Renewed UE 2024 Bibliography A. (2024)


“The student years came; I was sad, and all alone;

Knowing the facts on paper, means the Real Thing’s still Unknown.

Willing to make You LORD of my life, but still in doubt somehow;

O JESUS, Maybe I’ll trust You now”. – James Ward, circa@1983, “Faith Takes a Vision”.

Hungarian: “Eljöttek a tanulói évek; Szomorú voltam és teljesen egyedül;

A tények papíron való ismerete azt jelenti, hogy az Igazi még mindig ismeretlen.

Hajlandó vagyok életem Urává tenni, de valahogy még mindig kétséges;

Ó, Jézus, talán most bízom benned.” – James Ward, circa@1983, “A hit látomást visz”.

In the beginning was Information, and Information was with God, and Information was God; the same was with God in the beginning. Paraphrase, John 1:1.

Hungarian: Kezdetben volt információ, és az információ Istennél volt, és az információ Isten volt; ugyanez volt Istennel kezdetben. Parafrázis, János 1:1.

“INFORMATION THEORY” (All I’m After Is Just a Mundane Brain)”.

“Perhaps coming up with a theory of information and its processing is a bit like building a transcontinental railway. You can start in the east, trying to understand how agents can process anything, and head west. Or you can start in the west, with trying to understand what information is, and then head east. One hopes that these tracks will meet”. – Jon Barwise (1986); page 204: The Information. James Gleick.

“AFTER THE FLOOD”. (A Great Album of Babel)”.

“Suppose within every book there is another book, and within every letter one every page another volume constantly unfolding; but these volumes take no space on the desk. Suppose knowledge could be reduced to a quintessence, held within a picture, a sign, held within a place which is no place”. – Hilary Mantel (2009); page 373. The Information. James Gleick.

Hungarian: “INFORMÁCIÓELMÉLET” (Csak egy hétköznapi agyra vágyom)”.

“Talán az információ elméletével és feldolgozásával előállni egy kicsit olyan, mint egy transzkontinentális vasút építése. Kezdheted keleten, megpróbálhatod megérteni, hogy az ügynökök hogyan tudnak bármit feldolgozni, és elindulhatsz nyugat felé. Vagy kezdheti nyugaton, megpróbálva megérteni, hogy mi az információ, majd kelet felé haladhat. Az ember reméli, hogy ezek a pályák találkoznak majd.” – Jon Barwise (1986); 204. oldal: Az információ. James Gleick.

“AZ ÖZÖNVÍZ UTÁN”. (Bábel nagyszerű albuma)”.

“Tegyük fel, hogy minden könyvben van egy másik könyv, és minden betűben minden oldalon egy másik kötet folyamatosan kibontakozik; De ezek a kötetek nem foglalnak helyet az asztalon. Tegyük fel, hogy a tudást le lehetne egyszerűsíteni egy kvintesszenciára, amelyet egy képben, egy jelben tartunk, egy olyan helyen, amely nem hely.” – Hilary Mantel (2009); 373. oldal. Az információ. James Gleick.

“People in Hungary now can hear of Orthodox faith …”.

“Отдел внешних церковных связей. Московского Патриархата. › Home page › News

“People in Hungary now can hear of Orthodox faith in Hungarian language. The parish of the church dedicated to the Icon of Our Lady the Life-Giving Spring in …”.

Hungarian: “Magyarországon az emberek most már hallhatnak az ortodox hitről…”.

“Отдел внешних церковных связей. Московского Патриархата. › Címlap › Hírek

“Magyarországon ma már magyar nyelven hallhatnak az ortodox hitről. A templom plébániája, amelyet a Szűzanya ikonjának szenteltek, az életet adó tavasz …”.

“Reindeer keeper in Swedish Lapland”.

YouTube · salander

37.3K+ views · 18 years ago


Your browser can’t play this video. Learn more … Reindeer keeper in Swedish Lapland. 37K views · 18 years ago …more. salander. 29.”.

Hungarian: “Rénszarvastartó a svéd Lappföldön”.

YouTube · Szalander

37.3K+ megtekintés · 18 évvel ezelőtt


A böngésző nem tudja lejátszani ezt a videót. Tudj meg többet… Rénszarvastartó a svéd Lappföldön. 37K megtekintés · 18 évvel ezelőtt … több. Szalander. 29.”.

The only thing worse

Than too much Knowledge

Is too much Ignorance. – Scott Robert Harrington, B.A. (June 26, 2024).

Definition of “book”. A book is “a bundle of organized knowledge”. — @1980, Scott Robert Harrington, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA.

Sting – Too Much Information Lyrics”.

Genius › Sting-too-much-information-lyrics

Too Much Information Lyrics: Too much information running through my brain / Too much information driving me insane / Too much information running through …

Hungarian: Az egyetlen dolog rosszabb

Mint túl sok tudás

Túl sok tudatlanság. – Scott Robert Harrington, B.A. (2024. június 26.).

A “könyv” meghatározása. A könyv “szervezett tudás kötege”. — @1980, Scott Robert Harrington, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA.

“Sting – túl sok információs dalszöveg”.

Zseni › Sting-too-much-information-lyrics

Túl sok információ dalszöveg: Túl sok információ fut át az agyamon / Túl sok információ őrületbe kerget / Túl sok információ fut át …

Frankish Papacy Wikipedia › wiki › Frankish_Papacy

The death of Paul I was followed by a bloody schism characterized by Toto, the dux of Nepi, and Pope Stephen III (768–772). Toto supported the claim …

Hungarian: Frank pápaság Wikipédia › Wiki › Frankish_Papacy

Pál halálát véres egyházszakadás követte, amelyet Totó, Nepi duxja és III. István pápa (768–772) jellemzett. Toto támogatta az állítást …

Adolf Hitler, Charlemagne, and the Holy Roman Reich

III Publishing › blog › blog_11_19_2013

November 19, 2013 — But go back to Charlemagne and you will find the same details. In fact, Charlemagne bossed around the Catholic clergy, and even the Pope, far …

Hungarian: Adolf Hitler, Nagy Károly és a Német-római Birodalom

III. Kiadás › Blog › blog_11_19_2013

2013. november 19. — De ha visszamegyünk Nagy Károlyhoz, ugyanazokat a részleteket találjuk. Valójában Nagy Károly a katolikus papság, sőt a pápa körül uralkodott, messze …


“A tautology is a compound claim that is true regardless of the truth-values of its parts”. [page 414].: Epstein, Richard L. (1999). Critical Thinking. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company – An International Thomson Publishing Company.

“Critical Thinking. Evaluating whether we should be convinced that some claim is true or some argument is good, as well as formulating good arguments”. [page 373.]. “Issue. A claim that is being debated”. [page 376.]. Issue: Does the Bible teach “Monopatrism”, the belief that the Holy Spirit proceedeth eternally “from the Father alone”; or “Filioquism” [“FILIOQUE”\, the belief that the Holy Spirit proceedeth eternally “from the Father and the Son” [Filioque]? [Issue introduced by Scott Robert Harrington, Monday, June 24, 2024.].

Genesis 1.

Modern English Version (MEV).

The Creation

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and void,[a] darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving[b] over the surface of the water.

3 God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

6 Then God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” 7 So God made the expanse and separated the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.

9 Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. Then God saw that it was good.

11 Then God said, “Let the earth produce vegetation:[c] plants yielding seed and fruit trees on the earth yielding fruit after their kind with seed in them.” And it was so. 12 The earth produced vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind and trees yielding fruit with seed in them after their kind. And God saw that it was good. 13 So the evening and the morning were the third day.

14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs to indicate seasons, and days, and years. 15 Let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 Then God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. Then God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

20 Then God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures and let the birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters swarmed, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 Then God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.” 23 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

24 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25 So God made the beasts of the earth according to their kind, and the livestock according to their kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

27 So God created man in His own image;

in the image of God He created him;

male and female He created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

29 Then God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is on the face of all the earth and every tree which has fruit yielding seed. It shall be food for you. 30 To every beast of the earth and to every bird of the air and to everything that creeps on the earth which has the breath of life in it, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

31 God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


Genesis 1:2 Or a waste and emptiness.

Genesis 1:2 Or hovering.

Genesis 1:11 Or grass.

A layman’s commentary:

In the beginning [however many years ago, Impossible for a man to know with certainty, whether billions of years ago in time, or in only a few thousand years ago [there is not evidence to say for certain, given the innate & inherent possible limitations of human knowledge, as know man has seen, lived, and experienced direct knowledge of everything which exists in the universe, nor has seen all things which are the universe], we can say with certainty that the Universe was designed by a Transcendent-Immaterial [a Divine Mind/Divine Spirit] Intelligent Divine Designer, some years ago before the present era, the present age, the Anthropocene age of modern man [Humanity], the Age of Man. This both science and the Bible lead us to believe and to know, without any evidence to the contrary.

In Erie Pennsylvania, Scott Robert Harrington, B.A.

Hungarian: Egy laikus kommentár:

Kezdetben [bárhány évvel ezelőtt is lehetetlen az ember számára biztosan tudni, hogy több milliárd évvel ezelőtt az időben, vagy csak néhány ezer évvel ezelőtt [nincs bizonyíték arra, hogy biztosan kijelentsük, tekintettel az emberi tudás veleszületett és veleszületett lehetséges korlátaira, mivel az ember látta, élt és megtapasztalta a közvetlen tudást mindenről, ami a világegyetemben létezik, és nem látott mindent, ami a világegyetem], biztosan állíthatjuk, hogy a világegyetem egy transzcendens-anyagtalan [isteni elme/isteni szellem] intelligens isteni tervező tervezte néhány évvel ezelőtt a jelen korszak előtt, a jelenlegi kor, a modern ember antropocén kora, az ember kora előtt. Ez mind a tudomány, mind a Biblia elvezet minket a hithez és a tudáshoz, anélkül, hogy ennek ellenkezőjét bizonyítanánk.

A pennsylvaniai Erie-ben Scott Robert Harrington, B.A.

Introductory materials:

1/ Online Bible concordances.

1] Bible Hub. https:// > concordance

2] Bible concordances: Multi-versions, Strong’s, Englishman’s, … Bible Study Tools

https:// > strongs-exhaustive-bible-concordance Strong’s Exhaustive Bible concordance online

3] https:// > blog Responding to Gail Riplinger on King James Onlyism

Preface: Dear international, American, & Hungarian-European readers, and other readers from Japan, from South Korea, from Guangzhou, from Shanghai, and from Harbin, China, and from England, Australia, and Canada, from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Finland, Serbia, Latvia, Romania, Estonia, Brittany, Milan, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, and France, and from elsewhere in the earth: GOD bless you. Be well, and I pray that you join the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia, and believe the Monopatrism of the Monarchy of GOD the Father in GOD the Holy Trinity in the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia, and be baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia, and find the LORD Christ Jesus in your life. All of you, Christ remember when He comest in His Kingdom. Amen.

Hungarian: Kedves nemzetközi, amerikai és magyar-európai olvasók, és más olvasók Japánból, Dél-Koreából, Kantonból, Sanghajból, Harbinból, Kínából, Angliából, Ausztráliából és Kanadából, Skóciából, Írországból, Walesből, Finnországból, Szerbiából, Lettországból, Romániából, Észtországból, Bretagne-ból, Milánóból, Olaszországból, Svájcból, Dániából és Franciaországból, valamint a föld más részeiről: Isten áldjon meg benneteket. Legyetek jól, és imádkozom, hogy csatlakozzatok az Oroszországon kívüli Orosz Ortodox Egyházhoz, és higgyetek az Atyaisten Monarchiájának monopatriszizmusában Istenben a Szentháromságban az Oroszországon kívüli Orosz Ortodox Egyházban, és keresztelkedjetek meg az Oroszországon kívüli Orosz Ortodox Egyházban, és találjátok meg az Úr Krisztus Jézust az életetekben. Mindannyian, Krisztus emlékeztek, amikor eljön Királyságában. Ámen.

Don’t impose your culture.

I am not trying to impose the Hungarian language on the American people.

I am simply writing for a bi-national English language American and Hungarian-language Hungarian audience. I write for an international readership, and I intend to try and distribute my works in English to America, and partially in Hungarian to Hungary.

That being said, here is an Eastern Orthodox English language word of caution message from Archpriest Father Josiah Trenham of Orthodox Church in California:

“Don’t Impose your culture”. ROKU. YouTube. Video. 17:47.

PatristicNectarFilms. The Vernacular Imperative. New. 15K views – 21 hours ago (June 21, 2024).

Hungarian: Ne erőltesd a kultúrádat.

Nem próbálom ráerőltetni az amerikai népre a magyar nyelvet.

Egyszerűen egy kétnemzetiségű angol nyelvű amerikai és magyar nyelvű magyar közönségnek írok. Nemzetközi olvasóközönségnek írok, és szándékomban áll az angol nyelvű műveimet Amerikába, részben magyarul Magyarországra terjeszteni.

Ennek ellenére itt van egy keleti ortodox angol nyelvű figyelmeztető üzenet Josiah Trenham főpaptól, a kaliforniai ortodox egyháztól:

„Ne erőltesd a kultúrádat”. ROKU. Youtube. Videó. 17:47.

PatristicNectarFilms. A népnyelv imperatívusza. Új. 15 ezer megtekintés – 21 órája (2024. június 21.).

Benjamin Abelow. How the West brought war to Ukraine.

“According to the mainstream Western narrative, Vladimir Putin is an insatiable, Hitler-like expansionist who invaded Ukraine in an unprovoked land grab.

“That story is incorrect.

“In reality, the United States and NATO bear much of the responsibility for the Ukraine crisis. Through a series of misguided policies, Washington and its European allies placed Russia in an untenable situation for which war seemed, to Mr. Putin and his military staff, the only workable solution.

“In How the West Brought War to Ukraine, author Benjamin Abelow lays out the relevant history and explains how the West needlessly produced conflict, subjecting its own citizens – and the rest of the world – to the risk of nuclear war.

“Endorsed by leading defense experts and policy analysts, this brief and highly readable book shows how the West provoked the crisis and now labors under an existential threat of its own making.

“How the West Brought War to Ukraine looks beneath the surface of recent events. It lets readers understand the deeper sources of the Ukraine war and provides new insights into how the conflict might be resolved.”.

Hungarian: Benjamin Abelow. Hogyan hozott a Nyugat háborút Ukrajnának.

„A fősodratú nyugati narratíva szerint Vlagyimir Putyin telhetetlen, Hitler-szerű terjeszkedő, aki provokálatlan földfoglalással támadta meg Ukrajnát.

„Ez a történet téves.

„A valóságban az Egyesült Államok és a NATO viseli a felelősség nagy részét az ukrajnai válságért. Washington és európai szövetségesei egy sor elhibázott politikával olyan tarthatatlan helyzetbe hozták Oroszországot, amelyre Putyin úr és katonai vezérkara szerint a háború tűnt az egyetlen működőképes megoldásnak.

„A How the West Brought War to Ukrajna című könyvében Benjamin Abelow szerző felvázolja a vonatkozó történelmet, és elmagyarázza, hogy a Nyugat szükségtelenül produkált konfliktust, saját polgárait és a világ többi részét is kitéve az atomháború veszélyének.

„Vezető védelmi szakértők és politikai elemzők támogatásával ez a rövid és rendkívül olvasmányos könyv bemutatja, hogy a Nyugat hogyan provokálta ki a válságot, és hogyan dolgozik most a saját maga által okozott egzisztenciális fenyegetés alatt.

„Hogyan néz ki a Nyugat háborút hozott Ukrajnának a közelmúlt eseményei alatt. Lehetővé teszi az olvasók számára az ukrajnai háború mélyebb forrásainak megértését, és új betekintést nyújt a konfliktus megoldásába.”

ROKU. YouTube. Video. 18:52/

Genuine Orthodox Church of America (Denver, Colorado):

The Final Apostasy: The Patriarchates’ Departure from Orthodoxy.

GOC America. 251 views – 3 hours ago (June 20, 2024).

Hungarian: ROKU. Egy YouTube-on. Video. 18:52/

Amerikai Ortodox Egyház (Denver, Colorado):

A végső hitehagyás: A patriarchátusok távozása az ortodoxiától.

Kínai Népköztársaság Amerika. 251 megtekintés – 3 órája (2024. június 20.).

ROKU. YouTube. Video. 33:04.

“This is Gonna Get Us ALL Blown Up!” – Jeffrey Sachs on Russian … Piers Morgan Uncensored. New 493L views – 1 day ago (June 19, 2024).

Hungarian: ROKU. A YouTube-on. Video. 33:04.

“Ez mindannyiunkat fel fog robbantani!” – Jeffrey Sachs oroszul … Piers Morgan cenzúrázatlan. Új 493L megtekintések – 1 napja (2024. június 19.).

Finally: Highly Heretical Video: ROKU. YouTube. Video. 21:26. Most Useful Christian Books. Tier Chart #Practical. Matthew Everhard. 15K views – 10 months ago (2023). Damnable Calvinist heresies.


Végül: Nagyon eretnek videó: ROKU. A YouTube-on. Video. 21:26. A leghasznosabb keresztény könyvek. Szintdiagram #Practical. Matthew Everhard. 15 ezer megtekintés – 10 hónapja (2023). Átkozott kálvinista eretnekségek

The problem of Christian epistemology:

Knowing GOD versus knowing about GOD.

Knowing God Himself, Knowing Him,

Or knowing about God, Knowing them [knowing it],

Knowing facts about God (them), or a fact about God (it).


A keresztény ismeretelmélet problémája:

ISTEN ismerete versus ISTEN ismerete.

Ismerni magát Istent, ismerni őt,

Vagy tudni Istenről, ismerni őket [tudni róla],

Tények ismerete Istenről (róluk), vagy tények Istenről (ez).

Introductory correct doctrinal comment:

The pretribulation rapture

of the Antichrist

is the heresy

of dispensationalism-premillennialism

and of the Jehovah’s Witnesses

which states Satan’s lies

about Bible prophecy

that “millions now living will never die”

but instead will be delivered from physical death

sometime before the second coming

of the LORD Jesus Christ.


Bevezető helyes doktrinális megjegyzés:

Az előzetes elragadtatás

az Antikrisztusé

az eretnekség


és Jehova Tanúié

amely Sátán hazugságait állítja

a bibliai próféciákról

hogy „most élő milliók soha nem halnak meg”

hanem ehelyett megszabadul a fizikai haláltól

valamikor a második eljövetel előtt

az ÚR Jézus Krisztusé.

Heterodoxy versus Holy Orthodoxy: Wherever there is FILIOQUE, there is no Eucharist.

Reference: David Dasalla. 1 day. view post – ETERNITY: IT’S YOUR CHOICE. Join. Follow. Allan Saldanha. 3 days ago. 9 Comments. [Post before 2024].

Scott Harrington: Response: Reject Filioque, it’s the only path to eternal salvation.

Author Dasalla: [To Scott Harrington].

How come Blood and Flesh doesn’t literally appear in your Orthodox Eucharist, like it does in our Catholic Church, only, as shown down here below? http://  And … https: www, Especially when Jesus already said in Holy Scripture: “I am the Bread of Life”. [John 6:45]. [Response: Christ did not say “Filioque” in John 6:45 SRH].

[Response, SRH: (2024). The Church belongs to the LORD, not to men, and not to the Schism between Catholics against Orthodoxy. Wherever there is Orthodoxy, there is the True Church founded by the Christ of the Church. We will not speak of the Church’s things to Western heretics: Christ dwells not in Catholicism].

Hungarian: Heterodoxia kontra szent ortodoxia: Ahol FILIOQUE van, ott nincs Eucharisztia.

Hivatkozás: David Dasalla. 1 nap. bejegyzés megtekintése – ETERNITY: A TE VÁLASZTÁSOD. Csatlakozik. Kövesse. Allan Saldanha. 3 napja. 9 Megjegyzés. [2024 előtti bejegyzés].

Scott Harrington: Válasz: utasítsd el Filioque-ot, ez az egyetlen út az örök üdvösséghez.

Dasalla szerző: [Scott Harringtonnak].

Miért nem jelenik meg a Vér és Hús szó szerint az ortodox eucharisztiájában, mint a mi katolikus egyházunkban, csak, amint az alább látható? És… https: www, Különösen akkor, amikor Jézus már a Szentírásban azt mondta: „Én vagyok az élet kenyere”. [János 6:45]. [Válasz: Krisztus nem azt mondta, hogy „Filioque” a János 6:45-ben SRH].

[Válasz, SRH: (2024). Az Egyház az Úré, nem az embereké, és nem az ortodoxia elleni katolikus egyházszakadásé. Ahol ortodoxia van, ott van az Egyház Krisztusa által alapított Igaz Egyház. Nem beszélünk az egyház dolgairól a nyugati eretnekeknek. Krisztus nem a katolicizmusban lakik.].

Recommended reading: Waitz, Carl, & Tisdale, Theresa. (2022). Lacanian Psychoanalysis & Eastern Orthodox Christian Anthropology in Dialogue. London, England, UK: Routledge. 2

Hungarian: Ajánlott olvasmány: Waitz, Carl, & Tisdale, Theresa. (2022). Lacanian pszichoanalízis és keleti ortodox keresztény antropológia párbeszédben. London, Anglia, Egyesült Királyság: Routledge. 2

Some brief Commentary on Assorted Topics:

1/ Eastern Orthodoxy in America. Eastern Orthodoxy in North America.

Wikipedia › wiki › Eastern_Orthodoxy_in…

Eastern Orthodoxy in North America represents adherents, religious communities, institutions and organizations of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in North …

‎Orthodox Church in America… · ‎Other Eastern Orthodox… · ‎Demographics

People also ask Is Eastern Orthodoxy growing in the United States?

2/ Eastern Orthodoxy in Hungary. Eastern Orthodoxy in Hungary.

Wikipedia › wiki › Eastern_Orthodoxy_in…

Historically, Eastern Orthodoxy was an important denomination in the medieval and early modern Kingdom of Hungary. In modern times, Eastern Orthodoxy is mainly …

3/ Monopatrism. monopatrism – Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Wiktionary › wiki › monopatrism

monopatrism (uncountable). (Christianity) In Christian theology, teachings that hold the Father as a singular source of a particular relation, for example: …

4/ Filioque. Filioque (/ˌfɪliˈoʊkwi, -kweɪ/ FIL-ee-OH-kwee, –kway; Ecclesiastical Latin: [filiˈokwe]), a Latin term meaning “and from the Son,” was added to the original Nicene Creed, and has been the subject of great controversy between Eastern and Western Christianity.

Filioque – Wikipedia

Wikipedia › wiki › Filioque

5/ Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological psychology. For Husserl, phenomenology would study consciousness without reducing the objective and shareable meanings that inhabit experience to merely subjective happenstances. Ideal meaning would be the engine of intentionality in acts of consciousness. November 16, 2003.

Hungarian: Néhány rövid kommentár válogatott témákhoz:

1/ Keleti ortodoxia Amerikában. Keleti ortodoxia Észak-Amerikában.

Wikipédia › wiki › Eastern_Orthodoxy_in…

Az észak-amerikai keleti ortodoxia a keleti ortodox kereszténység híveit, vallási közösségeit, intézményeit és szervezeteit képviseli Észak-Amerikában…

‎Ortodox Egyház Amerikában… · ‎Egyéb keleti ortodoxok… · ‎Demográfiai adatok

Az emberek azt is kérdezik: Növekszik-e a keleti ortodoxia az Egyesült Államokban?

2/ Keleti ortodoxia Magyarországon. Keleti ortodoxia Magyarországon.

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Történelmileg a keleti ortodoxia fontos felekezet volt a középkori és kora újkori Magyar Királyságban. A modern időkben a keleti ortodoxia főleg …

3/ Monopatrizmus. monopatrizmus – Wikiszótár, az ingyenes szótár

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monopatrizmus (megszámlálhatatlan). (Kereszténység) A keresztény teológiában azok a tanítások, amelyek az Atyát egy adott kapcsolat egyedi forrásának tartják, például: …

4/ Filioque. Filioque (/ˌfɪliˈoʊkwi, -kweɪ/ FIL-ee-OH-kwee, -kway; Egyházi latin: [filiˈokwe]), egy latin kifejezés, amelynek jelentése “és a Fiútól”, hozzáadódott az eredeti niceai hitvalláshoz, és nagy vita tárgyát képezte a keleti és a nyugati kereszténység között.

Filioque – Wikipédia

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5/ Edmund Husserl fenomenológiai pszichológiája. Husserl számára a fenomenológia anélkül tanulmányozná a tudatot, hogy a tapasztalatban élő objektív és megosztható jelentéseket pusztán szubjektív véletlenekre csökkentené. Az ideális jelentés lenne az intencionalitás motorja a tudat cselekedeteiben. 2003. november 16.



Bibliography Abbreviations:

H = heterodox sources

2 = general sources [some 2 sources may be heterodox; where

Immoderate or authoritarian in American or world

Politics, I indicate my opinion on this with an H. (Optional

or debatable political views).

O = Eastern Orthodox sources

F Fiction [fictional works, novels, etc.].

I Icons, images

M Music, song lyrics

* = sources from other libraries

** = sources from newspapers, magazines, journals, Internet

Websites, blogs, YouTube videos, et cetera

BML Blasco Memorial Library books, from Blasco Memorial Library, Erie, Pennsylvania

GNL Gannon Nash Library books, from Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania

NA New Age

P Philosophy [& Politics].

P* philosophical crumbs*

Psem* literature/linguistics-semiotics crumbs*

U The Universe.

CH EV by Chance Evolution.

ID by Intelligent Design (ID).

Bibliográfiai rövidítések:

H = heterodox források

2 = általános források [néhány 2 forrás lehet heterodox; ahol

Mértéktelen vagy tekintélyelvű Amerikában vagy a világon

Politika, ezzel kapcsolatos véleményemet H.-vel jelzem (nem kötelező

vagy vitatható politikai nézetek).

O = Keleti ortodox források

F Szépirodalom [fikciós művek, regények stb.].

I Ikonok, képek

M Zene, dalszöveg

* = források más könyvtárakból

** = források újságokból, folyóiratokból, folyóiratokból, internetről

Weboldalak, blogok, YouTube-videók stb

BML Blasco Memorial Library könyvek, Blasco Memorial Library, Erie, Pennsylvania

A GNL Gannon Nash Library könyvei a Gannon Egyetemről, Erie, Pennsylvania

NA New Age

P Filozófia [& Politika].

P* filozófiai morzsák*

Psem* irodalom/nyelvészet-szemiotika morzsák*

U Az Univerzum.

CH EV a Chance Evolutiontól.

Az intelligens tervezés (ID) azonosítója.

A1 *BML BF 76.7 .P83 2020 *APA American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: 7th ed. The Official Guide to APA Style. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

A2 Aaron, John, trans. (2008a). John Morgan Jones & William Morgan. The Calvinistic Methodist Fathers of Wales. Volume 1. Reprinted 2016. Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust. H

A3 Aaron, John, trans. (2008b). John Morgan Jones & William Morgan. The Calvinistic Methodist Fathers of Wales. Volume 2. Reprinted 2016. Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust. H

A4 *Abbe Vladimir Guettee. (2024). The Papacy. n.p.: Uncut Mountain Press. 2 O

A5 Adamsky, Dmitry. (2019). Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy: Religion, Politics, & Strategy. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 2

A6 Adler, Mortimer Jerome, & Van Doren, Charles. (1972). How to Read a Book: Revised & Expanded Edition. Orig. ed., 1940. New York: Touchstone Books/Simon & Schuster. 2

A7 *Adler, Mortimer Jerome. (1991a). Desires, right & wrong: The ethics of enough. New York: Macmillan. GNL BJ 1012 .A29 1991 2 P

A8 *Adler, Mortimer Jerome. (1991b). Haves without have-nots: Essays for the 21st Century on democracy & socialism. New York: Macmillan. GNL HX 73 .A34 1991 2 P

A9 *Adler, Mortimer Jerome. (1990a). Intellect: Mind over Matter. New York: Macmillan. GNL BF 431 . A94 1990 2 P*

A10 *Adler, Mortimer Jerome. (1990b). Truth in Religion: The plurality of Religions & the unity essay on the Philosophy of Religion. New York: Macmillan. GNL BL 50 .A35 1990 2 P*

A11 *Adler, Mortimer Jerome. (1981). Ten philosophical mistakes. New York: Macmillan. GNL B 72 .A34 1981 2 P

A12 *Adler, Mortimer J. (1980). How to think about God: A guide for the 20th-Century Pagan. New York: Macmillan. GNL BT 102 .A33 2 P*

A13 *Adler, Mortimer J. (1978). Aristotle for Everybody: Difficult Thought made easy. New York: Macmillan. GNL B 481 .A3 1978 2 P*

A14 *Adler, Mortimer Jerome. (1967). The Difference of Man & the Difference It Makes. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. GNL BD 450 .A3 2 P

A15 *Adler, Mortimer Jerome. (1961). The Conditions of Philosophy: Its Checkered Past, its Present Disorder, & its Future Promise. New York: Atheneum. GNL B 29 .A23 2 P

A16 *Adler, Mortimer Jerome. (1957). What Man has Made of Man: The Consequences of Platonism & Positivism in Psychology. New York: Frederick Ungar. GNL 38.5 .A34 1957 2 P

A17 *Aland, Kurt, et alia. (1979). Novum Testamentum Graece. 26th ed. Stuttgart, Germany: Deutsche Biblestiftung. 2

A18 St. Ambrose of Milan. (2000). On Abraham. Translated by Theodosia Tomkinson. Etna, CA: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. O 2

A19 *Amos, Thomas Leslie. (1983). “The Origin & Nature of the Carolingian Sermon”. Ph.D. diss. [dissertation], Michigan State University Press, 1983. 2 [H]

A20 *Andrew of Caesarea. (2017). Commentary on the Apocalypse (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series). Reprint ed. Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou, trans. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press. 2 O

A21 Andreyev, I.M. (1995). Orthodox Apologetic Theology. Fr. Seraphim Rose, ed. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood/Forestville, CA: St. Paisius Missionary School. 2 O

A22 Angeles, Peter A. (1992). The HarperCollins Dictionary of PHILOSOPHY. 2nd Ed. Series Ed., Eugene Ehrlich. New York: HarperPerennial/a Division of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2

A23 Angotti, Dr. Frank. (n.d.). LS 383. Christian Humanism. n.p.: Gannon University, Erie, PA. Gannon University humanities seminar. 2 P*

A24 Anselm of Canterbury. (1998). Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works. Oxford World’s Classics. Brian Davies & G.R. Evans, eds. New York: Oxford University Press. H

A25 Anselm of Havelburg. (2010). Anticimenon: On the Unity of the Faith & the Controversies with the Greeks. Ambrose Criste, O.Praem., & Carol Neel, trans. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press. http://www.litpress.orh /Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications.  H

A26 Anstall, Dr. Kharalambos. (1997). Juridical Justification Theology: An Orthodox Refutation & a Statement of the Orthodox Teaching. Dewdney, BC, Canada: Synaxis Pres/The Canadian Orthodox Publishing House. O

A27 *Anthony, David W. (2007). The Horse, the Wheel, & Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Steppes Shaped the Modern World. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 2

A28 *Anthony, David W., ed. (2010). The Lost World of Old Europe: The Danube Valley 5000-3500 BC. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 2

A29 Monk Anthony. (2006). WEST OF JESUS: The Bible’s Answer to Protestant Departure from Orthodox Belief. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A30 *Antreassian, Assadour. (1969). Jerusalem & The Armenians. 2nd ed. Jerusalem, Israel: St. James Press. 2

A31 *Apel, Karl-Otto. (1972). “From Kant to Peirce: The Semiotical Transformation of Transcendental Logic”. In: Beck, L.W., ed. Proceedings of the Third Kant Congress. Dordrecht: Reidel; pp. 90-105. 2

A32 Apostles, Twelve (12). The Search For the Twelve Apostles. (1973). William Steuart McBirnie, Ph.D., B.A., B.D., M.R.E., D.R.E., O.S.J., F.R.G.S. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. 2

A33 *Aptheker, Herbert. (1957). The Truth about Hungary. New York: n.p. 2

*GNL BX 1749 .T48 1964 v. 6 *St. Thomas Aquinas. (1964). Summa Theologiae. Volume 7 – The Trinity (Ia. 27-32). London, England, UK: Blackfriars/Eyre & Spottiswood/New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. H P*

A34 *Aquinas, Thomas. (1963). St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. Volume 6 – The Trinity, (Ia. 27-32). London, England, UK: Blackfriars/Eyre & Spottiswoode/New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. H GNL BX 1749 .T48 1964 v. 6 P*

A35 *Aquinas, Thomas. (1976). St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. Volume 7 – Father, Son, & Holy Ghost, (Ia. 33-43). London, England, UK: Blackfriars/Eyre & Spottiswoode/New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. H GNL 1749 .T48 v. 7 P*

A36 *Androutsos, Christos. (1902). He tou Platonos Theoria tes Gnoseos (“Plato’s Theory of Knowledge”). Athens, Greece. 2

A37 *Androutsos, Christos. (1925). Systema Ethikes (“System of Ethics”). Athens, Greece. 2

A38 *Archbishop Averky (Taushev). (n.d.). The Four Gospels: (Commentary On the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament). Book 1 of 3. Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Monastery. O 2

A39 *Archbishop Averky (Taushev). (n.d.). The Acts of the Apostles: (Commentary On the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament). Book 2 of 3. Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Monastery. O 2

A40 *Archbishop Averky (Taushev). (n.d.). The Epistles & the Apocalypse: (Commentary On the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament). Book 3 of 3. Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Monastery. O 2

A41 Archbishop Chrysostomos. (2012). Monographic Supplement Series Number XLIV. Father General Thyrsus Gonzalez de Santalla, S.J.: Theologian, Philosopher, & Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Etna, CA: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. 2 O

A42 *Archbishop Iakovos. (1988). Faith for a Lifetime. New York: Doubleday. O

Archbishop Lazar Puhalo. (n.d.). Point of Faith Number 15. On Orthodox Christian Systematic Prayer. Dewdney, BC, Canada: Synaxis Pres/The Canadian Orthodox Publishing House. 2 O

A43 Archbishop Paul of Finland. (1978). The Faith We Hold. Translated by Marita Nykanen & Esther Williams. Orig. ed., in Finnish, “MITEN USKOMME”. 4th printing, 1999. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A44 Archimandrite Philaret (His Eminence, Metropolitan Philaret of New York [of blessed memory]). (n.d.). WILL THE HETERODOX BE SAVED? Liberty, TN: The St. John of Kronstadt Press. O

A45 Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyannis. (1998). “One LORD, One Faith” (Ephesians 4:5) – An Introduction to comparative Christian doctrine. Patras, Greece: Apostle Andrew Press. 2 O

A46 *Arminius, James. (1875). The Works of James Arminius. Wm. Nichols, trans. London, England, UK: Thomas Baker. 2

A47 Arnold, Robert Lloyd. (2006). Orthodoxy Revisited: Contrasting the Faith & Practice of the Eastern Orthodox Church with Evangelical Doctrine. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press O


A49 Arthur, John. (2004). Studying Philosophy: A Guide For the Perplexed. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice-Hall. 2

A50 *Ashanin, Charles. (1990). Essays on Orthodox Christianity & Church History. Broad Ripple, 6302 N. Park Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46220. O

A51 NA Ashe, Geoffrey. (1992). Eden In the Altai: The Prehistoric Golden Age & the Myth Origins of Humanity. Orig. ed., 1992. Reprint, 2018. Rochester, Vermont: Bear & Company. NA 2 P*

A52 Ashton, John F., Ph.D., ed. (2002). On the Seventh day: 40 scientists & academics explain why they Believe in God. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers/Green Forest, AR: Master Books, Inc. 2 P*

A53 Athanasius, St. (1944). The Incarnation. Translated from the orig. Greek. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A54 *Atiya, Aziz S. (1968). A History of Eastern Christianity. London, England, UK: Methuen & Co., Ltd. 2

A55 *Auld, Graeme. (2011). I and II Samuel: A Commentary. OTL. [Old Testament Library]. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. 2

A56 *Azkoul, Rev. Fr. Michael. (2022). The pseudo-orthodoxy of David Bentley Hart. n.p.: Independently published. 2 O

A57 Azkoul, Rev. Fr. Michael. (1994). Augustine of Hippo: An Orthodox Christian Perspective. Dewdney, BC, Canada: Synaxis Press/The Canadian Orthodox Publishing House. O

A58 Azkoul, Rev. Fr. Dr. Michael. (n.d.). Father Seraphim Rose & the Dogma of Redemption. Dewdney, BC, Canada: Synaxis Press/The Canadian Orthodox Publishing House. O

A59 *Badger. (n.d.). The Nestorians & Their Ritual. Hants, England, UK: Gregg International Publishers, Ltd. 2

A60 *GNL 301.5 .A27 B35 2015 NEW Bailey, Stephen. (2015). The Essentials of Academic Writing For International Students. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. 2

A61 *Bain, Leslie Balogh. (1960). The Reluctant Satellites: An Eyewitness Report on East Europe & the Hungarian Revolution. New York: n.p. 2

A62 *Balint Magyar. (2016). Post-Communist Mafia State. Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press. 2 P*

A63 Bangs Wynkoop, Mildred. (1967). Foundations of Wesleyan-Arminian Theology. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. 2

A64 Bannister, Don, & Fransella, Fay. (1971). Inquiring Man: The Theory of Personal Constructs. 1974 reprint. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, UK: Penguin Education/a division of Penguin Books Ltd. 2

A65 **Baragona, J. “GOP Senator blasts Tucker Carlson’s pro-Russia rhetoric”: “We side with democracies”. Daily Beast, January 30, 2022, https:// 2

A66 *Baranyai, Z. (1920). A Francia Nyelv. [In Hungarian]. Budapest, Hungary: n.p. 2

A67 Barbour Publishing, Inc. (2011). The KJV Study Bible: King James Version. Containing the Old & New Testaments with Study Notes from the Layman’s Bible Commentary Series. Red Letter Edition. Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Publishing Inc. 2

A68 Barclay, William. (1972). Introducing the Bible. Nashville, TN: Abingdon. [H]

A69 *Barclay, William. (1970). The Master’s Men. 4th ed. London, England, UK: SCM Press Ltd. 2

A70 *Barker, Kenneth L., ed. (1986). The NIV: The Making of a Contemporary Translation. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House. 2

A71 *Barnes, Ian. (2015). Restless Empire: A Historical Atlas of Russia. Cambridge, England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 2

A72 Barnes, Patrick. (1999). The Non-Orthodox: The Orthodox Teaching on Christians Outside of the Church. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O 2

A73 **Barthes, Roland. (1964). “Elements de semiologie”. Communications 4 (Eng. trans. Elements of Semiology. Noonday Press, 1977. 2

A74 Basulto, Dominic. (2015). Russophobia: How Western Media Turns Russia Into the Enemy. n.p.: Dominic Basulto. 2

A75 Bavinck, Herman, D.D. (1951). The Doctrine of God. Reprinted 2003. William Hendriksen, Th.D., trans. & ed. Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust. H

A76 *Bede, Venerable. (1968). A History of the English Church & People. Translation & introduction by Leo Sherley-Price. Harmondsworth, England, UK: Penguin, 1955. Revised by R.E. Latham, 1968. 2

A77 *Beeke, Joel R., Hall, David W., et alia. (2017). Theology made practical: New Studies of John Calvin & his Legacy. n.p.: Reformation Heritage Books. 2 H P*

A78 **Behe, Michael J. (1996). “Evidence for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry”. From a Speech delivered at Discovery Institute, “God & Culture Conference”, (August 10, 1996). Website: http:// 2 ID

A79 Beker, Avi. (2008). The Chosen: The History of an Idea, the Anatomy of an Obsession. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2

A80 *Bell, A.M. (1888). World-English, the Universal Language. London, England, UK: Trubner. 2

A81 Bell, Fr. Charles, Ph.D. (1994). Discovering the rich heritage of Orthodoxy: as discovered by one who came to Orthodoxy from the Evangelical & Charismatic Traditions. Minneapolis, MN: Light & Life Publishing Co. 2 O

A82 *Bello, Angela Ales. (2009). The Divine in Husserl & Other Explorations (Analecta Husserliana, The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research, Volume 98). New York: Springer. 2 P

A83 *Belloc Hilaire. (1920). Europe & the Faith. London, England, UK: Constable. 2 H

A84 Belton, Catherine. (2020). Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia & Then Took On the West. New York: Picador/Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2

A85 *Benko, Stephen. (1984). Pagan Rome & the Early Christians. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2

A86 *Benveniste, Emile. (1973). Indo-European Language & Society. Translated by Elizabeth Palmer. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami Press. 2

A87 *Benz, Ernest. (1959). “On Understanding Non-Christian Religions”. In: Mircea Eliade, & Joseph M. Kitagawa, eds. (1959). The History of Religions: Essays in Methodology, cf. pp. 115-131. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 2

A88 *Berdyaev, Nikolai. (1992). The Russian Idea. Hudson, NY: Lindisfarne Press. 2

A89 Berean Study Bible: New Testament – Holy Bible. (2016). Pittsburgh, PA: Bible Hub.  2

A90 *Bergson, Henri. (1912). An Introduction to Metaphysics. T.E. Hulme, trans. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. 2

A91 *Berki, Feriz. (1985). Az el nem ásott talentum: Cikkek, tanulmányok, igehirdetések (Hungarian Edition). Order from : ….

