was a Hulme Exhibitioner at Brasenose. The award of this ancient college scholarship is an unusual achievement for a Rhodes Scholar. He read for the PPE degree and then went on to teach economics at Unisa, before returning to the law in Cape Town.

Some of the more interesting cases in which Judge Blignaut sat and that involved the NPA and the DPP are worth mentioning.

One of these was the 1999 deportation from South Africa of alleged US embassy bomber Khalfan Mohamed, who faced the death penalty in America.

The Bench, opposing counsel and parties in the trial court respectively included Hlophe JP, Blignaut, J, Henri Viljoen SC, Katz, now SC and then NDPP Bulelani Ngcuka. The matter was ultimately

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resolved in the Constitutional Court in the seminal decision against deportation in these circ*mstances - Mohamed and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2001 (3) SA 893 (CC).

Truman Prince, sometime mayor of Beaufort West, was the subject of the TV programme Special Assignment. He tried to obtain an urgent application to stop the broadcast concerning shenanigans in Beaufort West, but, as the report reads, Cape High Court Judge Andre Blignaut dismissed it.

The matter of Director of Public Prosecutions, Western Cape v Prins and Others 2012 (2) SACR 183 (SCA), concerned whether the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007, had successfully criminalised what used to be indecent assault. The Regional Court thought not. Blignaut, J, was the senior judge in the Full Bench of this court hearing the appeal from the Regional Court.

In the much publicised Hout Bay Fishing asset forfeiture case, it was Judge Blignaut who granted the original order attaching boats case on the application of the Asset Forfeiture Unit. This case grew into the much-litigated marathon Bengis matter, as it came to be known, both locally and in America. The most recent decision in this court is that of Rogers J in Bengis and Others v Government of South Africa and Others; In re: Bengis and Others v Government of South Africa and Others [2016] 2 All SA 459 (WCC).

Finally, Judge Blignaut presided in the asset forfeiture case of National Director of Public Prosecutors v Van Staden and Others, Van Staden and Others v Knoetze and Others (20738/2008) [2011] ZAWCHC 48 (9 March 2011), involving asset forfeiture in a tax-fraud matter. This was ultimately resolved in the SCA in NDPP v Van Staden & others (730/2011) [2012] ZASCA 171.

How fortunate I was to have been able at the most recent Bar dinner to chat to Judge Blignaut over a glass of wine about our fond memories of Brasenose and muse over the mixed fortunes of our fellow alumni. Little was I to know that it would be our last chat. Well, as they say – tempus fugit.

We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs Blignaut and the extended family.

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John Button (Jurisprudence, 1947)by his daughter Sarah Thompson

My father was a keen yachtsman throughout his life and spent much of his long and happy married life on boats, sailing being his greatest passion. Indeed he and his wife Ruth were still cruising together, in their yacht Rapscallion right up until 2016. It was during his time at Winchester and then at Brasenose that John first found and developed his passion for sailing. He was an active member of the Oxford Sailing Club during his time at Brasenose where he got his Half-Blue and was then elected in to the Oxford & Cambridge Sailing Society.

Only a few years ago, my father took me round Brasenose with my teenage children. During our visit my children were enthralled to hear his numerous stories of his time at the College. His stories were full of passion and it was very clear that he was still very attached to Brasenose, and that he had thoroughly enjoyed his time there.

During his time at the College my father read Law and then went on to qualify and practise as a solicitor in London for ten years with Clifford Chance. Following this he made a career move to the world of merchant banking, for ten years at Gresham Trust and then Henry Ansbacher & Co in the City. From there he set up Ansbacher (CI) Ltd in Guernsey and subsequently moved to Guernsey and expanded the business into the Bahamas and Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Monaco and Zurich until he retired having run this extremely profitable arm of the bank. When John retired from Ansbacher in 1996 he went on to set up Federal Trust in Guernsey where he was Chairman and still worked part-time until he finally retired fully in 2016.

My father was a generous and kind man who dedicated a considerable amount of his time to a number of charitable causes throughout his life. There are so many I could mention but the following were probably the most meaningful to my father during his life. Having lost his own father to Parkinson’s disease, he was actively involved in Parkinson’s UK both in London and locally in Guernsey. He helped set up the Guernsey Sailing Trust which now owns a fleet of sailing boats, one of which was my father’s, and provides disadvantaged children with an opportunity to learn to sail. He was also a key figure in setting up the St Martin’s Community Trust for his local church in Guernsey which built and now manages the St Martin’s Community Centre there.

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John is survived by Ruth, his wife of 63 years, their four children Peter, Charles, Sarah and William and their eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

John Martin Button, born 8th September, 1929 – died 14th January, 2018.

Geoffrey Clifton (Classics, 1949)by Michael Clifton (Jurisprudence, 1956)

Geoffrey Clifton, who died on 6th October, 2017, was born in Oxford on 7th May, 1929. After two years at the Dragon School in Oxford, he won an Exhibition to Blundells at Tiverton in Devon in 1942, where he played the piano and organ and some rugby. After an uncomfortable two years doing National Service, ending up as a Corporal in the Royal Signals, he went up to Brasenose in 1949 as an Exhibitioner to read Classics with Maurice Platnauer.

After Mods, Maurice, who had an encyclopaedic knowledge of France, encouraged him to holiday there in 1951, providing invaluable advice as to a hotel at Langeais, from which to visit the chateaux of the Loire. With his younger brother Michael and Ross McHardy, a Brasenose contemporary reading Medicine, the three set off with bicycles, which were taken on trains and local buses. Crossing Paris from Gare St Lazare to Gare D’Austerlitz proved tricky when the chain of one bicycle came off, and there was only one inadequate map between the three. Along the Loire, many of the bridges had yet to be repaired, so that extra distances had to be ridden. However it proved to be very enjoyable and successful.

Going down in 1953 after taking a respectable degree, Geoffrey took a post with Legal & General in London which he soon found insufficiently challenging. At the end of that year, having previously resisted the idea, he went into teaching and secured a position at Cheam prep school near Newbury to teach Classics.

After two years there he moved to Ardingly College in 1956 to teach Latin, Greek and Ancient History. The school was then under the headmastership of George Snow (father of Jon Snow the TV newscaster) who subsequently became Bishop of Whitby.

In 1960, to the surprise of his family and many of his friends, he was persuaded by a colleague at the school to go to a ball/dance at

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St Swithins, Winchester, on a blind date with one of the teaching staff there, Ann Powell. Two months later they were engaged and in April 1961 married, the beginning of a very happy partnership together. In the following three or four years, they had a son and twin daughters.

In 1965 Geoffrey was appointed Headmaster of Crewkerne Grammar School, unusually a boarding school that catered mainly for the children of military personnel serving abroad. In due course Somerset County Council decided to amalgamate some five existing schools in Crewkerne and nearby Ilminster and build, on an adjacent site, a single, much larger school, incorporating the old buildings of the original. In competition with the heads of the other schools, Geoffrey successfully applied for this headship, opening the school in 1971 and naming it Wadham (after a wealthy 14th-century Ilminster family that in 1610 founded a college in Oxford).

1981-2 saw Geoffrey in Canada on a year’s teacher exchange, taking the whole family with him; then in 1988 he took early retirement, and after taking a TEFL course, set up his own business, combining it with the very successful B&B that he and Ann had started to run. In the process Geoffrey became a highly competent cook.

They closed both businesses in 1998 and began to travel enthusiastically until Ann was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, from which she died in 2003.

Since then Geoffrey continued to travel widely, but also chaired the Parish Council at Misterton near Crewkerne, was very active in the Church as well as the local Liberal Democrats, and was a stalwart member of the South Somerset Choral Society. But most of all he was a keen supporter and follower of all things with which his six grandchildren were involved.

Nigel Creese (Classics, 1948)by Val Creese and family members

Nigel Creese, AM, was born on 4th June, 1927, and died on 29th August, 2018, at home, as he had wished.

Nigel liked people. He also liked organisation. These two qualities lay behind all his private and public relationships and career.

The schoolboy who won a scholarship to Blundell’s School, Tiverton, UK, had the good fortune at a young age to share a study with

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Stephen Gorton, whose father, later Bishop Gorton, had a significant influence on his teenage life, introducing him to the Lake District. This was a far cry from his birthplace, London, Hounslow, and instilled him with a love of hills, lakes and countryside, along with a full sense of Christian values. Nigel’s father, badly wounded in the First World War, had died when he was 14, and his mother left his education largely to the influence of Blundell’s. Military service took him to Palestine, where he recorded that he and his sergeant in the RAF regiment flew the last British flag in Jerusalem. It was here that he encountered his first experiences with war, and terrorism, of which he very rarely spoke. After three years in the RAF he went up to Brasenose College, Oxford in 1948. He studied Greats (Latin, Ancient Greek and Ancient History) and much enjoyed Oxford life. A member of Vincent’s Club, President of the JCR, he gained Blues in both Rugby Football and Swimming, took the lead in several plays and met Val, whom he married in July 1951. (A month prior to his death they celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary.)

Rugby football tours took him to the south of France, to Africa (where he captained the combined Oxford/Cambridge side) and, controversially at the time, to Japan. He was even a reserve for the England trials. As a Blue he quickly found a teaching job at Bromsgrove School, Worcestershire, at the same time captaining Moseley Football Club for four years, to two premierships. Out of the blue, in 1955, a neighbour remarked that Rugby School was looking for a young schoolmaster – she unearthed The Times from the dustbin, he applied and got the job!

Nigel and Val had happy years at Rugby, making good friends and enjoying all the school activities. Nigel took to producing plays with great success and acting in the staff plays; he also ran the Rugby football and the gliding club. He was always an excellent and natural teacher, making sense of Latin to the many to whom it was incomprehensible.

This teaching career was to lead subsequently to becoming Headmaster of Christ’s College, New Zealand, in 1963 at the young age of 35 – a huge leap professionally for Nigel and personally for the family (Nigel and Val, four children and Val’s formidable mother). Life in Christchurch was as delightful as it was unforgettable. The family loved the school, the community and the city.

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His time at Christ’s College was deeply formative. He threw himself into his new role – teaching 24 periods a week, trying to get to know all the boys, marking essays, speaking on radio and television and at Old Boys’ events, breakfasting in the Dining Hall, and working very hard to meet the demands of the Appeal to pay for the Assembly Hall.

In College! A History of Christ’s College, Don Hamilton describes him as “an impressive figure as he swept across the Quad with his head up and his gown billowing behind him”. He was much loved and admired by most boys. Indeed, as one student recounts:

“It was, I think, both of our misfortunes that I ended up in 4A and 5B Latin, his because he wasted so much time and effort trying to instill the basics and mine because for the first time in my life I came across either an irresistible force or an immoveable object, neither of which were pleasant. Despite this I developed a great affection and utmost respect for him as he always treated me fairly, courteously and consistently.

He taught me so much; to think before you speak, to treat people as you would like to be treated, to have good values and hang on to them in the face of change. The value of good manners and respect. Never be afraid to tell the truth. Teachers are human.”

Nigel and Val had always planned to return to the UK but that wasn’t to be. In 1970 Nigel was appointed Headmaster of Melbourne Grammar School where he remained until his retirement at the end of 1987. In his years at MGS he made an enormous and varied contribution to Australian education. The 1970s were a difficult period in which to take on school leadership - unrest in society due to the Vietnam War and changes to tertiary education created complex challenges. The school notes that Nigel took on these challenges with uncommon intelligence, vision and patience, and a tremendous determination to succeed, also with integrity, diplomacy and a continual search for excellence.

It was under Nigel’s leadership that girls entered Grimwade House, the Robert Knox camp at Woodend was established and curriculum innovations in numerous disciplines occurred. He reorganised Grimwade House and Wadhurst, creating the framework for the structure of the school that still exists today, and proactively sought to employ more female teachers at the school. Together with Free Strickland he created the Grammar Foundation and many building campaigns, and buildings, ensued.

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Nigel chose never to lose contact with the boys, working with them directly through establishing the Quad Play and directing annual productions, teaching Latin, coaching Rugby, giving scripture lessons and all those sermons in Chapel, even bringing the individual boy or two to live with the family in Domain Street when occasion required. His school reports, handwritten for every boy in the senior school, were signed with the immediately recognisable ‘NAHC’ and reflected on each individual’s strengths and weaknesses with encouragement. Many tributes have flowed remarking on his fairness, humour and values. He was certainly a great man for many.

