Brown & Brown agrees to buy Netherlands-based brokerage - Business Insurance (2024)

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    Brown & Brown agrees to buy Netherlands-based brokerage - Business Insurance (1)

    Brown & Brown Inc. said Monday it has agreed to acquire Netherlands-based brokerage Quintes Holding B.V. from Aquiline Capital Partners LP.

    Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

    Quintes, founded in 2012 by Gijsbert van de Nieuwegiessen, is headquartered in Waardenburg, Netherlands, and has about 700 employees and approximately 200,000 small and mid-sized commercial customers.

    The deal is expected to close in the fourth quarter, after which Mr. Gijsbert will report to Mike Bruce, CEO of Brown & Brown (Europe) Ltd.

    A Brown & Brown spokeswoman said the acquisition would be the broker’s first significant overseas retail investment outside the U.K. and Ireland. In May 2023, Brown & Brown acquired London-based Kentro Capital Ltd., which has a single managing general agent location in the Netherlands, she said.

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  • Brown & Brown agrees to buy Netherlands-based brokerage - Business Insurance (2024)


    What does Brown & Brown insurance do? ›

    What We Do. Brown & Brown is one of the largest and most respected insurance brokerages in the world. We provide risk management solutions through our licensed subsidiaries to help protect and preserve what is most important to our customers.

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    Brown & Brown is one of the largest and most respected independent insurance brokerages in the world.

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    Brown & Brown
    Trade nameBrown & Brown Insurance
    Net incomeUS$587.1 million (2021)
    Total assetsUS$9.79 billion (2021)
    Total equityUS$4.19 billion (2021)
    OwnerJ. Hyatt Brown, 13.3%
    12 more rows

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    Diversified Insurance Offerings: The company's diversified portfolio across property, casualty, and employee benefits insurance, as well as its specialized programs for professionals and industries, provides a competitive edge.

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    The Brown & Brown culture is built on integrity, innovation, superior capabilities, and discipline. We look at insurance differently and use our experience, carrier relationships, and principled customer focus to deliver superior service and solutions.

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    Is brown and brown a public company? ›

    Brown & Brown Insurance was founded in Daytona Beach, Florida, in 1939. Following a merger in 1993, the company became publicly traded on Nasdaq. In 1998, the company became listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BRO), and joined the S&P 500 in 2021.

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    We provide engineering, construction, maintenance, turnarounds, soft craft capabilities, and specialized services to customers, offering the most comprehensive services in the business.

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    Brown & Brown, Inc. - Buy. Zacks' proprietary data indicates that Brown & Brown, Inc. is currently rated as a Zacks Rank 2 and we are expecting an above average return from the BRO shares relative to the market in the next few months.

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    Brown & Brown Insurance Services of California has 175 employees.

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    Brown values diversity - what does it mean in the admission process? We look for intelligent, highly motivated students from all walks of life who may come from diverse backgrounds and cultural heritages, who represent different academic and extracurricular interests, and who bring a spectrum of ideologies to Brown.


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    Author: Velia Krajcik

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    Name: Velia Krajcik

    Birthday: 1996-07-27

    Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

    Phone: +466880739437

    Job: Future Retail Associate

    Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

    Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.