Az el nem ásott talentum: Cikkek, tanulmányok, igehirdetések (Hungarian Edition) Unknown Binding – January 1, 1985.

Hungarian Edition by Feriz Berki (Author).

Text: Hungarian.

Print length

794 pages.



Product details

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Magyar Orthodox Adminisztratúra (January 1, 1985).

Language ‏ : ‎ Hungarian.

Unknown Binding ‏ : ‎ 794 pages.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9630009315.

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9630009317.

A92 **Berman, Joshua. (2013). “Histories Twice Told: Deuteronomy 1-3 and the Hittite Treaty Prologue Tradition”. JBL [Journal of Biblical Literature], 132 (2013): 229-250. 2

A93 Bernard of Clairvaux. (1976). Five Books on Consideration – Advice to a Pope. The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux, Volume Thirteen. John D. Anderson & Elizabeth T. Kennan, trans. Orig. ed.; 3rd printing, 2004. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications. 2 H

A94 *Bernard of Clairvaux. (1959). De laude novae militia. In: Jean Leclerq, C.H. Talbot & H. Rochais, eds. Sancti Bernardi Opera. Vol. 3. Rome, Italy: Editiones cistercienses, (1959); pp. 213-239. 2 H

A95 *The Bible Research Handbook. Volume I & Volume II. (1969). London, England, UK: Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd. 2

A96 **”BIBLICAL GENOCIDE?”. ROKU, YouTube video 2:52:07. “It’s horrific WLC’s [William Lane Craig’s] Defense of the Slaughter of the Canaanites – Akin and Rause. – Jimmy Akin. 4K 19K views – 13 days ago. 2

A97 *Bickerton, Derek. (1990). Language & Species. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press; cf. p. 105. 2

A98 Biffle, Christopher. (1989). A Guided Tour of Rene Descartes’ “Meditations on First Philosophy” with a complete translation by Ronald Rubin. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company. 2

A99 Bigham, Fr. Steven. (1995). The Image of GOD the Father in Orthodox Theology & Iconography & Other Studies. Torrance, CA: Oakwood Publications. 2

A100 *Binchy, D.A. (1982). “A Pre-Christian Survival in Medieval Irish Hagiography”. In: Dororthy Whitelock, Rosamund McKitterick, & David Dumville, eds. Ireland in Early Medieval Europe: Studies in Memory of Kathleen Hughes. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A101 *Bishop Alexander. (1979). The Life of Fr. John of Kronstadt. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A102 Bishop Auxentios of Photiki. (1993). The Paschal Fire in Jerusalem: A Study of the Rite of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Berkeleey, CA: Saint John Chrysostom Press. O

A103 Bishop Cyprian of Oreoi: Acting President of the Holy Synod in Resistance of the Old Calendar Church of Greece. (2012). The Orthodox Church & Eschatological Frenzy: The Recent Proliferation of “Antichristology” & Its Perilous Side-Effects: Proposals for Curing the Eschatological Fear of Marks (Seals) & Numbers. Etna, California; Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. O

A104 *Black, Max. (1967). “The Justification of Induction”. In: Philosophy of Science Today. Sidney Morgenbesser. Ed. New York: Basic Books: 190-200.

A105 *Blackbourn, David. (2023). Germany In the World: A Global History 1500-2000. New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation/a Division of W.W. Norton & Company. 2

A106 *Blackburn, Simon. (1999). Think: a compelling introduction to philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. 2 GNL BD 21 .B481 1999

A107 Blackstone, William T., ed. (1971). Meaning & Existence: Introductory Readings in Philosophy. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc. 2

A108 *Blackwelder, Boyce W. (1961). Toward Understanding Paul. Anderson, IN: The Warner Press. 2

A109 *Blalock, Hubert M., Jr. (1969). Theory Construction. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

A110 *Blanshard, Brand. (1939). The Nature of Thought. Two volumes. London, England, UK: George Allen & Unwin. 2 P

A111 *Bloch, Marc. (1961). Feudal Society. Translated by L.A. Mayon. With a foreword by M.M. Postan. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 2

A112 *Bloom, Alan. (1987). The Closing of the American Mind. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2

A113 *Bobgan, Martin, & Bobgan, Deidre. (1999). Four Temperaments, Astrology, & Personality Testing. n.p.: EastGate Publishers. 2

A114 Bobosh, Theodore, Priest of the Orthodox Church in America. (1984). Am I saved? Scriptural Thoughts on Salvation. Minneapolis, MN: Light & Life Publishing Company. 2 O

A115 Bobrinskoy, Fr. Boris. (1999). The Mystery of the Trinity: Trinitarian Experience & Vision in the Biblical & Patristic Tradition. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A116 Boersma, T. (1978). Is the Bible a jigsaw Puzzle .. An evaluation of Hal Lindsey’s writings. St. Catharines, ON, Canada: Paideia Press. 2 H

A117 Boethius. (2001). Consolation of Philosophy. Joel C. Relihan, trans. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. 2 P*

A118 *Bohm, David. (1957). “Causality & Chance in Modern Physics”. London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul; Reprint – New York: 1st Harper Torchbook Edition, (1961). 2

A119 **Bohmer, Heinrich. (1913). “Das germanische Christentum”. Theologische Studien und Kritiken 86 (1913): 165-280. 2 [In German].

A120 **Bohr, Niels. (1949). “Discussion with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics”; in: P.A. Schilpp, ed. (1949). Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist; cf. p. 240. 2

A121 *Bonus, Arthur. (1911). “Zur Germanisierung des Christentums”. [In German]. Jena, Germany: Eugen Diederichs. 2

A122 *The Book of Pontiffs (“Liber Pontificalis”). The Ancient Biographies of the First Ninety Roman Bishops to A.D. 715. Translated & with an introduction by Raymond Davis. Liverpool, England, UK: Liverpool University Press. 2

A123 *Borkenau, Franz. (1953). European Communism. New York: n.p. 2

A124 Boros, Katalin. (2001). Beginner’s Hungarian. With 2 Audio CDs (2007). Hippocrene Beginner’s Series. New York: Hippocrene Books, Inc. 2

A125 *GNL DL 971 .L2 B673 *Bosi, Roberto. (1959). The Lapps. Ancient Peoples & Places, Volume 17. Dr. Glyn Daniel, gen. ed. New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers. 2

A126 Boss, Judith A. (1998). Ethics for Life: An Interdisciplinary & Multicultural Introduction. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company. 2

A127 Botsis, Peter E. (n.d.). What is Orthodoxy? n.p: Athens, Greece. O

A128 *Boudon, Raymond. (1968). “A New Look at Correlation Analysis”. In: Methodology in Social Research. Hubert M. Blalock, Jr., & Ann B. Blalock, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill.

A129 *Boulton, Wayne G. (2022). God Saves: Rethinking Christianity’s Most Controversial Doctrine – & Why it matters. n.p.: Cascade Books. 2

A130 Boyd, Robert Adam. (2021). The Text-Critical English New Testament: Byzantine Text Version. Robert Adam Boyd, trans. n.p.: Robert Adam Boyd. O

A131 *Brackenbusch, W. (1868). Is English destined to become the Universal Language? Gottingen: Kaestner. 2

A132 *Bradshaw, J. (1847). A scheme for making the English language the International Language. London, England, UK: Brain. 2

A133 *Braithwait, Richard Bevan. (1953). Scientific Explanation. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. Reprint, (1960) – New York: First Harper Torchbook Edition. 2

A134 *Brandt, Caspar. (1854). The Life of James Arminius. John Guthrie, trans. London, England, UK: Ward & Co. 2

A135 *Bradshaw, David. (2023). Divine Energies & Divine Action: Exploring the Essence-Energies Distinction. n.p.: IOTA Publications. 2 O P

A136 *BML HM 1146 .B7413 2020 *Bregman, Rutger. (2020). Humankind: A Hopeful History. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown & Company. 2

A137 *Brenan, Gerald. (1973). St. John of the Cross: His Life & Poetry. Cambridge, England, UK: n.p. 2 P*

A138 *Brody, Baruch A. (1977). Beginning Philosophy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. GNL BD 21 .B73 2

A139 *Brown, Dr. Michael L., Ph.D. (2015). Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur’s “Strange Fire”. Lake Mary, FL: Creation House. H

A140 Brown, E.K., & Miller, J.E. (1980). Syntax: A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure. London, England, UK: Hutchinson University Library. 2

A141 *Brown, Lawrence. (1963). The Might of the West. Washington, DC: Joseph J. Binns. 2 P*

A142 *Brown, Peter. (1972). Religion & Society in the Age of Saint Augustine. New York: Harper & Row. 2 P*

A143 Browne, M. Neil, & Keeley, Stuart M. (1994). Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking. 8th ed.,2007. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall. 2

A144 *Browning, Robert. (1976). The Emperor Julian. Berkeley, CA: University of California. 2

A145 *Brownrigg, Ronald. (1971). Who’s Who in the New Testament. London, England, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Ltd. 2

A146 *Bruce, Steve. (1990). A House Divided: Protestantism, Schism, & Secularization. New York: Routledge. 2 H

A147 *Brzezinski, Zbigniew K. (1960). The Soviet Bloc: Unity & Conflict. Cambridge, Massachusetts: n.p. 2 P*

A148 *Budge, E.A. Wallis. (1899). The Contendings of the Apostles, as obtained in the British Museum. London, England, UK: also, 1901 ed., 1935 ed. 2

A149 *Bullough, Donald. (1973). The Age of Charlemagne. 2nd ed. London, England, UK: n.p. 2 H

A150 *Burgon, Dean John. (1883). The Revision Revised. Paradise, PA: Conservative Classics. 2

A151 *Burgon, John William. (1896). The causes of the corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels. Arranged, completed, & edited by Edward Miller. London, England, UK: George Bell & Sons. 2

A152 *Burgon, John William. (1871). The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel according to St. Mark. Grand Rapids, MI: Associated Publishers & Authors. Rep. ed. n.d. 2

A153 *Burgon, John William. (1896). The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Vindicated & Established. Arranged, completed, & edited by Edward Miller. London, England, UK: George Bell & Sons. 2

A154 *Burke, James. (2007). Connections. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2 P

A155 *Burke, James. (1995). The day the Universe changed: How Galileo’s telescope changed the Truth & Other Events that dramatically Altered our Understanding of the World. n.p.: Back Bay Books. 2 P

A156 Burke, Kenneth. (1969). A Grammar of Motives. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 2 P

A157 *Burtner, Robert W., & Chiles, Robert E., eds. (1944). A Compendium of Wesley’s Theology. New York: Abingdon Press. 2 H P*

A158 *Burton, Barry. (1983). Let’s Weigh the Evidence. Chico, CA: Chick Publications. 2

A159 Butler-Bowdon, Tom. (2007). 50 Psychology Classics: Who we are, How we think, what we do. – Insight & Inspiration from 50 key books. New York: MJF Books. 2

A160 Cabasilas, Nicholas. (1960). A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy. J.M. Hussey & P.A. McNulty, trans. London, England, UK: SPCK. O

A161 *Cadot, Michel. (1967). L’image de la Russie dans la vie intellectuelle francaise, 1839-1856. Paris, France: Fayard. [In French]. 2 P

A162 Cahn, Steven M. (2008). Seven Masterpieces of Philosophy. New York: Pearson/Longman. 2 P

A163 Cahn, Steven M., & Markie, Peter, eds. (1998). Ethics: History, Theory, & Contemporary Issues. New York: Oxford University Press. 2 P

A164 *Cain, Jimmie E., Jr. (2006). Bram Stoker and Russophobia. Evidence of the British Fear of Russia in “Dracula” and “The Lady of the Shroud”. n.p.: Jefferson, McFarland & Company. 2 P

A165 *Calabuig, I. (2000). “The Liturgical Cult of Mary in the East & the West”. In: Handbook for Liturgical Studies 5, A. Chapungco, ed. Collegeville, MN: n.p.: cf. pp. 217-256. 2

A166 *Campbell, Donald T. (1958). “Common Fate, Similarity, & Other Indices of the Status of Aggregates of Persons as Social Entities”. Behavioral Science, vol. 3, 1958: 14-25. 2

A167 Campolo, Anthony. (1985). Partly Right: Christianity Responds to Its Critics. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing. H 2

A168 *Camus, Albert. (1955). The Myth of Sisyphus. Justin O’Brien, trans. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2 P*

A169 *Capitularia Regum Francorum. (1881). MGH Legum Sectio II. Vol. 1., part 1. Edited by Alfred Boretius. Hanover, Germany: Hahn Verlag, 1881. 2 H MGH = Monumenta Germaniae Historica

A170 Carlin, Dan. (2019). The End is always near: Apocalyptic moments, from the Bronze age collapse to Nuclear near misses. New York: Harper/an Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2

A171 Carlson, Dan, & Carlson, Sonya. (2019). Should We read Only the King James Bible: Are Modern Translations Evil? Salome, AZ: Dan & Sonya Carlson. 2

A172 Carlton, Clark. (2000). The Life: The Orthodox Doctrine of Salvation – An Orthodox Catechism. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A173 Carlton, Clark. (1999). The Truth: What every Roman Catholic should know about the Orthodox Church. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A174 Carlton, Clark. (1997a). The Faith: Understanding Orthodox Christianity. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A175 Carlton, Clark. (1997b). The Way: What every Protestant should know about the Orthodox Church. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A176 *Carnap, Rudolf. (1966). Philosophical Foundations of Physics. New York: Basic Books. 2 P*

A177 *Carson, D.A. (1979). The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. 2

A178 *Carson, Neil R. (1984). Psychology: The Science of Behavior. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon. 2

A179 Carter, John D., & Narramore, Bruce. (1979). The Integration of Psychology & Theology: An Introduction. Rosemead Psychology Series. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House. 2 P*

A180 **Casey, R.P. (1957). “A Russian Orthodox View of New Testament Textual Criticism”. Theology, 60:440 (February, 1957); pp. 50-54 2

A181 Hieromonk Cassian. Archbishop Chrysostomos & Hieromonk Gregory, eds. (1998). A Scientific Examination of the Orthodox Church Calendar: or, The Old Calendar & Science. Etna, CA: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. 2 O

A182 *Cassiday, Julie A. (2022). Russian Style: Gender, Power, & Putinism. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. 2 P

A183 Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC]. Complete & Updated. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope John Paul II [Karol Wojtyla]. (1994). Catechism of the CatholicChurch: With Modifications from the Editio Typica. New York: Doubleday. 2 H

A184 A Catechism of the Christian Doctrine of the Holy Orthodox Catholic & Apostolic Church: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Metropolitan-Archbishop PHILIP Saliba, Primate. (1998). 8th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. O

A185 Catechism of the Orthodox Church. (n.d.). Catechism of the Orthodox Church [The Catechism of the Orthodox, Catholic, Eastern Church. South Canaan, PA: St. Tikhon’s Religious Center. O

A186 Cathcart, Thomas, & Klein, Daniel. (2007). Plato & a Platypus Walk into a Bar …: Understanding Philosophy through Jokes. New York: Penguin Books. 2

A187 **Cattell, David T. (1960). “Multilateral Co-operation & Integration in Eastern Europe”. The Western Political Quarterly, March, 1960. 2

A188 *Cattell, Raymond B. (1972). A New Morality from Science: Beyondism. Pergamon General Psychology Series, no. 32. New York: Pergamon Press. 2 P*

A189 *Cavarnos, Constantine. (1989). The Hellenic-Christian Philosophical Tradition. Belmont, Massachusetts: Institute For Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies. 2 P O

A190 Cavarnos, Constantine. (2008). Orthodoxy & Philosophy. Belmont, Massachusetts: Institute For Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies. 2 O

A191 Cavarnos, Constantine. (1998). St. Photios the Great: Philosopher & Theologian. Belmont, Massachusetts: IBMGS – Institute For Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies. O

A192 Cavarnos, Constantine. (1994). Biological Evolutionism. Monographic Supplement Series Number XIV. Etna, California: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. O

A193 Cavarnos, Constantine. (1992). Smoking & the Orthodox Christian. Bishop Chrysostomos, ed. Monographic Supplement Series Number VI. Translated from the Greek by Bishop Chrysostomos of Etna. Etna, California: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. 2 O

A194 Cavarnos, Constantine. (1969). Modern Greek Thought: Three Essays Dealing with Philosophy, Critique of Science, & Views of Man’s Nature & Destiny. 2nd ed., 1986. Belmont, Massachusetts: Institute For Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies. 2 O

A195 Cavarnos, Constantine. (1967). Modern Greek Philosophers On the Human Soul. 2nd ed., rev. & considerably enlarged. 1987 ed. Belmont, Massachusetts: Institute For Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies. 2 O

A196 *de Cervantes, Miguel. (2005). Don Quixote. Edith Grossman, trans. New York: Ecco. 2 F

A197 Chaffee, John. (2009). The Philosopher’s Way: A Text With Readings. Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. 2

A198 *Chamberlin, E.R. (1969). The Bad Popes. New York: Dorsett Press. 2 H

A199 *Chandler, Russell. (1988). Understanding the New Age. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing. H P*

A200 *Chaney, William A. (1970). The Cult of Kingship in Anglo-Saxon England: The Transition from Paganism to Christianity. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 2

A201 Chariton, Igumen of Valamo. (1966). The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology. Orig. trans., by Elizabeth M. Palmer. Translated by E. Kadloubovsky & E.M. Palmer. 1997 ed. Boston, MA: Faber and Faber. O

A202 The Cherokee New Testament Parallel Cherokee & English, Translation Based Upon the Received Text. Global Bible Society, PO Box 6068, Asheville, NC 28816 GLOBALBIBLES@GMAIL.COM 2nd ed. (2015). 2

A203 **Cherokee New Testament Online:

A204 Chervin, Ronda, Ph.D., & Kevane, Eugene, Ph.D. (1988). Love of Wisdom: An Introduction to Christian Philosophy. San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press. H P*

A205 *Chesterton, G.K. (1956). Thomas Aquinas. New York: Doubleday Image Books. 2 H

A206 ** – 1 month changed … https:// > Lutherans going East: If you’re going to Run through the Bosphorus give heed to CCR – Posted on July 21, 201 by Christian News. Pastor Paul Harris. Trinity Lutheran, Austin, TX. Originally posted, Christian News, June 6, 2020. 2

A207 *Christensen, Monk Damascene. (1993). Not of This World: The Life & Teaching of Fr. Seraphim Rose, Pathfinder to the Heart of Ancient Christianity. Seraphim Rose Foundation, PO Box 1656, Forestville, CA 95436. O

A208 Christenson, Larry. (2001). The Renewed Mind: Becoming the Person God Wants you to be. Orig. ed., 1974. Minneapolis, MN: BethanyHouse. 2 (H)

A209 Christenson, Larry. (1976). The Charismatic RENEWAL Among Lutherans: A Pastoral & Theological Perspective. Rev. ed., 1985. Minneapolis, MN: International Lutheran Renewal Center. 2 [H]

A210 **Christian Book Library – ROKU YouTube video 35:39 [caveat: this list of books is “Reformed” (Calvinist), not Christian]. Andy Patscot 872 views – 1 year ago (2023).

A211 *Christian, M.D. (1946). Greek as an International Language. New York: n.p. 2

A212 Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The Holy Bible: Christian Standard Bible. Holman Bibles. (2017). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers. 2

A213 *Clark, Andy. (2001). Mindware: an Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science. New York: Oxford University Press. BML BF 311.M5412 2001

A214 Claxton, Guy. (2000). Hare Brain Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence Increases when You think less. Orig. ed., 1997. New York: ECCO/an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2

A215 Clendenin, Daniel B., ed. (1995). Eastern Orthodox Theology: A Contemporary Reader. 2nd ed., 2003. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic/aof Baker Book House Co./Carlisle, Cumbria, England, UK: Paternoster Press. O 2

A216 Cleenewerck, Laurent A., ed. (2019). EASTERN/GREEK ORTHODOX NEW TESTAMENT – PORTABLE EDITION. Columbia, MO: New Rome Press. O

A217 Cleenewerck, Laurent, ed. (2012). The Eastern Orthodox Bible, Based On the Septuagint & the Patriarchal Text. New Testament also known as the Christian Greek Scriptures. With extensive introductory & supplemental material. n.p.: CreateSpace, O

A218 Cleenewerck, Laurent A. (2007). His Broken Body: Understanding & healing the Schism between the Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox Churches. n.p.: Theosis Press/Euclid EC Press. O 2

A219 *Clover, Charles. (2016). Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2

A220 *Clover Monsma, John, editor. (1958). The Evidence of God in an Expanding Universe: Forty American Scientists Declare Their Affirmative Views on Religion – Published in Connection with the International Geophysical Year. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. GNL BL 240 .M715 2

A221 Cobble, Tara-Leigh. (2022). The God Shot: 100 Snapshots of God’s Character In Scripture. Minneapolis, MN: BethanyHouse/a division of Baker Publishing Group. H


A223 *Collins, Roger. (1995). Early Medieval Spain: Unity in Diversity 400-1000. 2nd ed. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A224 Collins Spurrell Pocket Welsh Dictionary. In Colour. (1960). 2009 ed. Glasgow, Scotland: HarperCollinsPublishers.  2

A225 Colombo, Gary. (2002). Mind Readings: An Anthology for Writers. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2 F

A226 *Columbanus. (1957). Sancti Columbani Opera. Edited by G.S.M. Walker. Dublin, Ireland: Institute for Advanced Studies. 2

A227 The Book of Common Prayer & Administration of the Sacraments & Other Rites & Ceremonies of the Church, Together with The Psalter or Psalms of David – According to the use of The Episcopal Church. (1990). New York: Oxford University Press. H

A228 Compton, William C. (2005). An Introduction to Positive Psychology. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. 2

A229 **A Concise Dictionary of the Sauk Language. Gordon Whittaker. The Sac & Fox National Public Library, Stroud, Oklahoma, 2005. PDF 2

A230 **Conesa, Pierre. (2009). “La fabrication de l’enemi: la cas russe”. Liberation, December 31, 2009. 2 P

A231 Coniaris, Fr. Anthony M. (2008). Can a Loving God be Wrathful? An Orthodox Christian perspective. Minneapolis, MN: Light & Life Publishing Company. 2 O

A232 Conroy, J.F. (1997). Breton: Hippocrene Dictionary & Phrasebook. Breton-English English-Breton. New York: Hippocrene Books. 2

A233 Conser, Jr., William H., ed. (1994). William G. McLoughlin. The Cherokees & Christianity, 1794-1870. Essays on Acculturation & Cultural Persistence. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press. 2

A234 **”Constructivism”: cf. pp. 154-158, RITA SMILKSTEIN, PH.D., in: *GNL LB 1060 .P683 2007 *Feinstein, Sheryl, ed. (2006). Learning & the Brain: A Comprehensive guide for Educators, Parents, & Teachers. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education. 2

**Further readings:

1] Brooks, J.G., & Brooks, M.G. (1999). In Search of Understanding: The case for Constructivist classrooms. Alexandria, Virginia; ASCD. 2

2] Diamond, M. (1967). “Extensive cortical depth measurements & neuron size increases in the cortex of environmentally enriched rats”. Journal of Comparative Neurology 131: 357-364.

3] Jacobs, B., Schall, M., & Scheibel, A.B. (1993). “A quantitative dendritic analysis of Wernieke’s area in humans. II. Gender, hemispheric, & environmental factors”. Journal of Comparative Neurology 327:97-111.

4] Lambert, L., Walker, D., Zimmerman, D.P., Cooper, J.E., Lambert, M.D., Gardner, M.E., & Szabo, M. (2002). The Constructivist Leader. (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.

5] Smilkstein, R. (2002). We’re Born to Learn: Using the Brain’s Natural Learning Process to Create Today’s Curriculum. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

A235 *Conybeare, & Howson. (n.d.). Life & Epistles of the Apostle Paul. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. 2

A236 Cooke, Bernard J. (1990). The Distancing of God: The Ambiguity of Symbol in History & Theology. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Press. H P*

A237 Copleston, Frederick, S.J., ed. (1965). A History of Philosophy: Volume 3 – Modern Philosophy: Bentham to Russell – Part II Idealism in America, The Pragmatist Movement, The Revolt Against Idealism. 1966 ed. Garden City, NY: Image Books/a Division of Doubleday & Company, Inc. 2 P*

A238 Copleston, Frederick, S.J. (1963). A History of Philosophy: Volume 7 Modern Philosophy – Part 1: Fichte to Hegel. 1965 ed. Garden City, NY: Image Books/a Division of Doubleday & Company, Inc. 2 P*

A239 Copley, Gregory R. (1992). Hiding Genocide: How Croatia has been waging, & winning, a Global Psychological War for the Balkans while committing Genocide against the Serbs. 1996 ed. Etna, California; Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. 2 O

A240 ** Corm, Georges. (2009). “Les causes des guerres a venir”. Cahier du GIPRI, No. 7, Geneva, Switzerland. 2 P

A241 *Corpus Christianorum Clavis Patrum Graecorum. (1978-1987; 2003). 5 vols. & supplement. F. Geerard, F. Glorie, & J. Noret, eds. n,p,: Turnhout. 2

A242 *Costner, Herbert L., & Leik, Robert K. (1964). “Deductions from “Axiomatic Theory””. American Sociological Review, vol. 29, No. 6, Dec. 1964: 819-835. 2

A243 *Cottrell, Leonard. (1967). Seeing Roman Britain. London, England, UK: Pan Books, Ltd. 2

A244 Coulter, Ann. (2016). In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! New York: Sentinel/an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. 2 [H]

A245 Coulter, Fred R. (2010). The Holy Bible In Its Original Order: A New English Translation – A Faithful Version with Commentary. 2nd ed. Hollister, California: York Publishing Company. H [highly heretical Armstrongist heresies/commentaries].

A246 **Coulter, Harris L. (1959). “The Hungarian Peasantry: 1948-1956”. The American Slavic & East European Review, December, 1959; pp. 539-554. 2

A247 **[Country Report: Hungary]. Asylum in Europe. Country Report: Hungary. August 8, 2018. https://  2 P*

A248 *Crean, Fr. Thomas, O.P. (2023). Vindicating the Filioque: The Church Fathers at the Council of Florence. n.p.: Emmaus Academic. H

A249 ** … https:// > orthodoxy & genesis Orthodoxy & Genesis: What the fathers really taught …. 2 O ID

A250 Cress, Donald A., trans. (1980). Rene Descartes. Discourse on Method & Meditations on First Philosophy. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company. 2

A251 *Crossan, John Dominic, & Watts, Richard G. (1999). Who is Jesus? Answers to Your Questions about the Historical Jesus. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. H

A252 *Cruz, Ted. (2023). Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing. 2 H P*

A253 **Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi, & Nakamura, J. (2010). Effortless attention in everyday life: a systematic phenomenology. In: B. Bruya, ed. Effortless attention: a new perspective in the cognitive science of attention & action (pp. 179-189). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 2

A254 **Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi, Rajman, M., & Pallota, V. (2007). Speech & language engineering (Computer & Communication Sciences). Lausanne, Switzerland: EPFL Press. 2

A255 Cuddy, Amy. (2015). Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges. New York: Back Bay Books/Little, Brown & Company. 2 P

A256 Cummings, Denver, trans. (1949). Apostolos Makrakis. An Orthodox-Protestant Dialogue. 2nd ed., 1966. Chicago, IL: The Orthodox Christian Educational Society. O

A257 **Curry, Andrew. (2008). “Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?”, Smithsonian magazine, (November 2008). Website: http:// 2 P*

A258 Cyril of Alexandria, St. (1995). On the Unity of Christ. John Anthony McGuckin, trans. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A259 Daley, Brian E., S.J., trans. (1998). On the Dormition of Mary: Early Patristic Homilies. Crestwood, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2 O

A260 Damascene, St. John. (1980). On the Divine Images: Three Apologies Against those who Attack the Divine Images. David Anderson, trans. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A261 *Davidson, James Dale, & Rees-Mogg, Lord William. (1997). The Sovereign Individual: How to survive & thrive during the Collapse of the Welfare State. New York: Simon & Schuster. GNL HC 59.15 .D385 1997 2

A262 Deane-Drummond, Celia, Bergmann, Sigurd, & Vogt, Markus, eds. (2017). Religion in the Anthropocene. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books/Wipf & Stock Publishers. 2

A263 *Deaton, Angus. (2023). Economics In America: An Immigrant Explores the Land of Inequality. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2

A264 Deely, John N. (1982). Introducing Semiotic: Its History & Doctrine. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2 P

A265 *De Fide Orthodoxa. (1955). John Damascene. De Fide Orthodoxa: Versions of Burgundio & Cerbanus, E. Buyaert, ed. (Text Series 8). St. Bonaventure, NY: n.p. 2 O

A266 The Defined King James Bible: Containing the Old & New Testaments – The Authorized King James Bible – Unaltered, Medium Print, with Uncommon Words Defined. Pastor D.A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D., gen. ed. Mr. D.A. Waite, Jr., M.A., M.L.A., ed. Pastor S.H. Tow, D.D., M.D., contributing ed. Mr. Daniel S. Waite, M.A., M.Div., publication coordinator. (2015). Collingswood, NJ: The Bible For Today Press. H

A267 *De Hamel, Christopher. (2023). The Manuscripts Club: the People behind a Thousand Years of Medieval Manuscripts. New York: Penguin Press. 2 BML 106.5 .E85 D43 2023

A268 The Deification of Man. (1984). Georgios I. Mantzaridis. Translated from the Greek by Liadain Sherrard. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A269 *De Lange, Nicholas. (2000). An Introduction to Judaism. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2 [H].

A270 Demopoulos, Perry, Th.D. (2023). “The Circle of the earth” In Light of the Bible. [Missionary to the Former Soviet Union since 1992]. 2nd ed., 2023. n.p.: Perry Demopoulos. H

A271 Demopoulos, Perry. (2021). TRANSLATING THE KING JAMES BIBLE into a foreign language: BY A “DECREE” OF A KING FOR ALL NATIONS. [Missionary to the Former Soviet Union since 1992]. Reprint, 2022. n.p.: Perry Demopoulos. HP*

A272 Demopoulos, Perry. (2014). The Gap Fact: A Biblical Exposition of a Flood as the result of Lucifer’s sin. [Missionary to the Former Soviet Union since 1992]. Reprint, 2023. n.p.: Perry Demopoulos. H P*

A273 Denise, Theodore C., White, Nicholas P., & Peterfreund, Sheldon P., eds. (2002). Great Traditions in Ethics. 10th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. 2

A274 *BML QH 375 D45 1995 *Dennett, Daniel C. (1995). Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Evolution & the Meaning of Life. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2 P

A275 *Deresiewicz, William. (2014). Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite & the Way to a Meaningful Life. New York: Free Press. 2

A276 United States Department of Justice. Alan Dershowitz, ed. (2019). The Mueller Report: The Final Report of the Special Counsel into Donald Trump, Russia, & Collusion. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. 2

A277 Deuel Enterprises, Inc. (1998). TMB: Third Millennium Bible – New Authorized Version of the Holy Bible. The complete Authorized Version of 1611 updated; containing the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical Books. Gary, South Dakota: Third Millennium Publications/A division of Deuel Enterprises, Inc. 2

A278 *Deutscher, Guy. (2010). Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different In Other Languages. New York: Metropolitan Books – Henry Holt & Company. 2

A279 *Dionne, Jr., E.J. (2016). Why the Right went wrong: Conservatism – from Goldwater to the Tea Party & beyond. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2 BML JC 573.2 .U6 D57 2016

A280 Disillusioned: Why I Left the Eastern Orthodox Priesthood & Church. 2nd ed. (2023). Joshua Schooping. Russellville, AR: Theophany Press. H

A281 *Doctorow, Cory. (2023). The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation. New York: Verso. 2

A282 *Dooyeweerd, Herman. (1953). A new critique of Theoretical Thought. 1969 ed. 4 volumes. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed. H 2 P

A283 *Dooyeweerd, Herman. (1960). In the Twilight of Western Thought. 1968 ed. Nutley, NJ: Craig Press. 2 H P

A284 *Dostoevsky, Fyodor. (1993). Crime & Punishment (Vintage Classics). Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky, trans. New York: Vintage. 2 F

A285 *Dostoevsky, Fyodor. (2021). The Brothers Karamazov (Bicentennial Edition). Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky, trans. New York: Picador. 2 F

A286 *Dostoevsky, Feodor. (n.d.). Notes from Underground. Contance Garnett, trans. New York: Macmillan. 2 F

A287 Downey, Michael. (2000). Altogether Gift: A Trinitarian Spirituality. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. H

A288 *Dubin, Robert. (1969). Theory Building. New York: The Free Press. 2

A289 Dunn, James D.G. (1991). The Partings of the Ways: Between Christianity & Judaism & their Significance for the Character of Christianity. London, England, UK: SCM Press/Philadelphia, PA: Trinity Press International. 2

A290 *Durkheim, Emile. (1964). The Rules of Sociological Method. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, (1938). Reprint. First Free Press Paperback, (1964). 2

A291 *Dvornik, Francis. (1962). The Slavs in European History & Civilization. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 2

A292 Eastern Orthodox Christianity: The Essential Texts. (2016). Bryn Geffert & Theofanis G. Stavrou, eds. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2 O

A293 Eastern Orthodox Theology: A Contemporary Reader. 1st ed. (1995). Daniel B. Clendenin, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: BakerBooks/a division of Baker Book House Co. O 2

A294 *Eberle, Dr. Harold R. (2010). Living & Dying with the King James Bible. 1st ed. n.p.: Worldcast Publishing. 2

A295 Eco, Umberto. (1997). Kant & the Platypus: Essays on Language & Cognition. Eng. trans., 1999. Translated from the Italian by Alastair McEwen. New York: A Harvest Book/Harcourt, Inc. 2

A296 *GNL P 106 .E2813 1995 1995 *Eco, Umberto. (1995). The search for the perfect language. New York: Blackwell. 2

A297 *GNL P 99 .E2913 1984 *Eco, Umberto. (1984). Semiotics & the Philosophy of Language. Advances in Semiotics. Thomas A. Sebeok, gen. ed. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2 P

A298 *Edda, die Lieder des Codex Regius. (1962). 4th ed. Edited by Gustav Neckel. Revised by Hans Kuhn. Heidelberg, Germany: Winter Verlag, 1962. 2 [In German].