In retirement, Nigel took on other responsibilities and interests. Following his period in 1985-7 as first National Chair of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA), having played a pivotal role in its establishment, he became its inaugural part-time Executive Officer. He acted as interim Head at Beaconhills College; served on the board of several schools, including Lauriston Girls’ School (where he was instrumental in the establishment of the Howqua campus), was Chairman of Christ Church Grammar School for nine years, and Chairman of the GAP Scheme in Australia (now known as Lattitude). He taught Latin and scripture at Fitzroy Community School; volunteered with Lifeline, and with U3A (teaching Latin of course and running drama groups); as well as starting a bridge group at the local Neighbourhood House. For recreation he strode the hills around his beloved holiday house at Howqua.

Nigel held a sincere and active Christian faith and was a regular parishioner at Holy Trinity Kew where he was well known amongst the “8am-ers” most Sundays. He did not speak of his faith but it sustained him throughout. He was well known and well-liked in the many things he did so unselfishly within ‘his’ schools and the broader community. He will not easily be forgotten.

With thanks to James Aitken, Christ’s College, Melbourne Grammar School and AHISA.

Vincent Cunningham (Biochemistry, 1963)by John Herson (Geography, 1963)

Professor Vincent – Vin – Cunningham died on 20th December, 2017. He was a Scouser, growing up in Moore Street, Bootle, and he

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remained proud of his Liverpool heritage throughout his life. His sense of humour and even his raison d’être were bound up in the city of his childhood. He was born in 1946 into that lucky generation, the ‘Baby Boomers’, who could benefit from the opportunities provided by the new welfare state and the relative prosperity of the post-war period. Vin’s background was Liverpool working class and his playgrounds were the debris of bombed houses in the dockland streets of Bootle. He went to St James’s Primary School and was educated in the Liverpool Irish Roman Catholic tradition. His parents were proud socialists and his father an ardent trade unionist. This helps explain Vin’s determined social mobility from backstreet Bootle to the academia of Oxford.

Vin passed his 11+ and went to St Mary’s College, Crosby. He was a popular and highly intelligent lad who made friends easily. He already had a good eye for the girls, some of whom he chased and some of whom chased him. He was, nevertheless, an academic from the beginning with an affinity for the sciences. He won a scholarship at Brasenose to study biochemistry and came up in 1963. He was given a room on Staircase 12 directly above mine (12.8) and we met on the first day. We were friends thereafter. Outgoing and sociable, with a wry perspective on some of the snobbery he saw in traditional Oxford, he made the most of the educational opportunities he had won.

Vin graduated in 1967 with second class honours in Biochemistry and immediately moved on to his doctorate research in the Department of Biochemistry. His thesis was on lipid metabolism and he received his DPhil in 1971. Shortly afterwards he went to work at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Toxicology Unit at Carshalton and was soon running a research group. He was a dedicated scientist and brilliant teacher with a great passion for his work. During his career he was an author of around 200 scholarly articles, one book and nine research essays. Despite a busy timetable he also found time to gain a first class degree in Mathematics in 1978 and subsequently teach maths at the Open University. He was one of the first people to see the importance of combining mathematics and biology before the discipline of mathematical-biology became well recognised in the 1990s. He had a strong influence on many scientific careers. He was never terribly worldly when it came to money or grants but his supervisory style - which he defined as ‘not much, just making tea’ - consisted of an open door policy where anybody could pop in and rant about anything.

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To his colleagues Vin became a legend in his field. He remained with the MRC, moving to the Cyclotron Unit at the Hammersmith Hospital in 1988. He became a world expert in mathematical modelling applied to the emerging medical imaging technique of positron emission tomography (PET), enabling accurate analysis and interpretation of the acquired images at a molecular level. His work contributed to the development of new drugs and treatment protocols for common diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer. During his time at the Cyclotron Unit and in recognition of his work, Vin became Professor of Physiological Modelling via the Unit’s affiliation with Imperial College, London. After the millennium the increasing involvement of the private sector in front-line medical research led to him moving for some years to GlaxoSmithKline, though the essence of his work on clinical imaging and modelling remained the same. In 2010, he left GSK and took up a part-time post as 6th Century Professor of Imaging at Aberdeen University, a major centre for MRI and kinetic PET scanning. Though he officially retired in 2012, he continued to be involved in research and publication until his death.

Vin was diagnosed with ureteric cancer in the summer of 2016. It was a great blow to him, his family and friends. He showed great courage during his illness and although he suffered greatly, he never lost his sense of humour or his optimism for the future. His death in December 2017 came as a shock to all who had known him and the church of Our Lady of Sorrows at Bamford in Derbyshire was packed to overflowing at his Requiem Mass. He is survived by his wife Gill and his children James, Matthew and Anna.

Michael Elton (Jurisprudence, 1950)by Geoffrey Whittle (Jurisprudence, 1957)

Michael came up to Brasenose in 1950 from Peter Symonds School, Winchester to read Greats. However during his second year he concluded this was not for him and arranged to switch to Jurisprudence, achieving a First in his finals a little more than a year later. Michael was a fine squash player, captaining a college team which included Colin Cowdray. He went on to play squash for Hampshire. He was also a useful tennis player, again captaining the BNC team, and continued to play until well into his seventies.

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Coming down from Oxford, Michael entered solicitors’ articles with (later Sir) Andrew Wheatley, the Clerk of Hampshire County Council. Wheatley had a (well deserved) reputation as a martinet; indeed when I joined Hampshire some years after Sir Andrew’s retirement, I heard many gory stories. During the first year of his articles Wheatley required Michael to return to BNC for one term to read for his BCL, despite Michael’s protests that this normally took a year. The fact that he managed to achieve a Second owed much to the help he received from Barry Nicholas. Michael liked to tell the story of the Roman Law BCL paper which required the examinee to answer two questions marked with an asterisk and two others. Finding none of the “other” questions to his liking he answered all four asterisked questions. When challenged on this at his Viva he replied that it was “unfortunate that when sitting for such a degree you should have to indulge in the subtleties of statutory interpretation” and that he was perfectly entitled to answer those questions as the instruction was to answer two “other” questions not to answer two “other questions not marked with an asterisk”.

Towards the end of his articles Michael married Isabel, who was a great support to him for the rest of his life. Having secured his Law Society qualification in 1957 Michael worked as a solicitor successively with Cumberland and Surrey County Councils and as Assistant Clerk to Buckinghamshire County Council, leaving in 1970 to become Chief Executive of the Association of British Travel Agents. After a year or so with ABTA Michael and Isabel returned to their native Winchester, where they remained for the rest of his life,

From all accounts, dealing with the internal politics of the ABTA Council was at least as demanding as his experience in local government, there being differences of view between travel agents and tour operators. In his early years at ABTA Michael was involved in the aftermath of the Court Line crash. Although ABTA’s funds were sufficient to bring home 35,000 holidaymakers who were stranded abroad, they could not compensate some 100,000 people who had lost money prepaid for holidays not yet taken. Michael took a leading role in negotiations with the government resulting in legislation to establish an air travel reserve fund. This was initially funded by the government (which enabled those whose money had been lost in the crash to be reimbursed) and subsequently by levies on organisers of package holidays.

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In 1982 ABTA was prosecuted by the Office of Fair Trading before the Restrictive Practices Court alleging that the ABTA agreement, which required package holidays to be sold through authorised travel agents, was effectively a closed shop. Michael was the leading ABTA witness and managed to persuade the court that, exceptionally, the agreement should be upheld.

After 16 years at ABTA Michael was headhunted to become Director General of the National Association of Pension Funds, a position he held till his retirement at the age of 63.

During the early years of his retirement Michael was particularly active. For five years he was chairman of the fund raising committee to establish Naomi House, a children’s hospice which continues to be a successful and valued local facility. He developed an interest in philosophy, joining a local philosophy class/discussion group. I enjoyed debating with him his ideas he brought back on free will and other theories. He subsequently wrote his autobiography Memories of Many Minds, published in 2004, the later part of which expressed some of his philosophic thinking. Those ideas were developed further in a second book, Pigs of the Fields, published in 2016. He had a fine singing voice participating in amateur operatics and with Isabel in the Winchester Choral Society.

Although somewhat frail in his later years Michael continued to enjoy his philosophy group and his bridge, playing regularly with Isabel at his local bridge club and with my wife and me. With his charming and engaging manner, touched with a hint of eccentricity, he made many friends, all of whom will greatly miss him. He leaves Isabel, four children and ten grandchildren.

Charles “Bob” Fairburn (Engineering, 1940)written by himself, provided by kind permission of Liz & Ken Ward

Bob was born 2nd October, 1921 in Hendon, Middlesex, son of Charles Edward Fairburn and Eleanor Fairburn (née Cadman), both of Bradford, Yorkshire. His father, known in those days as CEF, was an engineer of national distinction and they moved quite frequently while he was young. His father had actually been the first graduate in Engineering from Brasenose College, Oxford. At the age of nine Bob was sent to a boarding school near Stafford. In 1935 his family moved

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to St Annes in Lancashire where his father was General Manager of the Works in Strand Road in Preston, then to London where he joined the LMS Railway as Chief Electrical Engineer. So at 13, Bob went on to Wellington College in Berkshire, where he enrolled as a boy scout, staying on as such after joining the Officer Training Corps in 1936. He took the opportunity to go to the World Scout Jamboree in the Netherlands for which they formed a patrol from Wellington.

With the Munich crisis in 1938 the normal routine was disturbed as they had to start digging air raid shelters, which proved to be needed in 1940 when the college was bombed and the headmaster was killed.

Having been accepted by Brasenose, and having passed the first year exams to read Engineering Science, he left school in 1940, becoming a short-term engineering apprentice on the shop floor at the LMS Locomotive Works in Derby, at the same time serving in the LDV (Local Defence Volunteers, later Home Guard), this at the time of Dunkirk.

On going up to Oxford in 1940, he volunteered to join the Royal Engineers section of the OTC, and when that was disbanded he transferred to the University Air Squadron. His service time was in Bomber Command on an Operational Training Unit at Bruntingthorpe in Leicestershire, then at Tuddenham in Suffolk as Mess Secretary.

The family was by then back in London (in Ealing), and his father died at the age of 58 in 1945. In 1947 he joined the English Electric Company and was sent to the Liverpool Works where for many years he was Superintendent of Fabrication. Later he was moved to work with the Chief Engineer to become Assistant to the General Manager. Later again he was Chairman of the British Institute of Management and then a Vice-President.

In 1954 the family moved from London to Formby, and during the 1960s he was invited to become Hon. Assistant Secretary to the Merseyside and North Wales Centre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, eventually becoming Chairman in 1971 and later on a National Council member. He became Centre Membership Adviser, which he continued up to 1999.

About that time he was invited to join the English Electric central team of graduate recruiters visiting universities. He was made Governor of Liverpool Regional College of Technology and one of the first Governors of Liverpool Polytechnic.

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After leaving English Electric, he joined Pilkington Brothers in St Helens as Graduate Recruitment Officer and after three interesting years moved, in 1972, to Ward, Ashcroft & Parkman, Consulting Engineers, based in the Cunard Building, taking responsibility for their personnel, remaining there until he retired in 1986.

In retirement he developed new interests in the Voice of the Listener and Viewer (VLV) and the Formby Society, of which he became treasurer, and appeared on national television twice.

After four years in nursing homes, he died at the age of 95.

David Goodes (English, 1943)by Michael Dover, with kind permission of

David Goodes rowed for Brasenose College, Oxford and Thames RC before being spotted in 1951 by the legendary headmaster of The King’s School, Canterbury Dr FJ Shirley, as a potential recruit for his coaching staff, ‘with a bit of English on the side’. Shirley had ambitions for his school to row in eights, despite the local river being completely unsuitable – the Kentish Stour is tidal, sinuous, narrow, weed-choked, and shallow, and winds through windswept marshes subject to extremes of weather, a far cry from the leafy expanses of the Thames or the Avon. The school Boat Club had frequented the river since the mid-19th century for private matches where the ability to take a sharp corner was a winning factor.

The previous head coach had taken his school fours as far as a coach could go, winning the Public Schools’ Fours at Marlow Regatta by a large margin and Shirley was determined that King’s Canterbury should be a ‘rowing school.’ The head coach resigned, the task was impossible, and Shirley promoted Goodes to chief coach, ‘I want you to take it on old man, and we are going to Henley next year!’

David set to, rented an old oak-beamed boat shed from the local river authority, negotiated rights of way from the riparian landowners, erected planked bridges across the drainage ditches for the coaches’ bicycles, and in 1952 the first eight to row on the Stour was launched. For the next 21 years, David set an incredibly high standard of rowing despite the desperate handicap of his rowing water and The King’s School, Canterbury did indeed become a ‘rowing school’.

In his 21 years in charge, the school 1st VIII won the Schools’ Head of the River Race three times – and for ten of those years was in the

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top five – and his crews fought three Henley finals and four semi-finals. The club expanded as did the coaching staff, and after old boy Somerset Maugham donated the money for a large eights boathouse at Pluck’s Gutter, some 11 miles from the school, a cadre of coaches began work on the lower boats, so successfully that in 1964 the top three eights each went head of the river in their class. David’s remarkable achievements were quickly recognised by his fellow schools’ coaches and he was duly elected to Leander Club. Nationally, he was a founder member of the Amateur Rowing Association’s Council for Youth Rowing, which was responsible for the first British youth teams to go abroad, and served as its treasurer.

Despite his success on the water, David’s first love was music. He played viola in the school orchestra, performing in 45 consecutive ‘King’s Weeks’ – a week-long celebration of the performing arts held at the end of the summer term – and conducted the chamber orchestra. He was later conductor of the Canterbury (city) Orchestra for many years. He had a dry wit, delighted in excruciating puns, and was much loved and respected by his generations of pupils.

David Goodes, born 15th April, 1925, died 17th January, 2018.

Derek Hart (Immunology, 1976)by Professor Christopher Winearls, by kind permission

of the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences

Derek Hart died on 12th December, 2017 at home in Sydney, Australia, of metastatic cancer. He worked to the end and kept his illness private lest the momentum of the projects be lost. He had made major scientific and clinical contributions, particularly in relation to his special interest in dendritic cells, immune therapies and bone marrow transplantation.

He joined Professor Peter Morris and the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS) in 1976 on a New Zealand Rhodes Scholarship to Brasenose College. His work on the tissue distribution of antigens relevant to the immune response was supervised by Dr (now Professor) John Fabre. This work led to the discovery of interstitial dendritic cells. He was awarded his DPhil in 1980. He also played rugby for the University of Oxford, but was injured by a lorry on the Woodstock Road just outside the Radcliffe Infirmary when he stepped off the pavement to allow an old lady to pass. His shoulder was broken just

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a few days before the Varsity match against Cambridge and so he was never awarded the honour of a Blue.

He was a talented researcher, extremely energetic and very much a “full glass” person. He formed a close working relationship with Dr Judy McKenzie who had also come to England to work under Professor Morris in the NDS. After returning to Christchurch in New Zealand and training as a clinical haematologist, he became Director of the Christchurch Clinical Haematology Unit and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit and left it with a significant research reputation, including UK Medical Research Council trial participation. He was made a Distinguished Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia.

He moved to Brisbane where he completed 11 years as the inaugural Mater Medical Research Institute Director establishing it as an internationally recognised institute with a strong translational programme, including clinical cell therapy trials. His leadership helped create the new Queensland Translational Institute. He moved to the University of Sydney in 2010 to establish the Dendritic Cells Biology and Therapeutics Group at the ANZAC Research Institute and to undertake translational collaborative research projects at the Royal Prince Alfred, Westmead and Concord Hospitals.

He worked closely with Dr Georgina (known to all as George) Clark whom he had first met when he examined her PhD thesis from Melbourne. George also came to the NDS from Melbourne as a postdoc in 1989 and worked with Dr Maggie Dallman (later Professor Dallman at Imperial) for several years. George and Derek were married in 1996 and had two children, Olivia who is at university reading English and James who is at school. Derek also worked hard to indulge his passions which were sailing yachts and seeking out the best New Zealand and Australian wines. He maintained his Oxford links and did a sabbatical here in the Institute of Molecular Medicine.

He was a loyal friend, godfather to my son Stuart and great company. He will be missed by his many friends and the scientific community.

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Ken Holmes (Modern Languages, 1979) by Dom Millar (Mathematics & Philosophy, 1979)

It was early October 1979 at the top of Staircase XV when I first met a young man from Ellesmere Port who was to become my next door neighbour for the next nine months and my very good friend for the next 39 years. In that early melee of finding your way at Oxford, Ken was an assuring presence to have in the room opposite – we made an instant connection based on the beautiful game: Liverpool were thriving under Paisley, and Wolverhampton Wanderers were enjoying better times.

Ken immediately immersed himself into College life, soon becoming an integral member of Dr Cooper and Dr Lucas’s first year Modern Languages cohort; fulfilling his lifelong love of football through involvement in the College football set up; and enjoying New Quad! Yes, Ken was an ever-present in New Quad – always up for a chance encounter and an update on what was happening in College life – he had time for everyone, and was a very reliable source! As one fellow 1979-er recently recounted: “Ken was one of the nicest, sweetest guys. He’s one that I remember easily, and with fondness.”

Ken graduated in 1983, starting his early career with ICI, which took him to live in Germany in 1985 for a couple of years, soon after his marriage to Liz. Ken worked for ICI until joining Morgan Stanley around 2000 – he had by then become an accomplished and respected oil trader. I never saw Ken in action at work, but was always impressed when meeting for a beer after work at his balanced perspective on life amidst such a high-pressure working environment. At his memorial service a colleague who had worked with him since mid-1990s spoke:

“Ken was immensely intelligent, quick witted, skilled and focused. In his work he remained true to his core values and character, bringing humanity, integrity, wit, warmth and charm to his work and our world. He was softly spoken and unfailingly polite and yet underneath was a strength and determination to do his ultimate best as a trader without compromising his integrity. He was one of the best traders I ever worked with but much, much more than that, he was one of the best people and friends I have ever known in my years in the business. Sometimes you find people of exceptional ability in business

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and sometimes in life you find people of exceptional quality, Ken was one of the rare few that combined and embodied both.”

Despite all his success in working life, Ken never secured the job he really wanted – Manager of Liverpool Football Club! He did indeed have the quiet genius of Bob Paisley; the tenacity and determination of Dalglish; the love, compassion and generosity shown by Rafa; however he unfortunately disagreed with Bill Shankly – there was something more important in life than football … for Ken football came second to his family.

He adored his wife Liz and treasured his children Andrew and Abigail, and embraced their respective partners Ellie and Connor as his own. In his last years they became the “Super Six” and enjoyed many fabulous trips and times together. And right up to the last weeks of his life he was still looking out for them, whilst courageously dealing with his illness.

Family and friends celebrated Ken and his life on Thursday 17th May, 2018 at Crewe Crematorium; we all wore red ties and colour, and the celebration rather fittingly ended with “You’ll Never Walk Alone”.

Ken Holmes, 22nd September, 1959 – 7th May, 2018

Gerald Hood (Classics, 1940)by kind permission of the cl*theroe Advertiser and Times newspaper

(14th August, 2017)

A former headmaster of cl*theroe Royal Grammar School, Gerald Hood, has died at the age of 96.

Mr Hood was born in Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, in 1921 and attended the grammar school there before going up to Oxford.

His studies were interrupted by army service during the Second World War.

His regiment was, appropriately, the Sherwood Foresters and he reached the rank of captain, serving in the Far East.

Resuming university in 1946, he gained degrees in English and Classics at Brasenose College, Oxford, before taking a teaching job in Sheffield.

He moved to cl*theroe in 1956, being the youngest headmaster of a grammar school at the time.

His many and varied interests included fell-walking and he was

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an organiser of the highly successful Tramps walking club at CRGS. He spent 27 years at the school, retiring in 1983.

He was a long-standing member, and past president, of the Rotary Club of cl*theroe, which acted as a focus for a lifetime of unstinting voluntary service. Deeply interested in music and drama, he was a keen member of numerous local clubs and organisations over the years. He was also a staunch Anglican, worshipping at cl*theroe Parish Church and later at St Ambrose Church, Grindleton.

Mr Hood died peacefully at Abbeyfield Care Home, Low Moor, on Sunday 13th August, 2018. He is survived by his son Brian, daughter Sue, four grandchildren, Michelle and Emma Creighton and Tom and George Hood, and a great-grandson, Kaleb.

His wife, Mary “Mollie” Hood, a former social worker, died ten years ago.

Bob Lunt (Animal Physiology, 1953)by his son, Peter Lunt

After he retired, I would often find Dad completing the crossword. He would do the quick in pencil and the cryptic in pen, on the same crossword. I found this remarkable and perhaps a little eccentric, but the switch from abstract to literal was typical of my father’s intellect. While he did the crosswords, I would scroll through some eclectic book on his shelf or read the balance of whatever newspaper. Once I discovered, in the back of The Australian, a section titled “THIS LIFE” where people had 650 words to tell their story. My story here is THIS (IMPERFECT) LIFE.

The crossword represents a great contradiction in my dad’s life, as I saw it. My father, the anaesthetist, had to be perfect, completing both puzzles without error, otherwise his patients (whom he dearly respected) would die. And the reality that nobody, and nothing, is perfect all of the time.

My father grew up in wartime England. His father Thomas, a civil engineer who followed in the long tradition of railway engineers, returned from war and continued his career. His mother, Mary Daisy, was a housewife, as was the way in those days. Grandfather Tom worked hard and provided for his family, but Dad and his brother Tom grew up with little financial means. Thomas, I think, died of

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a heart attack prematurely. Dad was sent out into the night to find the town doctor. Mary Daisy, from my understanding, entered a care home for the aged shortly after.

Dad told me but one story about his father. On a trip to London for work, the room in which they stayed had only one single bed, which dad slept in. Grandfather Tom built a small, liquid-fuelled heater to warm just enough water to shave. I think the past was just too painful for my father, and he carried the sadness into later life; maybe it created the passion for medicine and the desire to help people in his career.

I don’t know much about his early life. Epsom College, Brasenose College, medical degree, a Land Rover and a rough plan to drive cross country to Australia. He spoke of walking in the Lake District, cycling and skiing in the Swiss Alps, schoolboy rugby. He met our mother at King’s College Hospital, London, a £10 passage replaced the Land Rover. First job at Captains Flat, NSW, a town I have visited a couple of times (and I have to say, is a rough introduction to Australia).

Michael Cropper, his longest living friend, wrote and said “He was a great friend to me as a young boy, a great outdoorsman, a great rugby player, a good scholar, with a good sense of humour, and all that knew him, will miss him”.

As a five year old, I remember being absolutely gutted that on Easter Sunday, Dad grabbed a giant brightly wrapped Rooster chocolate that had been in the cupboard for months, vanished to the hospital, broke up the chocolate and shared it whilst on his rounds, giving it to people less fortunate than ourselves. Years later I found out the possible reason: Dad would eat chocolate before supper, saying it was his one weakness, as eating chocolate after supper would mean he didn’t have the willpower to stop before it was all gone.

I have seen him in tears walking away from a long-time patient and his wife who he said “would die before the weekend is out”. He told stories of drinking Benedictine late into the night with a soon-to-be bereaved Polish lady. I have visited him after a tough day at the office, looking very stressed after pulling a human back from the wrong side of luck, to find the house full of cigarette smoke. For at the core, he was a doctor, a humanitarian, an environmentalist, and many would say, a gentleman.

We used to joke and say he couldn’t buy a German car because they bombed the British and he couldn’t buy a Japanese car because they

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bombed Australia. Hence, in 1970 he bought a gleaming white English-built four-door trouble-free super-reliable Triumph 2500 Mk II, which lasted for nigh on 40 years. My mother sold it immediately after their divorce. My dad was furious and bought it back the following day. Over that time at least three Range Rovers and a Land Rover also passed through the garage.