A299 *Edwards, Paul, gen. ed. (1967). The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 8 volumes. New York: Macmillan. P 2

1] – Volume 1 & 2. (1967a). Abbagnano to Entropy.

2] – Volume 3 & 4. (1967b). Epicurus to Logic.

3] – Volume 5 & 6. (1967c). Logic to Psychologism.

4] – Volume 7 & 8. (1967d). Psychology to Zubiri; Index.

A300 *Egginton, William. (2023). The Rigor of Angels: Borges, Heisenberg, Kant, & the Ultimate Nature of Reality. New York: Pantheon Books/Penguin Random House LLC. 2 BML BD 331 .E423 2023

A301 Ehle, John. (1988). Trail of Tears: The Rise & Fall of the Cherokee Nation. New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday. 2

A302 *Eichholz, Rudiger, & Eichholz, Vilma Sindona. (1982). Esperanto in the Modern World: Studies & Articles on Language Problems, the Right to Communicate, & the International Language (1959-1982). 2nd ed. Bailiesboro, ON, Canada: Esperanto Press. 2

A303 *Einstein, Albert. (1950). The Theory of Relativity & Other Essays. New York: MJF Books. 2

A304 **Wikipedia > wiki > Eleanor_Rigby Eleanor Rigby The Beatles 2 M

A305 *Eldredge, John. (2022). Resilient: Restoring your weary Soul in these turbulent Times. Large Print ed. New York: Thomson Gale. BML BV 4597.58 .R47 E52 2022 LARGE PRINT 2

A306 *Eldredge, John. (2017). All Things New: Heaven, Earth, & the Restoration of Everything You Love. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 2

A307 *Eldredge, Niles. (2000). The Triumph of Evolution: And the Failure of Creation. New York: A Peter N. Nevraumont Book/W.H. Freeman & Company. 2 H BML GN 281.4 .E45 2000 P*

A308 *Elet es Irodalom. Successor of the Irodalmi Ujsag after the Revolution of 1956. 2

A309 *Eliade, Mircea. (1954). The Myth of the Eternal Return. Translated from the French by Willard R. Trask. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2 P*

A310 *Ellard, Gerard. (1956). Master Alcuin, Liturgist. Chicago, IL: Loyola University Press. H 2

A311 *Ellenforradalmi Erok a Magyar Oktoberi Esem*nyekben (Counterrevolutionary forces in the Hungarian October Events). 4 volumes. Budapest, 1957-1958. 2

A312 *Elliott, Ralph W.V. (1989). Runes: An Introduction. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 2

A313 *Ellis, Steven G., & Maginn, Christopher. (2013). The Making of the British Isles: The State of Britain & Ireland, 1450-1660. New York: Routledge. 2

A314 *Elliston, Frederick A., & McCormick, Peter, eds. (1977). Husserl: Expositions & Appraisals. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. 2 GNL B 3279 .H94 H88 c. 2

A315 *Englebretsen, George. (1981). Logical Negation. Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum. GNL BC 199 .N4 E563 2

A316 The English Standard Version Bible, With Apocrypha. (2011). New York: Oxford University Press. 2 O

A317 Ephrem the Syrian, St. (1998). Hymns On Paradise. Sebastian Brock, trans. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A318 *GNL B 945 .P44 E86 1980 *Esposito, Joseph L. (1980). Evolutionary metaphysics: the development of Peirce’s Theory of Categories. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. 2 P

A319 *Ethridge, Shannon. (2007). Completely His: Loving Jesus Without Limits. Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press. 2

A320 European Political Thought 1600-1700. (1998). W.M. Spellman. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 2

A321 *Eusebius. (1965). The History of the Church. G.A. Williams, trans. New York: Dorsett Press. 2

A322 *Evangelidis, Margaritis. (1885). Historia tes Theorias tes Gnosteos (“History of Theory of Knowledge”). Athens, Greece. 2

A323 *Evans, G.R. (1986). The Thought of Gregory the Great. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A324 *Evdokimov, Paul. (1985). The Sacrament of Love. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A325 Eznik of Kolb. (1998). On God. A TREATISE ON GOD WRITTEN IN ARMENIAN BY EZNIK OF KOLB (floruit c. 430 – c. 450). Monica J. Blanchard & Robin Darling Young, trans. Eastern Christian Texts In Translation. Edited by Sidney H. Griffith & Robin D. Young, (Catholic University). Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Catholic University of Louvain & America. General Secretary, Bernard Coulie. Leuven: Peeters. 2 O

A327 *Fadiman, Clifton, & Major, John S. (1997). The New Lifetime Reading Plan. 4th ed. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers. GNL Z 1035 .F29 1997 2

A328 *Fainsod, Merle. (1953). How Russia is Ruled. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2

A329 *Fainsod, Merle. (1959). “What Happened to “Collective Leadership”?”. Problems of Communism, July-August 1959; pp. 4-11. 2

A330 Farber, Seth. (1998). Eternal Day: The Christian Alternative to Secularism & Modern Psychology. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A331 Farley, Andrew. (2019). Twisted Scripture: Untangling 45 Lies Christians have been told. Washington, DC: Salem Books/an imprint of Regnery Publishing. 2 H

A332 Farley, Fr. Lawrence R. (2013). The Epistle to the Hebrews: High Priest In Heaven. The Orthodox Bible Companion Series. Chesterton, IN: Ancient Faith Publishing. 2 O

A333 *Farnam, Julie. (2024). Domestic Darkness: An Insider’s Account of the January 6 Insurrection, & the Future of Right-Wing Extremism. New York: Ig Publishing.  2

A334 Farrell, Joseph P., Ph.D., trans. (1987). Saint Photios. The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit. Brookline, Massachusetts: Holy Cross Orthodox Press. O

A335 Farstad, Dr. Arthur L. (1989). The New King James Version in the Great Tradition. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2

A336 Fayer, Mischa. (1977). Simplified Russian Grammar. Skokie, IL: National Textbook Company. 2

A337 *Fea, John. (2018). Believe Me: The Evangelical Road to Donald Trump. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans. H P*

A338 *Fearnside, W. Ward. (1980). About Thinking. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2

A339 *Feigl, Herbert. (1953). “Notes on Causality”. In: Readings in The Philosophy of Science. Herbert Feigl, & May Brodbeck, eds. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.; (1953): 408-418. 2

A340 *GNL LB 1060 .P683 2007 *Feinstein, Sheryl, ed. (2006). Learning & the Brain: A Comprehensive guide for Educators, Parents, & Teachers. Lanham, Marylan: Rowman & Littlefield Education. 2

A341 *Fejto, Francois. (1957). Ungheria 1945-1947. Torino, Italy: n.p. 2 [In Italian].

A342 *BML BM 562 .F48 2024 *Feldman, Noah. (2024). To Be a Jew Today: A New Guide to GOD, Israel, & the Jewish People. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2 [H]

A343 Feynman, Richard P., & Leighton, Ralph. (1988). “What Do You Care What Other People Think?”. Further Adventures of a Curious Character. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. 2

A344 Fieser, James, ed. (2000). Metaethics, Normative Ethics, & Applied Ethics: Historical & Contemporary Readings. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. 2c

A345 FILIOQUE. 1. Catholic Answers. https:// > Was the Addition of “Filioque” an Illicit Alteration of the Nicene Creed? CATHOLIC ANSWERS STAFF. 2 P*

A346 FILIOQUE. 2. The Puritan Board. https:// Is rejecting the Filioque reason for assuming the lostness of somebody? November 6, 2017. Having a perfect Trinitarian theology doesn’t necessarily mean somebody is saved, and not having it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re unsaved. 2 P*

A347 FILIOQUE. 3. Wikipedia. https:// > wiki History of the Filioque controversy. 2 P*

A348 FILIOQUE. 4. Filioque. Wikipedia. › wiki › Filioque

For some, the term implies a serious underestimation of God the Father’s role in the Trinity; for others, its denial implies a serious underestimation of the …

‎History of the filioque controversy · ‎Eastern Orthodox teaching…

A349 FILIOQUE. 5. Does the Bible reject the Filioque? : r/Catholicism.

Reddit · r/Catholicism. 4 comments · 5 months ago. Rejection comes from a person, not a collection of books. You need to reframe the question. The Bible means what the Church says it does, … [Scott Robert Harrington, B.A. …. : Caveat: The Bible means what the Orthodox Church says it does; The Pope [Papacy] of Rome left the Catholic Church in 1054 AD for the Carolingian-Frankish Filioque heresy & schism.].

A350-A FILIOQUE 6-A. Christianity Stack Exchange. https:// does the Filioque affect Reformed Protestant theology? March 28, 2014. 2

A350-B FILIOQUE 6-B. Filioque rejected by GOD. AI Overview. The Filioque is a clause in the Nicene Creed that states that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. The Eastern Orthodox Church rejects the Filioque for a number of reasons including theological and practical concerns. [Scott Robert Harrington, B.A.: CAVEAT: The Filioque is not a clause in the Nicene Creed. It was an adding in error by some of the Popes of Rome in the West.]. Biblical evidence. The Eastern Orthodox Church believes there is no Biblical evidence to support the idea that the Father and the Son have a common origin. Bishops’ authority. The Eastern Orthodox Church doesn’t believe that any bishop had the right to add to or remove from the Creed without consulting the rest of the church. Trinity imbalance. The Filioque makes the Father’s personal property common to both the Father and the Son which the Eastern Orthodox Church believes creates an imbalance in the Trinity. The Nicene and Constantinople creeds. The Eastern Orthodox Church believes the Filioque contradicts the theology of the councils of Nicea and Constantinople.

Heresy. What is the heresy of the Filioque?

By insistence of the Filioque, Orthodox representatives say that the West

Appears to deny the monarchy of the Father and the Father as principle origin

Of the Trinity. Which would indeed be the heresy of Modalism

(which states the essence of God, and not the Father,

Is the origin of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).


Is the Filioque right or wrong?

In the late 6th century,

some Latin Churches

added the words “and from the Son” (Filioque)

to the description

of the procession

of the Holy Spirit

in what many Eastern Orthodox Christians

have at a later stage argued

is a violation

of Canon VII of the Council of Ephesus,

since the words were not included in the text

of the Creed of Constantinople (381).


Eretnekség. Mi a Filioque eretneksége?

A Filioque ragaszkodásával az ortodox képviselők azt mondják, hogy a Nyugat

Úgy tűnik, tagadja az Atya és az Atya monarchiáját, mint elvi eredetet

A Szentháromságé. Ami valóban a modalizmus eretneksége lenne

(amely Isten lényegét mondja ki, és nem az Atyát,

Az Atya, a Fiú és a Szentlélek eredete).


Jó vagy rossz a Filioque?

A 6. század végén

néhány latin egyház

hozzáadta az „és a Fiútól” szavakat (Filioque)

a leíráshoz

a felvonulásról

a Szentlélek

amiben sok keleti ortodox keresztény

egy későbbi szakaszban vitatkoztak


az efezusi zsinat VII. kánonja,

mivel a szavak nem szerepeltek a szövegben

a konstantinápolyi hitvallás (381).

A351 Fishman, O.M. (2003). Жизнь в вере: Тихвинские карело-старообрядцы. [Russian edition]. Moscow, Russia: Indrik. 2 O

A352 Fletcher, Angus. (1971). The Prophetic Moment: An Essay On Spencer. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. 2

A353 Fletcher, Angus. (1964). Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode. 1970 ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Paperbacks/Cornell University Press. 2

A354 Fletcher, Richard. (1997). The Barbarian Conversion: From Paganism to Christianity. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 2

A355 *Florovsky, Fr. Georges. (1987). The Collected Works of Georges Florovsky. Vaduz, Flanders: Buchervertriebanstalt. O

A356 Florovsky, Fr. Georges. (1987). The Eastern Fathers of the Fourth Century: Volume Seven in The Collected Works of Georges Florovsky. Richard S. Haugh, gen. ed. Catherine Edmunds, trans. Vaduz, Switzerland: Buchervertriebanstalt. O 2

A357 Florovsky, Fr. Georges. (1972). Bible, Church, Tradition: an Eastern Orthodox View. Volume One in the Collected Works of Georges Florovsky. Belmont, Massachusetts: Nordland Publishing Company. 2 O

A358 *Foglesong, David. (2007). The American Mission and the Evil Empire. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2 P*

A359 *Foley, Robert. (1995). Humans before Humanity. n.p.: Blackwell; cf. p. 170. H 2 P*

A360 Follett, Ken. (2017). A Column of Fire. New York: Penguin Books. 2 F

A361 *Forster, Peter G. (1982). The Esperanto Movement. The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton. 2

A362 *Foster, Lewis. (n.d.). Selecting a Translation of the Bible. Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing Co. 2

A363 *Fouracre, Paul, & Geberding, Richard A. (1996). Late Merovingian France. History & Hagiography 640-720. Manchester, England, UK: Manchester University Press. 2

A364 Frances, Allen, M.D. (2017). Twilight of American Sanity: A Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump. New York: William Morrow/an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2

A365 *Pope Francis, & Wolton, Dominique. (2018). A Future of Faith: the Path of Change in Politics & Society. Large Print ed. New York: Thomson Gale. BML BX 1793 .F727 2018b LARGE PRINT 2 P*

A366 Frank, Jerome. (1930). Law & the Modern Mind. 1935 ed. New York: Tudor Publishing Company. 2

A367 Franz, Edward Quinlisk, M.A. (1950). The Catholic University of America Philosophical Series, Volume No. CXVII. The Thomist Doctrine on the Possible Intellect: A Dissertation. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press. 2 H

A368 *Free Europe Committee. (1957). Preliminary Results of Depth Interviews & Attitude Scales. Inquiry into Political & Social Attitudes in Hungary. New York: n.p. 2

A369 *Freeze, Gregory L., trans. (1985). I.S. Belliustin. Description of the Clergy in Rural Russia: The Memoir of a Nineteenth-century Parish Priest. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. GNL BX 597 .B45 A3513 1985 2 O

A370 *Fryer, Peter. (1956). The Hungarian Tragedy. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A371 *f*ckuyama, Francis. (2011). The Origins of Political Order; From Prehuman times to the French Revolution. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2

A372 *f*ckuyama, Francis. (2014). Political Order & Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2

A373 *Furedi, Frank. (2018). Populism & the European Culture Wars. New York: Routledge. 2 P*

A374 *Gagliardi, Mauro. (2020). Truth is a Synthesis: Catholic Dogmatic Theology. n.p.: Emmaus Academic. H

A375 *Gangwer, T. (2005). Visual Impact, Visual Teaching. San Diego, CA: The Brain Store. 2

A376 Garcia Martinez, Florentino. (1996). The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English. 2nd ed. Wilfred G.E. Watson, trans. Leiden: E.J. Brill/Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans. 2

A377 *GNL PM 8008 .G37 2015 *Garvia, Roberto. (2015). Esperanto & its rivals: The struggle for an International Language. Philadelphia, PA: PENN/University of Pennsylvania Press. 2

A378 *Gathercole, Simon. (2015). Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul (Acadia Studies in Bible & Theology). Grand Rapids, MI: BakerAcademic. 2

A379 *Gavin, Frank. (1962). Some Aspects of Contemporary Greek Orthodox Thought. New York: American Review of Eastern Orthodoxy. O

A380 *Geering Lloyd. (2002). Christianity without God. Santa Rosa, California: Polebridge Press. 2 H

A381 *Geiger, Kenneth E., ed. (1965). The Word & the Doctrine. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. 2 H

A382 *The Geneva Bible. (1599). Ozark, MO: Brown Publishing. 1990 ed. np

A383 Gentry, Jr., Kenneth L. (1998). Before Jerusalem Fell: Dating the Book of Revelation. Fountain Hill, SC: Victorious Hope Publishing. 2

A384 **Genuine Orthodox Church of America. (2024). ROKU. YouTube. Video. 18:32 Rage in the Heretical Patriarchate of Constantinople. GOC America. 13 views – 8 minutes ago.

A385 St. Germanus of Constantinople. (1984). On the Divine Liturgy. Paul Meyendorff, trans. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2 O

A386 *BML DK 510.763 .G48 2017b LARGE PRINT *Gessen, Masha. (2017). The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia. New York: Gale/A Cengage Company. 2 P

A387 Giles, Terry. (2022). Conversing with God: The Conversational Prayers in the Hebrew Bible. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications. 2

A388 Gillquist, Fr. Peter E. (2009). Becoming Orthodox: A Journey to the Ancient Christian Faith. 3rd ed. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press. O

A389 Gillquist, Fr. Peter E. (1992). Becoming Orthodox: A Journey to the Ancient Christian Faith. 2nd ed. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press. O

A390 Gillquist, Fr. Peter E. (1989). Becoming Orthodox: A Journey to the Ancient Christian Faith. 1st ed. Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers. O

A391 Gillquist, Fr. Peter E., ed. (1993). The Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament & Psalms, New King James Version. St. Athanasius Orthodox Academy. Joseph Allen, Th.D., Michel Najim, Ph.D., Jack Norman Sparks, Ph.D., & Theodore Stylianopoulos, Ph.D., gen. eds. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2 O

A392 Gillquist, Fr. Peter E. (1984). Making America Orthodox: Includes 10 questions most often asked of Orthodox Christians – & their answers from Scripture. Brookline, Massachusetts: Holy Cross Orthodox Press. O

A393 Gillquist, Peter E. (1978). Love is Now. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House. 2

A394 *Glaser, Barney G., & Strauss, Anselm L. (1967). The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Company. 2

A395 *Gleason, J.H. (1950). The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain. A Study of the Interaction of Policy and Opinion. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 2 P

A396 The Glorious Qur’an: English Translation. (2009-2012). Shaykh-ul-Islam, Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. Forest Gate, London, England, UK: Minhaj-ul-Quran Publications. 2 H

A397 God, History, Dialectic. 4 volumes. (2016). Joseph P. Farrell, Ph.D., ed.  …. 16. Farrell, Dr. Joseph P., Ph.D. (Oxon.). (2016). God, History, & Dialectic. The Theological Foundations of the Two Europes & Their Cultural Consequences. 4 Volumes. I. Volume I – God: The Foundation of the First Europe. II. Volume II. Dialectic: The Dialectical God of Augustinism. The Hellenized Foundation of the Second Europe. III. Volume III. History: A Theological Pathology of the Second Europe. IV. Volume IV. The Apparatus. n,p:

A398 *Gold, Philip William, M.D. (2023). Breaking through Depression: a guide to the next Generation of promising Research & revolutionary new Treatments. New York: Twelve/Hachette Book Group. 2 BML RC 537 .G643 2023

A399 **Goldberg, L.R. (1993). The structure of phenotypic personality traits. American Psychologist, 48 (1), 26-34, p. 26. 2

A400 **Goldberg, L.R., Gurven, M., von Rueden, C., Massenkoff, M., Kaplan, H., & Lero Vie, M. (2013). How universal is the Big Five? Testing the five-factor model of personality variation among forager-farmers in the Bolivian Amazon. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 104 (2), 354-370. 2

A401 **Goldinger, S.D. (1998). Echoes of echoes? An episodic theory of lexical access. Psychological Review, 105 (2): 251.

A402 **Goldinger, S.D., & Hintzman, D.L. (1988). Judgments of frequency & recognition memory in a multiple-trace memory model. Psychological Review, 95 (4), 528.

A403 *Goleman, Daniel, narrator. (2003). Destructive Emotions: How can we overcome Them? – A Scientific Dialogue with the [14th] Dalai Lama [Tenzin Gyatso]. With contributions by Richard J. Davidson, Paul Ekman, Mark Greenberg, Owen Flanagan, Matthieu Ricard, Jeanne Tsai, the Venerable Somchai Kusalacitto, Francisco J. Varela, B. Allan Wallace, & Thupten Jinpa. 2004 ed. New York: Bantam Books. BML BL 65 .E46 G65 2004 2

A404 *Gonzales, Laurence. (2005). Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, & Why. New York: W.W. Norton. 2

A405 *Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, MO. *Horton, Stanley M. (1976). What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit. Booneville Avenue: Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House. 2 H

A406 *Protopresbyter Anastasios K. Gotsopoulos. (2022). On Common Prayer with the Heterodox: According to the Canons of the Church. n.p.: Uncut Mountain Press. 2 O

A407 *Gould, Stephen Jay. (1981). The Mismeasure of Man. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2

A408 *BML CB 19 .G69 2021 *Graeber, David, & Wengrow, David. (2021). The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2

A409 Grambo, Rebecca L. (1995). The World of the Fox. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books. 2

A410 *GNL BF 241 .G683 2022 NEW Grandin, Temple. (2022). Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns & Abstractions. New York: Riverhead Books. 2

A411 *Gray, John. (2023). The New Leviathans: Thoughts After Liberalism. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2

A412 *Greeks, Latins, & Intellectual History, 1204-1500. (2011). M. Hinterberger, C. Schabel, eds. (Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales. Bibliotheca, 11). Leuven: n.p. 2

A413 *Greer, Scott. (1969). The Logic of Social Inquiry. Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co. 2

A414 *Gregory of Tours. (1961). Libri historianum. MGH SRM Vol. 1, part 1. 2nd ed. Edited by Bruno Krusch & Wilhelm Levison. 1937-1951, reprint, Hanover, Germany: Verlag, 1961. 2 MGH SRM = Monumenta Germaniae Historica Scriptorum rerum Merowingicarum

A415 Groome, Thomas H. (2002). What Makes Us Catholic: Eight Gifts for Life. New York: HarperOne/an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. H

A416 Abbe Guettee, D.D. (n.d). The Papacy: Its Historic Origin & Primitive Relations with the Eastern Churches. New York: Minos Publishing Co. O

A417 *Guterson, David. (1995). Snow Falling on Cedars. New York: Vintage. 2 F

A418 *Gyorgy, Andrew. (1949). Governments of Danubian Europe. New York: n.p. 2

A419 *Halpern, Paul. (2024). The Allure of the Multiverse: Extra Dimensions, Other Worlds, & Parallel Universes. New York: Basic Books 2 BML QB 981 .H247 2024 H

A420 *Hanebrink, Paul A. (n.d.). In Defense of Christian Hungary: Religion, Nationalism, & Anti-Semitism, 1890-1944. 1st ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 2

A421 *BML Q 162 .H36 2007 *Hanlon, Michael. (2007). 10 Questions Science Can’t Answer (Yet): A Guide to the Scientific Wilderness. New York: Macmillan. 2

A422 *Hanson, Norwood Russell. (1967). “Observation & Interpretation”. In: Philosophy of Science Today. Sidney Morgenbesser, ed. New York: Basic Books – (1967): 89-99. 2

A423 *Harakas, Stanley. (1987). The Orthodox Church: 455 Questions & Answers. Minneapolis, MN: Light & Life Publishing Company. O

A424 *Harari, Yuval. (2014). Sapiens: A brief History of Humankind. London, England, UK: Harvill Secker. 2 P [H]

A425 Harding, Sandra, ed. (1993). The “Racial” Economy of Science: Toward a Democratic Future. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2

A426 Hare, R.M. (1963). “Freedom & Reason”. New York: Oxford University Press; cf. pp. 508-519: in: Cahn, Steven M., & Markie, Peter, eds. (1998). Ethics: History, Theory, & Contemporary Issues. New York: Oxford University Press.

A427 *Harris, David R., ed. (1996). The origins & spread of Agriculture & Pastoralism in Eurasia. London, England, UK: UCL Press. 2

A428 Harrison, Allen F., & Bramson, Robert M., Ph.D. (1982). The Art of Thinking: The Classic Guide to Increasing Brain Power. New York: Berkley Books. 2

A429 *Harrison, A.W. (1937). Arminianism. London, England, UK: Duckworth Press. 2

A430 *Harrison, George. Wikipedia > wiki > All_those_years_ago All those years ago 2

A431 *Harrison, George. Wikipedia > wiki > If_you_don’t_know_where_you’re_going_any_road_will_take_you_there If you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there 2

A432 *Harrison, George. Wikipedia > wiki > Here_comes_the_sun Here comes the Son (The Beatles) 2

A433 *Harrison, George. Wikipedia > wiki > Long_long_long Long long long (The Beatles) 2

A434 *Harrison, George. Wikipedia > wiki Something Something (The Beatles) 2

A435 *Harrison, George. Wikipedia > wiki > While_my_guitar_gently_weaps While my guitar gently weeps (The Beatles) 2

A436 *Hart, Dr. Archibald D. (2007). Thrilled to Death: How the Endless Pursuit of Pleasure is Leaving Us Numb. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2

A437 Hassan, Steven. (2019). The CULT of TRUMP: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President uses Mind Control. New York: Free Press. 2

A438 Haught, John F. (1990). What is Religion? An Introduction. New York: Paulist Press. 2

A439 *Hawkes, Kristen, & Paine, Richard R., eds. (2006). The Evolution of Human Life History. n.p.: School of American Research Press. 2

A440 Hawkins, Dr. O.S. (2021). The Prayer Code: 40 Scripture Prayers every believer should pray. Nashville, TN: Countryman – An Imprint of Thomas Nelson Publishers/Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2 A Billy Graham Library Selection. Charlotte, NC: BGEA – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

A441 *Hawks, John. (2013). “Significance of Neandertal & Denisovan Genomes in Human Evolution”. Annual Review of Anthropology 42, no. 1 (2013): 433-449. 2

A442 Hayward, C.J.S., collector & editor. (n.d.). The Classic Orthodox Bible. Wheaton, IL: CJS Hayward Publications. O

A443 The Heart of Orthodox Mystery. (2003). William Bush. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A444 *Heath, Robert G. (2012). Le Schisme occidental de 1054. Les Francs imposent leur Credo a l’Eglise romaine. Lyon, France: Editions du Cosmogne. 2 P

A445 *Hedges, Chris. (2009). Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy & the Triumph of Spectacle. New York: Nation Books. 2

A446 *BML B 3279 .H48 .S43 2008 *Heidegger, Martin. (1962). Being & Time. John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson, trans. 2008 ed. New York: HarperPerennial/ModernThought. 2

A447 *Heidegger, Martin. (n.d.). On Time & Being. Joan Stambaugh, trans. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. 2

A448 *Heidegger, Martin. (n.d.). Existence & Being. R.F.C. Hull & Alan Crick, trans. Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery Company/Vision Press. 2

A449 *Heise, David R. “Problems in Path Analysis & Causal Inference”. In: Sociological Methodology (1969). Edgar F. Borgatta, ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass – (1969): 38-73. 2

A450 *BML BM 610 .H452 2024 *Held, Shai. (2024). Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2 H

A451*Heller, Joseph. (n.d.). Catch-22: 50th Anniversary edition. n.p. 2 F

A452 Heller, Steven. (2000). The Swastika: Symbol beyond Redemption? 2nd ed., 2008. New York: Allworth Press. 2 P

A453 *Hemlock, Jason. (2021). Secrets of the Stoics: How to Live an Undefeatable Life. n.p.: Independently Published. 2 [H]

A454 *Hempel, Carl G. (1952). “Methods of Concept Formation in Science”. In: International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 2

A455 *Heretz, Leonid. (2008). Russia on the Edge of Modernity: Popular Religion & Traditional Culture Under the Last Tsars. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A456 Hierodeacon Gregory. (1995). THE CHURCH, TRADITION, SCRIPTURE, TRUTH, AND CHRISTIAN LIFE: Some Heresies of Evangelicalism & an Orthodox Response. Etna, CA: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. O

A457 *Hillerbrand, Hans J., ed. (1996). The Oxford Enyclopedia of the Reformation. 4 volumes. New York: Oxford University Press. 2

A458 *Hill, Edward F. (1984). The King James Version Defended. Orig. ed., 1956. Des Moines, IA: Christian Research Press. 2

A459 *Hill, Ronald J., & Cappelli, Ottorino. (2013). Putin & Putinism. 1st ed. New York: Routledge. 2

A460 *Hindson, Ed, & Ice, Thomas. (2017). Charting the Bible Chronologically: A Visual Guide to God’s Unfolding Plan. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. H

A461 Hinze, Bradford E. (2016). Prophetic Obedience: Ecclesiology for a Dialogical Church. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. H

A462 The History of the Council of Florence. Ivan N. Ostroumoff. (1971). Translated from the Russian by Basil Popoff. Published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, Massachusetts. Boston, Massachusetts: Holy Transfiguration Monastery. 2 O

A463 Hjelle, Larry A., & Ziegler, Daniel J. (1981). Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions, Research & Applications. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 2

A464 *Hjelmslev, Louis. (1943). Prolegomena to a Theory of Language. Madison, WI: Wisconsin University Press. 2

A465 *Hodges, Zane C., et alia, eds. (1982). The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 2

A466 *Hoehn, Andrew, & Shanker, Thom. (2023). Age of Danger: Keeping America Safe in an Era of New Superpowers, New Weapons, & New Threats. New York: Hachette Books/Hachette Book Group. BML UA 23 .H5343 2023

A467 *GNL DB 945 .H5613 1988 *Hoensch, Jorg K. (1988). A History of Modern Hungary 1867-1986. Kim Traynor, trans. London, England, UK: Longman Group UK Limited. 2

A468 *Hofstadter, Douglas. (1979). Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. New York: Basic Books. 2

A469 *Hogrebe, Wolfram. (1974). Kant und das Problem einer transzendentalen Semantik. Freiburg-Munchen: Alber. 2 [in German].

A470 Holmes, Ruth Bradley, & Smith, Betty Sharp, eds. (1977). Beginning Cherokee. 2nd ed. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. 2

A471 Holmes, Urban T. (1981). A History of Christian Spirituality: An Analytical Introduction. New York: The Seabury Press. H

A472 Holy Apostles Convent, trans. [Mother Mariam]. (2000a). The Orthodox New Testament: ONT. Volume 1, The Four Gospels. Buena Vista, Colorado: Holy Apostles Convent. O

A473 Holy Apostles Convent, trans. [Mother Mariam]. (2000b). The Orthodox New Testament: ONT. Volume 2, Acts, Epistles, Revelation. Buena Vista, Colorado: Holy Apostles Convent. O

A474 Holy Apostles Convent, trans. [Mother Mariam]. (n.d.). Orthodox Psalter with Commentary (Psalterion). Buena Vista, Colorado: Holy Apostles Convent. O

A475 Holy Apostles Convent. (1990). The Lives of the Pillars of Orthodoxy: Saint Photius, Saint Gregory Palamas, Saint Mark Evgenikos of Ephesus. Buena Vista, Colorado: Holy Apostles Convent. O


A477 The Holy Bible: Common English Bible. (2011). n.p.: 2 [CEB]

A478 The Holy Bible: Containing the Old & New Testaments: Holman Christian Standard Bible. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers. 2

A479 The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2000). Large Print Compact Edition. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers. 2

A480 HOLY BIBLE: Giant Print Bible MEV MODERN ENGLISH VERSION. (2016). Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House/PASSIO. 2

A481 Holy Bible: New Testament & Psalms: Contemporary English Version. (1995). Toronto, ON, Canada: Canadian Bible Society. 2

A482 The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition (RSV-CE). (1966). Imprimatur: W. Gordon Joseph, Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Feast of the Epiphany 1966. (2009): Charlotte, NC: Saint Benedict Press. 2

A483 The Holy Bible: Szent Biblia [Holy Bible, Hungarian Version [HV], Gaspar Karoli Version [GKV], KAROLI]. (2012). London, England, UK: Trinitarian Bible Society. 2

A484 The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version [TNIV]. (2001). The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2nd ed. (2005). Colorado Springs, CO: International Bible Society. 2

A485 The Holy Bible: CLARIFIED EDITION. THE COMPLETE TEXT OF THE Authorized King James Version. TO WHICH ARE ADDED APPROXIMATELY 9,000 Informative Parallel Renderings FROM THE American Standard Version AND THE Revised Standard Version. Chicago, Illinois: CONSOLIDATED BOOK PUBLISHERS. (1957). Copyright@1957, by BOOK PRODUCTION INDUSTRIES, INC. 2

A486 Holy New-Martyr Archbishop Ilarion (Troitsky). (1985). Christianity or the Church? Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Monastery. O 2

A487 The Holy Orthodox Bible New Testament Based On the Greek New Testament Text of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople 1904 Edition & On the Greek New Testament of the Majority Text-Type. (2021). Peter A. Papoutsis. The Holy Orthodox Bible New Testament Based On the Patriarchal & Majority Texts. Columbia, SC:  O 2

A488 The Holy Standards. THE HOLY STANDARDS. The Creeds, Confessions of Faith, & Catechisms of The Eastern Orthodox Church. (2020). Rev. Joshua Schooping. Olyphany, PA: St. Theophan the Recluse Press. 2 O

A489 *Homer. (2019). The Iliad, The Odyssey Boxed Set. Hardcover. Peter Green, trans. n.p.: University of California Press. 2 F

A490 *Hopkins, Richard R. (1998). How Greek Philosophy Corrupted the Christian Concept of God. n.p.: Cedar Fort/Horizon Publications & Distributors Inc. 2 [H].

A491 *Hopkirk, Peter. (1990). The Great Game. The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia. New York: Kodansha International. 2 P

A492 *Hopko, Fr. Thomas. (1979). The Orthodox Faith. Volumes 1-4. Department of Religious Education, Orthodox Church of America. New York. O

A493 *Horney, Karen. (1992). Our Inner Conflicts: A Constructive Theory of Neurosis. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. 2

A494 *Horton, Michael, ed. (1990). The Agony of Deceit. Chicago, IL: Moody Press. H

A495 *Horton, Stanley M. (1976). What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House. 2

A496 *BML RA 644 .C67 H688 2023 *Hotez, Peter J., M.D., Ph.D. (2023). The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science: A Scientists’s Warning. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2

A497 **Hotez, P.J. (2021). “The antiscience movement is escalating, going global and killing thousands”. Scientific American, March 29, 2021, http:// 2

A498 *Howard, Thomas. (1984). Evangelical Is Not Enough. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2

A499 ROKU YouTube video. 27:41. “How Can I KNOW God is Real?” How can I KNOW God is Real? Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick. 843 views – 11 hours ago. 2 O

A500 *Howe, Neil. (2023). The Fourth Turning Is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us about How & When this Crisis will end. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2

A501 *Hrytsak, Yaroslav. (2022). Ukraine: the forging of a nation. Trans., 2023. Dominique Hoffman, trans. New York: PublicAffairs/Hachette Book Group, Inc. 2

A502 **Huerta-Sanchez, Emilia, Jin, Xin, Bianba, Zhuoma, Peter, Benjamin M., Vinckenbosch, Nicolas, Liang, Yu, et alia. (2014). “Altitude Adaptation in Tibetans Caused by Introgression of Denisovan-like DNA”. Nature 512, no. 7513 (2014): 194-197. 2

A503 *Hugo, Victor. (2013). Les Miserables (Signet Classics). New York: Signet. 2 F

A504 Hungarian language gospel tract. Hogyan lehet Istent megismerni? “Megtalaltok engem, ha kerestek es teljes szivvel folyamodtok hozzam”. (n.d.).  Bible text from Szent Biblia @Hungarian Bible Society. Used by permission. 1556 Hungarian HKG 2

A505 **”Hungary’s Four Years After”. East Europe, November 1960; pp. 5-7. 2

A506 Hunt, Dave. (1988). America: The Sorcerer’s New Apprentice. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. H

A507 *Hunt, Dave. (1987). Beyond Seduction. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. H

A508 *Husserl, Edmund. (1960). Cartesian Meditations: An Introduction to Phenomenology. Dorion Cairns, trans. The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff. 2

A509 **M Wikipedia. > wiki > I_Am_a_Rock Wikipedia. I Am a Rock. 2 Paul Simon

A510 Ice, Thomas. (2017). The Case for Zionism: Why Christians should support Israel. Green Forest, AR: New Leaf Press. H

A511 ** > wiki > If_I_ever_lose_my_faith_in_you If I Ever lose my Faith in you (Sting) 2 M

A512 **IJdo, J.W., Baldini, A., Ward, D.C., Reedes, S.T., & Wells, R.A. (1995). “Origin of Human Chromosome 2: An Ancestral Telomere-telomere Fusion”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 88, no. 70 (October 15, 1995): pp. 9051-9055. 2

A513 The Immaculate Conception: Why Thomas Aquinas denies, while John Duns Scotus, Gregory Palamas, & Mark Eugenicus professed the Absolute Immaculate existence of Mary. (2014). Fr. Christiaan W. Kappes. Academy of the Immaculate. New Bedford, Massachusetts: Academy of the Immaculate. H

A514 *St. Innocent. (1990). Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven. 4th ed. Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Monastery. O 2

A515 **Inside the Fellows’ Library: Exploring the Rare Books of Winchester College. ROKU YouTube video 25:55. Winchester College. 71K views – 3 years ago (2021).