With all that said, he supported us through school and university. On weekends, if we weren’t walking in the high country with or without the Ben Cruachan Walking Club, we were working on the land, digging out weeds or planting trees or mowing lawns. He drove us around Australia in the blue rangie, and to Ayers Rock and far north NSW in the red rangie. He imparted to us an appreciation of wine and cheese, reading and music, curiosity and an appetite for adventuring.

We had a little saying, he and I. Nobody’s perfect, I would say, and he would smile. That glorious, infectious smile, and this is how I will remember him.

Donald Marquardt (Jurisprudence, 1949)by Don Marquardt Jr

Donald Edward Marquardt, better known as “Don”, passed away peacefully on 16th September, 2018, at the age of 96.

Born in 1922 in Aberdeen, South Dakota, to Arthur and Ethel Marquardt, Don spent his childhood in Watertown, Wisconsin. Active in the Boy Scouts, he achieved the rank of Eagle Scout before graduating from Watertown High School in 1940.

Don was studying international economics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, when the Second World War broke out. He enlisted with the US Army Air Corps – following in the footsteps of his father, a US Army veteran who had served during the First World War. After completing his air traffic control training, he was assigned to an air base in Blythe, California, for three years.

Following the war, he attended Harvard Law School. Upon graduation in 1948, he was offered a job with the Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco). This led to further study at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris, where he learned Arabic; and at Brasenose College, Oxford University, for an LLB degree in Islamic Law.

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As luck would have it, it was in a mosque in Paris that Don met his future wife, Mary Eleanor Lindsay-Rea – who was herself studying at St. Anne’s College, Oxford. He and Mary were married on 1st March, 1952, at All Souls Church in Marylebone, London.

Don and Mary then embarked on a 20-year tour of the Middle East – Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Libya – punctuated by stays in Irvington, New York, and London, UK. It was during this time that they had their five children. In 1972 the family moved to Wilton, Connecticut, from where Don commuted to Mobil’s head office in Manhattan, ultimately becoming assistant general counsel.

Following his retirement, Don volunteered in a variety of organisations including the International Executive Service Corps (IESC), often travelling with Mary for site visits to Poland, Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere. He was also a president of the Wilton Kiwanis Club; a 30-year member of Wilton Presbyterian Church, as both an elder and a deacon (as well as singing bass in the choir); a president of the Saugatuck Valley Audubon Society; a member of the Wilton Riding Club and Silvermine Golf Club; and a devoted grandfather. A singular achievement of his post-retirement life was working to get Wilton Commons, an affordable community in Wilton, established then built in 2006.

Moving to the Meadow Ridge Retirement Community in Redding, Connecticut in 2007, Don, always an avid gardener and organiser, was active in the beautification, concert and scholarship committees, and also continued his lifelong passion for bridge.

Don is survived by Mary, his wife of 66 years, as well as his five children – Donald Jr (married to Kathy), Robert (married to Melissa), Linda, Sandra (married to Hans) and Christopher – and nine grandchildren.

Ted Maslen-Jones (Agriculture, 1946)by kind permission of the Telegraph Media Group (8th May, 2018)

Captain Ted Maslen-Jones, who has died aged 98, was one of only two Air Observation Post (AOP) pilots to be awarded both an MC and a DFC during the Second World War.

Maslen-Jones served with No 656 (AOP) Squadron RAF, manned by both Royal Artillery and RAF servicing personnel and equipped

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with the Auster aircraft flown by Royal Artillery officers. It was the only such squadron to serve in Burma and was under command of the 14th Army.

The squadron moved to the Arakan early in 1944, as the Japanese 55th Division launched a major offensive, and was soon thrown into battle. He recalled: “This was to be the most severe baptism of fire for all of us.”

Initially he and his fellow pilots evacuated casualties and delivered documents and medical supplies. As the heavy fighting continued, they conducted observation tasks, and on one occasion he was chased by a Japanese Zero fighter, but managed to avoid being shot down by diving steeply and escaping at treetop level.

Throughout the spring of 1944 he provided support for the 25th Indian Division. As the operations intensified his primary role became the control of artillery fire. Flying low, he identified targets, broadcast firing details and then corrected the fall of shot until the target was destroyed. For several weeks he controlled guns in the open country south of Maungdaw, sometimes flying as many as five sorties in a day.

He was recommended for the MC but higher authority declared that a DFC was more appropriate for his gallant actions.

The citation recognised his contribution to the operation over a sustained period, when he “was first to suggest some cunning ruse to outwit the Japs … and was frequently fired at when his courage was unfailing”. Maslen-Jones readily acknowledged the award as a joint effort for which his flight personnel and gunner crews also deserved credit. After providing support to 21 Brigade in the crossing of the River Chindwin, Maslen-Jones began working with 20 Indian Division on 9th January, 1945 as it prepared to cross the River Irrawaddy to the west of Mandalay. It first had to capture the town of Monywa, where the enemy was well dug in and perfectly camouflaged.

Maslen-Jones discovered an abundance of trees both around and in the town, which prevented reliable observation from his unarmed Auster flying at 2,000 ft. When he descended lower he encountered heavy anti-aircraft fire. To counter this difficulty, he sat down with the Divisional Commander Royal Artillery and devised a clever but hazardous plan. After Allied guns fired a heavy early-morning barrage of smoke rounds on the northern half of the town, he waited for the smoke to drift over the whole town.

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He then descended to treetop height and started sketching positions and making notes. This procedure was repeated, with smoke laid on the southern part of the town. It was only after the capture of Monywa that the scale of Maslen-Jones’s audacity, daring and skill could be fully appreciated.

He was awarded an immediate MC. The citation concluded: “It is no exaggeration to say that the success of the assault on Monywa, and the comparatively small casualties incurred by our infantry, are due in no small measure to the initiative, personal continuous gallantry and devotion to duty with which this intrepid young officer carried out his reconnaissance.”

The son of an obstetrician and gynaecologist, Edward Walter Maslen-Jones was born in Balham on 11th October, 1919 and educated at Oundle. After a visit to Germany and Austria in early 1938, when he saw the aftermath of the Anschluss, he joined 119 Field Regiment RA as a reservist. At about the same time he was accepted by Brasenose College, Oxford, to read Agriculture with Economics. He completed just three weeks of his course before being called up.

He was commissioned in July 1940 and posted back to 119 Field Regiment, then in Northern Ireland. Restless for action, he volunteered for pilot training and eventually joined No 656 Squadron, which moved to the Far East in September 1943. Once its aircraft arrived it began training for operations, before deploying to the Arakan.

The squadron’s modus operandi was unique. Squadron headquarters deployed independently operated flights to support each corps. Maslen-Jones served mainly in “A” Flight, yet on regular occasions he deployed with a small ground party in support of particular operations. He was acknowledged throughout the squadron as their most naturally talented pilot, and consequently was given the most challenging tasks. He never sought command, however.

After his action at Monywa in 1945, Maslen-Jones, known as Mas, continued flying at an intensive rate, as the 14th Army headed for Rangoon. He flew his final operational sortie on 2nd July, when he carried out a reconnaissance north of Pegu. In addition to his two gallantry awards, he was twice mentioned in Despatches.

In 1946 he returned to Brasenose to complete his degree. He then pursued a career in the agricultural supply industry, working for 31 years with Rank Hovis McDougall, rising to become the national sales

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manager. For five years, before his final retirement, he worked as an agricultural consultant.

He was instrumental in helping to establish 656 Squadron Association and was an enthusiastic committee member of the Air OP Officers’ Association. From 1988 to 1999 he was churchwarden at St Luke’s Milland, West Sussex, although his main passion was the restoration of the four-acre woodland churchyard.

For his charity work and his selfless support of his housebound wife, Jill, he was awarded the Order of the League of Mercy in 2013. In 1997 he wrote Fire by Order: Story of 656 Air Observation Post Squadron RAF/RA in South East Asia, 1943-47.

Ted Maslen-Jones’s first marriage broke down in 1948 and he later married “Jill” Morgan. They had been married for 52 years when she died in 2017. He is survived by a son from his first marriage and three stepdaughters.

David Mayes (PPE, 1965)by his son, Job Mayes

David Mayes, Professor of Economics at the University of Auckland, and who also served as Production Editor at the Economic Journal from 1976, died suddenly, after a short illness, in Auckland, New Zealand, on 30th November, 2017.

Born in Kent and a pupil at Dulwich College in South London, David was a prolific and remarkably wide-ranging researcher. His main contributions were in three fields: economic liberalisation, integration and trade (work that stemmed from his PhD research on Economic Integration at the University of Bristol, where he registered after PPE at Brasenose College, Oxford); monetary policy examining both monetary union and monetary targeting; and banking supervision and regulation. He was also a skilled applied econometrician, with a range of publications on specific modelling problems.

David, moving seamlessly between academic and policy positions, was the antithesis of the ivory tower academic. He spent seven years in economic modelling and policy analysis at the UK National Institute of Economic and Social Research and a further seven years as head of industrial economics at the UK National Economic Development Office. From the mid-1990s onward his career was spent outside

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the UK, in New Zealand and Finland, while continuing to serve as production editor for the EJ; through all his various moves he gave considerable time to proofreading the full range of articles published in the EJ, and to assisting with the development of its online system for production. A year’s visit at the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research in 1985 initiated a long-lasting and close connection with that country. He subsequently served from 1994 to 1997 as chief manager of the economics division at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand – in effect, chief economist.

He then joined the Bank of Finland’s research department where he worked for a decade. His title was Advisor to the Board. Part of his role was to help the bank improve the work of its research department. There could scarcely have been a job better tailored for David’s expertise and experience. He was able to comment on work over a substantial area, suggest fresh areas of research, and bring in a wide range of visitors to interact with the department, often collaborating with its members in research projects.

He also acted as policy advisor, contributing to both the monetary policy and the financial stability sides of the bank. Drawing on his New Zealand experience, he stressed the role of transparency and commitment in monetary policy, and developed a close rapport with Matti Vanhala, Governor and ECB Governing Council member.

David’s concerns about the weaknesses of banking regulation in the then newly established euro area also led to what was to become his most influential scholarly work. He edited and co-authored a series of timely books on banking regulation and financial stability during his Finland years: Improving Banking Supervision (2001, with Liisa Halme and Aaro Liuksila); Who Pays for Bank Insolvency? (2003; with Aaro Liuksila); The Structure of Financial Regulation (2007, with Geoffrey Wood); The Future of Financial Markets (2006) and Deposit Insurance (2007, with Andrew Campbell, Raymond J La Brosse and Dalvinder Singh). In all these volumes, David promoted the idea of regulation based on bank transparency, market discipline and strong early intervention powers, and the need to integrate legal, central banking and fiscal perspectives. After the Euro crisis we can see how prescient this work was.

He had planned to retire when he returned to New Zealand, and bought a boat so that he could take up sailing. But he could not resist resuming both research and teaching, first as Visiting Professor

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at Auckland and then becoming Professor of Banking and Financial Institutions as well as Director of the European Institute and Co-director of the New Zealand Governance Centre. He also took up visiting posts at institutions around the world – Visiting Professor at the University of Buckingham, Visiting Fellow at the University of Paris and Visiting Researcher at the University of Oslo, and was an active executive committee member of the International Banking, Economics and Finance Association, organising sessions for them at the Pacific Rim meetings of the Western Economics Association International.

He remained both wide ranging and prolific in his research, with a flow of further volumes and journal publications on both central banking and financial regulation (e.g. Towards a New Framework for Financial Regulation, with R Pringle and M Taylor, Designing Central Banks, with G Wood and the planned volume he was working on at the time of his death with the provisional title of Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial Crisis).

In addition to his substantial professional activities, he took a keen interest in music. Finland has a very active classical music scene, which David much enjoyed during his stay in the country. He was a regular visitor to the Savonlinna Opera Festival, held each summer in a medieval castle in the lake district of Eastern Finland. After returning to New Zealand he frequently attended performances by Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and New Zealand Opera and the Royal New Zealand Ballet. He and his wife also travelled to Christchurch in the South Island and Australia to attend operas, and in the UK summer to the Glyndebourne Opera Festival. He also became a sponsor of Dorset Opera, based near the town in Dorset where he and his wife had bought a house. David also had a keen interest in wine. He lived on Waiheke Island, a large island in the bay of Auckland. It is home to some of New Zealand’s best vineyards, and David soon became an expert on them, and an informed collector of their wines.