A516 *Insoll, Timothy, ed. (2017). The Oxford handbook of Prehistoric figurines. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press. 2

A517 *International Commission of Jurists. (1957). The Hungarian Situation & the Rule of Law. The Hague, The Netherlands. 2

A518 **International Organization for Migration. Migration Issues in Hungary. June 29, 2018. http://  2 P*

A519 **”INTERVIEW WITH A BOOK”. Collected by: Mark Valentine. ROKU YouTube video 25:01. R.B. Russell. 93K views – 12 years ago. 2

A520 ** > wiki > I_am_a_Rock I am a Rock Simon & Garfunkel 2 M

A521 *Irving, John. (1990). The Cider House Rules. New York: Black Swan. 2 F

A522 *Jablonski, Nina G., & Chaplin, George, (2002). “Skin”, Scientific American 74L72-79. 2

A523 *Jackendoff, Ray. (2002). Foundations of Language. New York: Oxford University Press; cf. pp. 233, 240. 2

A524 *Jackson, Maggie. (2023). Uncertain: The Wisdom & Wonder of Being Unsure. Guilford, CT: Prometheus Books/an imprint of Globe Pequot, the trade division of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 2

A525 Jacob of Serug. (1998). On the Mother of God. Mary Hansbury, trans. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A526 *Jacobs, Alan. (2008). The Narnian: The Life & Imagination of C.S. Lewis. New York: HarperOne. 2

A527 James, William. (1948). Essays in Pragmatism. Albury Castell, ed. 1955 ed. New York: Hafner Publishing Company. 2

A528 *Janton, Pierre. (1993). Esperanto Language, Literature & Community. Humphrey Tonkin, ed. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. 2

A529 *Jaspers, Karl. (1955). Reason and Existenz. William Earle, trans. n.p. 2

A530 *Jenkins, Philip. (2017). Crucible of Faith: The Ancient Revolution That Made Our Modern Religious World. New York: Basic Books/Hachette Book Group. H 2 BML BR 166 .J465 2017

A531 Jeremiah, David. (2021). Where do we go from here? How tomorrow’s prophecies foreshadow today’s problems. Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group/an imprint of Thomas Nelson. H

A532 Jeremiah, David. (2018). The God you may not know: Take the journey from knowing about God to knowing God. San Diego, CA: Turning Point for God. H

A533 Jeremiah, David. (2006). Why the Nativity? 25 compelling reasons we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 2

A534 **The Jimmy Dore Show. (2024a). “The Government’s New Spying Powers are TERRIFYING!”. The Jimmy Dore Show. ROKU YouTube video. 11:50.

A535 **The Jimmy Dore Show. (2024b). “UKRAINE ORDERED TO STOP BOMBING RUSSIAN OIL FIELDS”. ROKU, YouTube video 5:78. Biden order Zelensky to “Leave Russian Oil Fields alone”. – The Jimmy Dore Show, 7.7k views – 3 hours ago

A536 **Johanson, Donald C., & White, Tim D. (1979). “A Systematic Assessment of Early African Hominids”. Science 203, no. 4378 (1979): 321-330. 2 [H]

A537 John of Damascus, St. (1980). On the Divine Images: Three Apologies Against Those who attack the Divine Images. David Anderson, trans. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O 2

A538 *[Pope] John Paul II [Karol Wojtyla]. (1984). Salvifici Doloris. On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering. Apostolic Letter of John Paul II. Boston, Massachusetts: Pauline Books & Media. H 2

A539 *Johnson, Dr. Timothy. (2007). Finding God In the Questions. Expanded edition. Large Print edition. New York: Thomson/Gale. H

A540 **JONATHAN PAGEAU. Ralston College. ROKU YouTube video 1:18:22. “Rethinking the Last Judgment”: Cosmic Symbolism & the Metaphor of Self-Discovery”. Ralston College. 12K view -4 days ago.

A541 Jones, Dan. (2021). Powers & Thrones: a New History of the Middle Ages. New York: Viking. 2

A542 Jones, Tony. (2015). Did God kill Jesus? Searching For Love in History’s most famous Execution. New York: HarperOne/an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2

A543 **Wikipedia > wiki > Junk Junk Paul McCartney 2 M

A544 *Jurgens, W.A., ed. & trans. (1979). The Faith of the Early Fathers. Volumes 1-3. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press. 2

A545 *Justin Popovich, St. [Archimandrite]. (1989). “The Supreme Value & Infallible Criterion”; in: The Struggle for Faith. Volume 3 of: A Treasury of Serbian Orthodox Spirituality, trans. the Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Todor Mika & the Very Rev. Dr. Stevan Scott (Grayslake, IL: Free Serbain Orthodox Diocese of the USA & Canada). O 2

A546 Kadankavil, Kurian T., C.M.I. (1972). The Philosophy of the Absolute: A Critical Study of Krishnachandra Bhattacharya’s Writings. Bangalore, India: Dharmaram Publications. [Dharmaram College Studies No. 10]. H 2

A547 Kahn, Charles H. (1979). The art & thought of Heracl*tus: an edition of the fragments with translation & commentary. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A548 *Kairis, Theophilos. (1849). Gnostike (“Theory of Knowledge”). Athens, Greece. 2

A549 ** Medium – Kaleb of Atlanta, GA. 1 like – 8 months ago (2023). “The dogmatic character of the Confession of Dositheus”. by Kaleb of Atlanta. September 19, 2023. 2 P

A550 *Kant, Immanuel. (1999). Critique of Pure Reason. Abridged. Werner S. Pluhar, trans. Abridged by Eric Watkins. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company. 2

A551 *Kaplan, Abraham. (1964). The Conduct of Inquiry. San Francisco, CA: Chandler Publishing Company. – (1964): 327-351. 2

A552 Kappes, Fr. Christiaan W. (2014). The Immaculate Conception: Why Thomas Aquinas Denied, while John Duns Scotus, Gregory Palamas, & Mark Eugenicus professed the Absolute Immaculate Existence of Mary. Mariological Studies in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe – II. New Bedford, MA: Academy of the Immaculate. 2

A553 *Karen, Robert. (1998). Becoming Attached: First Relationships & How They Shape Our Capacity to Love. New York: Oxford University Press. 2

A554Kaufmann, Walter. (1956). Existentialism From Dostoevsky to Sartre. Rev. & expanded ed., 1975. New York: Plume Books/Penguin Group (USA), Inc. 2

A555 Keating, Karl. (1988). Catholicism & Fundamentalism: The Attack on “Romanism” by “Bible Christians”. San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press. 2 H

A556 *Keay, John. (2009). China: A History. New York: Basic Books/a member of the Perseus Books Group. 2

A557 *Keller, Timothy. (2009). Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promise of Money, Sex, & Power, & the Only Hope That Matters. New York: Riverhead Books. 2

A558 Kelly, Liam. (1998). Sacraments Revisited: What Do They Mean Today? New York: Paulist Press. 2 H

A559 Kelly, Matthew. (2020). I Heard God Laugh: A Practical Guide to Life’s Essential Daily Habit [Prayer]. North Palm Beach, FL: Blue Sparrow. H

A560 Kelly, Matthew. (2006). Perfectly Yourself: Discovering God’s Dream For You. 2017 ed. North Palm Beach, FL: Beacon Publishing. H

A561 *Kennan, George F. (1957). Russia, the Atom & the West. New York: n.p. 2

A562 *GNL P 90 .K4576 2022 NEW *Kerr, Aaron K. (2022). Mediations between Nature & Culture. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 2

A563 *Kershner, Isabel. (2023). The Land of Hope & Fear: Israel’s battle for its Inner Soul. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2 BML DS 128.2 .K47 2023

A564 *Kertesz, Stephen D., ed. (1956). The Fate of East Central Europe. Notre Dame, IN: n.p. 2

A565 *Khapaeva, Dina. (2022). Putin’s Dark Ages (Routledge History of Central & Eastern Europe). 1st ed. New York: Routledge. 2

A566 Kierkegaard, Soren. (1936). Philosophical Fragments. or A Fragment of Philosophy. Rev. ed., 1962. 5th printing, 1974. David Swenson, trans. Translation revised, by Howard V. Hong. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2

A567 *Kierkegaard, Soren. (n.d.). Concluding Unscientific Postscript to the Philosophical Fragments. David F. Swenson, trans. Walter Lowrie, ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2

A568 *Kierkegaard, Soren. (n.d.). The Concept of Dread. Walter Lowrie, trans. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2

A569 *Kilpatrick, William. (1983). Psychological Seduction: The Failure of Modern Psychology. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2

A570 King, M.S. (2014). The War against Putin: What the Government-Media Complex isn’t telling you about Russia. n.p.: M.S. King. 2

A571 ** > wiki > King_of_pain King of Pain (The Police) 2 M

A572 **Kiraly, Bela. (1957). “How Russian Trickery Throttled Revolt”. Life, February 18, 1957. 2

A573 *Kiraly, Bela, & Kovacs, Arpad. (1960). “The Hungarian Revolution of 1956”. Thought Patterns, no. 7 (publication of St. John’s University, New York). 2

A574 KJV. Know The Word Study Bible: Gain a Greater Understanding of the Bible. (2017). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 2

A575 KJVER. The Trusted King James in an Easy Read Format. (2015). Red Letter, Personal Size, Thin Line. Red letter. Personal size, thin line. Hebrew names of God indicated & explained. Special word meanings noted. Complete red letter Edition. Old Testament – The Direct Words of GOD in red. New Testament – The Word of Christ in red. Dictionary – concordance. Map section with new original study maps. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House.  2

A576 KJV/MEV Parallel Bible [KJV/MEV]. (2014). Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House/Military Bible Association. 2

A577 *Klein, Richard G., (2000). “Archeology & the Evolution of Human Behavior”, Evolutionary Anthropology 9 (1): 17-36 (2000). 2 H

A578 *BML HN 18.3 .K5 (6 2023 *Klinenberg, Eric. (2024). 2020: One City, Seven People, & the Year the Changed Everything. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2

A579 *Knowlson, James. (1975). Universal language schemes in England & France, 1600-1800. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press. 2

A580 *Kockelmans, Joseph J., Ph.D. (1967). Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenological Psychology: A Historico-Critical Study. Duquesne Studies, Psychological Series, 4. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press. 2 GNL B 3279 .H94 K593

A581 *BML PN 1998.3 .K83 K65 2024 Biography *Kolker, Robert P., & Abrams, Nathan. (2024). Kubrick: An Odyssey. New York: Pegasus Books. 2

A582 **Kommunist. Theoretical periodical of the Soviet Communist Party. Moscow, USSR. (n.d.). 2

A583 *Korjenkov, Alexander. (2009). Homarano. Lithuania: Sezono. [In Esperanto]. 2

A584 *Koumas, Constantine. (1818). Krepis Philosophias (“Foundations of Philosophy”). Vienna, Austria. This is part of Volume 1 of “Syndagma Philosophias” (“Treatise of Philosophy”). 2

A585 *Kovacs, Imre, ed. (1959). Facts about Hungary. New York: n.p. 2

A586 *Krastev, Ivan. (2017). After Europe. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2 P*

A587 *Krause, Johannes, & Trappe, Thomas. (2021). A Short History of Humanity: A New History of Old Europe. Caroline Wright, trans. New York: Random House. 2 BML GN 290 .E85 K73 2021 P*

A588 **Krause, Johannes, Fun, Qiaomei, Good, Jeffrey M., Bence, Viola, Shunkov, Michael V., Derevianko, Anatoli P., & Paabo, Svante. (2010). “The Complete Mitochondrial DNA Genome of an Unknown Hominin from Southern Siberia”. Nature 464, no. 7290 (2010): 894-897. 2

A589 Kreeft, Peter. (1993). Christianity For Modern Pagans: Pascal’s “Pensees”, Edited, Outlined, & Explained. San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press. 2

A590 *Kuhn, Thomas S. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. Reprint. First Phoenix Edition, 1964. 2

A591 “THE WONDERWORKING KURSK-ROOT ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD”. Discovery & History Recent Miracles The Liturgical Service The Akathist Hymn. (@1982). Translated from the Church Slavonic by Isaac E. Lambertsen. Published by: THE ST. JOHN OF KRONSTADT PRESS, Rt. 1 Box 205 Liberty, TN 37095.

A592 *Kushner, Rabbi Lawrence. (2001). Jewish Spirituality: A Brief Introduction for Christians. Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing. H 2

A593 **Metropolitan Kyprianos II of Oropos & Phyle. (2021). “The Holy Icon & the Resurrection: Basic Principles for Overcoming an Unfruitful Dispute”. [pp. 3-17.]. Orthodox Tradition [Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies]. Volume XXXVIII, Number 2, Spring 2021. 2 O

A594 Lachman, Gary. (2020). The Return of Holy Russia: Apocalyptic History, Mystical Awakening, & the Struggle for the Soul of the World. Rochster, VT: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. 2

A595 *LaHaye, Tim, & Hindson, Ed. (2008). Global Warning: Are we on the Brink of World War III? Christian Large Print edition. New York: GALE/CENGAGE Learning. H

A596 Lally, Roisin. (2019). Sustainability In the Anthropocene: Philosophical Essays on Renewable Technologies. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 2

A597 *The Lamentations of Matins of Holy Great Saturday, & Also a Homily. (1981). Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus. Holy Transfiguration Monastery, trans. Boston, MA: Holy Transfiguration Monastery. O

A598 *Land, Kenneth C. (1969). “Principles of Path Analysis”. In: Sociological Methodology. Edgar F. Borgatta, ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. – 1969: 3-37. 2

A599 *GNL KBU 3054 .C38 1993 *Langan, John P., S.J., ed. (1993). Catholic Universities In Church & Society: A Dialogue On “Ex Corde Ecclesiae”. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

A600 Langenscheidt’s German-English English-German Dictionary. Langenscheidts Deutsch-Englisches English-Deutsches Worterbuch. (1952). Latest edition, 1970. New York: Pocket Books. 2

A601 **Langley, Michelle C., Clarkson, Christopher, & Ulm, Sean. (2008). “Behavioural complexity in Eurasian Neanderthal populations: a chronological examination of the archaeological evidence”. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 18 (3): 289-307. 2

A602 Lannon, John M. (1979). Technical Writing. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Company. 2

A603 *Lapenna, Ivo. (1974). Esperanto en Perspektivo: Faktoj kaj Analizoj pri la Internacia Lingvo. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. [In Esperanto]. 2

A604 **LAPHAM’S QUARTELRY. Volume VIII, Number 1. Winter 2015. “FOREIGNERS”. [q.v.]. 2

A605 *Laqueur, Walter. (2015). Putinism: Russia & Its Future with the West. New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press. 2

A606 *Large, Andrew. (1985). The Artificial language movement. New York: Blackwell. 2

A607 **Larrabee, H.A. (1944). “Essay on American naturalism”. In: Y.K. Krikorian, ed. (1944). Naturalism & the Human Spirit. New York: Columbia University Press 2 P

A608 *Larson, Bob. (1982). Larson’s Book of Cults. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. H

A609 Lawhead, William F. (2009). The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2

A610 *Lazarfeld, Paul F., & Rosenberg, Morris, eds. (1955). The Language of Social Research. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press. 2

A611 *Lazarfeld, Paul F. (1959). “Problems in Methodology”. In: Sociology Today, Robert K. Merton, Leonard Broom, & Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr., eds. New York: Basic Books. 2

A612 **The League of Biblical Enthusiasts. Archaisms. ROKU. YouTube. Video. 18:28. ESVTranslationIssues. 942 views – 3 months ago (2024). 2

A613 **Leakey, Meave G., & Walker, Alan C. (1997). “Early Hominid Fossils from Africa”. Scientific American 276, no. 6 (1997): 74-79. 2 [H]

A614 *Leakey, Richard E. (1994). The Origin of Humankind. New York: BasicBooks/A Division of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2 BML GN 281 .L39 1994 [H]

A615 *Lebovic, Sam. (2023). State of Silence: The Espionage Acts & the Rise of America’s Secrecy Regime. New York: Basic Books. 2

A616 Lebreton, Jules, S.J., & Zeiller, Jacques. (1946). The Triumph of Christianity: Book IV of “A History of the Early Church”. Translated from the French by Ernest C. Messenger, Ph.D. 1947 ed. New York: Collier Books. H

A617 **Hongmi Lee, Buddhika Bellana, & Janice Chen. “What Can Narratives Tell Us About the Neural Bases of Human Memory?. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 32 (April, 2020): pp. 111-119. https:// [Quoted from Eldredge, John, “Resilient”, op.cit., cf., q.v.].

A618 *Lee, R.B., & DeVore, I., eds. (1968). Man the Hunter. Chicago, IL: Aldine. 2

A619 *Lee, Sang-Hee, & Yoon, Shin-Young. (2015). Close Encounters with Humankind: a Paleoanthropologist investigates our Evolving Species. 2018 ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2 BML GN 281 .L4413 2018 [H]

A620 **Le Fanu, James. (2010). “Science’s Dead End”, Prospect, issue 173 (July 21, 2010). Website: http:// 2

A621 *M.J. Le Guillou, O.P. (1962). The Spirit of Eastern Orthodoxy. The 20th-Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism. Edited by Henri Daniel-Rops of the Academie Francaise. THE SPIRIT OF EASTERN ORTHODOXY IS VOLUME 135 OF The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism Under Section XIV OUTSIDE THE CHURCH. IT IS ALSO THE 83rd VOLUME IN ORDER OF PUBLICATION. New York: Hawthorn Books, Publishers. [H]. 2

A622 Leith, John H., ed. (1982). Creeds of the Churches: A Reader in Christian Doctrine from the Bible to the Present. 3rd ed. Atlanta, GA: John Knox Press. 2

A623 LeMaster Fr. Philip. (2008). The Goodness of God’s Creation: How to Live as an Orthodox Christian (A Guide to Orthodox Ethics). Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A624 *Lendvai, Paul. (2017). Orban – Europe’s New Strongman. n.p.: C. Hurst & Co. 2 P*

A625 Leonard, Linda Schierse, Ph.D. (1995). Creation’s Heartbeat: Following the Reindeer Spirit. New York: Bantam Books. 2 [H]

A626 Leplin, Jarrett, ed. (1984). Scientific Realism. Berkeley, CA: The University of California Press. 2

A627 *Leslie, J. Francis. (2008). Exploring the Orthodox Church. Bangor: Welsh National Centre for Religious Education. 2

A628 **Wikipedia > wiki > Let_it_be Let It Be The Beatles 2 M

A629 *Letters of Marsilio Ficino. Volumes 1-2. (1975). Translated from the Latin by members of the Language Department of the School of Economic Science. London, England, UK: Shepherd Walyn. 2

A630 ** > wiki > Let_’em_in Let Em In Paul McCartney & Wings 2 M

A631 **Levendusky, Matthew S. (2013). Why Do Partisan Media Polarize Viewers? American Journal of Political Science. February 23, 2013. 2 P*

A632 *GNL DK 758 .A4813 *Levin, M.G., & Potapov, L.P., eds. (1956). The Peoples of Siberia. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. 2

A633 *Levinson, Wilhelm. (1946). England & the Continent in the Eighth Century. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press. 2

A634 *Levitsky, Steven, & Ziblatt, Daniel. (2023). Tyranny of the Minority: Why American Democracy Reached the Breaking Point. New York: Crown/an imprint of Crown Publishing Group – a division of Penguin Random House LLC. 2

A635 Levy, Bernard-Henri. (1977). Barbarism with a Human Face. Translated from the French by George Holoch. 1979 ed. New York: Harper Colophon Books/Harper & Row, Publishers. 2

A636 *Lewin, Roger, & Foley, Robert A. (2004). Principles of Human Evolution. 2nd ed. n.p.: Blackwell; cf. p. 450. 2 H

A637 *Lewis, C.S. (1996). C.S. Lewis: A Complete Guide to His Life & Works. Walter Hooper, ed. New York: HarperCollins. 2

A638 *Lewis, C.S. (1952, repr.). Mere Christianity. 1980 ed. New York: HarperOne. 2

A639 *Lex Angliorum, Werinorum Hoc Est Thuringorum. (1875-1889). Edited by Karl von Richtofen, MGH Leges Vol. 5. Hanover, Germany: Hahn Verlag, 1875-1889. 2 MGH = Monumenta Germaniae Historica.

A640 **ROKU YouTube video 27:41. “Library Tour”. David Lee Brown at SA Tabernacle. 17K views – 5 years ago.

A641 *Lieven, Dominic. (2015). Towards the Flame: Empire, War, & the End of Tsarist Russia. n.p.: Allen Lane. 2

A642 Likoudis, Dr. James. (2024). Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique. n.p.: En Route Books & Media. H

A643 Likoudis, James. (1992). ENDING THE BYZANTINE GREEK SCHISM: Containing: The 14th c. APOLOGIA of Demetrios Kydones for UNITY WITH ROME & the “CONTRA ERRORES GRAECORUM” of St. Thomas Aquinas. New Rochelle, NY: Catholics United For the Faith, Inc. H

A644 Limbaugh, David. (2018). Jesus Is Risen: Paul & the Early Church. Chicago, IL: Regnery Publishing/a Division of Salem Media Group. P 2

A645 Link, Norbert, & Harris, David. (2010). The Authority of the Bible. San Diego, CA: Church of the Eternal God. H

A646 *GNL PM 201 .O7 1963 LINGUISTIC STRUCTURES OF NATIVE AMERICA. (1963). VIKING FUND PUBLICATIONS IN ANTHROPOLOGY. Number 6. Harry Hoijer, L. Bloomfield, S.S. Newman, M.R. Haas, M. Swadesh, A.M. Halpern, G.L. Trager, F.K. Li, C.F. Voegelin, & B.L. Whorf, eds. New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation/Johnson Reprint Company Limited. 3rd reprint, 1967. 2 P

A647 *BML DB 957.3 .L56 2001 *Liptak, Bela. (2001). A Testament of Revolution. Number Thirteen, Eastern European Studies, Stjepan Mestrovic, general editor. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press. 2

A648 *Litsas, Fotios K., ed. (1984). A Companion to the Greek Orthodox Church. New York: Department of Communication, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America. O

A649 **Lieven, Anatol. (2001). “Against Russophobia”. World Policy Journal, January 1, 2001. 2 P

A650 NA *Livingstone, David. (2021a). Ordo ab Chao: Volume One: The Dying-God. Independently Published. 2 P

A651 NA *Livingstone, David. (2021b). Ordo ab Chao: Volume Two: The Grand Lodge. Independently Published. 2 P

A652 NA *Livingstone, David. (2021c). Ordo ab Chao: Volume Three: Synarchy. Independently Published. 2 P

A653 NA *Livingstone, David. (2021d). Ordo ab Chao: Volume Four: Mind Control. Independently Published. 2 P

A654 NA *Livingstone, David. (2021e). Ordo ab Chao: Volume Five: The New Age. Independently Published. 2 P

A655 NA *Livingstone, David. (2021f). Ordo ab Chao: Volume Six: The Third Temple. Independently Published. 2 P

A656 **Livingstone, Frank B. (1962): “On the Non-existence of Human Races”. Current Anthropology 3, no. 3 (1962): 279. 2

A657 *Living Stream Ministry [Witness Lee, ed.]. (n.d.). Holy Bible: Recovery Version (contains footnotes). Anaheim, CA: Living Stream Ministry. 2

A658 The Logic of Science In Sociology. (1971). Walter L. Wallace. New York: Aldine-Atherton. 2

A659 *Lohse, Bernhard. (1999). Martin Luther’s Theology: Its Historical & Systematic Development. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. 2 H

A660 Lombard, Peter. (2006). The Sentences: Book 1 – The Mystery of the Trinity. Giulio Silano, trans. Mediaeval Sources in Translation 42. Saint Michael’s College Mediaeval Translations. General Editors, Joseph Goering, Giulio Silano. Toronto, ON, Canada: PIMS – Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. H 2

A661 **Wikipedia > wiki > The_long_and_winding_road The Long & Winding Road The Beatles 2 M

A662 *Longo, Matthew. (2024). The Picnic: A Dream of Freedom & the Collapse of the Iron

A663 *Loparo, Kenneth A. (2013). Putinism: The Slow Rise of a Radical Right Regime in Russia. Marcel H. Van Herpen. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2

A664 *Lorenz, Taylor. (2023). Extremely Online: The Untold Story of Fame, Influence, & Powe On the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2

A665 *Lossky, Vladimir. (1976). The Mystical Theology of the Orthodox Church. Crestwood,NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A666 Lossky, Vladimir. (1974). In the Image & Likeness of God. John H. Erickson & Thomas E. Bird, eds. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2 O

A667 *Lourie, Richard. (2017). Putin: His Downfall & Russia’s Coming Crash. New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press. 2

A668 **M Wikipedia. > wiki > Love_in_Song Wikipedia – Love in Song. 2 Paul McCartney.

A669 **Lovejoy, C. Owen. (1981). “The Origin of Man. Science 211, no. 4480 (1981): 341-350. 2

A670 *Lowery, Brian, Ph.D. (2023). Selfless: the social creation of “You”. New York: Harper/an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2 BML BF 697 .L69 2023

A671 Luijpen, William A., Ph.D. (1960). Existential Phenomenology. Rev. ed., 1969. Duquesne Studies, Philosophical Series, 12. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press. 2

A672 **Luostarinen, Heikki, & Rune, Ottosen. (n.d.). “The Changing Role of the Media in Conflicts. From Cold War to the Net Age”. In: Journalism and the New World Order, Vol. 2. 2 P

A673 *Lull, Timothy F., ed. (1989). Martin Luther: Basic Writings. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. 2 H

A674 *Luttwak, Edward N. (2010). La grande strategie de l’Empire byzantine. Paris, France: Odile Jacob. [In French]. 2 P

A675 *Lyon, R.C., ed. (1968). Santayana on America. New York: Brace & World. 2 PA

A676 MacArdale, Meredith. (2019). The History of Ancient Asia. Bath, England, UK: Worth Press Ltc. 2

A677 *MacArthur, Jr., John F. (2013). Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. H

A678 MacArthur, Jr., John F. (1994). Reckless Faith: When the Church Loses its will to Discern. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books. H

A679 MacDonald, Brad. (2015). The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. Edmond, OK: Philadelphia Church of God. H [Armstrongist cult questionable speculation].

A680 *Macgilchrist, Felicitas. (2011). Journalism and the Political. Discursive tensions in news coverage of Russia. Amsterdam, Holland, The Netherlands/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2 P

A681 *MacKenzie Wallace, Donald. (1877). Russia: Its History and Condition to 1877. Boston, Massachusetts/Tokyo, Japan: J.B. Millet Company. 2 P

A682 MacKinnon, Barbara. (2004). Ethics: Theory & Contemporary Issues. 4th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. 2

A683 **Carlo Macomber, “Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Eliminating Partisan Primaries, Requiring Majority Winners”, United America, August 7, 2023, https:// http://www.uniteamerica./news-article/poll-voters-overwhelmingly-support-eliminating-partisan-primaries-requiring-majority-winners. 2

A684 *Magoulias, Harry. (1982). Byzantine Christianity. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press. 2

A685 *Mahoney, Susan. (2005). Missing the Mark: How & Why Mainstream Christianity will be deceived in the Last Days. n.p.: iUniverse. [H] (one [questionable] opinion).

A686 *Mahtani, Shibani, & McLaughlin, Timothy. (2023). Among the Braves: Hope, Struggle, & Exile In the Battle For Hong Kong & the Future of Global Democracy. New York: Hachette Books. 2

A687 Maimon, Elaine P., Belcher, Gerald L., Hears, Gail W., Nodine, Barbara F., & O’Connor, Finbarr W., eds. (1981). Writing in the Arts & Sciences. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown, & Company. 2

A688 **”A Majority of American Think US Democracy Is Broken. Here Are 12 Ideas for Repairing IT”. CNN, October 14, 2022, https://  2

A689 Malaty, Fr. Tadros Y. (n.d.). Procession of the Holy Spirit. Preparatory edition. The Orthodox Church, Church of Alexandira. The Coptic Orthodox Church & the Dogmas 8. Alexandria, Egypt: Coptic Orthodox Church. O 2

A690 *Malcolm, N. (1962). “Wittgenstein’s “Philosophical Investigations” “. In: The Philosophy of Mind. V.C. Chappell, ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 2

A691 *Malley, Brian. (2004). How the Bible Works: An Anthropological Evangelical Biblicism (Part of: Cognitive Science of Religion). n.p.: AltaMira Press. 2

A692 *Mamet, David. (2011). The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture. New York: Sentinel/The Penguin Group. BML JK 1726 .M36 2011

A693 Mann, Douglas, & Dann, G. Elijah, eds. (2005). Philosophy: A New Introduction. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning 2 P

A694 Maria of Olonets: Desert Dweller of the Northern Forests. Modern Matericon Series, God-Pleasing Women, Volume 2. Bishop Nikodim of Belgorod. (1996). Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood/Wildwood, CA: St. Xenia Skete. 2 O

A695 “Maritain & America”. (2009). Christopher Cullen, S.J., & Joseph Allan Clair, eds. Washington, DC: American Maritain Association. 2

A696 Maritain, Jacques. (1954). Approaches to God. Peter O’Reilly, trans. New York: Harper & Brothers. 2 [H]

A697 Maritain, Jacques. (1950). Three Reformers: Luther/Descartes/Rousseau. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. H

A698 Maritain, Jacques. (1948). Existence & the Existent: An Essay On Christian Existentialism. Translated by Lewis Galantiere & Gerald B. Phelan. 1957 ed. Garden City, NY: IMAGE BOOKS/a Division of Doubleday & Company, Inc. H

A699 Maritain, Jacques. (1947). Christianity & Democracy. Doris C. Anson, trans. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 2

A700 *Maritain, Jacques. (1944). Scholasticism & Politics. New York: Macmillan. GNL JC 261 .M33 2 P

A701 *Marius, Richard. (1999). Martin Luther: The Christian between God & Death. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 2 H

A702 *Marsh, Clive, Beck, Brian, Shier-Jones, Angela, & Wareing, Helen, eds. (2004). Methodist Theology Today: A Way Forward. New York: Continuum. H

A703 *Martel, Yann. (2001). Life of Pi: a novel. 2002 ed. New York: Harcourt, Inc., A Harvest Book. GNL PR 9199.3 .M3855 L54 2002 F 2

A704 Marthaler, Berard. (1993). The Creed: The Apostolic Faith In Contemporary Theology. Orig. ed., 1987. Mystic, CT: Twenty-third Publications. H

A705 *Martin of Braga. (1950). Martini episcopi Bracarensis Opera Omnia. Edited by C.W. Barlow. Papers & Monographs of the American Academy in Rome, no. 12. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1950. 2

A706 *Martin, Colby. (2020). The Shift: Surviving & Thriving after Moving from Conservative to Progressive Christianity. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. 2

A707 Martin, Malachi. (1987). The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus & the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church. New York: Touchstone Books/Simon & Schuster, Inc. H

A708 *BML BR 325 .M38 2004b LARGE PRINT *Marty, Martin. (2004). Martin Luther. Waterville, ME: Thorndike Press. 2


NA **Randall Carlson & Masonic Lodge. Randall Carlson tells the TRUTH about the Freemasons. #Freemasons. West Nashville Phoenix Freemasons Lodge. 380 views – 6 months ago 2 H

NA **Randall Carlson KOSMOGRAPHIA Clips ROKU YouTube video 53:23 Sacred Geometry Rescuing Time/Space, Kabala, Gematria, The Randall Carlson 45K views – 7 months ago 2 H

NA **SACRED GEOMETRY The Architecture of DNA ROKU YouTube video 9:31 Sacred Geometry of Life Randall Carlson Sacred Geometry The Randall Carlson 32K views – 1 year ago 2 H

NA **HIDDEN SACRED NUMBERS RANDALL CARLSON ROKU YouTube video 2:02:30 Randall Carlson Ancient Knowledge of … After Skool CC 4m views – 3 years ago 2 H

A710 Mason, David, & Nims, John Frederick, eds. (2006). Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. F 2

A711 *Maspero, Giulio. (n.d.). Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans. H

A712 Massing, Michael. (2018). Fatal Discord: Erasmus, Luther, & the Fight for the Western Mind. New York: HarperPerennial. 2

A713 *Masson, Robert. (1987). The Charmed Circle: Theology For the Head, Heart, Hands & Feet. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward. GNL BT 1102 .M375 1987 2 H

A714 **Mastrangelo, D. “Panel on “The View” calls for DOJ to probe Tucker Carlson over Putin rhetoric. The Hill, March 14, 2022, http:// 2

A715 Mastrantonis, Rev. Fr. George. (1956). What Is the Eastern Orthodox Church? Selected Fundamentals On Its Origin, Teachings, Administration & History. 3rd ed. – 15th printing. St. Louis, MO: The OLOGOS Mission. 2 O

A716 Mastrantonis, Rev. Fr. George. (n.d.). Understanding the CANONS of the Eastern Orthodox Church. St. Louis, MO: OLOGOS Mission.

A717 *Mathew, W., & Zeki, S. (2005). “The integration of colour & motion by the human visual brain”. Cerebral Cortex 15:1270-1279. 2

A718 Mathews, Rev. Fr. Constantine, Protopresbyter. (2006). Eastern Orthodoxy Compared: Her main Teachings & significant Difference with Roman Catholicism & the major Protestant Denominations. Minneapolis, MN: Light & Life Publishing Company. 2 O

A719 Maximovitch, St. John. (1996). The Orthodox Veneration of MARY, The Birthgiver of God. Fr. Seraphim Rose, trans. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood. O

A720 Maximus The Confessor, St. (2003). On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ: Selected Writings from St. Maximus The Confessor. Translated by Paul M. Blowers & Robert Louis Wilken. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A721 May, Herbert G., & Metzger, Bruce M., eds. (1977). The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha: An Ecumenical Study Bible – Revised Standard Version. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. 2

A722 ** > wiki > Maybe_I’m_amazed Maybe I’m amazed Paul McCarney 2 M

A723 Mayes, Frances. (1994). The Discovery of Poetry. 2nd ed. Orig. ed., 1987. New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 2 F

A724 **Maynell, Hillary. (2003). “Neandertals Not Our Ancestors, DNA Study Suggests”. National Geographic (May 14, 2003). Website: http:// 2

A725 *Mayr-Harting, Henry. (1991). The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England. 3rd ed. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A726 *Mazower, Mark. (2012). Governing the World: The History of an Idea, 1815 to Present. New York: Penguin. 2

A727 Mazzeo, Joseph Anthony. (1964). Renaissance & Seventeenth-Century Studies. New York: Columbia University Press/London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

A728 *McAfee, Andrew. (2023). The Geek way: the radical Mindset that drives Extraordinary Results. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown & Company. 2 BML HD 58.7 .M33 2023

A729 *McAfee Brown, Robert. (1965). The Spirit of Protestantism. New York: Oxford University Press. H

A730 *BML BR 1643 .M353 A3 2024 Biography *McCammon, Sarah. (2024). The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, & Leaving the White Evangelical Church. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 2 P

A731 *McCormick, David. (2023). Superpower in Peril: A Battle Plan to Renew America. New York: Center Street. 2

A732 *McDowell, Josh. (1982). Understanding the Cults. San Bernardino, CA: Here’s Life Publishers. H

A733 *McKee, Jeffrey K. (2000). The Riddled Chain: chance, coincidence & chaos in Human evolution. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutger University Press. 2 H

A734 *McKitterick, Rosamond. (1994). Carolingian Culture: Emulation & Innovation. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A735 *McKitterick, Rosamond. (1977). The Frankish Church & the Carolingian Reforms 789-895. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A736 *McKnight, Scot, & Barringer, Laura McKnight. (2020). A Church called “Tov”: Forming a goodness culture that resists abuses of power & promotes healing. Carol Stream, IL: Momentum – Tyndale House Publishers. H

A737 *McKnight, Scot. (2008). The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible. 1st ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. H

A738 McMahan, Elizabeth, Day, Susan X., & Funk, Robert, eds. (1996). Literature & the Writing Process. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc./New York: Simon & Schuster/A Viacom Company. 2 F

A739 *McMahon, Darrin M. (2023). Equality: The History of An Elusive Idea. New York: Basic Books. 2

A740 **McNally, Raymond T. (1958). “The Origins of Russophobia in France 1812-1830”. In: American Slavic and East European Reviews, 17 April 1958. 2 P

A741 Mead, Frank S., ed. (1965). The Encyclopedia of Religious Quotations. Old Tappan, NJ: Spire Books/Fleming H. Revell Company. 2

A742 **”THE MEDIA IS LYING TO US ALL”. ERIC WEINSTEIN. ROKU YouTube video 3:13:26. ERIC WEINSTEIN – “Why Can no one agree on the Truth anymore?”. (4K) Chris Williamson. 4K 2.9M views – 7 months ago.