David was a remarkable economist and a most engaging man. He was blessed with exceptional communication skills and the ability to engage widely on economic issues with regulators, lawyers and monetary policy makers. He continued his engagement with both scholarship and policy making until the very end. He will be greatly missed.

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Heather Ray née McKissack (Educational Studies, 1975)by kind permission of the Telegraph Media Group (16th September, 2018)

Heather McKissack, who has died aged 64, was an inspiring teacher at one of London’s leading independent schools, widely admired for her work in raising aspirations for state school pupils from less privileged backgrounds, for which she was appointed MBE in 2016.

She taught chemistry for 41 years at King’s College School, Wimbledon, which already had a good reputation when she joined, but which she helped propel to outstanding status in the rankings.

When a new headmaster, Tony Evans, arrived at King’s in 1997 he quickly promoted Heather McKissack to become the first woman in the senior management team, with a mission to build relationships with state schools in south-west London, whose pupils were not always from affluent middle-class backgrounds.

The policy bore fruit in a partnership, in 2002, between King’s and Coombe Girls’ School in the London borough of Kingston upon Thames. The head teacher at Coombe, Carol Campbell, and Heather McKissack forged a bond which broke down barriers between state and private education.

Latin was introduced to the state school’s curriculum and there were joint classes in GCSE revision, advice with applications to Oxbridge and combined teacher training. The arrangement broadened horizons for both schools.

So successful was this link that a failing boys’ school was taken under the umbrella and turned around. The project then grew, in 2003, into the Wimbledon Partnership, bringing seven state secondary schools and many other sixth forms and primary schools into the fold.

Heather Lyn McKissack was born in Croydon on 5th November, 1953. Her father worked for Standard Chartered Bank and when she was two the family went out to Africa, where they moved around frequently, as he opened branches in Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia) and Southern Rhodesia (later Zimbabwe).

Heather boarded at Nagle House Convent in Mashonaland and, after returning to England in 1972, took a First in Chemistry at Sussex University. Intent on further research in molecular science, she went to Brasenose College, Oxford, but, after a term, found her vocation and switched to a teaching qualification.

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She was the first full-time female teacher at King’s when she was appointed in 1976 and soon built a formidable reputation. The current headmaster, Andrew Halls, described her as “the school’s equivalent of a national treasure”.

She had a highly developed sense of where King’s boys’ talents really lay – if not purely academic, then in drama, sport or art. And she had the gift of motivation. A colleague in the common room had only to express concern about an underperforming pupil and a quiet word from “Miss McKissack” often put him back on track.

She was also appreciated for her kindness – and her ability to communicate her passion for Chemistry to her young charges. She was a driving force behind the introduction of the International Baccalaureate as an alternative to A-levels and, when the school went co-educational in the sixth form, she became a natural mentor to new generations of King’s girls.

Heather McKissack was a talented sportswoman – a junior tennis champion in Zambia and, later in life, playing golf off a handicap of eight. She completed four marathons and climbed Kilimanjaro, Mont Blanc and Cotopaxi in Ecuador. She rarely allowed herself the luxury of sitting down, rising at five on weekday mornings to run or walk round Richmond Park or swim 100 lengths of the school pool.

Though she was always known as Miss McKissack at King’s, she was also Mrs Heather Ray, married to Ian Ray for more than 40 years. He survives her.

Heather McKissack, born 5th November, 1953, died 30th June, 2018.

Mike McNulty (English, 1957)by Jim Knight (Jurisprudence, 1957)

Mike and I arrived at Brasenose together in October 1957. We were at school (Oldham Hulme Grammar School/OHGS) together also, though Mike was a year older than me. We joined the BNC community in the same month because Mike arrived, as a great many of our contemporaries did then, having completed his National Service with the Lancashire Fusiliers: I failed my medical and spent a year working before matriculating, which meant we came to BNC ‘in concert’ so to speak.

At BNC, Mike was housed for his first year in a room at the top of staircase 11 in the new quad. I think I am right in remembering that

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his scout was Ron. Mike however found that staircase 11 was an ideal location for him since it led him straight down to the beer cellar where he and I, and our very close friend Barry Capon, spent many happy hours playing shove ha’penny whilst drinking a little beer – and eating anchovies on toast at lunchtimes.

In his later years Mike was lodged in Botley first and then, with Barry and me, in digs down the Abingdon Road where we continued our beer-based sporting activities playing Aunt Sally in the back garden of the Duke of Monmouth pub.

Mike was a very keen sportsman, playing both cricket and rugby for the College. He was actively competitive by nature, playing scrum half for the College First XV where I was sometimes privileged to play just outside him (when not captaining the Second XV), taking his sure and very quick distribution accompanied normally by an exhortation to “Get moving Jim”. At cricket he prided himself on delivering a tricky, medium paced offspin but in my view made his best contribution batting at number 3 or 4.

He read English, with Dr Ian Jack as his tutor. He was instrumental in extending my own literary interest, in particular by introducing me to Lawrence Durrell’s Alexandria Quartet and suggesting on one occasion that I accompany him to an evening lecture where a visiting professor compared ‘Orlando Furioso’ with Spenser’s ‘Faerie Queen’; I followed quite a lot of it but Mike simply absorbed it and for days afterwards could quote verbatim from what the lecturer said. He had a prodigious memory for poetry and drama (learned, he said, by following the example of his father whom he revered).

After BNC Mike moved straight into teaching – again following in his father’s footsteps. He began his career at our old school before moving to teach successively in the grammar schools in Dudley and Bury before moving, and then to King’s School Macclesfield where he became the Deputy Head – as well as an enthusiastic and effective coach of the First XV rugby. He was a hugely successful teacher too, combining the three essential qualities that good teaching requires – brilliant knowledge of his subject, enthusiasm for sharing that with his students and an innate respect for them as learners.

In his spare, personal time Mike was a keen oil painter and poet. Having shared three years of College life with him I developed a theory that he painted best when he was in a contented state of mind

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and wrote his best poetry when he wasn’t. Typical of many of us then he thought highly of the writing of Dylan Thomas and in style a lot of his poetry revealed that influence.

Mike is survived by his wife Shirley, daughter Shelagh, son Tim and four grandchildren – Ben, Sam, Tabitha and Willow. Shirley, Shelagh and Tim all shared Mike’s enthusiasm for sport with Shelagh and Tim both being keen and capable rugby players in their day.

He also survives in my mind as a man of deeply rooted integrity and committed personal loyalty. Lest he seem to be almost too perfect I must mention that his enthusiasms were coupled to a potentially fierce temperament, especially when he saw or felt that some injustice had occurred. My most vivid memory of that side of him is sitting on the steps of the pavilion at OHGS watching Mike batting. With a score of 49 to his name he was given out LBW by the umpire from the opposing school. He did not appear to dispute the decision but as he approached the pavilion it was clear he was livid and as if to prove that he was he chose to hurl his bat into the pavilion 15 yards before he reached it. I had to move swiftly to the side to avoid the bat which thudded into the woodwork in the lower half of the interior pavilion wall. Whereupon Mike rushed to apologise but then returned to his rage at the erroneous and therefore unjust decision of the umpire: but then which of you know a keen and capable batsman who has ever accepted a LBW decision contentedly?

Mike died on 13th January, 2018 and as he wrote to me once in some irritation after he had briefly fallen out with me - “Eheu fugaces labuntur anni” (he had a fellow feeling for Horace). But writing these memories of him has reminded me just how good were the times we spent together, especially the years at BNC.

Angus Mitchell (Modern History, 1946)by kind permission of The Times (28th March, 2018)

With the Second World War at its height but the prospect of the dreaming spires of Oxford ahead of him, Angus Mitchell could so easily have taken advantage of the option to defer serving his country and embark on his studies instead.

That he chose to join the war effort was a decision he would never regret, as it led to the “exciting experience” of liberating North-west

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Europe from Nazi rule – on one occasion, a task he undertook single-handedly on nothing more than a borrowed bicycle.

He had not long recovered from being wounded, the result of literally sticking his head above the parapet, and would go on to win the Military Cross for yet another example of his daring in the face of danger.

Having survived the war, he would later have the honour of acting as an usher at the funeral of the man who steered the country through the darkest days of the 20th century, Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill.

He was the son of John Mitchell, who worked with the Indian Civil Service, and his wife Sheila who had served as a Voluntary Aid Detachment nurse in the Great War and been rescued from the hospital ship Britannic when it was sunk by the enemy in the Aegean Sea in November 1916.

His parents met early in 1920 and married in April that year before sailing to India where Angus was born in a hill station at Ootacamund. Though he was only four when he left India, he retained some astonishingly vivid memories of the country, including a train trip to see the Ganges and a view of the Himalayas from Darjeeling. Thanks to his ayah and other house servants he was bilingual in English and Hindustani but quickly forgot the latter after arriving in Britain in 1929. His father remained in India where his mother and baby sister Alison returned in 1930, leaving him and his elder sister Les in the care of an aunt in Little Durford, Hampshire.

Initially educated by a governess, he attended Highfield boarding school and Marlborough College where he enjoyed sports before giving them up to help with farming for the war effort. He was also in the Officers’ Training Corps before serving as a sergeant in the Home Guard.

In 1942, whilst still at school, two events occurred: he gained a scholarship to Brasenose College, Oxford and he volunteered for the Royal Armoured Corps. He made his decision not to take advantage of the option to defer war service for a year and was called up in January 1943, going on to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst and gaining a commission with the Inns of Court Regiment (ICR).

He sailed to Normandy in the aftermath of D-Day, landing on 1st July, 1944, after being made a troop commander in B Squadron. At just 19 he was the youngest of all his men and was wounded a few

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weeks later when, standing in his usual position head and shoulders above the armoured car turret, he was injured by flying metal from a German shot to the periscope. He spent his 20th birthday in a Canadian military hospital near Bayeux where he underwent surgery to remove the shards.

He continued to serve in France and Belgium as the Allies swept through, liberating the towns and villages from four years of Nazi rule. Much later, he received recognition from the French Government for his role, and was made a Chevalier of the Légion d’honneur at a ceremony in Edinburgh in 2016.

By late September 1944, he and his troop were reconnoitring in the Netherlands when they were ordered to halt as any vehicle movements would be attacked by the RAF. He was approached by a young Dutchman from the Resistance demanding to know why they had stopped as the Germans had just left the neighbouring town of Boxmeer.

Unable to risk moving his vehicles, he borrowed a bike from a nearby inn and cycled into the town to establish that the enemy had indeed left. “As the first British troops into Boxmeer, we were of course enthusiastically welcomed as liberators - a heart-warming experience which we had enjoyed several times before in France and Belgium,” he recalled.

Promoted to lieutenant that October, during leave in Brussels he spotted, in a shop window, a photograph of himself in an armoured car just after liberation. The shopkeeper promptly gave him the image as a gift. After the war he was decorated as a Ridder – a knight – in the Dutch Order of Oranje-Nassau, and returned to Boxmeer in 1994 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its liberation, laying a wreath from his old regiment at the war memorial and giving a short talk recalling his arrival in the area.

In the early spring of 1945, after the successful Allied assault on the Rhine, his squadron crossed the river and came under the command of the British 6th Airborne Division. He and his troop led the advance of the division for several days. While personally under heavy enemy fire, he carried out reconnaissance missions to identify enemy positions which were hindering the advance. This fearless action won him the Military Cross.

He continued across northern Germany to Hanover and on reaching the River Aller, a German officer, proffering a white flag, arranged a

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short local truce to prevent fighting close to the Belsen concentration camp where inmates were dying of typhus.

After the Red Army captured Berlin, Mitchell’s division took 70,000 prisoners between 2nd and 4th May. Whilst the victory in Europe had been won, the Allies were still fighting the Japanese and that summer Mitchell was preparing to leave for a potential assault on Malaya. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that August signalled the Japanese surrender, ending, he observed, “a cruel war”.

An undemanding job followed, in the East African Military Records office in Nairobi, where in March 1946 he received his Military Cross at an investiture at Government House. After being demobbed, with the rank of captain, in October he began his modern history degree at Brasenose College, meeting his future wife, Ann, the same month. She told him she had worked for the Foreign Office and it was not until 30 years later, when the information was declassified, that he discovered she had worked on decryption at Bletchley Park.

They wed in December 1948 and began married life in Edinburgh where he was an assistant principal in the Scottish Education Department (SED). He also volunteered for a time with the Territorial Army and was given a commission in the Intelligence Corps.

He held various posts in the Scottish Office in Edinburgh and London. He was also principal private secretary to the Secretary of State for Scotland, Jack Maclay, and was involved in organising many royal visits, for which he was made a CVO in 1964. That same year he attended the state funeral of Sir Winston Churchill.

The following year he was transferred to the Department of Agriculture and went on to become Assistant Under Secretary of State, then took charge of the Social Work Services Group before being made Under Secretary in charge of health care at the Scottish Home and Health Department.

In 1976 he was promoted again and returned to the SED as Secretary with responsibility for schools, further education, arts, museums, sport and social work. His service was recognised with a CB in 1979 – “the usual award for civil servants in my grade who have served for several years without disgracing themselves”.

Awarded an honorary doctorate of Laws by Dundee University in 1983, he retired from the Civil Service the following year but continued to use his experience in a number of fields. He chaired

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Stirling University’s Court for eight years and was made an honorary doctor of the university in 1992. His myriad other roles included trustee of the Dementia Services Development Trust, chair of Civil Service Selection Boards, vice-convener of the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations, governor of Edinburgh Academy and voluntary work with the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland.

He also inherited his parents’ passion for recording gravestone inscriptions and gave illustrated talks on Scottish tombstones, as a result of which he was elected an honorary vice-president of the Scottish Genealogy Society. When a trust was set up to improve Edinburgh’s Greyfriars Kirkyard he served as secretary for 20 years, designing bronze plaques to illustrate the story of the Covenanters’ Prison and the purpose of the mortsafes, constructed to foil bodysnatchers.

In his 70s he began volunteering for Family Care, now known as Birthlink, an organisation to help those who have been adopted or fostered to search for their biological families. For a decade he spent a day each month on searches at New Register House and another day or so compiling a report, including a short family tree and recent address of a close relative. Common surnames sometimes complicated the search, in one case throwing up 15 potential birth mothers with the same name, six of whom were approached before the right one was found. It was the most satisfying aspect of his voluntary work, often rewarded with news of a happy reunion. He and his wife did the same work, though less frequently, for Barnardo’s in Glasgow, the Child Migrants Trust in Nottingham and the Catholic Child Welfare Council.

He had also served, many years earlier, with the Edinburgh Marriage Guidance Council and as chairman of the Scottish Marriage Guidance Council.

In the 1970s he and Ann bought a property in west Fife which included the ruined 17th-century Bath Castle. In retirement they had it restored as a two-bedroom home and later marketed it for sale as “perhaps the smallest castle in Scotland”.

When, after more than 50 years in the same house in Edinburgh’s Regent Terrace, they decided to downsize, he had to find a new home for his collection of more than 4,000 Penguin books. They are now a special resource for publishing studies students at Stirling University.

From long-living stock – his father died at 97, his mother was 103 – in 2012 he put his memoirs down on paper for his family after

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writing an article for his church magazine, How to die in nine easy lessons, comprising practical advice on preparing for the inevitable, but declared he had no intention of succumbing just yet.

He continued for a few more years but although mentally alert – he was interviewed for television about his wartime experiences just a few months before his death – his mobility was severely impaired by myositis, a degenerative muscular condition which caused him to gradually lose control of his limbs.

He is survived by his devoted wife Ann to whom he was married for 69 years, their four children, Jonathan, Charlotte, Catherine and Andrew, and six grandchildren.

Dr Angus Mitchell CB CVO MC, civil servant and soldier, was born on 25th August, 1924 in Ootacamund, South India. He died on 26th February, 2018 in Edinburgh, age 93.

Roger Morgan (Modern History, 1947)by kind permission of The Times (24th August, 2018)

In an interview he gave in 1986, nine years into his 14-year tenure as head of the House of Lords library, Roger Morgan declared that the library comprised 120,000 books. “We think,” he added. “No one knows for certain.”

When he had taken over in 1977 it was all too clear that the Lords library had not moved on a great deal since its foundation in 1826. A drastic overhaul was required and a working group of peers had been convened in 1976 under the direction of Viscount Eccles. Their report laid the foundations of today’s modern set-up. The recommendations included establishing a research service, acquiring more books on current affairs, setting up IT facilities and - for the first time, remarkably - recruiting qualified librarians.

Morgan took over a few months after the report came out, finding what he described as a “gentleman’s reading library” without even a typewriter or a secretary, and he set to work making the working group’s visions a reality. He appointed research clerks and began to take on professional librarians. The old card catalogue was replaced with a microfiche system and by 1991, when he retired, the library had an online catalogue and had begun to subscribe to online databases.

When Morgan looked back on what he described as “not a very

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dynamic career, but rather a pleasant one”, he was being unduly modest. Under his leadership the library had departed the copperplate and parchment era, landing in the digital age.

Roger Hugh Vaughan Charles Morgan was born in 1926. His father, Charles, was a playwright, novelist and Times theatre critic, while his mother was the Welsh author Hilda Vaughan, whose ten novels were rediscovered in the 1980s and 1990s during the revival of interest in Welsh literature. His elder sister Shirley became a public servant, author and Marchioness of Anglesey.

From a Quaker prep school Roger was sent to Eton, but during the Second World War Charles feared that, after Dunkirk, Britain would be invaded and occupied, so he had Hilda take Roger and Shirley to the US. There, Roger spent two years at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. Because of strict currency controls they were strapped for cash and Roger was sponsored by the widow of a former pupil.

Although he was made welcome, he had the feeling of being what he later described as “a sore thumb, a Limey”. He recalled that politics was not deemed to be a suitable interest beyond accepting American values, and one teacher ordered him to remove a Roosevelt sticker from his window.

His mother and sister stayed on for some time, but in August 1942 Roger was sent back to Britain, where he returned to Eton for two years. It was, he recalled, “incredibly widening, particularly at that age, to have experienced the education system of another culture - but fitting in at Andover, and fitting back into the English system after Andover, was not easy.”

He was commissioned in 1944 into the Grenadier Guards - “the best British regiment”, he would always insist - rising to captain and serving in postwar Germany. In 1947 he left the army to follow in his father’s footsteps at Brasenose College, Oxford, where he read history.

His first job was as a society photographer at The Tatler, then in 1951 he took what he assumed would be a temporary job as a research clerk in the House of Commons library. That year he married Harriet Waterfield. They went on to have a son, James, and a daughter, Lucie; they had two other sons, Luke and Piers, who died.

The “temporary” job in the Commons library lasted until 1963, when he moved to the Lords library. He and Harriet divorced in 1965 and that year he married Susan Vogel Marrian, an American who had

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spent part of her childhood in Andover, where he had gone to school. They met at a dinner party: their relationship survived an early hitch when she asked for a lift home from the party as a blizzard was raging outside. He had to disappoint her because he had no car, but they spent the night dancing and stayed together for 53 years.

Their son Tobias remembers holidays with his step-siblings, the whole family packed up in a VW camper van. “Dad was at his most endearing when playing the poseur,” he said. “Lucie remembers him sunbathing naked at Aldergate Wood surrounded by silver foil to maximise the effect of the sun. He mastered the yogic peaco*ck pose, perhaps one of his few concessions to the new age of the Sixties, and won skiing prizes.”

A natural conservative, Morgan became alarmed at the state of Britain in the 1970s. Fearing economic collapse, he bought Krugerrands and buried them in the garden.

He was more at home with the 1980s and Thatcherism, and had, said Tobias, “extraordinary success as an investor, through his unshakeable will and confidence that everything was going to be all right in the end, while the rest of the world panicked”.

Eminently clubbable, he was a member of the Garrick, where he used his professional skills on the club’s library committee. He was a trustee of the club for 20 years, helping to secure a windfall for the Garrick. AA Milne had left the rights to Winnie the Pooh to four beneficiaries, including the Garrick. When Disney secured them in 2001, the Garrick received £29.8 million after tax and used part of the money to set up a trust to encourage theatre, music, literature and dance.

In retirement Morgan was able to devote more time to art, about which he was immensely knowledgeable. He could, Tobias recalled, make drawings of Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe, from memory, even in his hospital bed after three strokes.

One Garrick member recalled asking Morgan, after he had had a hip replaced, whether he could still walk as a Grenadier officer. “He drew himself up, pressed his arms to his sides, thumbs pointed south and aligned with the seams of his trousers, and stepped across the floor with elegance, poise and measure - an unfamiliar sight and accomplishment in those particular surroundings. In an age of incivility he was a link to a more beautifully written past.”

Roger Morgan, House of Lords librarian, was born on 8th July, 1926. He died on 10th June, 2018, aged 91.

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Douglas Rickerby (Jurisprudence, 1939)by kind permission of the Telegraph Media Group (28th February, 2018)

Douglas Rickerby, who has died aged 97, won an immediate Military Cross at the Battle of Imphal in 1944 and subsequently had a successful career in industry.

Rickerby was a captain serving with 2 BR when in June 1944, the Borderers were defending the Shenam Ridge, which dominated the approach to the Imphal plain. The battle to prevent the Japanese invading India lasted four months and involved some of the fiercest fighting of the war.

On the night of 10th June, the Japanese launched a strong attack with grenades, rifles and automatics on the Ukhrul road, a vital position close to HQ 100 Indian Infantry Brigade where Rickerby was serving as staff captain. This caused some panic and, in the confusion, Rickerby rallied the men and helped to get the wounded to the advanced dressing station (ADS).

Having then moved to a position near the forward Japanese troops, he and three officers were rallying the men in a unit that had pulled back, when those officers were seriously wounded. Rickerby was badly shaken by his narrow escape, but managed to get them into cover and back to the ADS

The next day, when a company of 152 Parachute Bn carried out a counter-attack knowing exactly where the Japanese were deployed, he guided the paras to their forming-up position under heavy and accurate shell fire. The citation for the award of an immediate MC paid tribute to his outstanding courage and stated that he had saved what might have become a very dangerous situation.

Arthur Douglas Rickerby was born in Carlisle on 22nd September 1920 and educated at St Bees School, Cumbria. He played rugby and cricket for the North of England Public Schools and, in the 1938 season, rugby for Cumberland and Westmorland in the County Championship.

At the outbreak of the Second World War he was reading Law at Brasenose College, Oxford, but his studies were cut short and he attended Octu in September 1940 before being commissioned into the Border Regiment. He joined 2 BR at Poona, India, in May 1941.

In July he and Ian Urquhart, a brother officer, were ordered to report to Army HQ at Simla. There they were told that the Germans

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had broken the secret signal codes and they were given the task of delivering new code-books to every military HQ in the subcontinent. They decided to set off from Delhi and travel around India in a clockwise direction because it looked easier on the map. The journey of almost 8,000 miles by train took three weeks.

Later that year, Rickerby and his platoon were ordered to join ship at Bombay, sail to the port of Basra, Iraq, take on board 800 German fifth columnists and disembark them at Adelaide, Australia. Conditions below deck were dreadful and soldiers with Bren guns had to be stationed on the companionways in case the Germans tried to overpower their captors.

In March 1942 he embarked with 2 BR on a ship bound for Rangoon, but the city fell to the Japanese and the vessel was diverted just in time. After training for jungle warfare in Ceylon, he saw active service in Burma and was twice mentioned in Despatches.

He was eventually evacuated to India suffering from tick typhus, but after four years in the Far East he was due for repatriation and, when recovered, he returned to England and was demobilised in 1945.

He joined the old-established firm of Rickerby Ltd, agricultural engineers, and subsequently became managing director and then chairman. Settled in a village near Carlisle, he was an enthusiastic golfer.

Douglas Rickerby married Patricia Semple in 1945. She predeceased him and he is survived by their three sons.

Douglas Rickerby, born 22nd September 1920, died 22nd January, 2018.

Azam Saigol (Modern History & Economics, 1971)by kind permission of Dawn Newspaper (25th January, 2018)

Noted industrialist and businessman Mohammad Azam Saigol passed away on Wednesday 24th January 2018 at a hospital in the US city of Boston, after battling a rare disease for over a year.