A743 *Mearsheimer, John J. (2014). “La responsibilite de l’Occident dans la crise en Ukraine”. In: Horizons et Debats. September 17, 2014. Original text in “Foreign Affairs”, September/October 2014. 2 P

A747 Merwin, Ted. (2015). Pastrami on Rye: An Overstuffed History of the Jewish Deli. New York: New York University Press. 2

A748 ** > wiki > Message_in_a_Bottle Message in a bottle (The Police) 2 M

A749 Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. (1998). The mind of the Orthodox Church. Esther Williams, trans. Levadia, Greece: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery. O

A750 Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. (n.d.). Fr. John S. Romanides: Empirical Dogmatics of the Orthodox Catholic Church. Volume 2, Holy Trinity. n.p.: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery. 2 O

A751 Mettan, Guy. (2017). Creating Russophobia: From the Great Religious Schism to Anti-Putin Hysteria. Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press, Inc.  2

A752 Meyendorff, Fr. John, ed. (1992). The Primacy of Peter. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2 O

A753 Meyendorff, John. (1989). Imperial Unity & Christian Divisions. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2 O

A754 Meyendorff, Fr. John, ed. (1983). Catholicity & the Church. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2 O

A755 Meyendorff, John. (1964). A Study of Gregory Palamas. 1998 ed. Translated by George Lawrence. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A756 Meyendorff, J., Schmemann, A., Afanassieff, N., Koulomzine, N. (1963). The Primacy of Peter. London, England, UK: The Faith Press. 2 O

A757 *Michener, James Albert. (1957). The Bridge at Andau. New York: n.p. 2 [F]

A758 *Mihaila, Alexandru. (2015). “The Septuagint & the Masoretic Text in the Orthodox Church(es)”. Review of Ecumenical Studies, Sibiu, 10, no. 1 (April 1, 2018): 30-60. 2

A759 *Mikanowski, Jacob. (2023). Goodbye, Eastern Europe: An Intimate History of a Divided Land. New York: Pantheon Books. 2 BML DJK 9 .M55 2023

A760 *Mikes, George. (1957). The Hungarian Revolution. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A761 Milbank, John. (1990). Theology & Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason. 1st ed.; 2nd ed., 1993. Oxford, England, UK: Blackwell. 2

A762 *Mill, John Stuart. (1979). An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy and of The Principal Philosophical Questions Discussed in his Writings. J.M. Robson, Editor of the Text. COLLECTED WORKS OF JOHN STUART MILL, Volume IX. J.M. Robson, gen. ed. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press/London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

A763 Miller, Robert J., ed. (1992). The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version [SV]. Revised & Expanded Edition. Santa Rosa, CA: A Polebridge Press Book. H

A764 *Millerman, Michael. (2022). Inside “Putin’s Brain”: The Political Philosophy of Alexander Dugin. n.p.: Independently Published. 2

A765 Miten Jumala Tunnetaan: “Te etsitte minua ja loydatte minut, kun te etsitte minua kaikesta sydamestanne”. (n.d.). World Missionary Press, Inc., P.O. Box 120, New Paris, IN 46553-0120 USA Ilmainen – Ei Myytavaksi  1546 Finnish HKH 2 [in Finnish].

A766 **Mizen, Spencer. “Genghis Khan: The Mongol Warlord Who Almost Conquered the World”. History Extra, accessed November 9, 2021, https:// [quoted from John Eldredge book, cf., op.cit., “Resilient”, q.v.].

A767 *Molden-Pogany, Josef. (1957). Ungarns Freiheitskampf. Vienne, Austria: n.p. 2 [In German].

A768 *Mooney, C. (2006). The Republican War on Science. New York: Basic Books. 2

Moore, Russell. (2020). The Courage to Stand: Facing your fear without losing your Soul. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group. 2

A769 Moore, Terry K., & Braidic, Arthur V. (2023). The Trinity – Fact or Fiction? Billings, MT: The Eternal Church of God. H [Armstrongist heresies].

A770 Moorman, Dr. J.A. (2006). 8,000 Differences between the NT Greek Words of the King James Bible & Modern Translations. A scholarly research document. Collingswood, NJ: The Bible For Today. 2

A771 *GNL B 829.5 .M647 2000 *Moran, Dermot. (2000). Introduction to Phenomenology. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. 2

A772 *Morgan, Thomas Hunt. (1903). Evolution & Adaptation. New York: The Macmillan Company. 2 P*

A773 Morris, Henry M., & Clark, Martin E. (1976). The Bible Has the Answer. 17th printing, 2008 ed. Green Forest, AR: Master Books. 2 H

A774 Morris, Henry M. (1976). The Genesis Record: A scientific & devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. 2 P

A775 Moss, Vladimir, B.A. (Oxon.), Ph.D. (Surrey), ed. (1997). Saints of England’s Golden Age: A Collection of the Lives of Holy Men & Women who Flourished in Orthodox Christian Britain – Including an English Orthodox Calendar & a Service to All Saints of Britain. Etna, California: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. O 2

A776 **ROKU. YouTube. Video. 1:26:52. THE MOST RUSSIAN STATE OF AMERICA. Alaska: Part of America That Used to Be Russian. Orthodox Churches and Indigenous Peoples. Ilya Variamov, 49K views – 4 months ago (2024). 2 O

A777 Mother Church: Ecclesiology & Ecumenism. (1998). Carl E. Braaten. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Press. H P*

A778 **MSNBC. How Tucker Carlson became one of Russia’s biggest cheerleaders. All in with Chris Hayes, February 21, 2022, https:// 2

A779 Mulder, Jack, Jr. (2010). Kierkegaard & the Catholic Tradition: Conflict & Dialogue. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2 P*

A780 *Muller, Robert. (1982). A New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc. H P*

A781 **Wikipedia > wiki > Mull_of_Kintyre Mull of Kintyre Paul McCartney & Wings 2 M

A782 Mulvaney, Robert J. (2009). CLASSICAL PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTIONS. 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 2

A783 *Muncey, Raymond Waterville. (1959). The New Testament Text of Saint Ambrose. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A784 Murray, Douglas. (2017). The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam. New York: Bloomsbury. 2 P*

A785 *Murray, Gilbert. (1925). Five Stages of Greek Religion. Oxford, England, UK: Clarendon Press. 2 P*

A786 ** > wiki > Must_do_Something_about_it Must do something about it (Joe English, Paul McCartney & Wings) 2 M

A787 The Mystery of the Church. (1999). William Bush. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O 2

A788 **My Theological Library (Part 1 of 2/My Home) – The Nerdy Pastor ROKU YouTube video – 29:41. 76K views – 4 years ago (2020) [Presbyterian] -2 H

A789 **My Theological Library (Part 2 of 2/My Home) – The Nerdy Pastor ROKU YouTube video – 26:35. 7.6K views – 4 years ago (2020) [Presbyterian] – 2 H

A790 *Nagy, Balazs. (1960). “Imre Nagy & the Hungarian Revolution”. The Review (Brussels, Belgium), April 1960; pp. 16-54. 2

A791 *Nagy, Ferenc. (1948). The Struggle Behind the Iron Curtain. New York: n.p. 2

A792 *Nagy, Imre. (1957a). On Communism: In Defense of the New Course. New York: n.p. 2 P*

A793 *Nagy, Imre. (1957b). A Magyar Nep Vedelmeben. Paris, France: n.p. 2 [In Hungarian].

A794 *Nagy Imre es Buntarsai Ellenforradalmi Osszeeskuvese (The Counterrevolutionary Conspiracy of Imre Nagy & His Accomplices). Budapest, Hungary: (1958): n.p. 2

A795 *Nash, Ronlad H., ed. (1968). The Philosophy of Gordon H. Clark: A Festschrift. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed. 2 H P*

A796 **National Association of Homebuilders. “Framing Lumber Prices”, National Association of Homebuilders, last updated November 12, 2021. https://  2 [Quoted in John Eldredge, “Resilient”, op.cit., cf., q.v.]. 2

A797 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. “Where have all the Caribou gone?”. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. 12.2023. Cf. pp. 112-137, q.v. 2

A798 Nature, History, God. (1981). Xavier Zubiri. Washington, DC: University Press of America. GNL B 4568 .Z83 N3713 H P*

A799 Nature, Intelligibility, & Metaphysics: Studies in the Philosophy of F.J.E. Woodbridge. (1972). Hae Soo Pyun, Ph.D. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: B.R. Gruner N.V. 2 P*

A800 *Navreson, Jan. (1967). Morality & Utility. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press. 2 P*

A801 *Nectarios, Saint. (1962). To Gnothi Sauton (“Self-Knowledge”). 2nd ed. 1st ed., 1905. Athens, Greece. 2

A802 *BML HN 49 .R33 N45 2023 *Neiwert, David. (2023). The Age of Insurrection: The Radical Right’s Assault On American Democracy. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House. 2 P*

A803 *Thomas Nelson Bibles. (2003). Life in the Spirit Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 2 [H]

A804 Nemeth, Charles P. (2001). Aquinas In the Courtroom: Lawyers, Judges, & Judicial Conduct. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. H P*

A805 Németh, István. (2021). Hiszek egy, szent, egyetemes és apostoli Egyházban : Válogatott ortodox írások az ökumenizmusról az eretnekségek eretnekségéről.* 2 O P [In Hungarian language]. 2 O

A806 **Nepszabadsag. (1956). Daily of the Hungarian Communist Party after November 1, 1956. Budapest, Hungary: n.p. 2 P*

A807 **The Nerdy Pastor. (2020a). “The Best Systematic Theologies”: (Part 1 of 2). ROKU YouTube video – 24:37. 11K views – 4 years ago (2020).

A808 **The Nerdy Pastor (2020b). “The Best Systematic Theologies”: (Part 2 of 2). ROKU YouTube video – 23:12. 51K views – 4 years ago (2020).

A809 **“The Nerdy Pastor”. (2022). “My Top 10 1-Volume Systematic Theologies”. ROKU YouTube video – 26:16. 8.3K views 2 years ago (2022).

A810 New Apostles of Christ. (1980). Written by Janene Pinchot Hatch. Syosset, NY: Department of Religious Education, Orthodox Church in America. 2 O

A811 Newman, John Henry (Cardinal). (1908). High Quality Paperback. Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) – The Turks in Their Relation to Europe; Marcus Tullius Cicero; Apollonius of Tyana; Primitive Christianity. Affodable & High Quality Paperback Book Edition. Lexington, KY: Filiquarian Publishing LLC/Qontro. 2 [H]

A812 **Newmeyer, Frederick J., “What Can the Field of Linguistics Tell Us about the Origin of Language?” in: Language Evolution. (2003). Morton H. Christiansen & Simon Kirby. New York: Oxford University Press; cf. p. 60. 2 P*

A813 A New-style Catechism on the Eastern Orthodox Faith for adults. Mastrantonis, Rev. Fr. George. (1969). St. Louis, MO: The OLOGOS Mission. O

A814 *The New Testament In the Original Greek: BYZANTINE TEXTFORM 2018. (2018). Compiled & Arranged by MAURICE A. ROBINSON & WILLIAM G. PIERPONT. n.p.: VTR Publications. 2

A815 New Valaam at Monks’ Lagoon On St. Herman’s Spruce Island. (1997). A Chronicle of Monastic Life on New Valaam, Alaska. The St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood/Ouzinkie, AK: New Valaam Monastery. 2 O

A816 *BML JC 573.2 .U6 N48 2024 Biography *Nguyen, Tina. (2024). The MAGA Diaries: My Surreal Adventures Inside the Right-Wing (& How I Got Out). New York: One Signal Publishers/Atria. 2 P*

A817 Nicholson, Dean, & Jenkins, Garry. (2020). Nala’s World: One Man, His Rescue Cat, & a Bike Ride around the Globe. New York: Grand Central Publishing. 2

A818 *Nietzsche, Friedrich. (n.d.). The Portable Nietzsche. Walter Kaufmann, trans. New York: The Viking Press. 2 P*

A819 The NIV Study Bible. Kenneth Barker, gen. ed. Donald Burdick, John Stek, Walter Wessel, & Ronald Youngblood, assoc. eds. (1995). 10th anniversary edition. Grand Rapids, MI: ZondervanPublishing House 2

A820 *Noll, Mark A., Hatch, Nathan O., & Marsden, George. (1983). The Search for Christian America. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books. 2 P*

A821 The Non-Chalcedonian Heretics: A Contribution to the Dialogue Concerning the “Orthodoxy” of the Non-Chalcedonians. Translated from the Greek by Bishop Chrysostomos & Novice Patrick. (1995). Etna, CA: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. O

A822 Nordby, Vernon J., & Hall, Calvin S. (1974). A Guide to Psychologists & Their Concepts. San Francisco, CA: W.H. Freeman & Company. 2 P*

A823 ** > wiki > Nowhere_Man Nowhere man (The Beatles) 2 M

A824 *Oberman, Heiko A. (1989). Martin Luther: The Man between God & the Devil. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2 P*

A825 *GNL PM 8008 .O37 2009 *Okrent, Arika. (2009). In the land of invented languages: Esperanto rock stars, Klingon poets, Loglan lovers, & the mad dreamers who tried to build a Perfect Language. New York: Spiegel & Grau. 2 P*

A826 Oliver, John. (2003). Touching Heaven: Discovering Orthodox Christianity on the Island of Valaam. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press.

A827 *BML BT 121.3 .O46 2012 LARGE PRINT *Omartian, Stormie. (2012). Lead Me, Holy Spirit: Longing to Hear the Voice of God. Waterville, ME: CHRISTIAN LARGE PRINT/a part of Gale, Cengage Learning/GALE/CENGAGE Learning. 2

A828 **OMOLOGITIS. https:// http://www.omologitis > archive “The Confession of Dositheos”, Synod of Jerusalem, 1672. & CONFESSOR.

— ** “Concerning the recent Kyprianokiousite amalgamation”. April 5, 2024. **OMOLOGITIS, https:// http://www.omologitis

A829 The One & the Three: Nature, Person & Triadic Monarchy in the Greek & Irish Patristic Tradition. (2015). Chrysostom Koutloumousianos. Cambridge, England, UK: James Clark & Co. 2 O

A830 **Wikipedia > wiki > Only_time Only Time Enya 2 M

A831 Onwubiko, Moses C. (2022). Eternal Security of the Believer. Rev. ed. Nashville, TN: Grace Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. H

A832 Onwubiko, Moses C. (2021). Overview of God’s Grace. Nashville, TN: Grace Evangelistic Ministries, Inc.  H P*

A833 Onwubiko, Moses C. (2018a). Biblical Doctrine of Salvation. Rev. ed. Nashville, TN: Grace Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. H P*

A834 Onwubiko, Moses C. (2018b). Who Are You? A Question Every Christian Needs to Answer. Revised ed. Nashville, TN: Grace Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. 2 H

A835 The Opening of the Doors: The Milan Synod’s Future in the Modern Day. Deacon Joseph Suaiden. n.d.: Holy Orthodox Synod of Milan, Italy. 2 O

A836 **Wikipedia > wiki > Orinoco_flow Orinoco Flow Enya 2 M

A837 *Ortega y Gasset, Jose. (1961). History as a System & Other Essays Toward a Philosophy of History. Helene Weyl, trans. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2

A838 Orthodox & Catholic Union. The Reply of the Holy Orthodox Church to Roman Catholic Overtures On Reunion & Ecumenism. n.p.: New York: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America. 2 O

A839 The Orthodox Ethos. (2024). THE ORTHODOX PATRISTIC WITNESS CONCERNING CATHOLICISM: Testimony from the Lives & Writings of the Saints & Elders, Decisions of the Ecumenical Councils & Other Authoritative Sources. n.p.: Uncut Mountain Press/Uncut Mountain Publications. 2 O

A840 The Orthodox Study Bible. (2008). Fr. Jack Norman Sparks, Ph.D., gen. ed. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc. O

A841 *Orwell, George. (2004). Animal Farm: 75th Anniversary edition. New York: Signet. 2 F

A842 *Orwell, George. (1961). 1984: 75th Anniversary edition. New York: Signet Classic. 2 F

A843 *Osgood, Cornelius, ed. (1946). Linguistic Structures of Native America. Viking Fund Publications In Anthropology, Number Six. Harry Hoijer, L. Bloomfield, S.S. Newman, M.R. Haas, M. Swadesh, A.M. Halpern, G.L. Trager, F.K. Li, C.F. Voegelin, & B.L. Whorf. New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation/Johnson Reprint Company Limited. 2 3rd printing, 1967. GNL PM 201 .O7 1963

A844 Ostroumoff, Ivan N. (1971). The History of the Council of Florence. Translated from the Russian by Basil Popoff. Boston, Massachusetts: Holy Transfiguration Monastry. 2 O

A845 NA Pack, David C. (2013). The Trinity: Is God Three-In-One? The Greatest Questions. Plain Answers. Wadsworth, OH: The Restored Church of God. H [extremely heretical Armstrongist heresies].

A846 Palamas, Saint Gregory, our holy father among the saints. (2022). Apodictic Treatises On the Procession of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Christopher C. Moody, trans. Assistant trans. & ed., Fr. Gregory Heers. Middletown, DE: Uncut Mountain Press. O

A847 Palamas, St. Gregory. (1983). The Triads. John Meyendorff, ed. Nicholas Gendle, trans. New York: Paulist Press. O

A848 *Papadakis, Aristeides. (1994). The Christian East & the Rise of the Papacy: The Church 1071-1453 AD. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2 O

A849 *Papanoutsos, E.P. (1968). The Foundations of Knowledge. Trans. by Basil P. Coukis & John P. Anton. Buffalo, NY. 2


A851 *Papoutsis, Peter A., trans. (2008). The Holy Orthodox Bible, Volume 1: The Pentateuch.  O

A852 *Papoutsis, Peter A., trans. (n.d.). The Holy Orthodox Bible, The Psalms. n.p.: Papoutsis Publishing. O

A853 Pascal, Blaise. (2018). Pensees (Thoughts). Translated by W.F. Trotter. Monee, IL: Publishing. 2

A854 **”A PASTOR’S LIBRARY” – Book Shelf Tour. ROKU YouTube video 18:47. Jason Johnston. 17K views – 6 years ago.

A855 Patapios, Hieromonk, trans. Archbishop Chrysostomos, ed. (2000). Resistance or Exclusion? The Alternative Ecclesiological Approaches of Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Florina & Bishop Mathhew of Vresthene. Etna, California: Center For Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. 2 O

A856 *Saint Patrick. (1954). “Lorica”: in: Lives of the Saints with Excerpts from Their Writings. Father Joseph Vann, ed. New York: John J. Crawley & Company. O 2

A857 *Patrick, Vanessa, Ph.D. (2023). The Power of saying NO: the New Science of how to say NO that puts you in Charge of your Life. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks. 2 BML BF 575 .A85 P38 2023

A858 *Paul, L.A., & Hall, Ned. (2013). Causation: A User’s Guide. New York: Oxford University Press. GNL BD 541 .P38 2013 2

A859 *Payne, Leanne. (1995). The Broken Image. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2

A860 *Pease, Neal. (2009). Rome’s Most Faithful Daughter: The Catholic Church & Independent Poland, 1914-1939. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. 2 [H]

A861 *GNL PM 8008 .P4 1959 *Pei, Mario. (1959). One language for the world. n.p.: Biblo & Tannen. 2

A862-A *Pelikan, Jaroslav. (1971-1989). The Christian Tradition: A history of the Development of Doctrine. 5 vols. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. 2

A862-B *Pelikan, Jaroslav. (1971-1991). The Emergence of the Christian Tradition. Volumes 1-5. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. 2

Volume 1 – The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600 AD).

Volume 2 – The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700 AD).

Volume 3 – The Growth of Medieval Theology (1300-1700 AD).

Volume 4 – Reformation of Church & Dogma (1300-1700 AD).

Volume 5 – Christian Doctrine & Modern Culture (Since 1700 AD).

A863 Pennington, M. Basil, O.C.S.O. (1983). A Place Apart: Monastic Prayer & Practice for Everyone. 1985 ed. Garden City, NY: Image Books/a Division of Doubleday & Company, Inc. 2

A864 Pennsylvania Catholic Conference Bicentennial Observance. (1976). “The Freedom of Religion Clauses of the First Amendment: What Do They Mean Today?”. A collection of speeches by Rev. James Hennesey, S.J., Robert L. Cord, Ph.D., et alia. Erie, PA: Gannon University. 2 P*

A865 ** > wiki > Perhaps_love Perhaps Love John Denver, Placido Domingo 2 M

A866 PERHAPS TODAY. (2024). Jeremiah, David. San Diego, CA: Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah. H P*

A867 Peterson, Jordan B. (2018). 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. New York: Penguin Books. 2

A868 Peterson, Robert A., & Williams, Michael D. (2004). Why I am not an Arminian. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books/an imprint of InterVarsity Press. H

A869 Phares, E. Jerry. (1984). Introduction to Personality. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company/A Bell & Howell Company. 2

A870 The Philokalia, Volume IV. (1995). The Complete Text compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain & St. Makarios of Corinth. Translated by G.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, & Kallistos Ware. With the assistance of Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, Massachusetts, et alia. London, England, UK: Faber & Faber. O 2

A871 *PHYSICS 1. *Feynman, Richard P. (1985). Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character. New York: W.W. Norton. 2

A872 *PHYSICS 2. *Gleick, J. (1992). Genius: Richard Feynman & Modern Physics. (Kindle Edition).; pp. 30-35. 2

A873 *PHYSICS 3. *Feynman, Richard P. (2006). Don’t You Have Time to Think? M. Feynman, ed. London, England: Penguin. 2

A874 *PHYSICS 4. [PSYCHOLOGY]. *Roberts, R., & Kreuz, R. (2015). Becoming Fluent: How Cognitive Science Can Help Adults Learn a Foreign Language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 2

A875 *PHYSICS 5. *Feynman, Richard P. (1972). Nobel Lectures, Physics 1963-1970. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. 2

A876 * PHYSICS 6. *Feynman, Richard P. (2005). The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman (Helix Books). New York: Basic Books. 2

A877 *PHYSICS 7. *Feynman, Richard P. (2005). The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist. New York: Basic Books. 2

A878 *PHYSICS 8. *Leighton, Ralph. (2000). Tuva or Bust! Richard Feynman’s Last Journey. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. 2

A879 *Piaget, Jean. (1974). Understanding Causality. Donald Miles & Marguerite Miles, trans. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. GNL BD 542 .P513 1974 2

A880 **Pinker, Steven. (2003). “Language as an Adaptation to the Cognitive Niche”. In: Morten H. Christiansen & Simon Kirby. Language Evolution. New York: Oxford University Press; cf. p. 29. 2

A881 **Pinker, Steven, e-mail, June 16, 2003, quoted in part in Wade, Nicholas, “Early Voices”. 2

A882 *Pino, Tikhon. (2024). Essence & Energies: Being & Naming God In St. Gregory Palamas. Routledge Research in Byzantine Studies. 1st ed. New York: Routledge. 2 O

A883 *GNL BR 127 .P56 1992 1993 *Pinnock, Clark H. (1992). A wideness in God’s Mercy: the finality of Jesus Christin a world of Religions. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 2

A884 *Piper, Dr. Everett. (2017). Not a Day Care: the Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth. Washington, DC: Regnery Faith/an imprint of Regnery Publishing – a Division of Salem Media Group. BML JK 1726 .P57 2017

A885 *Pitcher, George. (1964). The Philosophy of Wittgenstein. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2 BML B 3376 .W564 P5 1964

A886 The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation: did Luther’s Reformation restore True Christianity or did It evolve into Something Else? (2019). Roderick C. Meredith. Charlotte, NC: Living Church of God. H P*

A887 Placher, William C. (1983). A History of Christian Theology: An Introduction. Philadelphia, PA: The Westminster Press. H

A888 Plantinga, Alvin C. (1974a). God, Freedom, Evil. 1991 reprint. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 2

A889 *Plantinga, Alvin. (1974b). The Nature of Necessity. Clarendon Library of Logic & Philosophy. C. Jonathan Cohen, gen. ed. Reprint 1978. Oxford, England, UK: Clarendon Press. GNL BC 199 .M6 P55 2


A891 *Poe, Marshall T. (2000). A People Born to Slavery. Russia in Early Modern European Ethnography 1476-1748. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. 2 P

A892 Pohle, the Reverend Joseph. Ph.D., D.D. (2019). The Procession of the Holy Ghost From the Father & the Son: A Catholic Defense of the Filioque Clause. Arthur Preuss, trans. & ed. Kerry, Ireland: CrossReach Publications. H

A893 Popovich, Fr. Justin. (1994). Orthodox Faith & Life in Christ. Asterios Gerostergios, et alia, trans. Belmont, Massachusetts: Institute For Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies. 2 O

A894 *Posner, M.J., & Raichle, M.E. (1997). Images of Mind. New York: Scientific American Library. 2

A895 *Pospesel, Howard. (1976). Predicate Logic: Introduction to Logic. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. GNL BC 181 .P638 2

A896 *Poulos, George. (1991). Orthodox Saints, Volumes 1-3. Brookline, Massachusetts; Holy Cross Orthodox Press 2 O

A897 *Powers, John. (2008). A Concise Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications. H 2

A898 *Prager, Dennis. (1986). The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism. New York: Touchstone Books/Simon & Schuster. 2 [H]. P*

A899 Preuss, Arthur, trans. (1915). The Rev. Joseph Pohle, Ph.D., D.D. The Divine Trinity: A Dogmatic Treatise. 2nd ed., 2019 ed. Kerry, Ireland; CrossReach Publications. H P*

A900 *Prevost, Robert. (1990). Probability of Theistic Explanation. Oxford, England, UK: Clarendon Press. GNL BD 555.P97 1990 2

A901 *Privat, Edmond. (2007). Vivo de Zamenhof. Ulrich Lins, ed. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Universala Esperanto Asocio. [In Esperanto]. 2

A902 Proclaiming Justice & Peace: Papal Documents from “Rerum Novarum” through “Centessimus Annus”. Rev. & expanded. Michael Walsh & Brian Davies, eds. Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications (1991). 2 P*

A903 The Psalter According to the Seventy of Saint David the Prophet & King. (2010). Translated from the Greek Septuagint by the HOLY TRANSFIGURATION MONASTERY. Boston, Massachusetts. 2 O

A904 *Pulcini, Theodore. (1995). Orthodoxy & Catholicism: What are the Differences? Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press. O 2

A905 *Pullman, Philip. (20023). His Dark Materials: 3-Book Paperback Boxed Set. The Golden Compass; The Subtle Knife; The Amber Spyglass. 1st ed. n.p.: Yearling. 2 F

A906 Pusey, Rev. E.B., D.D. (1876). On the Clause “AND THE SON”, In Regard to the Eastern Church & the Bonn Conference: A Letter to the Rev. H.P. Liddon, D.D. London, England, UK: James Parker & Company, Oxford, England, UK/New York: Pott, Young, & Company. H

A907 **Quartz, European politics is more polarized than ever, and these numbers prove it. Quarts, March 30, 2016. https:// 2 P*

A908 Rare Masterpieces of Philosophy & Science: Edited by Dr. W. Stark. G.W. Leibniz. Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man, & the Origin of evil. Published by the Louis Stern Memorial Fund. (1952). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2

A909 **Recent Book Purchases – “Just Arrived” – ROKU YouTube video 13:51. The Nerdy Pastor 54K views – 1 year ago (2023) – 2 H

A910 Reconsidering TULIP: A Biblical, Philosophical & Historical Response to the Reformed Doctrines of Predestination. (2010). Alexander J. Renault. n.p.: Alexander J. Renault. 2 O

A911 Recovery Version. THE NEW TESTAMENT – Recovery Version. (1991). Living Stream Ministry, Anaheim, California. 2

A912 *Rees, Laurence. (2017). The Holocaust: A New History. New York: PublicAffairs/an imprint of Perseus Books, LLC/a subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc. 2

A913 *BML DK 265.4 .R45 2024 Reid, Anna. (2024). A Nasty Little War: The Western Intervention Into the Russian Civil War. New York: Basic Books. 2

A914 *Restless Empire: a Historical Atlas of Russia. (2015). Ian Barnes, ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 2 BML G 2111 .S1 B3 2015

A915 *Revell, Jean-Francois. (1984). How Democracies Perish. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 2

A916 *The Revolt in Hungary, a documentary chronology of events based on Hungarian radio broadcatss, ed. Free Europe Committee. New York: n.p. 2

A917 ** > wiki > Revolution Revolution (The Beatles) 2 M

A918 *Rey, Marie-Pierre. (2002). Le dilemme russe. La Russie d’Ivan le Terrible a Boris Eltsine. Paris, France: Flammarion. [In French]. 2 P

A919 *Reynolds, John F. (2018). The Origins of the Direct Primary. New York: Routledge. 2

A920 Rhodes, Ron. (2020). Spiritual Warfare In the End Times. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers/Charlotte, NC: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA)/A Billy Graham Library selection. H

A921 *Richardson, David. (1988). Esperanto: Learning & Using the International Language. Eastsound, WA: Esperanto League of North America. 2

A922 *Richter, Michael. (1988). Medieval Ireland: The Enduring Tradition. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A923 *Rieber, Alfred J. (2014). The Struggle for the Eurasian Borderlands: From the Rise of Early Modern Empires to the End of the First World War. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press 2

A924 Riplinger, G.A. [Gail A.]. (1993a). New Age Bible Versions. Updated Printed edition, 2021. Ararat, VA: A.V. Publications Corp. H P*

A925 Riplinger, G.A. [Gail A.]. (1993b). New Age Bible Versions. Updated Printed edition, 2019. Ararat, VA: A.V. Publications Corp. H P*

A926 Robbins, John W. (1974). Answer to Ayn Rand: A Critique of the Philosophy of Objectivism. Washington, DC: Mount Vernon Publishing Company, Inc. 2 H P*

A927 *BML BM 561 .R58 2000 *Robinson, George. (2000). Essential Judaism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs, & Rituals. New York: Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster. 2 P*


A929 *Robison, James, & Richards, Jay W. (2012). Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, & Freedom Before It’s Too Late. New York: FaithWords/Hachette Book Group. H 2

A930 Rogers, Gregory. (1994). Apostolic Succession: The Biblical Foundation, The Historical Evidence, The Twentieth-Century Context. 2nd ed. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press. O

A931-A **ROKU. YouTube. Video. 1:05:08. WHY THE WEST HATES RUSSIA. Why Does the West Hate Russia? A History of NATO and Russia. Church of the Eternal Logos.6.2K views – streamed 5 days ago (June 2024). 2

A931-B Hungarian: **ROKU. A YouTube-on. Video. 1:05:08. MIÉRT GYŰLÖLI A NYUGAT OROSZORSZÁGOT? Miért gyűlöli a Nyugat Oroszországot? A NATO és Oroszország története. Az örök logosz temploma.6.2K megtekintés – 5 napja streamelték (2024. június). 2

A932 **Wikipedia > wiki > Rolling_in_the_deep Rolling in the Deep Adele 2 M

A933 *Romanides, John. (1981). Franks, Romans, Feudalism, & Doctrine. Brookline, Massachusetts: Holy Cross Orthodox Press. 2 O

A934 *Protopresbyter Fr. John S. Romanides. (2022). Patristic Theology. From the University Lecture Notes. n.p.: Uncut Mountain Press. 2 O

A935 *Romanides, Fr. John S. (n.d.). Empirical Dogmatics of the Orthodox Catholic Church. VOLUME 2: Holy Trinity, Creation, Fall, Incarnation, Church, Life After Death. Levadia, Greece: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery. O 2

A936 Romanides, Protopresbyter John S. (2004). An Outline of Orthodox Patristic Dogmatics: Orthodox Philosophical Library 1. Protopresbyter George Dion. Dragas, ed. & trans. Rollinsford, NH: Orthodox Research Institute. 2 O

A937 Rose, Fr. Seraphim, & Fr. Herman (Podmoshensky) of Platina, California. (1995). The Northern Thebaid: Monastic Saints of the Russian North. 3rd printing, rev. ed. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood/Forestville, California: Fr. Seraphim Rose Foundation. O

A938 Rose, Fr. Seraphim. (2011). Genesis, Creation, & Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood. O

A939 Rose, Fr. Seraphim. (1997). God’s Revelation to the Human Heart. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood. O

A940 Rose, Fr. Seraphim. (1996). Orthodoxy & the Religion of the Future. Platina, CA: The St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood. O

A941 *BML Q 162 .R855 2022 *Rovelli, Carlo. (2022). There are Places in the World Where Rules are Less Important than Kindness: & Other Thoughts On Physics, Philosophy, & the World. New York: Riverhead Books. 2

A942 RSV-CE. Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition (CE). (2004). New York: Oxford University Press. 2

A943 Rubenstein, Richard E. (2003). Aristotle’s Children: How Christians, Muslims, & Jews Rediscovered Ancient Wisdom & Illuminated the Dark Ages. New York: Harcourt, Inc. 2

A944 THE RUDDER OF THE ORTHODOX CATHOLIC CHURCH. (1957). The Compilation of the Holy Canons by Saints Nicodemus & Agapius. THE RUDDER (PEDALION) OF THE METAPHORICAL SHIP OF THE ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF THE ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS. Denver Cummings, trans. 1983 ed. Chicago, IL: The Orthodox Christian Educational Society. O

A945 Rugh, Gil. (1984). When the Bible Doesn’t Say. 5th printing, 2001. Lincoln, NE: Indian Hills Community Church. H

A946 Runcan, Remus. (2021). FILIOQUE? The East-West Controversy over the Procession of the Holy Spirit. Monee, IL: Remus Runcan. 2 O

A947 *Runciman, Steven. (2007). La Chute de Constantinople 1453. Paris, France: Tallandier. [In French]. 2 P

A948 *Runciman, Steven. (2005). Le schism d’Orient. La papaute et les Eglises d’Orient aux XIe et XIIe siecles. Paris, France: Les Belles Letres. [In French]. 2 P

A949 *Rushdoony, Rousas John. (1973). Institutes of Biblical Law. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed. H P 2

A950 *Russell, Bertrand. (1945). History of Western Philosophy. London, England, UK: Allen & Unwin. 2 P

A951 *Russell, Bertrand. (1914). Our Knowledge of the External World. 1921 ed. London, England, UK: Allen & Unwin. 2 P

A952 Russell, James C. (1994). The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation. New York: Oxford University Press. 2

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A954 *Rutherford, Adam. (2018). Humanimal: how hom*o Sapiens became Nature’s most paradoxical creature – a new Evolutionary History. New York: The Experiment Publishing.  H 2

A955 *Sacks, Jonathan. (2020). Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times. New York: Basic Books/Hachette Book Group. 2  BML BJ 1012 .S2235 2020

A956 Sagan, Carl. (2006). The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search For God. New York: Penguin Books. 2

A957 Saint Photios. (1983). On the Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit. Holy Transfiguration Monastery, trans. [Fr. Michael Azkoul, Ph.D., trans.]. Boston, MA: Studion Publishers, Inc. O 2

A958 *Saito, Kohei. (2024). Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto. Brian Bergstrom, trans. New York: Astra House/Astra Publishing House. 2 BML HB 97.5 .S231771

A959 *Sanders, Bernie, & Nichols, John. (2023). It’s Ok to Be Angry About Capitalism. New York: Crown/an imprint of Random House – a division of Penguin Random House LLC. 2 HB 501 .S2787 2023

A960 *Sanders, Paul. (n.d.). “Under Western Eyes. How meta-narrative shapes our perception of Russia – and why it is time for a qualitative shift”. Vienna, Austria: Institute for Human Science. 2 P

A961 **Sanfora, M. (2018). “George Soros-funded university is forced out of Hungary. New York Times, December 3, 2018; https://  2

A962 *Santayana, George. (n.d.). The Life of Reason, of the Phases of Human Progress. Volume 3: Reason in Religion. n.p.: n.d. 2 P

A963 *Santayana, George. (1967). Animal Faith & Spiritual Life (Essays by & on George Santayana). John Lachs, ed. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 2 P

A964 *Sapir, Jacques. (n.d.). “Un scandale”, a blog on 2 P

A965 *BML BJ 1461 .S325 2023 *Sapolsky, Robert M. (2023). Determined: A Science of Life without Free Will. New York: Penguin Press. 2 P

A966 *Sarfati, Jonathan. (n.d.). “Archbishops’ Achievement” James Ussher’s Great Work “Annals of the World”, Is Now Available In English. Creation Ministries International. http:// 2

A967 **Sarich, Vincent M., & Wilson, Allan C. (1967). “Immunological Time Scale for Hominid Evolution”. Science 158, no. 3805 (1967): 1200-1203. 2 [H]

A968 *BML DF 572 .S274 2023 Biography *Sarris, Peter. (2023). Justinian: Emperor, Soldier, Saint. New York: Basic Books. 2 P

A969 *Savarius, Vincent. (1958). “The Silent Writers of Hungary”. Soviet Survey, July-September 1958. n.p. 2

A970 *GNL PM 201 .S8 *Sawyer, Jesse, ed. (1971). Studies In American Indian Linguistics. University of California Publications in Linguistics, Volume 65. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 2

A971 SAY IT IN HUNGARIAN. (1983). Juliette Victor-Rood, Ph.D., ed. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 2

A972 *Schaeffer, Francis A. (1984). The Great Evangelical Disaster. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books. 2

A973 Schaeffer, Frank. (2003). Dancing Alone: The Quest For Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religions. Rev. ed. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. 2 O

A974 Schaeffer, Frank. (1994). Dancing Alone: The Quest for Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religion. Brookline, Massachusetts: Holy Cross Orthodox Press. 2 O

A975 Schaeffer, Frank. (1995). Letters to Father Aristotle; A Journey through Contemporary American Orthodoxy. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. O

A976 *Schaff, Philip, ed. (1996). The Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers. Albany, OR: Ages Software. 2

A977 Schagrin, Morton L. (1968). The Language of Logic: A Programmed Text. New York: Random House, Inc. 2

A978 **Schapiro, Leonard. (1960). “Has Russia Changed?”. Foreign Affairs, April 1960; pp. 391-401. 2

A979 *Scheyder, Ernest. (2024). The war below: lithium, copper, & the Global battle to power our lives. New York: One Signal Publishers – Atria/an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 2 BML HD 9506 .A2 S34 2024

A980 *Schiffman, Lawrence H. (1994). Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Jewish Publication Society. 2

A981 *Schlossberg, Herbert. (1983). Idols for Destruction. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2

A982 *Schmemann, Fr. Alexander. (1973). For the Life of the World: Sacraments & Orthodoxy. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A983 *GNL GN 33 .S252 *Schmidt, Wilhelm. (1939). The Cultural Historical Method of Ethnology: The Scientific approach to the racial question. S.A. Sieber, trans. New York: Fortuny’s Publishers. 2

A984 Schooping, Joshua. (2023). Irenaeus & Apologetic Methodology: A Revelational Presuppositionalism & Edition. Russellville, AR: Theophany Press. [H]

A985 *GNL PM 8209 .S36 2016 *Schor, Esther. (2016). Bridge of Words: Esperanto & the Dream of a Universal Language. New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt & Company. 2 P

A986 Science & the Renewal of Belief. (1982). 2004 ed. Russell Stannard. Philadelphia, PA: Templeton Foundation Press. 2

A987 Science as Writing. (1992). David Locke. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. P 2

A988 *GNL B 765 .D74 S35 *Scotus Speaks Today 1266-1966. (1968). Seventh Centenary Symposium, April 21, 22, 23, 1966. Duns Scotus College, Southfield, Michigan. 2 P

A989 *Scrivener, F.H.A., (1894). A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament. 4th ed. New York: George Bell & Sons. 2

A990 **SEARCH OF THE TIGER. Roku. YouTube. Video. 1:08:02.