Born on 17th November, 1951, he was the youngest of eight siblings – the children of Mian Yousuf Saigol, one of Pakistan’s pioneering businessmen, and founder of the Saigol/Kohinoor textile and business empire.

Azam Saigol received his schooling at Aitchison College in Lahore, after which he graduated from Government College in the same city

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and thereafter proceeded to the University of Oxford in the UK where, like two of his brothers, he was admitted to Brasenose College. He completed his Bachelor’s in economics and economic history.

Being a scion of the Saigol family meant that he was heir to the legacy of his father, one of the pioneer industrialists of the country. The family had initially been settled in and doing business in Calcutta, moving to Pakistan just before Partition. Here, they set up the first and one of the largest textile mills at Faisalabad, then Lyallpur. These, the Kohinoor Textile Mills, eventually became the largest manufacturers and exporters of textile in the country. In the early ‘60s, the Saigol Group diversified and in a short time established itself in the manufacture of basic chemicals (Kala Shah Kaku Chemical Complex), insecticides, polyester fibre, several other related fields, and banking. United Bank Limited, founded and owned by the Saigol family, is now one of the largest banks in Pakistan. In the early ‘90s, the Saigol family had founded and owned Union Bank Limited and Union Leasing Limited. The Saigol group has provided technical and management services for textile to the governments of Libya, Somalia and Tanzania as well.

Mr Saigol started his business career in Lahore with his family’s Kohinoor Group and spent most of his life in Pakistan, managing the family’s textile, electrical and property businesses. He served the Kohinoor enterprises in various capacities - as executive director (ED) and chief executive officer (CEO), and as ED and CEO of Saritow Spinning Mills Ltd, besides serving as a non-executive director of Pak Elektron Ltd. In May 2016, he became the chairman of Pakistan International Airlines, a post he held till the end of that year.

Azam Saigol was highly respected for his integrity and personable manner, and his commitment led to a number of honorary appointments on government boards. A keen sportsman, he represented Oxford in polo during his time at the University, carrying the interest on to be involved in the promotion and development of this sport in Pakistan.

He is survived by his devoted wife, Amber Haroon Saigol, two sons and two daughters.

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David Sayer (Modern History, 1957)by Ian Lambert

David Sayer, who died on 23rd January, 2017, bonded with people and it was no surprise that on 22nd February, 2017, the Holy Cross Church, Bearsted, near Maidstone, Kent was crowded with friends from all walks of life to say farewell.

He gained an open scholarship to study history and in each of his three years he represented Oxford University against Cambridge University in the annual Varsity Cricket match at Lords’. This period was to be the pinnacle of his cricketing career, with representative honours, and which continued with Kent in the County Championship.

Born on 19th September, 1936 at Romford, Essex into a cricketing family, there was an early move to Maidstone, the county town of Kent, where he lived for the rest of his life. David gained a place at the local grammar school where he excelled at sport, representing Kent schools at both cricket and rugby. 1955 was a busy year, and while still at school he made his debut for Kent against Sussex at Tunbridge Wells. There was an eventful start to his cricketing career when, having made his way to the ground by public transport, he was initially refused entry as the gateman did not accept that the young studious and bespectacled Sayer was in the Kent XI. In that year he also played two games for England schools at Edgbaston and for the Young Amateurs of Kent.

Before arriving at Oxford, David was to serve his two-year period of National Service in the RAF. This was logical as he had been in that section of the Combined Cadet Force at Maidstone Grammar School and on his Kent debut, his opening bowling partner was Squadron Leader Alan Shirreff, who had advised that unlimited cricket would be available. Unfortunately it had not been made clear that this might be in Germany and one can only speculate how David would have benefited from a posting in England, where he could have played cricket for the RAF and Combined Services, as did many of his contemporaries, some of whom went on to gain full England caps.

David’s arrival at Oxford was in the football season and his fellow student John Sweetman recalls that he was a vigorous right back in the old style, when wingers with or without the ball were regularly deposited in the crowd. This happened to an unfortunate left winger during a Cuppers match played at the Brasenose ground. Years later

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his footballing style had not changed and in a Benefit match for a Kent colleague, he was to be at the receiving end against a former England international, well versed in the act of retribution.

1958 was his first full season in first class cricket and was to exceed all expectations. He took 62 wickets for the University and 27 for Kent, finishing fifth in the National Averages with an average of 13.55 in a top ten that included Truman, Statham, Lock and Laker. He achieved his career best bowling figures for Oxford University v MCC (6-33) and for Kent v Leicestershire (7-37).

Two matches of special interest were against the New Zealand tourists and Kent. The match against the tourists was drawn with the University finishing on 68-5 after needing 127 runs to win in 105 minutes. The possibility of a victory was due to excellent fast bowling on a helpful pitch, by Bailey (14-5-22-6) and Sayer (13.2-6-17-4) who skittled the tourists out for 45. Crowds flocked into the Parks as news of the match spread. Kent beat Oxford by 164 runs but not before David had achieved a hat trick against his county side, a feat he was to repeat for Kent against Glamorgan in 1964.

His performances earned him a place on an MCC tour to Brazil and Argentina. The tour was not first class and the home sides lacked practice against class bowling attacks, particularly a bowler of David’s pace. In one match his analysis was 7-5-4-4 as the Argentine Cricket Association were bowled out for 16. In his book Many a Slip Colin Ingleby-Mackenzie referred to the following occurrence: “One slightly embarrassing incident was quickly smoothed over when David Sayer, our fast bowler, who called everybody maestro, tapped the shoulder of the British Ambassador, immaculately attired in a tuxedo, and mistaking him for a waiter said ‘Say maestro, where is the vino?’”

His three Varsity matches resulted in a loss, win and draw, and the victory by 85 runs in 1959 saw David take 5-41 in the Cambridge first innings and sharing 15 wickets in the match with fellow opening bowler A J Corran.

In his book A Handful of Confetti David Green, who played for the University, Lancashire and Gloucestershire, described David as “genuinely fast and probably the quickest bowler around at that time”.

John Sweetman recalls a rare occasion when David played for the College side against a touring team. “Just before lunch the captain tossed the ball to him for an over at the far end away from the pavilion.

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The following pantomime ensued. I should add that the batsman about to face was a somewhat rotund gentleman of ebullient (talkative) demeanour. The loud voice of the scorer resounded in the distance: “Bowler’s name?” Back came the reply: “Sayer”. Standing at slip, I swear that our pompous visitor blanched and trembled as he looked heaven-wards and uttered a single word: “Christ”.

David made his highest score of 62 in 38 minutes against Nottinghamshire in 1959 and his batting in this and other innings attracted comments such as “He hit the ball on the rise to all parts of the Parks”, “rustling the trees in the Parks with gigantic sixes” and “he can make the 75-yard boundary look laughably small”.

David’s exploits were attracting attention and he was selected to play for the Gentlemen against the Players in 1959, under the captaincy of Peter May. He took 6-69 which fuelled speculation in the national press of a place in the full England party to tour the West Indies. Sadly injury ruled him out of final consideration. He again played for the Gentlemen in 1960, this time captained by Colin Cowdrey and was successful in gaining a place on the MCC “A” winter tour of New Zealand where he played in the three unofficial Tests.

After leaving University, David played full-time for Kent until 1968. He did not perhaps play as much as he would have liked, but his appearances were determined by injury and the need to rotate the quality fast bowlers that Kent had on its staff. His best season was in 1964 when he finished top of the bowling averages with 77 wickets at an average of 21.88. In 1976 he was recalled because of injuries to play against Leicestershire in the County Championship and in a John Player League match against Glamorgan where he achieved the very creditable figures of 8-1-19-1.

In 1971 David was awarded a joint benefit with fellow fast bowler Alan Brown. The previous year Kent had won the County Championship and manager Leslie Ames recognised that their service had laid the foundations to this success.

After retirement from first class cricket, David played for the leading Maidstone club, the Mote, where as captain they were losing finalists at Lord’s against Wolverhampton in the ECB National Club Cricket Championship, Kemps Cup winners and Kent League winners. He also started his own business as an insurance broker. He was married in 1972 and has two daughters and five grandchildren.

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FIRST CLASS STATISTICSBatting M I NO R HS AVKent 154 173 64 835 39 7.66Oxford U 39 52 19 361 62 10.94Others 11 12 3 56 16 6.22Total 204 237 86 1252 62 8.29

Bowling O M R W BB AVKent 4062.3 968 10587 441 7-37 24.01Oxford U 1259.3 308 3093 146 6-33 21.18Others 290.1 70 717 26 6-69 27.58Total 5612.1 1346 14397 613 7-37 23.48

A book has been written by Ian Lambert entitled SLAYER – The Story of a Fast Bowler. The book is fully illustrated with pictures and statistics and includes his life outside cricket.

Full details can be obtained by emailing the author at [emailprotected]. John Shepherd, former Kent colleague and West Indian Test player has written a delightful foreword to the book and concludes that David was a modest, true gentleman, a vanishing breed who this great sport of cricket needs to encourage.

Ken Shearwood (Modern History, 1947)by kind permission of the Telegraph Media Group

(16th August, 2018)

Ken Shearwood, who has died aged 96, was a war hero, a Cornish fisherman and for 44 years a charismatic master at Lancing College.

A doctor’s son, Kenneth Arthur Shearwood was born on 5th September, 1921 in Derby and educated at Shrewsbury School. He excelled at games, though cricket and football matches in 1939-40 were interspersed with exercises aimed to incorporate the school’s cadet forces into the Local Defence Volunteers.

In 1940 he began to read Architecture at Liverpool, but after the university was badly bombed in the Blitz he joined the Royal Navy in early 1941 under the so-called Y-scheme for potential officers. Needing time at sea as an ordinary seaman, he was drafted to the destroyer Foresight, protecting North Sea convoys against German E-boats.

His officer training was at HMS King Alfred, then based (by coincidence) at Lancing College, where on commissioning he

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volunteered for special service. Soon he found himself under training for service in X-craft, but, having failed a test in the decompression tank, was appointed to landing craft.

From 1943 to 1945 he took part in all major landings and many minor operations in the Mediterranean from Sicily to Italy, France, Greece and the Adriatic. Shearwood’s LCT 614 was the first craft to beach at Messina, during Operation Baytown, when his flotilla senior officer, Geoffrey Snagge (brother of the BBC commentator John Snagge), strolled down the ramp to become the first Allied officer to step on mainland Europe.

In June 1944 his LCT (tank landing craft) took part in Operation Brassard, the bloody and unnecessary capture of Elba by Free French troops which he wrote was “ill-conceived and badly planned”.

In 1942 he met Winifred “Biddie” Rowland, daughter of fruit farmers in the Vale of Evesham. They married in January 1946 and when he was demobbed later that year he had “total assets of £900, new clothes and a sweet wife”.

Post-war, not keen to be a student again, he put everything into buying a 27 ft Cornish lugger, Coral, in Mevagissey, and set himself up as an inshore fisherman. Knowing and loving the sea, with tact and humour, he recruited local fishermen and established himself in the business, but fishing was in decline and post-war Cornwall was turning to tourism. His book Whistle the Wind: A Mevagissey Venture (1959) is a deft evocation of this adventure.

Shearwood bombarded Oxford and Cambridge with applications, until Brasenose invited him to take the entrance exam. To prepare he borrowed a history book from the local postmistress, but it was the interview which won him the place, influenced by the fact that he had played football and cricket at local and county level since the war.

On graduating he stayed on to take the diploma of education. He was a member of the cricket team, and as captain of the University football team was present when Harold Thompson proposed the formation of Pegasus, the combined Oxford and Cambridge football team.

As centre-half, Shearwood was pivotal to the team’s early glories, including lifting the Amateur Cup in 1951 and 1953 before crowds of 100,000 at Wembley. He turned out for Pegasus until 1958, and a second book Pegasus: The Famous Oxford and Cambridge Soccer Side of the Nineteen Fifties (1975) recounted the story.