Search of the tiger: a Modern-Day Thylacine Expedition exploring the remote Wilderness of Tasmania. Tassie Boys Prospectors. 46K views – 13 days ago. [2024].

A991 *Sebeok, Thomas A. (1994). An Introduction to Semiotics. Toronto, ON, Canada: Toronto University Press. 2

A992 *Sebeok, Thomas A. (1991). A Sign is Just a Sign. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2

A993 *BML DB 989 .S43 2022 *Sebestyen, Victor. (2022). Budapest: Portrait of a City between East & West. New York: Pantheon Books. 2 P

A994 *BML DK 254 .L4 S34 2017 Biography *Sebestyen, Victor. (2017). Lenin: The Man, the Dictator, & the Master of Terror. New York: Pantheon Books. 2 P

A995 *BML DK 288 .S393 2009 *Sebestyen, Victor. (2009). Revolution 1989: The Fall of the Soviet Empire. New York: Pantheon Books. 2 P

A996 *Seelig, Tina. (2015). InsightOut: get ideas out of your Head & into the World. New York: HarperOne/an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. BML BF 408 .S3866 2015

A997 ** > wiki > See_yourself See Yourself George Harrison 2 M

A998 Senior, Donald,C.P. (1970). Jesus: A Gospel Portrait. Dayton, OH: Pflaum Press. H

A999 **Senut, Brigitte, Pickford, Martin H.L., Gommery, Dominique, Mein, P., Cheboi, K., & Coppens, Yves. (2001). “First Hominid from the Miocene (Lukeino Formation, Kenya)”. Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences Paris 332, no. 2 (2002): 137-144. 2 [H]

A1000 The Septuagint [NETS: The New English Translation of the Septuagint: A NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION of the SEPTUAGINT]. (2007). Albert Pietersma & Benjamin G. Wright, eds. A NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE SEPTUAGINT AND THE OTHER GREEK TRANSLATIONS TRADITIONALLY INCLUDED UNDER THAT TITLE. New York: Oxford University Press. 2

A1001 **Serdult, V. “Tucker Carlson has become obsessed with Hungary: Here’s What he doesn’t understand”. Politico, February 2, 2022; https:// 2

A1002 **17 (Seventeen) 17: How to Choose a Bible Translation Living Hope 271 views – 1 month ago (2024)

A1003 *BML Z 1003 .S495 1998 Seymour-Smith, Martin. (1998). The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written: The History of Thought from Ancient Times to Today. Secaucus, NJ: A Citadel Press Book/The Carol Publishing Group. 2

A1004 Shaheeh International. (2001). The Qur’an: English Meaning & Notes. 2012 ed. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Al-Muntada Islam Trust – Qira’aat Publishing & Distribution House. H 2

A1005 ** > wiki > Shadows_in_the_Rain Shadows in the rain (The Police) 2 M

A1006 *BML PR 2807 .A1 2012 *Shakespeare, William. (2012). Hamlet: UE (Updated Edition). Folger Shakespeare Library. Barbara A. Mowat & Paul Werstine, eds. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. F 2

A1007 *Shapiro, Scott J. (2023). Fancy bear goes phishing: the dark History of the Information Age, in Five extraordinary Hacks. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2 BML HV 6773 .S534 2023

A1008 *Shaw, Peter. (1989). The War Against the Intellect. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press. 2

A1009 Shingledecker, Charles. (2011). The Crazy Side of Orthodoxy: How Traditionalist Ideology & “Changeless” Canons Hurt the Orthodox Church. Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press.  “O” (2)

A1010 *BML DK 510.766 .P87 S55 2022b LARGE PRINT Biography *Short, Philip. (2022). Putin. Waterville, ME: THORNDIKE PRESS/a part of Gale, a Cengage Company/GALE/A CENGAGE Company. 2

A1011 Siamakis, Constantine. (1997). Transmission of the Text of the Holy Bible. English translation, Andrew Hendry. Asterios Gerostergios, ed. Belmont, Massachusetts: IBMGS – Institute For Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies. 2 O

A1012 *Sieff, Martin. (2014). “Quand la Russe applique sa recette de la doctrine Monroe”. In: L’Hebdo, May 1, 2014 (adapted from “The Globalist”). 2 P [In French].

A1013 ** > wiki > Silly_love_songs Silly love songs (Paul McCartney & Wings) 2 M

A1014 *Silverman, L.K., & Jones, B. (2002). Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual-Spatial Learner. Glendale, Colorado: DeLeon Publishing, Inc. 2

A1015 *Simon, Andrew L. (1999). Made in Hungary. n.p.: Simon Publishing. 2

A1016 Simon, Pimen (Steven), Jurewicz, Theodore, & Ciuba, German, eds. & trans. (1983). Old Orthodox Prayer Book. 1st ed. Liberty, TN: The St. John of Kronstadt Press/Erie, PA: Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity of Christ (Old Rite). O

A1017 *Simons, Daniel, & Chabris, Christopher. (2023). Nobody’s Fool: Why We Get Taken In & What We Can Do about It. New York: Basic Books. 2

A1018 *Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter. (2018). Think Again: How to Reason & Argue. New York: Oxford University Press. GNL BC 177 .S559 2018 2

A1019 Skytt, Lasse. (2022). Orbanland: Why Viktor Orban’s Hungary Matters. Williamstown, Massachusetts: New Europe Books. 2

A1020 *Smart, J.J.C. (1963). Philosophy & Scientific Realism. London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

A1021 Smith, Gerard, S.J., & Kendzierski, Lottie H. (1961). The Philosophy of Being: Metaphysics I. New York: The Macmillan Company. H

A1022 *Smith, Jerome H. (1992). The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson. 2

A1023 *Smith, Tracy K. (2023). To Free the Captives: A Plea for the American Soul. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2

A1024 *Smythies, ? (1956). An Analysis of Perception. London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

A1025 *Smyth, Alfred P. (1984). Warlords & Holy Men: Scotland AD 80-1000. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A1026 *Soden, Hermann von. (1911). Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments. Gottingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. 2 [In German].

A1027 *Sokolowski, Robert. (1974). Husserlian Meditations. Northwestern University Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy. James E. Edie, gen. ed. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. 2 GNL B 3279 .H94 S624

A1028 *Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. (1974). From Under the Rubble. Chicago, IL: Regnery Gateway. 2

A1029 Sorsky, Nil. (2003). Nil Sorsky: The Complete Writings. George A. Maloney, S.J., ed. & trans. New York: Paulist Press. O

A1030 *Sosa, Ernest. (1991). Knowledge In Perspective: Selected Essays In Epistemology. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A1031 ** > wiki > Sounds_of_Silence Sounds of silence (Simon & Garfunkel) 2 M

A1032 Sparks, Jack N., Ph.D., gen. ed. (2008). The Holy Bible: Orthodox Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Bibles. O

A1033 Sparks, Jack N., Ph.D., ed. (1978). The Apostolic Fathers. Minneapolis, MN: Light & Life Publishing Company. O

A1034 *Spellman, Barbara A., & Willingham, Daniel T., eds. (2005). Current Directions in Cognitive Science – Readings from the American Psychological Society. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice-Hall Education, Inc. 2

A1035 Spencer, Robert. (2022). The Church & the Pope: The Case for Orthodoxy. North Haven, CT: Uncut Mountain Press. 2 O

A1036 *Spetsieris, Constantine. (1949). Ta Eide tes Gnoseos (“The Kinds of Knowledge”). Thessaloniki, Greece. 2

A1037 *Spinka, Matthew, Ph.D., Th.D., D.D. (1963). The Library of Christian Classics, Volume XIV: Advocates of Reform – From Wyclif to Erasmus. Philadelphia, PA: The Westminster Press. H 2

A1038 ** > wiki > Spirits_in_the_material_world Spirits in the material world (The Police) 2 M

A1039 Sprague, Elmer. (1999). Persons & Their Minds: A Philosophical Investigation. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press – A Member of the Perseus Books Group. 2

A1040 *Spulber, N. (1957). The Economics of Communist Eastern Europe. Cambridge, Massachusetts: n.p. 2

A1041 *BML DK 254 .L4 S7313 *Stalin, Josef V. (1965). The Foundations of Leninism: Lectures Delivered at the Sverdlov University. 2nd printing, 1977. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press (People’s Republic of China). 2 P* [H] [Highly dangerous].

A1042 Stamatis, D.H., Ph.D. (2019). Why I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian. Morgan Hill, CA: Bookstand Publishing. 2 O

A1043 *Stavans, Ilan, ed. (2023). The People’s Tongue: Americans & the English Language. Brooklyn, NY: Restless Books. 2

A1044 *Steinback, Glenn-Iain. (2015). The Evolution of Putinism: Russia in Transition 1985-2015. n.p.: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2

A1045 *Steinmetz, David C. (2002). Luther in Context. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. 2

A1046 *Stern, David. (1998). Complete Jewish Bible. Clarksville, Maryland: Jewish New Testament Publications. 2 [H]

A1047 *Stinchcombe, Arthur L. (1968). Constructing Sociological Theories. New York: Harcourt Brace & World. 2

A1048 Stoecker, Randy. (2016). Liberating Service Learning & the Rest of Higher Education Civic Engagement. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. 2

A1049 **Stringer, Christopher B., & Andrews, Peter. (1988). “Genetic & Fossil Evidence for the Origin of Modern Humans”. Science 239, no. 4845 (1988): 1263-1268. 2 [H]

A1050 Strobel, Lee. (2000). The Case For Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity. Grand Rapids, MI: ZondervanPublishingHouse. 2

A1051 *Strobel, Lee. (1997). God’s Outrageous Claims: Discover what they mean for you. 2nd ed., 2005. New York: Thomson Gale. Large Print. BML BV 4501.3 .S785 2007 LARGE PRINT

A1052-A *Stroker, Elizabeth. (1987). The Husserlian Foundations of Science. n.p.: University Press of America. 2 P

A1052-B *GNL B 3279 .H94 S77 1987 *Stroker, Elisabeth. (1987). The Husserlian Foundations of Science. Current Continental Research 209. Lee Hardy, ed. Washington, DC: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology & University Press of America. 2 P

A1053 Strong, James, S.T.D, LL.D. (2007). Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible [KJV – King James Version]: Updated edition (UE). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers. 2

A1054 Studer Basil. (1993). Trinity & Incarnation: The Faith of the Early Church. Andrew Louth, ed. Collegeville, MN: A Michael Glazier Book – The Liturgical Press. 2 P

A1055 Stuhr, John J., ed. (1987). Classical American Philosophy: Essential Readings & Interpretive Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. 2 P

A1056 Stumpf, Samuel Enoch. (1993). Elements of Philosophy: An Introduction. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2 P

A1057 Sturz, Harry A. (1984). The Byzantine Text-Type & New Testament Textual Criticism. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2

A1058 Suaiden, Deacon Joseph. (2007). Between Madness & Death: A Hispanic Orthodox History – Book I: Orthodox Europe. n.p.: Deipara Press. 2 O

A1059 Sullivan, Daniel J. (1957). An Introduction to Philosophy: The Perennial Principles of the Classical Realist Tradition. Reprint, 1992. Rockford, IL: Tan Books & Publishers, Inc. 2 P

A1060 *Suslov, Mikhail. (2024). Putinism: Post-Soviet Russian Regime Ideology (BASEES/Routledge Series of Russian & East European Studies). New York: Routledge. 2

A1061 Suzuki, David, & Knudtson, Peter. (1992). Wisdom of the Elders: Honoring Sacred Native Visions of Nature. New York: Bantam Books 2 [H]

A1062 *Swann, Brian, ed. (1994). Coming to Light: Contemporary Translations of the Native Literatures of North America. New York: Random House. 2

A1063 Swarbrick, Mark W. (2020). King James Onlyism: Is the KJV the Best Bible Version? Monee, IL: Mark W. Swarbrick. 2

A1064 **Swearingen, K. “Won’t someone, anyone stand up to protest Tucker Carlson, Putin’s biggest fanboy?” Salon, March 21, 2022. http:// 2

A1065 Swindoll, Charles R. (1983). Dropping your guard: the value of open relationships. 1987 ed. New York: Bantam Books. 2

A1066 Swindoll, Charles R. (1980). Three Steps forward, Two Steps back: Persevering through Pressure. New York: Bantam Books. 2

A1067 *Sykes, Bryan. (2006). Saxons, Vikings, & Celts: the genetic roots of Britain & Ireland. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. 2


A1069 HUNGARIAN 1. Szabo, Eva. (2005). Hungarian Practical Dictionary: Hungarian-English/English-Hungarian. New York: Hippocrene Books, Inc. 2

A1070 HUNGARIAN 2. Szabo, Viktoria. (2022). Hungarian Verbs: 300 Hungarian Verbs fully Conjugated in All Tenses. Orlando, FL: n.p. 2

A1071 HUNGARIAN 3. Learn Hungarian In 52 Weeks. 2500 Sentences 360 Pages 52 Tests. (2023). Orlando, FL: n.p.

A1072 *Talbot, John Michael. (1986). The Fire of God. Rev. ed., 1993. Berryville, AR: Troubadour for the Lord. 2 H

A1073 Tanner, Sandra. (2012). 41 Unique Teachings of the LDS Church. Salt Lake City, UT: Utah Lighthouse Ministry.  H


A1075 *Taplin, Jonathan. (2023). The End of Reality: How 4 Billionaires are Selling Fantasy Future of the Metaverse, Mars, & Crypto. New York: PublicAffairs/Hachette Book Group. 2

A1076 *Tattersal, Ian. (2013). Masters of the Planet: The Search for Human Origins. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin. 2

A1077 *Taylor, Brian D. (2018). The Code of Putinism. New York: Oxford University Press. 2

A1078 *Taylor, Charles. (1964). The Explanation of Behaviour. London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

A1079 *Tchoubarian, Alexandre. (2009). La Russe et l’idee europeenne. [In French]. Paris, France: Editions des Syrtes. 2 P

A1080 Terian, Abraham. (2008). Macarius of Jerusalem. Letter to the Armenians, AD 335. Introduction, Text, Translation & Commentary. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, St. Nerses Armenian Seminary Press. O

A1081 *Teter, Magda. (2023). Christian Supremacy: Reckoning with the Roots of Antisemitism & Racism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. BML BR 145.3 .T475 2023 2

A1082 *Teter, Magda. (2020). Blood Libel: On the Trail of an Antisemitic Myth. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 2

A1083 *Teter, Magda. (2006). Jews & Heretics in Catholic Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era. New York/Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A1084 St. Theodore the Studite. (2001). On the Holy Icons. Catharine P. Roth, trans. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A1085 On the THEOTOKOS. Against Those Who are unwilling to Confess that the Holy Virgin is Theotokos. Saint Cyril of Alexandria. Patristic & Ecclesiastic Texts & Translations. (2004). Protopresbyter George Dion. Dragas, ed. Rollinsford, NH: Orthodox Research Institute. O

A1086 *Thomas Nelson Bibles. (2003). Life in the Spirit Study Bible, KJV. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2 [H]

A1087 THE THOMPSON CHAIN REFERENCE BIBLE. KING JAMES VERSION, Old & New Testaments. (1995). Compiled & Edited by Frank Charles Thompson, D.D., Ph.D. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 2

A1088 Tickle, Phyllis, & Sweeney, Jon M. (2014). The Age of the Spirit: How the Ghost of an Ancient Controversy is Shaping the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: BakerBooks/a division of Baker Publishing Group. 2

A1089 *Timber, Scott. (2015). Culture Crash: the killing of the Creative Class. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. BML BF 408 .T55 2015

A1090 Tolkien, J.R.R. (1954). The Fellowship of the Rings: The Lord of the Rings, Part One. Orig. ed., 1954. @Copyright renewed, 1982, by Christopher R. Tolkien, Michael H.R. Tolkien, John F.R. Tolkien, & Priscilla M.A.R. Tolkien. 1965, & 1966 editions, @Copyright renewed, 1993, 1994, by Christopher R. Tolkien, John F.R. Tolkien, & Priscilla M.A.R. Tolkien. Illustrated by Alan Lee, @Copyright 1991. Latest edition @Copyright, 1994. New York: William Morrow/An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2 F

A1091 *Tonkin, Humphrey. (1997). Esperanto, Interlinguistics, & Planned Language. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America. 2

A1092 Took, Roger. (2004). Running With Reindeer: Encounters In Russian Lapland. Boulder, CO: Westview Press/a member of Perseus Books Group. 2

A1093 *Torre, Michael D. (1989). Freedom in the modern world: Jacques Maritain, Yves R. Simon, & Mortimer J. Adler. n.p.: American Maritain Association. GNL B 824.4 .F74 1989 2 P

A1094 **A TOUR OF CALLIHAN’S PERSONAL LIBRARY”. ROKU YouTube video 21:50. Roman Roads Media. 264K views – 10 years ago.

A1095 *TRINITY 1. *Bolotov, B. (1970). Cours sur l’historie de l’Eglise ancienne, vol. 4, Le development doctrinal de Nicee I a Nicee II. Petrograd, USSR: 1981 (repr. 1970, Gregg Press). French translation. [In Russian]. 2

A1096 *TRINITY 2. *Lebreton, Jules. (1928). Histoire du dogme de la Trinite. Vol. 2. Paris, France. [In French]. 2 n.p.

A1097 *TRINITY 3. *Prestige, G.L. (1936). God in Patristic Thought. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A1098 *TRINITY 4. *Meyendorff, John. (1975). Initiation a la theologie byzantine. Paris, France: n.p. [In French]. Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends & Doctrinal Themes. New York: Fordham University Press. 2

A1099 *TRINITY 5. *Radovic, Amphilokios. (1973). Le Mystere de la Sainte Trinite selon Gregoire Palamas. [In French]. Thessalonika, Greece. n.p. [In Greek]. 2

A1100 *Wainscott, Elisabeth. (1974). Uni: The New International Language. With Reference Dictionary in 34 Languages. Cleveland, OH: Uniline Co. GNL PM 8903 .W3 2

A1101 *Wainscott, Elisabeth. (1975). Uni: The New International Language. Supplement. Cleveland, OH: Uniline Co. GNL PM 8903 .W3 Suppl. 2

A1102 *GNL B 765 .D74 W6 *THE TRANSCENDENTALS & THEIR FUNCTION IN THE METAPHYSICS OF DUNS SCOTUS. (1946). Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M., Ph.D. Franciscan Institute Publications, Philosophy Series No. 3, Philotheus H. Boehner, O.F.M., & Wolter, Allan B., O.F.M, Ph.D., eds. St. Bonaventure, NY: The Franciscan Institute. 2

A1103 *GNL 765 .D73 D43 1966 *A TREATISE ON GOD AS FIRST PRINCIPLE. (1966). John Duns Scotus. A Quincy College Publication. Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M., Ph.D., trans. & ed. Chicago, Illinois: Forum Books/Franciscan Herald Press. 2

A1104 Trenham, Archpriest Fr. Josiah. (2015). Rock & Sand: An Orthodox Appraisal of the Protestant Reformers & Their Teachings. Columbia, MO: New Rome Press. O 2

A1105 *BML DD 257 .T74 2024 b *Trentmann, Frank. (2024). Out of the Darkness: The Germans 1942-2022. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2

A1106 *BML JK 2071 .T76 2024 *Troiano, Nick. (2024). The Primary Solution: Rescuing our democracy from the Fringes. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2 P*

A1107 *Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology. 1st ed. Harvey, Ramon. (2023). Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: Edinburgh University Press. 2 H P*

A1108 *Trifkovic, Srdja. (2014). “Understanding Western Russophobia”. Liberty, Official Publication of the Serbian National Defense Council of America, June 2014. 2 P

A1109 *Troitksy, St. Hilarion. (2022). On the Dogma of the Church: An historical Overview of the Sources of Ecclesiology. n.p.: Uncut Mountain Press. 2

A1110 Truglia, Patrick Craig. (2023). The Rise & Fall of the Papacy: An Orthodox Perspective. Middletown, DE: Uncut Mountain Press. O

A1111 **ROKU YouTube video 46:05. “The Truth About Modern Bible Translations”. Mark Baze. 258 views – 3 months ago.

A1112 Tsarfati, Amir, & Yohn, Dr. Rick. (2022). Revealing Revelation. Eugene, OR: Harvest Prophecy/An imprint of Harvest House Publishers. A Billy Graham Library Selection. Charlotte, NC: BGEA/Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. H P*

A1113 *Tsyganov, Andrei P. (2009). Russophobia: Anti-Russian Lobby & American Foreign Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2 P

A1114 *BML QE 882 .P7 T83 2009 *Tudge, Colin. (2009). The Link: Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown & Company. 2 [H] P*

A1115 *BML QK 475 .T83 2007 *Tudge, Colin. (2007). The Tree: A Natural History of What Trees are, How They live, & Why They matter. New York: Three Rivers Press. 2

A1116 *Tudge, Colin. (1996). The time before History: 5 million years of Human impact. New York: Scribner. 2 [H] BML GN 281 .T84 1996 P*

A1117 *Turley, Richard E., & Jones Brown, Barbara. (2023). Vengeance Is Mine: The Mountain Meadows Massacre & Its Aftermath. New York: Oxford University Press. H 2

A1118 Tuve, Rosemond. (1947). Elizabethan & Metaphysical Imagery: Renaissance Poetic & Twentieth-Century Critics. Chicago, IL: Phoenix Books – The University of Chicago Press. 2

A1119 **20TWENTY – ROKU YouTube video 13:05. New Version of the Bible Translated – Gary Kim (316 Publishing) – 3 April 2024 Vision Christian Media 13 views – 3 weeks ago (April 2024)

A1120 *GNL GN 29 .T9 *Tyler, Stephen A., ed. (1969). Cognitive Anthropology. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc. 2 P*

A1121 Ugolnik, Anthony. (1989). The Illuminating Icon. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 2 O

A1122 *Unger, Merrill F. (1988). The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press. 2 [H]

A1123 *Unger, Merrill F. (1963). Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press. 2 [H]

A1124 *Urueña, Maria Rafaela. (n.d.). “Esperanta Civito kaj Internacia Juro”. http:// [Esperanto]. 2

A1125 *Ury, William. (2024). Possible: How We Survive (& Thrive) in an Age of Conflict. New York: HarperBusiness/an Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. 2 BML HM 1126 .U794 2024

A1126 Vali, Ferenc A. (1961). Rift & Revolt in Hungary: Nationalism versus Communism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 2 P*

A1127 **Vali, Ferenc A. (1959a). “The Hungarian Revolution & International Law”. The Fletcher Review, Summer 1959; pp. 9-25. 2

A1128 **Vali, Ferenc A. (1959b). “The Nagy “Trial””. Renduletlenul, May-June 1959; pp. 5-6. 2

A1129 Valiela, Ivan. (2001). Doing science: design, analysis, & communication of Scientific Research. New York: Oxford University Press. 2

A1130 *GNL BX 9424.2 .V36 1999 *Vance, Laurence M. (1999). The other side of Calvinism. Rev. ed. Pensacola, FLA: Vance Publications. 2 [H]. P*

A1131 Vanderburg, Willem H. (2018). Secular nations under new gods: Christianity’s subversion by Technology & Politics. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press. 2 P*

A1132 *Vandenburg, Willem H. (2016). The growth of minds & culture: A Unified Interpretation of the structure of Human Experience. 2nd ed. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press. 2

A1133 *Vandenburg, Willem H. (2011). Our war on Ourselves: Rethinking science, technology & economic growth. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press. 2

A1134 *Vandenburg, Willem H. (2016). Our battle for the Human Spirit: Scientific Knowing, technical doing & Daily Living. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press. 2

A1135 *Vaporis, Nomikos M. (1977). Father Kosmas, the Apostle of the Poor. Brookline, Massachusetts: Holy Cross Orthodox Press. 2 O

A1136 *Vardanyan, Vilen. (2011). Panorama of Psychology. Central Milton Keynes, England, UK: AuthorHouse. 2 P*

A1137 *Vardy, Peter. (1990). The Puzzle of God. 1997 ed. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. 2

A1138-A *Vardy, Steven Bela. (1976). Modern Hungarian Historiography. n.p: East European Quartely. GNL DB 923 .V372 2

A1138-B *Vardy, Steven Bela. (1974). A magyar tortenettudomany es a szellemtorteneti iskola, irta Vardy Bela. n.p.: GNL DB 923 .V37 2

A1139 Various Unknown Authors. (2011). Orthodox Prayer Book. n.p.: MarketingPro Engineering. O 2

A1140 *Vegetti, Federico. (2018). The Political Nature of Ideological Polarization: The Case of Hungary. Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press. December 20, 2018. 2 P*

A1141 *La Verite sur L’Affaire Nagy. Paris, France, 1958: n.p. 2 Preface by Albert Camus. English translations: The Truth about Imre Nagy. London, England, UK: 1959.- n.p. The Truth about the Nagy Affair. New York: n.p. 1959. 2

A1142 *St. Vincent of Lerins. (2012). The Commonitory of St. Vincent of Lerins. n.p.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2

A1143 **Visual/spatial Learning Study Guides & Strategies http://  2

A1144 *Voegelin, Eric. (1968). Science, Politics & Gnosticism. Chicago, IL: Regnery Gateway. 2 P

A1145 *Vrailas-Armenis, P. (1851). Peri Proton Ideon kai Archon Dokimion (“Essay on First Ideas & Principles”). Kerkyra, Greece. 2nd ed., Athens, Greece, 1910.

A1146 *Vrailas-Armenis, P. (1863). Theoretikes kai Praktikes Philosophias Stoicheia (“Elements of Theoretical & Practical Philosophy”). 1st ed., Kerkyra, Greece; cf. pp. 17-79; 2nd ed., Athens, Greece, 1910. 2

A1147 *GNL GN 549 .F5 V8 *Vuorela, Toivo. (1964). THE FINNO-UGRIC PEOPLES. Translated by John Atkinson. AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES: Research & Studies in Uralic & Altaic Languages. INDIANA UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS, Uralic & Altaic Series, Vol. 39. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press/ The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton & Company. 2

A1148 *Wade, Nicholas. (2014). A troublesome Inheritance: genes, race & Human history. New York: The Penguin Press. 2 H BML GN 365.9 .W33 2014

A1149 *Wade, Nicholas. (2006). Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors. New York: The Penguin Press. 2 H BML GN .W33 2006

A1150 **Wade, Nicholas. (2003). “Early Voices”: The Leap of Language”, New York Times, July 15, 2003; cf. p. F1. 2

A1151 Wahba, Fr. Matthias F. (1995). Monophysitism: Reconsidered. n.p: English & Arabic. H

A1152 *Wallace-Hadrill, J.M. (1983). The Frankish Church. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press. 2

A1153 *Ware, Alan. (2002). The American Direct Primary: Party Institutionalization & Transformation in the North. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A1154 Ware, Timothy. (1993). The Orthodox Church. New ed. New York: Penguin Books. 2 O

A1155 ** > wiki > Warm_and_Beautiful Warm and beautiful (Paul McCartney & Wings) 2 M

A1156 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania. (2013). New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Patterson, NY/Walkill, NY: Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc. H

A1157 *Watling, J. (1954-1955). “Inference from the Known to the Unknown”. In: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (1954-1955). 2

A1158 **Watnick, Morris. (1958). “Georg Lukacs: an Intellectual Biography”. Soviet Survey, January-March 1958; pp. 60-68; April-June 1958, pp. 51-57; & July-September 1957, pp. 61-68. 2

A1159 *Watson, W.H. (1938). “On Methods of Representation. From: On Understanding Physics. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press – (1938). Reprinted in: Philosophy of Science. Arthur Danto & Sidney Morgenbesser, eds. Cleveland, OH: World Publishing Co. – (1960): 226-244. 2

A1160 *GNL P 90 .H650 2022X *Weaver, John Michael. (2022). The U.S. Cybersecurity & Intelligence Challenges. PalgravePivot/New York: PalgraveMacmillan. 2 P*

A1161 *Webb, Eugene J., Campbell, Donald T., Schwartz, Richard D., Sechrest, Lee. (1966). Unobtrusive Measures. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally & Co. (1966). 2

A1162 *GNL KF 380 .W38 c. 1 1954 *Weber, Max. (1954). Max Weber on Law in Economy & Society. Max Rheinstein, ed. Edward Shils & Max Rheinstein, trans. New York: A Clarion Book/Simon & Schuster. 2 P

A1163 *Weddle, Perry. (1978). Argument: A Guide to Critical Thinking. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. GNL BC 177 .W43 c.2 2

A1164 Weigel, George. (2005). The Cube & the Cathedral: Europe, America, & Politics without God. New York: Basic Books/a member of the Perseus Books Group. H

A1165 Wells, Donald A. (1967). God, Man, & the Thinker: Philosophies of Religion. Orig. ed., 1962. New York: Delta Books/Dell Publishing Company, Inc. 2 [H]

A1166 West, Rebecca. (1940). Black Lamb & Grey Falcon: A Journey Through Yugoslavia. Updated ed., 2007. Penguin Classics. New York: Penguin Books. 2

A1167 ** > wiki > What_a_wonderful_world What a wonderful World Louie Armstrong 2 M

A1168 ** > wiki > What_a_wonderful_world_this_would_be What a wonderful world this would be Sam Cooke 2 M

A1169 Whelton, Michael. (1999). The Pearl: A Handbook for Orthodox Converts. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press 2 O

A1170 Whelton, Michael. (2020). Two Paths: Orthodoxy & Catholicism – Rome’s Claims of Papal Supremacy in the Light of Orthodox Christian Teaching. n.p.: Protecting Veil.  2

A1171 Whelton, Michael. (1998). Two Paths: Papal Monarchy – Collegial Tradition. Rome’s Claims of Papal Supremacy in the Light of Orthodox Christian Teaching. Salisbury, Massachusetts: Regina Orthodox Press. 2 O

A1172 ** > wiki > While_my_guitar_gently_weeps While my guitar gently weeps The Beatles 2 M

A1173 *Whitaker, Jr., John O. (1996). National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mammals. Rev. ed. 1997 ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. BML QL 715 .W49 1996 2

A1174 Whiteford, Fr. John. (1996). Sola Scriptura: An Orthodox Analysis of the Cornerstone of Reformation Theology. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press. O

A1175 *Whittaker, Sir Edmund, F.R.S. (1948). Space & Spirit (The Humanist Library). Theories of the Universe & the Arguments For the Existence of God. Hinsdale, IL: Henry Regnery Company. GNL BD 511 .W52 1948 2

A1176 Wilkerson, David. (1972). The Jesus Person Pocket Promise Book: 800 Promises from the Word of God. 2014 ed. Minneapolis, MN: Chosen/a division of Baker Publishing Group. 2

A1177 *Willis, Delta. (1989). The hominid gang: behind the Scenes in the Search for Human Origins. New York: Viking. 2 BML GN .W55 1989 H

A1178 *Willrich, Michael. (2023). American anarchy: the Epic struggle between Immigrant Radicals & the US Government at the Dawn of the Twentieth century. New York: Basic Books. 2 BML HX 843 .W555 2023

A1179 *Wilson, William J., & Dumont, Richard G. (1968). “Rules of Correspondence & Sociological Concepts”. Sociology & Social Research, Vol. 52, No. 2, January (1968): 217-227. 2

A1180 *Wisdom, John. (1952). Other Minds. Oxford, England, UK: Blackwell. 2

**Why Use the New King James Version? Go Ye Into All the World. With Pastor Scott. Roku. YouTube. Video. 28:32. Why Use The New King James Version. Pastor Scott Ingram. 3.8K views – 3 months ago. [2024].

A1181 *Willimon, William H. (2007). United Methodist Beliefs: A Brief Introduction. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. 2 H

A1182 *Wills, Garry. (2007). Head & Heart: American Christianities. New York: The Penguin Press/The Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 2 H

A1183 Wilson, Dwight. (1991). Armageddon Now! The Premillenarian Response to Russia & Israel Since 1917. Tyler, Texas: Institute For Christian Economics. 2

A1184 *Wippel, John F. (1981). The Metaphysical Thought of Godfrey of Fontaines: A Study in Late Thirteenth-Century Philosophy. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press. 2 [H]

A1185 *Wolff, Robert Paul. (1981). About Philosophy. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1st ed., 1976). GNL BD 21 .W63 1981 2

A1186 *Wolpoff, Milford H., & Caspari, Rachel E. (1997). Race & Human Evolution: A Fatal Attraction. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2

A1187 *Wolter, Allan B., O.F.M., Ph.D. (1946). THE TRANSCENDENTALS AND THEIR FUNCTION IN THE METAPHYSICS OF DUNS SCOTUS. Franciscan Institute Publications, Philosophy Series No. 3. Edited by Philotheus H. Boehner, O.F.M., & Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M. St. Bonaventure, NY: The Franciscan Institute. 2 H

A1188 *Wood, Ian, Birgit Sawyer, & Peter Sawyer, eds. (1987). The Christianization of Scandinavia. n.p.: Alingsas. 2

A1189 *Wood, Ian. (1994). The Merovingian Kingdoms 450-751. London, England, UK: n.p. 2

A1190 *Wood, Robert E. (1969). Martin Buber’s Ontology: An Analysis of “I and Thou”. Northwestern University Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy. John Wild, gen. ed., James M. Edie, Assoc. ed., Herbert Spiegelber, William Earle, et alia, consulting eds. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. 2 GNL BM 723 .B755 W66

A1191 Works of Love: some Christian Reflections in the Form of Discourses. (1962). Soren Kierkegaard. Translated by Howard Hong & Edna Hong. New York: Harper Torchbooks – The Cloister Library/Harper & Row, Publishers. 2

A1192 *Woznicki, Andrew N. (1980). A Christian Humanism: Karol Wojtyla’s Existential Personalism. New Britain, CT: Mariel Publications. 2 P [GNL].

A1193 **Wikipedia > wiki > Wreck_of_the_Edmund_Fitzgerald Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Gordon Lightfoot 2 M

A1194 *Wright, Sue. (2000). Community & communication: The role of language in Nation state building & European integration. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 2

A1195 *Wright, Sue. (2004). Language policy & language planning: From Nationalism to globalization. New York: Palgrave. 2

A1196 *Wright, Sue. (2007). “What is a Language? The difficulties inherent in Language rights”. In: The Language question in Europe & Diverse societies: Political, legal & social Perspectives. Dario Castiglioni & Christ Longman, eds.; pp. 81-99; Oxford: Hart Publishers. 2

A1197 *Wszelaki, Jan. (1961). “Economic Developments in East Central Europe, 1954-1959”; Orbis, Winter 1961; pp. 422-451. 2

A1198 *Wszelaki, Jan. (1959). Communist Economic Strategy: The Role of East Central Europe. Washington, DC: n.p. 2

A1199 *Yaguello, Marina. (1991). Lunatic lovers of language: Imaginary languages & their inventors. n.p.: Athlone Press. 2

A1200 Yannaras, Christos. (1984). The Freedom of Morality. Translated from the Greek by Elizabeth Briere. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. O

A1201 Young, Fr. Alexey. (1989). THE GREAT DIVIDE: The West severs itself from its Orthodox Christian roots: an historical overview. Redding, California; Nikodemos Orthodox Publication Society. O 2

A1202 *Young, Alexey. (1996). The Rush to Embrace. Richfield Springs, NY: Nikodemos Orthodox Publication Society. 2 O

A1203 Young, Rev. Fr. Alexey. (1980). A Man is His Faith: Ivan Kireyevsky & Orthodox Christianity. London, England, UK: Saint George Information Service. O

A1204 *Zamenhof, Ludovic Lazarus. (1889). Doctor Esperanto’s International Language. R.H. Geoghegan, trans. Gene Keys, ed. (n.p.: 1889). http:// 2

A1205 *Zamenhof, Ludwig L. (1887). Internationale Sprache. Vorrede und vollstandiges Lehrbuch. For germanoj. Warsaw, Poland: Gebethner & Wolff. 2

A1206 *Zamenhof, Ludovic Lazarus. (1948). Leteroj de L.L. Zamenhof. Gaston Waringhien, ed. 2 vols. Paris, France: SAT. [In Esperanto]. 2

A1207 *Zeki, S. (1999). Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art & the Brain. New York: Oxford University Press. 2

A1208 *Zenkovsky, Serge A., ed. & trans. (1963). Medieval Russia’s Epics, Chronicles, & Tales. New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc. O 2

A1209 *Zetterberg, Hans L. (1954). On Theory & Verification in Sociology. Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell (1954). 2

A1210 *Zetterberg, Hans L. (1963). On Theory & Verification in Sociology. Rev. ed. Totowa, NJ: Bedminster Press. (1963). 2

A1211 *Zetterberg, Hans L. (1966). On Theory & Verification in Sociology. 3rd ed. Enlarged. Totowa, NJ: Bedminster Press. (1966). 2

A1212 *Zhirkov, Lev I. (1931). Kial venkis Esperanto? Leipzig: Ekrelo. [In Esperanto]. 2

A1213 *Zinner, Paul E. (1959). “Revolution in Hungary: Reflections on the Vicissitudes of a Totalitarian System”, The Journal of Politics, February 1959; pp. 5-36. 2

A1214 *Zinner, Paul E., ed. (1958). “Hungary’s Imre Nagy: Revolutionist to the End”. Columbia University Forum, Fall 1958; pp. 6-10. 2

A1215 *Zinner, Paul E., ed. (1957). National Communism & Popular Revolt in Eastern Europe. New York: n.p. 2

A1216 *Zizioulas, John D. (1985). Being as Communion: Studies in Personhood & the Church. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 2 O

A1217 *Zubiri, Xavier. (2009). The Fundamental Problems of Western Metaphysics. Thomas Fowler & Joaquin Redondo, trans. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 2 H

A1218 *Zuckerman, Ethan. (2021). Mistrust: Why Losing Faith in Institutions Provides the Tools to Transform Them. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2

A1219 *GNL BL 263 .Z9313 2006 *Zycinski, Jozef. (2006). God & Evolution: Fundamental Questions of Christian Evolutionism. Translated by Kenneth W. Kemp & Zuzanna AMaslanka. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press. 2 [H]

Appendix: A1220 Hunnex, Milton D. (1986). Chronological & Thematic Charts of Philosophies & Philosophers. [Plastic Comb]. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 2 P*


A1221 Bryce, Trevor. (1998). The Kingdom of the Hittites. Oxford, England, UK: Clarendon Press. 2

A1222 Kolbaba, Tia M. (2000). The Byzantine Lists: Errors of the Latins. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. 2

A1223 Kolbaba, Tia M. (2008). Inventing Latin Heretics: Byzantines & the Filioque in the Ninth Century. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications – Western Michigan University. 2

A1224 *Lattimore, Richmond. (1962). The Four Gospels & the Revelation. Newly translated from the Greek. 1979 ed. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux. 2

A1225 Leithart, Peter J. (2010). Defending Constantine: The Twilight of an Empire & the Dawn of Christendom. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic/an imprint of InterVarsity Press. 2

A1226 Pei, Mario A., & Gaynor, Frank. (1954). A Dictionary of Linguistics. New York: Philosophical Library. 2

A1227 **Wikipedia > wiki > Steppin’_out_(Joe_Jackson Song) Steppin’ out Joe Jackson 2 M

A1228 **Wikipedia > wiki > Dream On (Aerosmith song) Dream On Aerosmith 2 M

A1229 ** Wikipedia > wiki > Handle With Care (Song) Handle with Care Travelling Wilburys 2 M

A1230 ** Wikipedia > wiki > I Can’t Tell You Why I can’t tell you why (The Eagles) 2 M

A1231 **ROKU. YouTube. Video. 36:5. I’m leaving Protestantism for the Holy Orthodox Church. Austin Ferguson. 45K views – 1 year ago (2023). 2

A1232 **TBS Trinitarian Bible Society Quarterly Record The Magazine of the Trinitarian Bible Society, Issue Number 647, April-June 2024. TBS Editorial Director’s Report. By Matthew A. Vogan. “Stealing God’s Words?”, pp. 9-15. 2 [H].

A1233 **TBS Trinitarian Bible Society Quarterly Record The Magazine of the Trinitarian Bible Society, Issue Number 647, April-June 2024. Natalie Hanks. Lead Editor. “SWAHILI: A LANGUAGE ACROSS BORDERS”; pp. 16-21. 2 [H].

A1234 **TBS Trinitarian Bible Society Quarterly Record The Magazine of the Trinitarian Bible Society, Issue Number 647, April-June 2024. “DOES THE NKJV LIVE UP TO ITS CLAIMS?”. By the Rev. Craig Dennison, Deputation Speaker; pp. 28-34. 2 [H].

A1235 **TBS Trinitarian Bible Society Quarterly Record The Magazine of the Trinitarian Bible Society, Issue Number 647, April-June 2024. “ONLY THE WORD OF GOD”. By Mr. G.D. Buss, A Vice-President of the Society, pp. 6-8. 2 [H].

A1236 **Father Andrew Phillips Orthodox England Pre Filioque and … › 2020/10/22 › father-…

October 22, 2020 — Father Andrew Phillips Orthodox England Pre Filioque and Post Filioque Civilization. “PRE-FILIOQUE CIVILIZATION AND POST-FILIOQUE CIVILIZATION. O 2

A1237 **Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit – Saint Photius the Great

MYRIOBIBLOS › texts › photios_mystagogy

April 20, 2024 — Concerning statements in the sacred teachings which state that as the Son is begotten of the Father alone, so likewise the proper theology …

A1238 **Orthodox Christian Information Center: Home

Orthodox Christian Information Center

Welcome to the OCIC Web site, one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 850 …

I Believe: A Short Exposition of Orthodox Christian Theology: From the St. Nectarios Press wall calendar. O 2

A1239 **Orthodox Christian Information Center: Home

Orthodox Christian Information Center

Welcome to the OCIC Web site, one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 850 …

A Brief History of the Irish Orthodox Church: from the 2003 St. Herman Calendar. O 2

A1240 **Orthodox Christian Information Center: Home

Orthodox Christian Information Center

Welcome to the OCIC Web site, one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 850 …

The Synod of Constantinople (879-880): concerning the Filioque. From The Oecumenical Synods of the Orthodox Church. By Protopresbyter James Thornton. O 2

A1241 **Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies

Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies

Legal Counsel … The Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies (see “About C.T.O.S.” on section bar) was established in 1981 under the auspices of the St. O 2

A1242 **Shop Books

Uncut Mountain Press › shop › books

An Orthodox Christian publisher and translator of classic and contemporary spiritual and theological texts. O 2

A1243 **Orthodox Ethos: Home

Orthodox Ethos

A traditional Orthodox publisher specializing in faithful translations of the writings of the Holy Fathers addressing timely matters in the life of the Church … O 2

A1244 **SVS Press & Bookstore

SVS Press

Founded in 1968, St Vladimir’s Seminary Press is the largest and most active publisher of Orthodox Christian books in the English language. O 2

A1245 **HTP Bookstore – Holy Trinity Monastery

Jordanville Bookstore

The direct ordering website of Holy Trinity Publications (Jordanville, NY), offering the Heritage of Orthodox Russia for today. O 2

A1246 **Holy Cross

Orthodox Christian Monastery — Our Monastery Offers The Finest Books In Orthodox Christian Publishing. Shop Online Today! We Carry Devotional, Liturgical, and Children’s Books. Browse Online! Services: Orthodox Icons, Spiritual Books, Holy Icons, Church Incense, Beeswax Candles.

‎Contact Us · ‎On Sale · ‎Featured Items · ‎New Offerings · ‎Donate O 2

A1247 **Church of the Nativity

Church of the Nativity of Christ Erie PA bookstore from

The Church of the Nativity’s online bookstore offers publications by the Church of the Nativity and other items used by Old Rite Orthodox Christians. O 2

A1248 **Holy Cross Orthodox Press › collections › holy-cross…

The mission of Holy Cross Orthodox Press is to build up the body of scholarly and popular literature in the areas of Orthodox Christian theology by … O 2

A1249 **All Books

St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery › collections › all-books

St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery bookstore florence az from

Books in Greek · Books in Russian · Books for Children & Young Adults … Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery Visit Map 4784 N. St. Josephs Way, Florence, AZ 85132 O 2

A1250 **Books – Page 1 – Newrome Press

Newrome Press › books

Books. Catechism · Coming Soon · Fathers · Fiction · New Releases · Prayer · Scripture … Add to Cart. Newrome Press. A Boy’s Journey to Sainthood: Saint … O 2

A1251 **St. Sebastian Orthodox Press

St. Sebastian Orthodox Press

St. Sebastian Orthodox bookstore from

educational, representation, peaceful, spiritual, inspirational, Serbian, Greek, Russian, Eastern Orthodox.

30-day returns

‎Sebastian Art · ‎Little Sebastian · ‎Sebastian Press Book Club · ‎Deal of the Day O 2

A1252 **St. Herman Press

St. Herman Press

logo; Featured Products · New Products · Books · eBooks · The Orthodox Word · Other · Contact Us · © Copyright 2024 St. Herman Press. Powered by Volusion. Go to … O 2

A1253 **Books

Patristic Nectar Publications › store_books

Patristic Nectar Publications is a non-profit organization that delivers the sacred and pure teachings of the Orthodox Church and the Holy Fathers via O 2

A1254 **Protecting Veil

Protecting Veil is an Eastern Orthodox Christian media company producing Orthodox Christian books, videos, podcasts, and educational content. O 2

A1255 **Chrysostom Press

St. Herman Press › category-s

Explanation of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians by St. Theophylact of Ochrid. Price: $16.00. Explanation of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians … O 2

A1256 **Light & Life Publishing

Light & Life Publishing

Discover (or rediscover) the writings of Father Anthony M. Coniaris, the most prolific author of Orthodox Christian materials in the English language. Light and …

‎Our Paperback Books · ‎About · ‎Our Ebooks O 2

A1257 **St. Nectarios Press

St. Nectarios Press

No information is available for this page.

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A1258 **Not of This World Icons

Departments. Welcome to the website for Not of This World Icons! Our Orthodox Christian website offers books, icons, prayer ropes, crosses, icon eggs, lacquer … O 2

A1259 **Icons, The Holy Transfiguration Monastery Store

Holy Transfiguration Monastery › index.php › cPath

Over half a century we have made a collection of more than 450 traditional Orthodox icons, which are printed using a photo-quality inkjet printer of …

‎Saints · ‎Christ · ‎Mother of God · ‎Menaion O 2

A1260 **A Review of “Strange Fire” by John MacArthur

Pastor Dave Online › 2017/07/17 › a-review-o…

Criticism of John Macarthur’s book Strange Fire from

July 17, 2017 — Strange Fire fails as a critique because it allows strong prejudice to color meaningful apologetics. Dr. John MacArthur is a respected and much- … 2 [H]

A1262 **Part One of Craig Keener’s review of John MacArthur’s …

Sam Storms › enjoying-god-blog › post

August 2, 2019 — On the positive side, addressed first in this review, Strange Fire forcefully critiques some points that have needed very public censure. In .. 2 [H]

A1263 **Part Two of Craig Keener’s review of John MacArthur’s …

Sam Storms › enjoying-god-blog › post

August 5, 2019 — Despite strong claims, MacArthur focuses on the most extreme or questionable examples, and avoids explicitly condemning some of the more … 2 [H]

A1264 **Authentic Fire Review: The Appendix of the Doctor

The Cripplegate › authentic-fire-review-the-a…

July 17, 2014 — Keener to believe that MacArthur is charging the movement with widespread syncretism. Dr. 2 [H]

A1265 **Book Review: “Authentic Fire” by Michael L. Brown

Beggar’s Bread › 2017/04/30 › book-review-a…

criticism of Michael Brown’s book authentic fire from

April 30, 2017 — “Given the ungracious, unkind, and unfair nature of the Strange Fire onslaught it [this book] needed to be written and, as other reviewers 2 [H]

A1266 **Patheos

My Review Of Dr. Michael Brown’s AUTHENTIC FIRE

WEB February 21, 2014 · Dr. Michael Brown’s 400+ page Authentic Fire is more than a critique. Yes, the book interacts with Dr. John MacArthur’s Strange Fire. But one doesn’t have to read … Global web icon Beggar’s Bread 2 [H]

A1267 **Orthodox Christian Information Center

Charismatic Revival As a Sign of the Times –

THE HOLY SCRIPTURES and Orthodox Fathers clearly tell us that the character of the last times will not at all be one of a great spiritual “revival,” of an “outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” but rather one of almost univer… See more O 2

A1268 **Another City

Orthodox Spirituality 101: A Primer with Benchmarks

Too many Orthodox Christians have views of sin that are essentially Western, seeing it in juridical terms of guilt and punishment, of broken rules and the anxious search for pardon. For authentic Orthodo… See more O 2

A1269 **Church of the Nativity…/the-gospel-commentary

The Gospel Commentary — Church of the Nativity

WEB March 18, 2010 · The Gospel Commentary. March 18, 2010. Translated by Hieromonk German Ciuba “This book, The Gospel Commentary, represents a living link with tradition. It is a …

Estimated Reading Time: 1 min

Location: 251 East Front Street Erie, PA 16507 O 2

A1270 **Orthodox Church The Prologue from Ochrid.

The Prologue from Ohrid is a publication, usually printed in two volumes, that is compilation of individual entries on lives of saints of the Orthodox Church. The Prologue is the work Nikolai Velimirovic, a bishop and saint of the Orthodox Church who lived from 1880 to 1956.

Prologue from Ohrid – OrthodoxWiki O 2

A1271 **What is your opinion on John MacArthur and whether or …

Quora › What-is-your-opinion-on-Joh…

From what I learned, Calvin was hated for two reasons: 1) for his teachings on “double” predestination 2) for his “Theocracy” in Geneva.

2 answers·

73 votes:

I highly respect my Baptist brother and sisters. They offer the meat and potato

2 [H]

A1272 **Alana L. Exhibits Far More Grace Than John MacArthur As …

The Wartburg Watch › 2023/04/21 › alana-l-ex…

April 21, 2023 — No, Calvinism is not supported by Scripture. God is going to hold me accountable for how I – in good faith – interpret his word. He is not going … 2 [H]

A1273 **The Hermeneutical Implications of Leighton Flowers’ Podcast … › the-hermeneutical-i…

Leighton’s podcast titled “Calvinism’s Contradictions Explained by John MacArthur,” in which he critiques Friel’s program was published on YouTube on April 4, … 2 [H]

A1274 **The Gospel Coalition

Against Calvinism – The Gospel Coalition

WEB October 10, 2011 · In Against Calvinism, readers will find scholarly arguments explaining why Calvinist theology is incorrect and how it affects God’s reputation. Olson draws on a variety of sources, including Scripture, … 2 [H]

A1275 **Baptist News Global

How John MacArthur loves the Bible but not his neighbor

WEB July 28, 2020 · As John MacArthur stood before his congregation to preach, he rejoiced in their decision to “return to what we love the most: the fellowship of the saints and the worship of our Lord.”. Noticeably absent … 2 [H]

A1276 **

Pastor John MacArthur’s two most serious errors – Warhorn Media

WEB March 9, 2019 · There are two related errors that Pastor John MacArthur promotes. Given his very high profile among Protestant believers in the English-speaking world, both need to be manhandled and dispatched so both shepherds and sheep will not be led astray, but will take warning. One of these errors is on full display in this 2017 video of a Q&A session … 2 [H]

A1277 **John MacArthur is wrong about so much more than …

Baptist News Global › article › john-macarthur-is-wr…

February 14, 2023 — MacArthur and Grace Community Church are all about judgment, not grace. So much so that they and their fellow Calvinists have redefined “grace” … 2 [H]

A1278 **

John Macarthur on Calvinism: Insights from a Respected Theologian

WEB Critics’ Viewpoints On Macarthur’s Calvinism. Macarthur’s theological stance on Calvinism has been a subject of intense scrutiny for many critics. Some argue that his view places … 2 [H]

A1279 **

Can I Trust The MacArthur Study Study Bible? |

WEBW hat Does Pastor John MacArthur believe? Mr. MacArthur is a Calvinist. Calvinism is a way of thinking in Christian history attributed to John Calvin of France (1509 – 1564). Calvinism sees God as the Almighty being, but focuses more on the coming judgment of God and applies it now. That tends to come across as very harsh and religious. 2 [H]

A1280 **

Does God Love Everyone? The Heart of What is Wrong with Calvinism

WEB The chapter ends with a brief discussion of limited atonement according to Calvinism, historically understood as Christ dying only for the elect, not Christ’s death being applied only to the elect. In other words, Christ’s death did not atone for the sins of the non-elect or purchase their redemption in any way—despite what 1 John 2:2 says. 2 [H]

A1281 **Global web icon

Religion News Service

John MacArthur and the dangers of biblical literalism

WEB July 19, 2022 · Similarly, MacArthur’s derives his view of slavery from a literal reading of the Bible, which addresses slavery hundreds of times. Numerous verses endorse slavery, with some reading like an … 2 [H]

A1282 **Baptist News Global

What has John MacArthur actually said about race, …

WEB June 20, 2022 · This and other cringe-worthy things MacArthur has preached about race and slavery came to the attention of social media users last week when Illinois pastor Sharon Autenrieth tweeted, “I have just read a … 2 [H]

A1283 **Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ …

Reddit · r/TrueChristian

110+ comments · 1 year ago

God does not save those who are only imaginary sinners. Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong [or sin boldly], but let your trust in Christ … 2 [H]

A1284 **Luther Thought Jesus Committed Adultery W Mary …

Patheos › … › Topic Category

January 7, 2020 — Luther: “So the good Christ had to become an adulterer before he died.” This is all referring to supposed adultery before Jesus bore our sins.

Things which are correct about Arminianism.

A1285 **People who are Arminian, why? : r/TrueChristian

Reddit · r/TrueChristian

40+ comments · 1 year ago [2023]. Most Christians believe this and yet don’t have the foggiest idea what Arminianism is. Arminianism has a very specific soteriological stance.

8 answers· Top answer: There are two options: You can be a Calvinist Or You can be wrong. 2

A1286 **Grace to You. https:// > GTY167 Strange Fire Revisited. June 1, 2018. 2

A1287 ** https:// > macarthur’s-strange-fire MacArthur’s Strange Fire – Bible Backgrounds Craig Keener November 14, 2013. 2

A1288 **Patheos https:// > 2013/11 Craig Keener Responds To MacArthur In A Masterful Review – Nijay Gupta. November 20, 2013. 2

A1289 **Patheos Pneuma Review https:// >john-macarthur’s-strange-fire-reviewed-by-charles-carrin John MacArthur’s Strange Fire Reviewed by Charles Carrin November 19, 2013.

A1290 ** https:// > charismatic-response-to-john-macarthur’s-strange-fire-dr-craig-keener Charismatic Response to John MacArthur’s “Strange Fire” – Dr. Craig Keener. March 18, 2024. 2

A1291 **Wikipedia > wiki > Best of my love (the Eagles) 2 M

A1292 ** Wikipedia > wiki > I can’t tell you why (the Eagles) 2 M

A1293 ** Wikipedia > wiki > I don’t wanna know (REO Speedwagon) 2M

A1294 ** Wikipedia > wiki > I’m on fire (Bruce Springsteen) 2 M

A1295 **Wikipedia > wiki > In the City (The Eagles) 2 M

A1296 ** Wikipedia > wiki > Just the way you are (Billy Joel) 2 M

A1297 **Wikipedia > wiki > The long run (The Eagles) 2 M

A1298 ** Wikipedia > wiki > Penny Lane (The Beatles) 2 M

A1299 ** Wikipedia > wiki > The Sad café (The Eagles) 2 M

A1300 ** Wikipedia > wiki > She blinded me with science (Thomas Dolby) 2 M

A1301 ** Wikipedia > wiki > Soul searchin’ (Glenn Frey) 2 M

A1302 ** Wikipedia > wiki > A view to a kill (Duran Duran) 2 M

A1303 **Tomus of the Council of Blachernae. Exposition of the Tomus of Faith Against Beccus

ορθοδοξη ομαδα δογματικης ερευνας › english › filioque_beccus

The Tomus, or declaration, of the Council of Blachernae held in 1285 is the most detailed and official Orthodox response to the Latin Filioque heresy. It … O 2

A1304 **Wikipedia > wiki > Take it to the limit (The Eagles) 2 M

A1305 Siecienski, A. Edward. (2010). The Filioque: History of a Doctrinal Controversy. New York: Oxford University Press. 2 O

A1306 Once Delivered to the Saints: An Orthodox Apology For the New Millennium. (2000). Fr. Michael Azkoul, Ph.D. Seattle, WA: St. Nectarios Press. 2 O

A1307 **M 2 Traveling Wilburys End of the Line

A1308 ** M 2 Traveling Wilburys You’re not alone

A1309 ** M 2 BTO Bachman Turner Overdrive Welcome home

A1310 ** M 2 Paul Revere & the Raiders Cherokee People

A1311 ** M 2 Queen Another one bites the dust

A1312 ** M 2 Queen Crazy little thing called love

A1313 ** M 2 Sting & the Police

**M 2 A1313-A Brand new day

** M 2 A1313-B Canary in a coal mine

** M 2 A1313-C Children’s crusade

** M 2 A1313-D Consider me gone

** M 2 A1313-E Desert rose

** M 2 A1313-F Englishman in New York

** M 2 A1313-G Every breath you take

** M 2 A1313-H Every little thing she does is magic

** M 2 A1313-I Fields of Gold

** M 2 A1313-J Fortress around your heart

** M 2 A1313-K If you love somebody set them free

** M 2 A1313-L Invisible sun

** M 2 A1313-M King of pain

** M 2 A1313-N Little wing

** M 2 A1313-O Love is the seventh wave

** M 2 A1313-P Mad about you

** M 2 A1313-Q Message in a bottle

** M 2 A1313-R Moon over bourbon street

** M 2 A1313-S O my God

** M 2 A1313-T Russians

** M 2 A1313-U Secret journey

** M 2 A1313-V Shadows in the rain

** M 2 A1313-W Spirits in the material world

** M 2 A1313-X Synchronicity I

** M 2 A1313-Y Synchronicity II

** M 2 A1313-Z Tea in the Sahara

** M 2 A1313-A We’ll be together tonight

** M 2 A1313-B We work the black seam together

** M 2 A1313-C Wrapped around your finger

A1314 *GNL Z 1035.9 .D63 *Downs, Robert B. (1961). Molders of the Modern Mind: 111 Books that shaped Western Civilization. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc. 2

A1315 *GNL Z 1035 .F29 1997 *Fadiman, Clifton, & Major, John S. (1997). The New Lifetime Reading Plan. 4th ed. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers. 2

A1316 *GNL Z 1019 .H19 1970 *Haight, Anne Lyon. (1970). Banned Books: Informal notes on some Books banned for various Reasons at various Times and in various Places. New York: R.R. Bowker Company. 2

A1317 *GNL PM .O7 1963 *Hoijer, Harry, L. Bloomfield, S.S. Newman, M.R. Haas, M. Swadesh, A.M. Halpern, G.L. Trager, F.K. Li, C.F. Voegelin, & R.L. Whorf, eds. (1963). Viking Fund Publications In Anthropology, Number Six. Linguistic Structures of Native America. New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation/Johnson Reprint Company Limited. 2

A1318 *GNL PM 201 .S8 *Sawyer, Jesse, ed. (1971). Studies In American Indian Languages. University of California Publications In Linguistics, Volume 65. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 2

A1319 **Heretical internet website: https://


Monopatrism is the belief that what became a man was not God’s essence but his prime manifestation.

“The Son … cannot serve as an intermediary between the Father and the Spirit.”

Photios 1 of Constantinople, Encyclical, 867 CE.

Filioquism is the belief that it was God’s essence that became a man.

“The Holy Spirit … proceeds from the Father and from the Son.”

Benedict 8 of Rome, Supplemented Creed of Constantinople, 1014.

Monopatrism is the most subtle of the historic forms of Atheanthroposialism; indeed it is hard to imagine a more subtle. It pushes its denial back “through all ranks of creatures, to the central height”. It claims to affirm that Christ is God, but then, in effect, adds “well, near enough”.

Here are some relevant dates.

381 The Creed of Constantinople, a modified version of the 325 Creed of Nicea, mentioned that “the holy spirit proceeds from the father”. This creed was quickly adopted by most Christianoids. [fake word].

589 (or thereabouts) Christianoids [fake word] began to supplement “from the father” (a patre) with “and from the son” (filioque). Opinions differed on that exact formulation, but there was consensus that the Son had some role in the Spirit’s generation, if not on what his role was, and the issue was generally not divisive. (589 is the year of the Canons of Toledo; its original text may not have included the filioque, in which case the relevant date may have been somewhat later.)

867 Photius declared that the father alone generated the spirit, that the son had no role.

1014 Benedict 8 of Rome authorised [authorized] the inclusion of the filioque in a ceremony regarded by all concerned at the time as central to Christianoid [fake word] practice. (To understand the historic significance of this we must remember that they were all Magicalists. Also a metaheresy of course, but for present purposes that is irrelevant.) I have taken this as the key reformational event, though others could equally have been chosen.

1054 This issue helped crystallise [crystallize] conflict between Western Christianoids (“Western Catholics”, led from Rome, which was Filioquist) and their Eastern counterparts (“Eastern Orthodox”, led from Constantinopole [Constantinople], which was Monopatrist) into the East-West schism, which remains open.

1330 (or thereabouts) Monopatrism was consolidated by Gregory Palamas in his theory of the divine manifestations as “energies”.

1351 A Council in Constantinople adopted Palamas’ theory so it became official “Eastern Orthodox” doctrine.

Back to Atheanthroposialism.

Orthodox Correct response:

Monopatrism is the correct Trinitarian belief that the Person of GOD the Father alone is the Cause of the Three Persons of GOD the Holy Trinity.

Monopatrism is not a heresy, nor is a “subtle historic” form of alleged “Atheanthroposialism”, there is no such belief in the Church. This is a fake idea of Western heretics & schismatics, who wish to promote Filioquist Modalism/Essentialism, Semi-Sabellianism, with saying God is not God the Father, God is the Divine Nature, from which impersonal Essence come the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is Platonic heresy.

Photius did not say the Son has no role in the temporal sending of the Holy Spirit. He merely said the Father alone is Cause in the Holy Trinity, and the Son does not cause the existence of the Spirit. The Son has a role in the sending of the Spirit, and He is sent through the Father and the Son in time.

The Church does not teach that Christ is “near enough” God, but that Christ, is fully God and fully a man, and that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each, together, One God, each Person is fully God, in the Oneness, Unity of the One Divine Nature.

This site is spurious and misleading, a false site.

Filioque is of the Magicalist Rationalists, making “logical” Magic of Human Aristotelian-Platonic philosophical rationalism, trying to “explain [analyze] God the Holy Trinity” [and describe in detail the meaning of the “Divine Nature” in terms of human analogy and reason, with reference to alleged “relations of opposition” within God]. Scott Robert Harrington, Erie, PA 16506 [June 2024].

A1320 *St. Augustine. The Philosophical Dialogues. ACW. Ancient Christian Writers. 2

A1321 *Louis De Rayemaeker. Introduction to Philosophy (The Philosophical Experience of the Higher Institute of Philosophy, University of Louvain, Belgium), 1948. Joseph F. Wagner, Inc. 2

A1322 *The Holy See. https:// > letter Letters 1974 Paul VI Letter (Lumen Ecclesiae), November 20, 1974. 2

A1323 *The Holy See. https:// > documents Augustinum Hipponensem (August 28, 1986). John Paul II. 2

A1324 * Claude Tresmontant. Christian Metaphysics. Sheed & Ward, 1965. 2

A1325 *Abelow, Benjamin. (2022). How the West brought war to Ukraine. n.p.: Siland Press. 2

A1326 *Briggs, Michelle N. (2022). Terrors of Ukraine: Vladimir Putin & the hidden truths behind the Ukrainian crisis. n.p.: Independently published. 2

A1327 *Diesen, Glenn. (2024). The Ukraine war & the Eurasian world order. Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press. 2

A1328 *Golubev, Alexey. (2014). The search for a socialist El Dorado: Finnish immigration to Soviet Karelia from the United States & Canada in the 1930s. n.p.: Michigan State University Press. 2

A1329 *Martyanov, Andrei. (2024). America’s Final War. Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press. 2

A1330 *Mearsheimer, John J. (2019). The Great Delusion: Liberal dreams & International realities. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2

A1331 *Millerman, Michael. (2021). Beginning with Heidegger: Strauss, Rorty, Derrida, Dugin & the Philosophical Constitution of the Political. n.p.: Arktos Media Ltd. 2

A1332 *Spufford, Francis. (2012). Red Plenty. n.p.: Graywolf Press. 2

A1333 *GNL BF 698 .A3294 2002 *Cervone, Daniel. (2002). Advances in Personality Science. n.p.: Guilford Press. 2

A1334 *GNL BF 698 .H45 *Hergenhahn, B.R. (1980). An Introduction to Theories of Personality. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 2

A1335 *GNL LB 1051 .H42 *Hergenhahn, B.R. (1976). An Introduction of Theories of Learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 2

A1336 *GNL BF 128 .D3 N6713 *Nordentoft, Kresten. (1978). Kierkegaard’s Psychology. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press. 2

A1337 *GNL PM 197 .E3 B7 *Brandon, William, ed. (1971). The Magic World: American Indian Songs & Poems. New York: William Morrow & Company, Inc. 2

A1338 *GNL PH 3321 .P46 A6 1995 *Emery, George, ed. & trans. (1995). Metropolitan Icons: Selected Poems of Janos Pilinszky in Hungarian & in English. Studies in Slavic Language & Literature, Volume 8. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press. 2

A1339 *GNL PJ 3771 .G5 E5 2004 *Mitchell, Stephen. (2004). Gilgamesh: A New English Version. New York: Free Press. 2

A1340 *GNL PM 155 R35 1983 *Ramsey, Jarold. (1983). Reading the Fire: Essays in the Traditional Indian Literature of the Far West. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. 2

A1341 *GNL PM 8209 .S36 2016 *Schor, Esther. (2016). Bridge of Words: Esperanto & the Dream of a Universal Language. New York: Metropolitan Books – Henry Holt & Company. 2

Hungarian blogs about the Eastern Orthodox Church

A1342 Orthodox Life in Hungary. Part 1

OrthoChristian.Com › …

November 3, 2021 — According to the 2001 census, there are 15,000 Orthodox Christians in Hungary, which is about 0.15 percent of the population, mainly national …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1343 Orthodox Life in Hungary. Part 3

OrthoChristian.Com › …

November 5, 2021 — … Blogger · Delicious · Digg · reddit · Evernote … Russian Orthodox Church’s Hungarian diocese for restoring and constructing new churches.

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

[People also ask

What denomination is closest to Eastern Orthodox?

What percentage of Hungarians are Orthodox?

What religion was Hungary before Christianity?

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What percentage of Hungarians are Catholic?


A1344 Love for the Orthodox Church in Hungary.

Saint Andrew of Valaam Association. › 2023/12/31

December 31, 2023 — Blog · Testimonials. Love for the Orthodox Church in Hungary. December 31 … • Budapest and Hungarian Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church

A1345 Why did Poland and Hungary not choose Orthodox …

Historum | History Forum › … › Religious History

August 30, 2017 — Most of the Poles and Hungarians, however, opted for Catholicism. What were the historical and cultural factors which contributed to this choice …

A1346 Orthodox Church Archives

Hungary Today › tag › orthodox-church

Read here the latest news about Hungary.

A1347 ONE Magazine Small Potatoes: Hungary’s Serbian Orthodox

Catholic Near East Welfare Association › … › September – October 1998

Only one Serbian Orthodox monastery remains in use in Hungary, in Graboc, but the church of another, in Rackeve, a town 45 miles south of Budapest, is a jewel.

A1348 An Orthodox Icon By the Danube River

Hungarian Conservative › culture_society

December 14, 2023 — Originally a Greek-built temple, now known as the cathedral of the Moscow Patriarchate, is one of the most iconic buildings on the Pest side …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1349 Churches in Prague/Budapest : r/OrthodoxChristianity

Reddit · r/OrthodoxChristianity

9 comments · 1 year ago

There are a small number of wonderful Orthodox Hungarian saints. … A subreddit dedicated to discussion of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1350 God bless the Hungarian Orthodox Church in Hungary, in …

Saint Andrew of Valaam Association. › …

·Translate this page

February 18, 2024 — Blog · Testimonials. God bless the Hungarian Orthodox Church in Hungary, in union with the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia in Hungary …

A1351 How I Made My Peace with “Ethnic” Orthodoxy

Ancient Faith Blogs › Home › Blog

October 12, 2015 — The following is from a larger talk I am working on about Orthodoxy in the West. That nationalism exists among Orthodox Christians, …


A1352 Official Website | Orthodox Christian | Download our new app

Mental Health Ministries — The official website of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. Our Mission Is to…

‎Research & Statistics · ‎News · ‎International Assemblies · ‎Bishops · ‎Governance · ‎About

A1353 Why the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is Autocephalous › 2017/01 › why-was-ukrain…

January 8, 2017 — This is blog about Eastern Europe and its people . I write about … St Michael’s was a Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, independent from …

A1354 In Hungary, Orthodox Jews fight over a Chabad bailout …

The Times of Israel › in-hungary-orthodox-j…

August 21, 2023 — “Chabad is carrying out a lucrative takeover of Hungarian Orthodoxy,” one critic, Sinai Turan, told The Times of Israel of the relationship …

A1355 The Church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Russian …

Daytonian in Manhattan › 2022/04 › the-…

April 20, 2022 — The Church of the Holy Trinity remained in the little building until it was sold by the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in 1975. Once …

A1356 To Evangelicals Tempted By Eastern Orthodoxy

The Heidelblog › 2021/07 › to-evangelicals-tempt…

July 9, 2021 — Reformation Romania is a church planting project of the United Reformed Churches in North America. In this video Pastor Mihai Corcea …

[To Russian Orthodox Christian tempted by the Southern Baptist Convention: Don’t do it! Don’t betray the LORD Jesus Christ for Judas Iscariot!]

A1357 80 Best Orthodox Blogs and Websites in 2024

Feedspot › orthodox_blogs

Orthodox blogs best list. Find information on Orthodox church, religion, beliefs, faith, bible, saints, cross, prayer, bishop, priest, greek orthodox, …

Missing: Hungarian ‎| Show results with: Hungarian

A1358 The Hungarian Catholic Church

Catholic Near East Welfare Association › … › From the Orthodox Church

February 1, 2024 — … Catholic Eastern Churches > From the Orthodox Church > The Hungarian Catholic Church. The Eastern Christian Churches by Ronald Roberson. TABLE …

A1359 Syrian Orthodox Church

About Hungary › tags › syrian-orthodox-church

PM Orbán meets patriarch of Syrian Orthodox Church to help Christians in Middle East … PM Orbán: Hungarian law sees illegal border crossing as “a crime rather …

A1360 Student Reflections from Transylvania – Romania Blog

Carleton College › ocs › romania2023 › news

April 24, 2023 — Upon arriving to Brasov, we visited the Black Church, which was built from Hungarian and German influences. … An Eastern Orthodox Church in …

A1361 Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Aphrem II meets with political …

SyriacPress › blog › 2022/04/14 › syriac-ort…

April 14, 2022 — … Hungarian state’s support for Eastern Christians. Patriarch Mor … Orthodox Church in Hungary Mtanas al-Aweel. The patriarch also met …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1362 Russian Orthodox Church, Russian intelligence running …

Robert Lansing Institute › 2023/06/12 › russian-ortho…

June 12, 2023 — The Hungarian government’s cooperation with the Kremlin may be motivated by Budapest favoring Russia’s win in the war on Ukraine.

A1363 What do Eastern Orthodox think of Byzantine and other …

Reddit · r/OrthodoxChristianity

50+ comments · 1 year ago

I have been Roman Catholic my whole life, but recently started attending divine liturgy at a Byzantine Church. I found that people there took …

16 answers·

Top answer:

If you are Orthodox, you will excommunicate yourself if you were to take Communion or receive …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1364 Hungarian Orthodox Saints: The Story of Three Brothers

Hungarian Conservative › culture_society

December 11, 2023 — In fact, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates two saints of Hungarian origin—Ephraim Novotorzhsky (Novotorzsoki Efrém) and his brother, Moses …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1365 Hierarch of The Russian Orthodox Church meets with Prime … › hierarch-russian-orthodox-c…

June 29, 2017 — On 27 June 2017, Bishop Tikhon of Podolsk, administrator of the Diocese of Budapest and Hungary, met with the Prime Minister of Hungary, …

A1366 Orbán: Hungary’s Stance on Sanctioning Russian …

Hungary Today › orban-hungarys-stance-on-sa…

June 3, 2022 — Hungary’s views on EU plans to sanction Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, have been known for a long time, …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1367 Hungary

World Council of Churches › countries › hungary

The Ecumenical Council includes the main Protestant and Orthodox churches, and the Catholic Church is an associate member. Evangelical and Pentecostal/ …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1368 Greek Orthodox – Byzantine Blog

Byzantine Blog › tag › greek-ortho…

… Christian patriot George Kastriota, better known as Skanderbeg, and the Hungarian prince John Hunyadi were soundly defeated. When he seized the throne after …

A1369 Hungary Vetoes Russia Sanctions Over Orthodox …

The National Interest › blog › buzz › hungary-vet…

June 2, 2022 — Blogs · The Skeptics · The Buzz · Silk Road Rivalries · Lebanon … Kirill, aged seventy-five, has led the Russian Orthodox Church since 2009.