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He was 31, and moonlighting as a travelling salesman for a gentleman’s clothing company, when he joined Lancing in 1952. He would be self-deprecatingly funny about his achievements as a maths teacher, but his enthusiasm for history and English literature, combined with his penetrating intelligence and sympathetic understanding of other people, left an impression on his pupils.

In his autobiography he revealed that he himself had been bored as a schoolboy and easily put off by what he called “traditional teaching”; therefore he empathised with others who found learning difficult. He also had a distrust of petty regulations and archaic rituals.

He ran Lancing’s cricket for six years and the First XI football for 22 years, was housemaster of Sanderson’s from 1958 to 1975, and later deputy headmaster. As president of the common room he energetically defended the interests of his colleagues, as he had always done for the boys in his house.

He wrote: “I have never felt much at ease with the established order of things, though I must confess I have done little about it other than occasionally tilt at authority and show awareness and sympathy for any underdog.”

Retiring at 65, Shearwood became the school’s first registrar, a post he held for ten years, giving wise advice to heads and bursars and inspiring confidence in prospective pupils and their parents, even when he got their names wrong.

Shearwood was tall and strong and retained his agility into his nineties. He also had a remarkable gift for narrative and an engaging prose style allied to an appreciation of life’s drama and absurdity. His autobiography, Hardly a Scholar (1999 and 2007), is detailed, lyrical and entertaining. It is also one of the few histories of landing craft operations in the Mediterranean during the Second World War, and in it he omits to mention that he was awarded the DSC.

Ken Shearwood’s wife Biddie died in 2016, and he is survived by a son and a daughter.

Thomas Stuttaford (Medicine, 1950)by kind permission of the Telegraph Media Group (13th June, 2018)

Dr Thomas Stuttaford, who has died aged 87, was from 1970 to 1974 Conservative MP for Norwich South, but he was best known as a sage

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and urbanely good-humoured medical correspondent who wrote for The Oldie for 26 years and The Times for nearly 30 years, as well as for numerous other publications.

The son and grandson of doctors, Stuttaford was a gentleman general practitioner of the old school who combined comprehensive knowledge with deep sympathy for, and fascination with, human frailty in all its manifestations.

Unsurprisingly for a gregarious man who belonged to half a dozen clubs, one of his favourite topics – to which in 1998 he devoted a book, To Your Good Health! The Wise Drinker’s Guide – was the beneficial effect of moderate drinking, which he credited with bringing “longer and intellectually brighter life”.

Readers of The Oldie took great comfort from his suggested upper limit of four (sensibly sized) glasses of red wine a day, while he assured them that “ancient medical authorities, the Bible, and much reputable recent research all show that small quantities of alcohol can have a beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system, and even overall mortality”. His own consumption was half a bottle of wine in the evening and a drink before dinner.

He was alive to the psychological hazards of drinking, cautioning that “alcohol is a poor anti-depressant”. On the other hand, “if you are not angry or feeling savage with the world when you drink, you are going to get on better with your family and be more sociable with your friends.”

There was no topical medical matter that could not be illuminated by Stuttaford’s wide experience, and the speed with which he could turn out a few hundred incisive words provided inspiration for Private Eye’s “A Doctor Writes” column. (Nevertheless, the Eye’s former editor Richard Ingrams trusted Stuttaford’s advice “implicitly”, and when he founded The Oldie in 1992 he brought the doctor in as a regular columnist.)

In 1982, soon after Stuttaford had started writing for The Times, the Queen Mother was taken to hospital to have a fish bone removed from her throat. He reminisced that “25 years ago, when religious customs were still observed, casualty officers expected Friday to be fishbones-in-the-throat day”. And, deploying what would become his characteristic reassuring sprinkling of medical terminology, he explained: “The usual site for a sharp foreign body to stick is around

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the tonsillar beds; it can be removed after using 5 per cent cocaine as a local anaesthetic.”

In 1997, with refreshing frankness, Stuttaford reported from his own hospital bed on radical surgery he had undergone after a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Over subsequent years he would campaign vigorously for the early diagnosis and rapid treatment of cancers in the NHS.

Irving Thomas Stuttaford was born at Horning in the Norfolk Broads on 4th May, 1931, the second son of Dr WJE Stuttaford, MC, and the former Marjorie Royden. He was educated at Town Close prep school, Norwich, then Gresham’s School, Holt, where he read “a book a day”, and was head boy and captain of rugby. From there he went up to Brasenose College, Oxford, to read Medicine.

He did his National Service with the 10th Royal Hussars (1953-55) and was commissioned as a second lieutenant. For the next five years, he served with the Scottish Horse, a TA yeomanry regiment.

He qualified as a doctor in 1959, took junior houseman appointments at Hammersmith Hospital for a couple of years and in 1960 entered his uncle’s NHS practice in rural east Norfolk, where, alongside modern pharmaceuticals, traditional remedies were still used, such as a touch of ginger (Zingiber BP) to “bring up the wind”.

Years later, in a column on senna pods for constipation, he recalled that when his father returned to practise in Norfolk after the First World War he was presented with a senna tree on the ground that “no doctor should be without one”. In the mid-1960s he set up his own practice, a partnership, in Norwich.

Despite his fondness for waistcoats and pinstriped suits Stuttaford was genuinely motivated by a concern to improve the lives of the less fortunate, and having been on Blofield and Flegg District Council from 1964 to 1966, he was elected to Norwich City Council in 1969 and to Parliament in 1970.

He was a member of the select committee on science and technology, and, though on the left of the Tory party, was “very pro” Margaret Thatcher.

He lost his seat in the general election of February 1974 to Labour’s John Garrett, and unsuccessfully contested the Isle of Ely in the October election, then again in 1979.

Meanwhile from the early 1970s he worked for Bupa, the London Hospital, Queen Mary’s Hospital for the East End and Moorfields Eye

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Hospital. He acted as medical adviser to a number of large companies such as Barclays Bank.

He spent many years working in VD clinics, as they were known, and in his seventies brought this experience to bear on a regular column giving kind and calmly factual answers to queries on sexual matters, such as “I’ve felt an urge to try on my mum’s Lycra leggings. Is this unhealthy?”

He advised The Sunday Times over its thalidomide campaign and served as vice-president of Prostate UK. Among his other publications were a pocket book of signs and symptoms called What’s Up Doc? Understanding Your Common Symptoms (2003), and Stress and How to Avoid It (2004).

His chief hobbies were ornithology and restoring old houses. But he carried on writing to the end. In one of his last Oldie columns, he remembered meeting Nye Bevan and lamented that “the autocratic, distant and officious control of medicine is destroying the NHS”. He was appointed OBE in 1996.

Tom Stuttaford’s wife Pam (née Ropner), whom he married in 1957, died in 2013; their three sons survive him.

Thomas Swan (Chemistry, 1961)by Professor Graham Richards (Chemistry, 1958), Emeritus Fellow

Tom Swan was a very generous man. He was a major benefactor to the College and also a very significant donor to the new University Chemistry Research Laboratory within which is a laboratory that bears his name. He also generously funded new livery for the Phoenix Common Room.

He was able to be so magnanimous by virtue of the fact that he was a highly successful businessman, being the Managing Director of Thomas Swan & Co Ltd for 30 years and later Chairman. He was the third generation of the Swan family to run the company.

Tom read Chemistry at Brasenose, and after a stint at Dow Chemical joined the family business. It has to be said that his father, also a Brasenose alumnus, was not a success in business, but Tom transformed the company into an innovative speciality chemicals company, always at the forefront of novel technologies such as carbon nanotubes and graphene and employing hundreds of people.

The company was such a success that Tom became President of the

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Society of Chemical Industry and was awarded the Chemical Industries Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011.

As an undergraduate, Tom was very much a part of the then still extant Brasenose sporting tradition. He played rugby for the College and most notably gained a Half-Blue for Modern Pentathalon. Riding, shooting and also fishing remained important aspects of his later life.

Creating one of the most successful private companies in the world of chemicals was not his sole contribution to the world. In particular he was a passionate supporter of science education. He worked closely with the University of York’s Centre for Industry Education Collaboration, the CIEC, of which he latterly became Chairman. The CIEC promotes science teaching in primary and secondary schools. With the CIEC he founded the Children Challenging Industry programme, providing a link between classrooms and science-based industries, work that led to him being awarded the OBE in 1999. Tom spent 20 years with the CIEC and was for the last five years Chair of the charity.

Tom will be much missed by his professional colleagues but even more so by his wife of almost 50 years, Marney, and their three children, James, Kirsty and Harry, who now runs the business.

Brian Sweet (Modern Languages, 1955)by his nephew, Tim Sweet

Brian spent the early years of his life living in Altrincham, Cheshire and won a scholarship to Manchester Grammar School when he was 11. On completion at MGS he gained a place at Brasenose College, Oxford where he chose to read modern languages. However in the days of compulsory National Service he first served his two years, mainly in the Suez Zone in Egypt, with the Royal Artillery before embarking on his studies at Oxford in 1955. His second-year summer vacation was spent in Europe where he travelled extensively in Germany and France. Brian graduated in 1958.

On graduation Brian joined London Transport on their trainee scheme where he spent time in all departments of the company and finally as depot manager. As part of the position he drove a London bus, was a ticket inspector and conductor and also spent time running the bus garage. It was during this spell at London Transport he decided he would specialise in the personnel side of business and to this end

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after six years at London Transport he enrolled at Bradford University where he undertook a Diploma in Personnel Management for a year. On completion of this course he returned to London and was employed by Honeywell and AEI both in personnel management. When AEI was taken over by GEC he joined the British Steel Corporation in 1969 at its London headquarters. He remained with the Corporation for the remainder of his working life rising to Divisional Personnel Manager. He spent time living in Glasgow and Irlam before his final post found him at Stanton and Staverley in Nottingham.

His working life was cut short somewhat by a long-standing circulatory issue and in 1980 surgery was performed which eventually saw him lose both legs just below the knee and the fitting of artificial limbs. Despite this handicap and after a significant recovery period, he went to work on a part-time basis at a local Post Office owned by a friend. This allowed him to perform his daily tasks sitting behind the Post Office counter and thus reducing the need to stand. He was in this post for a number of years until the office closed and he subsequently retired.

A lifelong bachelor, Brian still lived a full life despite his handicap and, due to his adapted car, was able to visit the many friends he had made since schooldays in all parts of the country. Many of these friends were contemporaries from his time at both MGS and Oxford and they would also visit him in Nottingham. Until recently annual reunions from both institutions were always high on his agenda. In his later years he became the principal director of the residents’ company which oversaw the running and upkeep of the properties where he lived in Sherwood, Nottingham for nearly 20 years until his death in late 2017 aged 82. He was a very popular man mixing with all walks of life and retained his excellent sense of humour right to the very end.

Harry Tranter (Modern History, 1949)with kind permission of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Wakefield

Harry, the only son of Angie and Joseph Tranter, started at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in 1940.

Harry was an outstanding sportsman excelling at rugby (Yorkshire Schools) and later in his career playing nine times for Durham County. He was selected for an England Rugby trial, but was unable to participate

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due to ill health. At school he was perhaps the outstanding all-rounder of his time, but handicapped by the lightness of his physique, which was perhaps the reason why, when at Oxford, he was mysteriously denied a Blue.

Harry left QEGS in 1947 to go to Catterick Garrison for two years’ conscription. Whilst in the army he was introduced to Joyce Pounder, who was educated at Wakefield Girls’ High School and also from Wakefield, by a friend, Bill Thorpe, who later was best man at their wedding.

Upon leaving Catterick, Harry read History at Brasenose, after which he became History Master at Tonbridge School in Kent. Deciding after a year that teaching was not to be his vocation, he obtained a job in the chemical industry in personnel. He joined ICI Agricultural Division in the north-east based at Billing and also spent a few years in Hyde, Cheshire.

Early in his career he married Joyce, who was by then a primary school teacher and they had two daughters Helen and Nicola.

In 1973 the family moved to Buckinghamshire, with Harry working for SKF Roller Bearings at the UK headquarters in Luton as Personnel Director. In 1990, he moved to the National Theatre, London also as Director of Personnel.

In 2010 Harry and Joyce moved to Sedgfield in the north-east to be near family. Sadly Joyce predeceased Harry in 2014.

Harry was a much loved father and grandfather and will be sadly missed by his family, friends and all who knew him.

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