A1370 PM Orbán meets patriarch of Syrian Orthodox Church to …

About Hungary › news-in-brief › pm-orban-m…

February 22, 2017 — … Orthodox Church to discuss helping Christians in the Middle East. PM … Hungarian identity, the Hungarian language and their shared Christian …

A1371 In Search of Serbia in Szentendre, Hungary › 2014/04/07 › in-searc…

April 7, 2014 — It served as the See of the Serbian Orthodox religion. At this zenith, eight Serbian Orthodox churches existed in the village. Today, fewer than …

A1372 Church: lobbying channels for Russia

Robert Lansing Institute › 2022/10/07 › church-lobby…

October 7, 2022 — … Russian Orthodox Church through Feodor, Metropolitan of Mukachevo and Uzhgorod. Metropolitan Feodor regularly visited Hungary “for personal …

A1373 Deep fissures develop in the Eastern Orthodox world › ubbthreads.php › topics

October 26, 2013 — The Byzantine Forum – a discussion board focusing on Eastern Christianity.

A1374 Patriarch Bartholomew I. Arrives in Hungary

Hungary Today › patriarch-bartholomew-i-arri…

September 21, 2023 — As an Orthodox Church leader,. the focus of his visit will be on … Eastern Churches were present in Hungary at the same time. Related …

A1375 Greeks in Hungary: A history in two acts

He drank from a different fountain › 2011/08/10 › greeks-in…

August 10, 2011 — Other Greek Orthodox churches grace several Hungarian cities, including Tokaj, Eger and Miskolc. … John Stathatos’ Blog on Matters Greek or …

A1376 Hungarian government gives a grant for restoration and … › hungarian-government-giv…

February 8, 2017 — … Orthodox church in Heviz, the website of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Diocese of Hungary has reported. Donate. Share. <\> Code for blog. <div …

A1377 Why Hungary became Catholic and not Orthodox?

Reddit · r/AskHistorians

3 comments · 5 years ago

Then why did Geza chose a german wife for his son and not a greek one? Did he view Byzantium as a weak one out of the two ( HRE and ERE ) …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1378 Hungary Hosts First Ever Government Conference for …

National Catholic Register › Blog

October 14, 2017 — Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II said there was a “real danger” Christianity could just become a “museum” in the Middle East, noting …

A1379 Eric Metaxas – I learned to do this as a child in the…

Facebook · Eric Metaxas

430+ reactions · 9 years ago

I learned to do this as a child in the Greek Orthodox Church and … around about a Hungarian man in Romania (Transylvania has a large …

Missing: Eastern ‎| Show results with: Eastern

A1380 Russian Orthodox Church declares “Holy War” against …

Atlantic Council › blogs › ukrainealert › r…

April 9, 2024 — The Russian Orthodox Church has approved a remarkable new document that spells out the Kremlin’s intention to destroy Ukraine while also …

A1381 Pope in Hungary meets with Ukrainian refugees, Russian …

Spectrum News NY1 › all-boroughs › news › 2023/04/29

April 29, 2023 — Weather Blog. Transit. Transit News · Interactive Traffic Map … And then he met with the Russian Orthodox Church’s representative in Hungary …

A1382 Hilarion Alfeyev

Wikipedia › wiki › Hilarion_Alfeyev

Hilarion is a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and the current metropolitan of Budapest and Hungary. He is also a noted theologian, church historian …

A1383 The Role of the Byzantine Church in Medieval Hungary

Cambridge University Press & Assessment › core › journals › article › r…

by G Moravcsik · 1947 · Cited by 31 — From Roman times (ancient Christian relics of which are being excavated in increasing numbers) to the appearance of the Magyars, Christianity …

A1384 Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Aphrem II met with Hungary …

SyriacPress › blog › 2023/12/16 › patriarchs…

December 16, 2023 — … Churches; Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Aphrem II met with Hungary Helps Foundation official. 16/12/2023. ERBIL / BUDAPEST — On 13rd December …

A1385 EU Drops Russian Patriarch From Sanctions Package To …

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty › patriarch-kirill-sanctions-eu-ukr…

The European Union has dropped a move to impose sanctions against Russian Orthodox Church leader Patriarch Kirill to secure Hungary’s acceptance of the …

A1386 Russian Orthodox head escapes EU sanctions thanks to …

AP News › article

June 2, 2022 — FILE – Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill conducts the Easter … Hungary is more heavily dependent on Russian energy than most EU nations.

A1387 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Greek Orthodox Russian …

Etsy › … › Nativity Sets

This Nativity Sets item by AgioErgo has 13 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Ships from Greece. Listed on June 1, 2024.

Rating: 4.9 · ‎3,724 reviews · ‎$18.09

A1388 Hungarian Orthodox Church Miskolc

Flickr › photos › zaruka › albums

Locally known as the Greek Orthodox Church (Görögkeleti orthodox templom) this church dates from the late 1700s … Blog · Advertise · Developers · Guidelines …

A1389 Orthodox Church In Michigan › u=orthodox-church-in-mic…

Nicholas Greek Orthodox of Ann Arbor, Michigan Flickr · Detroit, Michigan The Szent Janos Orthodox Church served tens of thousands of Hungarian immigrants who.


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Orthodox Life in Hungary. Part 1 / OrthoChristian.Com

Orthodox Life in Hungary. Part 1 / OrthoChristian.Com

Orthodox Christianity

Finding a Space for Faith in Hungary – A City A Month

Finding a Space for Faith in Hungary – A City A Month

A City A Month

Orthodox Life in Hungary. Part 1 / OrthoChristian.Com

Orthodox Life in Hungary. Part 1 / OrthoChristian.Com

Orthodox Christianity


6 more images

A1390 Why Isn’t This Landmarked?: San Isidoro y San Leandro …

Village Preservation › … › October › 21

October 21, 2019 — … Russian Greek Orthodox National Association and became the Carpathian Russian Orthodox Church of St. … Hungarian church in the city. In …

A1391 Are there orthodox churches in Hungary?

Quora › Are-there-orthodox-churches-…

Yes. “Orthodox Christianity in Hungary is made up of local churches in an organizationally unrelated, religious and sacramental community: …

Missing: blogs ‎| Show results with: blogs

A1392 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Miskolc – Hungary › … › Temples Miskolc

The Holy Trinity Church in Miskolc belongs to the Budapest and Hungarian diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate. This is an Orthodox church.

A1393 Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church (D-121)

NC DNCR (.gov) › blog › 2023/12/12 › saints-p…

December 12, 2023 — Recent Blogs. Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church … Eastern Orthodox churches to separate from the Roman Catholic Church. In …

A1394 Russian Orthodox Church prepares new transfer of …

Українська правда › eng › news › 2023/07/14

July 14, 2023 — The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is preparing a new transfer of Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) from Russia to Hungary.

A1395 Russia’s Orthodox Foreign Policy – Penn Law School

University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School › live › files


November 28, 2011 — 1 The terms Russian Orthodox Church, ROC, Russian Church, the Church, …

A1396 The explainer: The split in Ukraine’s Orthodox Church

Emerging Europe › explainer › the-explaine…

May 3, 2021 — Ukraine has the world’s third largest Orthodox Christian population, after only Russia and Ethiopia, and roughly 12,000 of the Russian Orthodox …

A1397 Eastern Orthodox Christians – Encyclopedia of Milwaukee

Encyclopedia of Milwaukee › entry › eastern-orthodox-christia…

Still others have left the church. Poverty was not the major reason Serbs came to America. Serbia was part of Austria-Hungary, and the Serbs were rebelling, …

A1398 Things to do near Greek Orthodox Church and Museum › blog › attraction › greek-orthod… Travel the World With Great places to go near Greek Orthodox …

A1399 Columnist Rod Dreher Talks Orthodox Christianity And …

Religion Unplugged › news › 2022/10/28 › qa…

October 28, 2022 — … Hungary, for solutions … Orthodox faith is as an ethnocentric religion: Greek Orthodox or Russian Orthodox.

A1400 Why I Converted from Orthodoxy

Clarifying Catholicism › articles › why-i-conv…

August 30, 2019 — The Eastern Orthodox Church has only the Byzantine rite, while the Oriental Orthodox Church … I started a blog on History and Religion …

A1401 Serbian Orthodox Church

World Council of Churches › member-churches › serbia…

Many Serbs with their hierarchs migrated to southern Hungary where the church was granted autonomy. … Orthodox churches (Eastern). Based in. Serbia. Present in.

A1402 Holy Resurrection Cathedral

Wikipedia › wiki › Holy_Resurrection_Ca…

Japanese Orthodox Church Tokyo Japan from

Holy Resurrection Cathedral also known as Nikorai-do (ニコライ堂, nikorai-dō), in Chiyoda, Tokyo, is the main cathedral of the Japanese Orthodox Church.

A1403 Great Philosophers who failed at love. (2011). Andrew Shaffer. New York: HarperPerennial/HarperCollinsPublishers. 2 P

Wikipedia articles. Europe.

A1404 Wikipedia. Europe.

A1405 Wikipedia. Budapest.

A1406 Wikipedia. Hungary.

A1407 Wikipedia. Eastern Orthodoxy in Hungary.

A1408 Wikipedia. Hungarians.

A1409 Wikipedia. Hungarian language.

A1410 Wikipedia. Hungarian alphabet.

A1411 Wikipedia. Stephen I of Hungary.

A1412. Wikipedia. Hungarian Parliament.

A1413 Wikipedia. Ervin Laszlo.

Christadelphian heresies [Cult].

A1414 https:// > nev New European Version Bible

A1415 https:// > pdf The Bible (New European Version) as PDF for free download

A1416 Duncan Heaster. https:// > NEV PDF The Holy Bible New European Version 2, 112 pages – 10 MB

A1417 https:// http://www.n-e-v.infor&nbsp; The Holy Bible: Old and New Testament New European Version

A1418 *Grande, Lance. (2024). The Evolution of Religions: A History of Related Traditions. New York: Columbia University Press. 2

A1419 *Mitchell, Kevin J. (2023). Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 2

A1420 *Bannan, John Joseph. (2022). God and Our Superdeterministic Universe: The #1 Argument for the Existence of God. n.p.: 2

A1421 *Steinback, Glenn-Iain. (2015). The Evolution of Putinism: Russia In Transition, 1985-2015. n.p.: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2

A1422 *Nagel, Thomas. (2014). Mind & Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False. n.p.: 2.

A1423 *Hogben, Lancelot. (1965). The Mother Tongue (Linguistics). New York: W.W. Norton & Company. 2

A1424 *Holmes, Ruth Bradle. (2004). The Four Gospels & Selected Psalms in Cherokee: A Companion to the Syllabary New Testament. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. 2

A1425 *Living Stream Ministry, Witness Lee. (n.d.). Holy Bible: Recovery Version. Anaheim, CA: Living Stream Ministry. 2

A1426 *Rigdon, John C. (2021). Cherokee New Testament Concordance. n.p.: Independently Published. 2

A1427 *Rosenfelder, Mark. (2013). The Conlanger’s Lexipedia. n.p.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2

A1428 *Wilkes, Brian. (2013). New English-Cherokee Dictionary: 2nd ed. n.p.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2

A1429 Hayes, John H., & Prussner, Frederick. (1985). Old Testament Theology: Its History & Development. Atlanta, GA: John Knox Press. 2

A1430 *Anderson, Brad Montgomery. (2016). Cherokee Reference Grammar. 1st ed. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. 2

A1431 *Arthur, Bruce. (2024). Chiingimec: A Language of Western Siberia. n.p.: Independently Published. 2

A1432 *Azkoul, Fr. Michael. (2022). The Pseudo-Orthodoxy of David Bentley Hart. n.p.: Independently Published. 2

A1433 *Bentley Hart, David. (2014). The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2

A1434 *Bradshaw, David. (2022). Divine Energies & Divine Action: Exploring the Essence-Energies Distinction. n.p.: IOTA Publications. 2

A1435 *Likoudis, James. (2024). Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique. n.p.: En Route Books & Media. 2

A1436 *Nedjalkov, Igor. (2010). Evenki (Descriptive Grammars). 1st ed. New York: Routledge. 2

A1437 *Nemeth, Istvan. (2021). Hiszek egy, szent, egyetemes es apostoli Egyhazban [Hungarian edition]. 2

A1438 *Sirina, Anna. (2006). Katanga Evenkis in the 20th Century & the ordering of their life-world. Northern Hunter-Gatherers Research Series. Edmonton, AB, Canada: University of Alberta Press. 2

A1439 *Tamm, Marek, & Torop, Peeter, eds. (2022). A Companion to Juri Lotman: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. n.p.: Bloomsbury Academic. 2

A1440 *Ngien, Dennis. (2013). Apologetic for Filioque in Medieval Theology. n.p.: Wipf & Stock. 2

A1441 *Ngien, Dennis. (2008). Gifted Response: The Triune God as the Causative Agency of our Responsive Worship. n.p.: AuthenticUSA. 2

A1442 *Baxter, Dr. Daniel J. (2012). Isn’t the KJV Perfect? 2

A1443 *Bible Domain Publishing. (2016). World English Bible. n.p.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2

A1444 *Likoudis, James. (2023). The Divine Mosaic: Piecing Together Catholic & Orthodox Unity. n.p.: En Route Books & Media. 2

A1445 *Ngien, Dennis, & Tomlin, Graham. (2019). The Interface of Science, Theology, & Religion: Essays In Honor of Alister E. McGrath. n.p.: Pickwick Publications. 2

A1446 *Staniloae, Dumitru. (1998). Orthodox Dogmatic Theology: The Experience of God, Volume I: Revelation & the Knowledge of the Triune God. Brookline, Massachusetts: Holy Cross Orthodox Press. 2

A1447 *Pickering, Wilbur N., Th.M., Ph.D. (n.d.). God has preserved his Text!: The Divine Preservation of the New Testament. 5th ed. n.p.: Wilbur N. Pickering. 2

A1448 *Pickering, Wilbur N., Th.M., Ph.D. (n.d.). The Sovereign Creator has Spoken New Testament: New Testament Translation with Commentary. n.p.: Wilbur N. Pickering. 2

A1449 *Siecienski, A. Edward. (2017). The Papacy & the Orthodox: Sources & History of a Debate. (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology). New York: Oxford University Press. 2

A1450 *Ybarra, Erick. (2022). The Papacy: Revisiting the Debate between Catholics & Orthodox. n.p.: Emmaus Road Publishing. 2

A1451 *GNL P 99 .L3 *Eco, Umberto. (1976). A Theory of Semiotics. Advances In Semiotics. Thomas A. Sebeok, gen. ed. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2

A1452 *GNL PM 8008 .O37 2009 *Okrent, Arika. (2009). In the Land of Invented Languages: Esperanto Rock Stars, Klingon Poets, Loglan Lovers, & the Mad Dreamers who Tried to Build a Perfect Language. New York: Spiegel & Grau. 2

A1453 *GNL P 99 .S52 1983 *Silverman, Kaja. (1983). The Subject of Semiotics. New York: Oxford University Press.

A1454 **”Science vs. Religion: Mayim Bialik and the OTHER Big …” Jew in the City. › Blog

Big Bang Theory star, Mayim Bialik, asks Jew in the City can science and religion work together in a Jewish framework?”.

Hungarian: **”Tudomány vs. vallás: Mayim Bialik és a MÁSIK Nagy …” Zsidó a városban. › Blog

A Big Bang Theory sztárja, Mayim Bialik megkérdezi a zsidó várost, hogy a tudomány és a vallás együtt tud-e működni zsidó keretek között?

A1455 Massey, Robert F. (1981). Personality Theories: Comparisons & Syntheses. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company. 2

A1456 Sammallahti, Pekka. (1998). The Saami Languages: An Introduction. Karasjohka, Norway: Davvid Girji. 2

A1457 *Althusser, Louis. (1969). For Marx. Ben Brewster, trans. New York: Pantheon. 2

A1458 *Althusser, Louis. (1971). Lenin and Philosophy. Ben Brewster, trans. London, England, UK: Monthly Review Press. 2

A1459 *Barthes, Roland. (1968). Elements of Semiology. Annette Lavers & Colin Smith, trans. New York: Hill and Wang. 2

A1460 *Barthes, Roland. (1972). Critical Essays. Richard Howard, trans. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. 2

A1461 *Barthes, Roland. (1972). Mythologies. Annette Lavers, trans. New York: Hill and Wang. 2

A1462 *Barthes, Roland. (1975). Pleasure of the Text. Richard Miller, trans. New York: Hill and Wang. 2

A1463 *Barthes, Roland. (1977). Image, Music, Text. Stephen Heath, trans. New York: Hill and Wang. 2

A1464 *Benveniste, Emile. (1971). Problems in General Linguistics. Mary Elizabeth Meek, trans. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami Press. 2

A1465 *Chatman, Seymour. (1978). Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 2

A1466 *Coward, Rosalind, & Ellis, John. (1977). Language and Materialism: Developments in Semiology and the Theory of the Subject. London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

A1467 *Culler, Jonathan. (1975). Structuralist Poetics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

A1468 *Culler, Jonathan. (1977). Ferdinand de Saussure. Frank Kermode, ed. New York: Penguin Books. 2

A1469 *Deleuze, Gilles. (1972). Proust and Signs. Richard Howard, trans. New York: George Braziller. 2

A1470 *Derrida, Jacques. (1976). Of Grammatology. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, trans. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2

A1471 *Eagleton, Terry. (1976). Marxism and Literary Criticism. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 2

A1472 *Eagleton, Terry. (1978). Criticism and Ideology: A Study in Marxist Literary Theory. London, England, UK: Verso Editions. 2

A1473 *Foucault, Michel. (1971). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. New York: Pantheon. 2

A1474 *Foucault, Michel. (1972). Archaeology of Knowledge. A.M. Sheridan Smith, trans. New York: Pantheon. 2

A1475 *Freud, Sigmund. (1953). The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works. Volumes I-XXIII. James Strachey, trans. London, England, UK: Hogarth Press. 2

A1476 *Guiraud, Pierre. (1975). Semiology. George Gross, trans. London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

A1477 *Hawkes, Terence. (1977). Structuralism and Semiotics. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 2

A1478 *Hirst, Paul. (1979). On Law and Ideology. London, England, UK: Macmillan. 2

A1479 *Hjelmslev, Louis. (1969). Prolegomena to a Theory of Language. Francis J. Whitfield, trans. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. 2

A1480 *Jacobson, Roman, & Halle, Morris. (1956). Fundamentals of Language. The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton Press. 2

A1481 *Jameson, Fredric. (1972). The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2

A1482 *Jameson, Fredric. (1972). Marxism and Form: Twentieth Century Dialectical Theories of Literature. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2

A1483 *Jameson, Fredric. (1981). The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 2

A1484 *Kristeva, Julia. (1980). Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art. Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine, & Leon S. Roudiez, trans. Leon Roudiez, ed. New York: Columbia University Press.

A1485 *Lacan, Jacques. (1968). The Language of the Self: The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis. Anthony Wilden, trans. New York: Dell. 2

A1486 *Lacan, Jacques. (1977). Ecrits: A Selection. Alan Sheridan, trans. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2

A1487 *Lacan, Jacques. (1978). The Four Fundamental Concepts in Psycho-Analysis. Alan Sheridan, trans. Jacques-Alain Miller, ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2

A1488 *Lemaire, Anika. (1977). Jacques Lacan. David Macey, trans. London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

A1489 *Levi-Strauss, Claude. (1967). Structural Anthropology. Claire Jacobson & Brooke Grundfest Schoepf, trans. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 2

A1490 *Levi-Strauss, Claude. (1973). From Honey to Ashes. John Weightman & Doreen Weightman, trans. New York: Harper & Row. 2

A1491 *de Saussure, Ferdinand. (1966). Course in General Linguistics. Wade Baskin, trans. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2

A1492 *Scholes, Robert. (1974). Structuralism in Literature: An Introduction. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2

A1493 *Todorov, Tzvetan. (1977). The Poetics of Prose. Richard Howard, trans. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 2

A1494 *Wollen, Peter. (1972). Signs and Meaning in the Cinema. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2

A1495 **ROKU. YouTube. Video. 24:26. BECOMING ORTHODOX? Should We Become Eastern Orthodox? – Answers by Trent Horn. The Orthodox Ethos. New. 1.7K views – 4 hours ago (June 26, 2024).

Hungarian: **ROKU. A YouTube-on. Video. 24:26. ORTODOXDÁ VÁLNI? Keleti ortodoxokká váljunk? – Trent Horn válaszai. Az ortodox ethosz. Új. 1,7 ezer megtekintés – 4 órája (2024. június 26.).

A1496 **ROKU. YouTube. Video. 2:47:52. PERENNIALISM. The End of Ecumenism & The Transcendent Unity of Religions. Perennialism – The End of Ecumenism & The Transcendent Unity of Religions. The Orthodox Ethos. 5.8K views – streamed 2 months ago (2024).

Hungarian: **ROKU. A YouTube-on. Video. 2:47:52. ÉVELŐ. Az ökumenizmus vége és a vallások transzcendens egysége. Évelőség – Az ökumenizmus vége és a vallások transzcendens egysége. Az ortodox ethosz. 5.8K megtekintés – streamelve 2 hónapja (2024).

A1497 **ROKU. YouTube. Video. 23:24. Armageddon: The Destruction of All Who Oppose God. The Orthodox Ethos. 1.3K views – 2 months ago (2024).

Hungarian: **ROKU. A YouTube-on. Video. 23:24. Armageddon: mindazok elpusztítása, akik szembeszegülnek Istennel. Az ortodox ethosz. 1.3K megtekintés – 2 hónapja (2024).

A1498 Hanegraaff, Hank. (1993). Christianity in Crisis. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. 2

A1499 Hergenrother, J., ed. (1869). Monuments Graeca ad Photium Ejusque Historiam Pertinentia. Repbl., 1969. n.p.: Gregg International Publishers Limited. 2

A1500 Parkinson, G.H.R. (1977). Georg Lukacs. London, England, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2

ADDENDA: Additional References.

A1501 BML Z 659 .B34 2008 *Baez, Fernando. (2004). A Universal History of the Destruction of Books: From Ancient Sumer to Modern Iraq. 2nd ed., 2008. Translated from the Spanish by Alfred MacAdam. New York: Atlas & Co. 2

A1502 BML HM 1146 .B7413 2020 *Bregman, Rutger. (2019). Humankind: A Hopeful History. Translated from the Dutch by Elizabeth Manton & Erica Moore. New York: Little, Brown & Company. 2

A1503 BML LB 1027.55 .C38 2023 *Cavanaugh, Sarah Rose. (2023). Mind Over Monsters: Supporting Youth Mental Health with Compassionate Challenge. Boston: Beacon Press. 2

A1504 BML BF 441 .C356 1998 *Chaffee, John, Ph.D. (1998). The Thinker’s Way: Steps to a Richer Life. New York: Little, Brown & Company. 2

A1505 BML PH 324 .E5 F7 1988 *Friberg, Eino, trans. (1988). The Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish People. Helsinki, Finland: Otava Publishing Company Ltd. 2

A1506 BML Z 665 .G547 2011 *Gleick, James. (2011). The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood. New York: Pantheon Books.

A1507 BML Z 659 .H22 2016 *Hammer, Joshua. (2016). The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu: & Their Race to Save the World’s Most Precious Manuscripts. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2

A1508 BML Z 658 .U5 K35 1999 *Karolides, Nicholas J., Bald, Margaret, & Sova, Dawn B. (1999). 100 Banned Books: Censorship Histories of World Literature. Ken Wachsberger, gen. ed. New York: Checkmark Books/an Imprint of Facts On File, Inc. 2

A1509 BML BF 323 .D5 L49 2014 *Levitin, Daniel J. (2014). The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload. New York: Dutton/Penguin Books. 2

A1510 BML PH 2640 .H86 1991 Languages *Magay, T., & Kiss, L. (1991). Hungarian-English Dictionary. Hippocrene Standard Dictionary. New York: Hippocrene Books. 2 L

A1511 BML Z 659 .O94 2020 *Ovenden, Richard. (2020). Burning the Books: A History of the Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 2

A1512 BML BF 431 .R54 2019 *Robson, David. (2019). The Intelligence Trap: Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2

A1513 BML PH 2105 .R68 2009 Languages *Rounds, Carol H. (2001). Hungarian: An Essential Grammar. 2nd ed., 2009. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. 2

A1514 BML BJ 1461 .S325 2023 *Sapolsky, Robert M. (2023). Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will. New York: Penguin Press. 2

A1515 BML JC 481 .D53 2024 *Steinmetz-Jenkins, Daniel, ed. (2024). Did It Happen Here? On Fascism and America. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2

A1516 BML Z 989 .C7535 W55 2019 Biography *Wilson-Lee, Edward. (2018). The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books: Christopher Columbus, His Son, & the Quest to Build the World’s Greatest Library. New York: Scribner. 2

A1517 BML PH 4 .W655 *Wuolle, Aino. (1967). Finnish-English, English-Finnish Dictionary. Suomi Englanti Suomi. Brooklyn, NY: P. Shalom Pub. Inc. 2

A1518 *Arthur, Bruce. (2024). Chiingimec: A Language of Western Siberia. n.p.: Independently Published.

A1519 *Bradshaw, David. (2007). Aristotle East & West: Metaphysics & the Division of Christendom. 1st ed. Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2

A1520 *Bradshaw, David. (2023). Divine Energies & Divine Action: Exploring the Essence-Energies Distinction. n.p.: IOTA Publications. 2

A1521 *Likoudis, Dr. James. (2024). Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique. n.p.: En Route Books & Media. 2

A1522 *Morey, Dr. Robert A., Ph.D. (2015). The Trinity. n.p.: Xulon Press. 2

A1523 *Nemeth, Istvan. (2021). Hiszek egy, szent, egyetemes es apostoli Egyhazban: Valogatott ortodox irasok az okumenizmusrol, az eretneksegek eretneksegerol. [Hungarian edition]. 2

A1524 *Rosenfelder, Mark. (2013). The Conlanger’s Lexipedia. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2

FINIS. The End of Bibliography #A. Bibliographies, #B, #C, #D, & #E below.


Current Affairs: A Magazine of Politics & Culture.

“The Right-Wing Myth of the Left-Wing Mob”. Nathan J. Robinson.

Trump is spreading delusions about a totalitarian “political correctness” gone made. Nobody should help further this lie.

Donald Trump’s Independence Day speech at Mount Rushmore was a call to arms to take on the evil mob destroying our beloved country’s values. It was a thunderous condemnation of the political left, and a promise to seize the country from the “totalitarian” proponents of “social justice” who are destroying our culture of “free and open debate,” replacing it with “cancel culture and speech codes”:

In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished… One of their political weapons is “Cancel Culture” — driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and our values, and it has absolutely no place in the United States of America. This attack on our liberty, our magnificent liberty, must be stopped, and it will be stopped very quickly. We will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation’s children, end this radical assault, and preserve our beloved American way of life.

Trump’s picture of what is going on in the country is totally detached from reality. Totalitarianism involves guns and concentration camps. The “radical left” in the United States has two members of Congress, Bernie Sanders and AOC. (Perhaps Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.) This is the same conservative persecution complex we have heard for decades; some of the richest and most powerful people in the world complaining that the “far left” are totalitarians. The left is permanently tarred as Stalinist thought police trying to put dissenters in the gulag—even as the contemporary left is trying to dismantle both police and prisons and reduce the power of the carceral state.

It should be clear what’s going on here. Trump’s much-vaunted economy has tanked. Well over 100,000 people have died of coronavirus and cases are on the rise. Eight out of 10 people report that they are dissatisfied with the direction the country is going, and Joe Biden is outpolling Trump consistently. Americans have only gotten more sympathetic to immigrants over time, so he can’t run on scapegoating Mexicans like he did in 2016. Trump has one approach left: try to reignite the culture wars and convince people that a censorious P.C. left is trying to destroy our freedom.

But Trump is not the only one who sees the left as a threat to freedom. Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi has said that the “American left has lost its mind,” and that “leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation.” Yesterday, Harper’s magazine—which previously fired an editor for criticizing an anti-MeToo essay, and gave the world a 7,000 word self-pitying rant from an NPR host dismissed for sexual harassment and incompetence—published a short open letter on “Justice and Open Debate” co-signed by a motley assortment of luminaries, arguing that free speech is under attack:

The free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted. While we have come to expect this on the radical right, censoriousness is also spreading more widely in our culture: an intolerance of opposing views, a vogue for public shaming and ostracism, and the tendency to dissolve complex policy issues in a blinding moral certainty. We uphold the value of robust and even caustic counter-speech from all quarters. But it is now all too common to hear calls for swift and severe retribution in response to perceived transgressions of speech and thought. More troubling still, institutional leaders, in a spirit of panicked damage control, are delivering hasty and disproportionate punishments instead of considered reforms. Editors are fired for running controversial pieces; books are withdrawn for alleged inauthenticity; journalists are barred from writing on certain topics; professors are investigated for quoting works of literature in class; a researcher is fired for circulating a peer-reviewed academic study; and the heads of organizations are ousted for what are sometimes just clumsy mistakes. Whatever the arguments around each particular incident, the result has been to steadily narrow the boundaries of what can be said without the threat of reprisal.

When I say the collection of co-signers was motley, I mean it. Included were:

Figures from the media and academia associated with the “Intellectual Dark Web” and the questioning of Politically Correct culture, including Steven Pinker, Jesse Singal, Zaid Jilani, John McWhorter, Nicholas A. Christakis, Caitlin Flanagan, Jonathan Haidt, and Bari Weiss

New Yorker writers Atul Gawande and Malcolm Gladwell

New York Times columnists David Brooks and Michelle Goldberg

Chess champion and proponent of the bizarre conspiracy that the Middle Ages did not happen, Garry Kasparov

Linguist, freedom fighter, and Current Affairs patron saint Noam Chomsky

Right-wing blowhards known for being wrong about everything, David Frum and Francis f*ckuyama

Problematic novelists Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, and J.K. Rowling

Boring centrists George Packer and Yascha Mounk

Teachers Union president Randi Weingarten

Civil libertarian and former New York gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout

Leftish historians Matt Karp and Samuel Moyn

Harper’s publisher John R. “The #MeToo movement has had an unfortunate tendency to lump together everybody from Harvey Weinstein to the guy who looked at you funny at the lunch room at the office cantine” MacArthur

Democratic military intervention hawk and illegal bombing proponent Anne-Marie Slaughter

Matthew Yglesias

Feminist legal theorist and staunch critic of Elizabeth Warren, Drucilla Cornell

Ignorant neoliberal CNN host Fareed Zakaria

Several people you’ve never heard of, such as Neil Blair.

(Ironically, several of the signatories have previously been publicly involved in efforts to get people’s careers ruined over their speech.)

The statement itself is framed as a vague and unobjectionable endorsem*nt of free speech, and several signatories had evidently assumed that’s what they were endorsing. But it is very clearly mainly a warning about censoriousness coming from the left. This is clear not only from the it’s not just the right anymore framing, but from the examples the letter uses to support its case. These are vague (“editors are fired,” “journalists are barred from writing,” “professors are investigated for quoting works of literature,” “a researcher is fired”), and the letter specifically declines to litigate the facts of individual incidents. But a book attacked for “inauthenticity” is probably American Dirt (though it was not withdrawn and is a bestseller), an editor fired is probably James Bennet, who resigned from the New York Times op-ed page after printing an op-ed by far right politician Tom Cotton calling for crushing protesters with military force. (Though it could also refer to Ian Buruma, a signatory to the letter, the New York Review of Books editor who had to leave the publication after publishing a serial rapist’s excuses for his crimes.) The “professor investigated” might well be the UCLA professor investigated for reading the n-word aloud in “Letter from Birmingham Jail” after his Black students asked him not to say it. The “researcher fired” was almost certainly David Shor, who may or may not (he has never claimed he was) have been fired for posting a study encouraging protesters to be nonviolent.

The letter appeared on the surface to be a fairly uncontroversial statement in support of tolerance and open discussion. Fredrik deBoer even argues that anyone who objects to the letter must be objecting to free speech itself, because all the letter is is a statement that free speech is good. But the letter actually goes further: It implies that the theory of a widespread culture of repression and censoriousness on the left is accurate, and there is a serious issue with people being persecuted in the name of social justice.

Anyone should be able to agree that openness is good, due process is good, and arbitrary firings are bad. The more controversial question is whether there is, in fact, a dangerous leftist “cancel culture” that threatens our liberty of thought. The American right believes there is. Trump is staking his reelection on the hope that the public agrees. And if it’s true, there is a serious problem with the left.

But when you look at the actual incidents, usually the case swiftly begins to crumble. There’s a reason the letter kept the charges vague and did not provide links. Most of the actual incidents are more complicated than the “political correctness gone mad” framework suggests. If I tell you a professor was investigated for reading a historical document aloud, you might be outraged. But if I add some more facts, namely that the professor had been told by his Black students that they’d prefer he not say the n-word, and he disregarded them, the complaint seems slightly less insane. If I tell you that Ian Buruma was fired over “printing the wrong article,” you might cry “censorship!” But I haven’t told you that the article in question was a sex criminal lying about his crimes in an effort to manipulate the public into sympathizing with him—a strange piece of writing to appear in the New York Review of Books.

Critical facts are almost always left out. In 2017, Third World Quarterly pulled an article called “The Case for Colonialism,” after a petition calling for its removal. The writer said a “Maoist” “hate mob” had “tried to silence me,” and in the conservative press he was presented as a victim of the Pervasive Liberal Bias on campus. Left out, though, was the fact that the article was appallingly bad as a piece of scholarship. Even an article from the libertarian Cato Institute said it was “empirically and historically inaccurate” and “misuses existing postcolonial scholarship.” The arguments it made were really, really bad. It was like publishing an article denying the Holocaust. If a peer-reviewed journal had published an article denying the Holocaust, would calls to retract it be seen as “politically correct” “Maoist” thought policing, or a reasonable demand for scholarship to conform to basic intellectual and moral standards?

Frequently, there is far more justice in the charges made by “social justice warriors” than their critics want to admit. There was, for instance, always good reason why students thought Charles Murray and Milo Yiannopoulos were not figures worthy of the honor of being invited to speak at a prestigious college. But just as importantly, the “outrage mobs” that “come for” people are usually relatively powerless. Charles Murray, after all, ended up getting to speak successfully at Harvard and Yale. As Osita Nwanevu documents in an excellent essay on the myths around “cancel culture,” generally speaking the main thing the “social justice mobs” can do to people is yell at them on Twitter. And while nobody likes getting yelled at on Twitter, invoking the specter of “lynch mobs,” “Robespierre,” and “Maoism” is an insult to the millions of historical victims of actual violent repression by actual powerful oppressors. Nwanevu shows that generally, the “problematic” people end up doing just fine. They suffer reputational consequences sometimes, meaning part of the public doesn’t like them. But the actual people who end up being “silenced” tend not to be those who say “politically incorrect” things, but rather leftist dissidents who question the power structure. The suggestion that “both sides” are Totalitarian is willfully oblivious to who really has power in this country. We hear constantly from anti-P.C. types who are Just Asking Questions about the Forbidden Issues. The voices that vanish from discussions, on the other hand, are immigrants in detention facilities, or incarcerated men and women in Covid-ridden prisons. Far more Orwellian than anything the left does is the way the American media presented a right-wing coup in Bolivia as a restoration of democracy or the assassination of an Iranian official as something other than an international crime.

Conservatives do not want us to talk about the actual “manufacturing of consent” in this country, so they spin a tale about a topsy-turvy world in which college students, Black and transgender people hold all the power and rich white men are persecuted and sent to the gulag. This story should be easy to see through, because it’s so laughably at odds with reality. But when “liberal” academics sign onto it, as with the Harper’s letter, the “moral panic” around P.C. culture is given new legitimacy.

Of course, there is a problem in this country with “people getting fired over speech,” like the Black Lives Matter supporter recently fired from Deloitte over a TikTok video. But the big problem here is at-will employment, not “cancel culture.” American workplaces are dictatorships, meaning your boss can fire you for any reason. So, if there’s even a slight controversy around you, no matter how small it is, your boss may well just can you to avoid the headache. This means that even if it’s a misunderstanding and the person accusing you deletes their accusation, you will still be let go and have no recourse, because capitalism does not give a sh*t whether you live or die.

The solution, of course, is unions. The way to prevent arbitrary firings is to make arbitrary firings impossible, by ensuring that all workers receive due process and can’t be let go except for just cause. A person’s livelihood is incredibly important, which is why the unequal bargaining power between employers and the employed is so unfair. Arguments that “P.C. culture” is the problem blame the left for problems that result from institutional hierarchies and imbalances of power. Our side should not accept the blame, because we are the ones who are trying to reduce the reach of police, prisons, and bosses.

It is frustrating when people who are not right-wing lunatics echo the language used by Donald Trump about the left. Donald Trump has risen to power by spinning tales about an America that doesn’t exist, one plagued by marauding hordes of immigrants, vandals, and Stalinists. He promises the public that he will restore a better America, one that also never existed. It is our job to expose these fictions for what they are, and provide a better vision of what could be. Having liberals and leftists endorse the right-wing myth about Totalitarian Leftist Mobs feeds into Trump’s culture war re-election strategy. We should refuse to concede, then, that the grotesque caricature of social justice movements is true. We should demand that the full facts of these “canceling” incidents, rather than vague innuendos and selective details, be put on the table and evaluated fairly. And we need to point to the real problems in this country, which do not come from angry anti-racists on Twitter—who mostly just tweet—but from a government that is letting its people die, and a class of oligarchs that couldn’t care how much ordinary people suffer so long as the stock market keeps going up.

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